Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Child Rapist

Corruption in Congress is not consistent. Sometimes, there is an inconsistency. One Congressman, for example, enjoyed a bit of side show,- a sexual degradation away from the daily corruption. He found time to rape a little girl. After which, convicted, in prison, during mass, he would give thanks to the Lord for his sexual
stamina as the most macho member of Congress.

To think that there are sexually-starved, men driven by lust in our sick society who continue to insist that the congressman in question should never have landed in jail. That he got a raw deal sentenced to prison. they argue, while salivating with envy, that the girl he salaciously forced himself into was a child prostitute of 12 years old. As if raping a prostitute is not a crime. As if there is such a criminal
called a child prostitute who could be raped first before services are rendered getting herself invaginated honorably by lust driven moronic sex maniacs. This Congressman could not envisage the girl’s future as a decent mother, or a decent wife, or even as a decent citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

During her painful experience, I try to imagine that little girl frightened, helpless, crying, and pleading; but her congressman found it more honorable watching with much gusto her abused little vagina bleeding. Poch Suzara

posted by Poch Suzara at 4:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed Mr poch suzara.
interesting thoughts you have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indeed mr suzara.
interesting thoughts u have.