Monday, February 18, 2008

Bible Authors

Bible authors had no knowledge of the planet earth being round, rotating on its own axis daily, and orbiting around the sun yearly. Why did an All-knowing God inspire the bible authors to be ignorant of the science of astronomy?

In the meantime, why should God tell us how to raise and educate our children when he Himself had drowned and suffocated His own? Before the Flood, the loving God Told Noah: “To hell with sinners; to hell with your neighbors. SAVE THE ANIMALS.” Poch Suzara


I love philosophy. It begins when one learns to doubt. Especially to doubt one’s faith in the existence of hogmas, pigmas, and dogmas.

I love Philosophy as I hate theology. Philosophy teaches us HOW to think. Theology teaches us WHAT to believe. I remember as a little boy, with too much theology, I believed and had faith in a lot of religious hogwash! I am therefore grateful to philosophy: she saved not my soul, but saved instead my precious mind. Poch Suzara


Owners of schools, College and university owners ought to be the guardians of civilization. Teachers and professors ought ought to be the guardians of a sane and a healthy society.

We think of education as the transmission of a certain body of settled knowledge. On the contrary, education ought to be about the development of a scientific habit of mind. Indeed, learning as a process of lively analysis, and not a matter of deadly paralysis. It is sad and painful to see college educated men and women of this country carry a heavy load of useless guilt on their backs. They are intellectually crippled by its destructive weight. It is, in this way, that they readily serve a silly divinity up there rather than play a role in the development of our country for its growth and maturity down here. Poch Suzara

Women Writers

No woman writer contributed a single word while the bible was being written by male superstitious primitives a.k.a. as the inspired authors of God. I love women. When it comes to religious writings, they have no taste for such superstitious garbage. Poch Suzara

Love versus Hate

I am known to be a failure, a loser, a bitter fellow, a high-school dropout, an insane atheist, a poor bum; and, indeed, a man of hate. Only because I love this life as much as I love this world. Our world. There is even a moron on these pages who asked if I was on drugs or on alcohol? I am at war against those who make a mockery of human intelligence. Especially those who believe that if we love this world and if we love the things that are in this world – the love of God is not with us! I said it before, I say it again: FUCK THAT HOLY MESSAGE BIBLE SHIT. In the meantime, I really do not know what’s the big deal about God being the creator of the world since it is the silly devil who keeps this world, our world - all FUCKED running it to no end for the greater glory of his sick God in heaven! Poch Suzara


To enjoy success in our sick society, it is not enough to be educated as a faithful believer. One must also be selfish, greedy, stupid, insane, and especially, God-fearing. Indeed, in order to succeed in our sick society, one must first prove that the reptilian part of your brain is much bigger than the mammalian part. Our society has always been ruled by sick reptiles in the shape of sick politicians in cahoots with the sick theologians.

In the meantime, we Filipinos have yet to discover that happiness can only be discovered by promoting happiness to other Filipinos.

Sadly, however, in this poor and backward country, we are only happy whenever we remember there is a better world to come after we are all dead! Poch Suzara

Church History

If we would only bother to discover church history, we could discover this horror: In God’s name, the atheists were booted out of town, ostracized, arrested, punished, tortured, incarcerated, drowned, boiled, garroted, hanged, burned, shot, and executed for bringing enlightenment to free the human mind! Such was the case against Giordano Bruno, a Catholic monk during the 16th century. For believing and preaching that there are other worlds out there, and for believing that everything perishes but nothing changes, the church had him arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by burning him alive on a stake in a public arena. Of course another was our own Jose Rizal – the greatest Filipino freethinker. He was executed for his harmful writings against the Catholic teachings to Filipinos in the Philippines. Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Oh God

Oh God, I sometimes imagine you exist. If you were a real, honest-to-goodness existing God, we Americans would have no need for Superman, Batman and Robin, Spiderman, and other weird characters in the White House to install freedom and democracy in foreign around to save the world! Poch Suzara

Genetic Facts

According to the science of Genetics, all people are 99.9 per cent identical. Yet people hate and kill each other for being different and that difference is often due to faith in God.

If God, however, could not remove stupid religion out of this world, what assurances have we that God already removed stupid religion in the next world if, in fact, there is any? Poch Suzara

Pain and Christianity

Pain is nature’s signal to do something. Religion is the signal to do nothing. Thus, religion encourages pain, misery, poverty, indeed - a sick society. It is all about the failure of values and beliefs under the success of Christianity. Poch Suzara

Some things Are Impossible

Some things are impossible. For example, it is impossible to love this world after birth; especially after you have been threatened to believe that there is a better world to come after death. Poch Suzara

Wow Wee

There were no Filipinos present during the First Coming of the Lord in Judea, Bethlehem during the first century; and yet a great many Filipinos actually expected to be present in the Second Coming of the Lord in the Philippines. during the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and now expected to arrive in this 21st century? Well, thank God their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are still doing the same thing - waiting for the Second Coming of the Lord to remedy all the ills of our sick society.
Wow Wow Wee! Poch Suzara

What an Insult

What an insult it must be to your soul landing in heaven knowing that its former house – God’s greatest gift to mankind - your precious human body – is left behind on earth faithfully dead and religiously rotting. Poch Suzara

American Cats and Dogs

Millions of cats and dogs live like humans in America. Millions of Americans, however, live like animals in the streets of America. And to prove just how stupid we Americans are in the eyes of the world – we continue to be at war against other countries just to remind the sick cats and sick dogs struggling to survive in those foreign countries that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Poch Suzara

Atheists Hate War

We atheists hate war because of its death and destruction. War solves nothing. We atheists recognize the absolute finality of death. We do not believe in the existence of a next happy life in a heaven with God, nor do we recognize the existence of a next painful life in a hell with the devil. We atheists believe in peace on earth and goodwill to all men, women, and children. That’s all.

In the meantime, atheism may be negative in character. But it is neither destructive nor constrictive. When atheism is used to eradicate fear and superstition and its detrimental effects upon the minds of men and the hearts of women, atheism is a healthy approach not only for local tranquility, but mainly for global sanity. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If I could Pick My Valentine

I pick Hypatia – the Greek philosopher, a teacher of mathematics and astronomy in Alexandria. A woman renowned for her beauty. In an age of bigotry, she adhered to the Neoplatonic philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. With eloquence and intellect, the whole of Alexandria trembled whenever Hypatia lectured. The search of the truth was to her priceless. She was a woman of self-respect and dignity not only for herself but also especially for her community. Hypatia was a brilliant teacher who rejected unfounded dogmas. She laughed at the superstitious primitives of her days. She was ruthlessly murdered – a victim of religious fanaticism more than 15 centuries ago. Hypatia lived in the 5th century – a time characterized by destructive forces. The Roman Empire was falling apart. During this period of confusion, the church, however, was more troubled by Christian disunity and women's virginity. In her time, a complicated controversy on incarnation was prevalent. The question at issue was the relation of Christ's divinity to his humanity. Did Christ have two aspects, one human and the other divine? There were those who objected to calling the Virgin "Mother of God." She was, they said, only the mother of the human person, while the divine person, who was God, has no mother. The church was divided on this question. But the view that Christ was one Person with two aspects, human and divine, won in the end. Its chief protagonist was Cyril, the Archbishop of Alexandria. A man of fanatical zeal, who supported orthodoxy, and persecuted the Jewish community in Alexandria. Cyril, the church authority, had no influence over Hypatia. He hated her. Hypatia was the head of the Alexandria library. She symbolized learning and science, which at that time, the church authority largely identified with paganism. But Hypatia was also on good terms with Orestes, a pagan, who was also the city's chief Magistrate. As such, Hypatia was the focal point in the tensions and riots between Christians and non-Christians that have racked Alexandria. In order to show others what it means to deviate away from Christian beliefs and values, Cyril gathered a small mob together to get rid of Hypatia. She was "torn from her chariot, stripped naked, dragged to the church, and inhumanely butchered: her flesh was scraped from her bones with sharp oyster shells and her quivering limbs were delivered to the flames." After this Christian act of mercy, Alexandria was no longer troubled by philosophers; Cyril, however, was canonized a saint. As for Hypatia, because we never heard of her in our schools, colleges, and universities, her name has been forgotten. If I were granted a wish, I wish to have been with Hypatia during her last day of life on this earth. In defending her, I gladly would have been proud getting killed alongside protecting her. But as my wish cannot be granted, I would just be honored, if Hypatia, in spirit, will be my Valentine today. Hypatia, wherever you are, I love you, respect you, and admire you. You are among the rarest and greatest women who ever lived in this world. Poch Suzara

Saturday, February 02, 2008

How We Live

A God directly involved with us but only after death is a God who must be just as dead. Such a dead God in heaven is not worth bothering while we are still alive on this earth.

As an atheist, I love this life. I love this world. Our world. I do not care for what’s nothing out there after I am dead. Neither do I give a hoot to what was nothing out there before I was born.

If I allow one kind of fear to dominate me, all other kinds will dominate me also. I will have none of it. Fear is forever busy and needs to dominate victims. Poch Suzara

Suicidal Atheists

My dear reader, have you heard of atheists blowing themselves up with dynamite for the sake of killing others? Indeed, have you heard of sexually-starved, driven by lust atheists who believed that a God in heaven will be waiting for them with 72 virgins as a reward for insane acts against other atheists? Poch Suzara

Our Sick Society

How come ours is a sick society? College educated men and women still pray to God. The same God who never lifted a finger to rescue his own begotten Son nailed to a wooden stick.

If God in heaven could not settle his sick troubles with the devil in hell, why should God settle our sick troubles with the devil on this earth? And how could any one be so childish as to believe that God’s help is just a prayer away? Poch Suzara

Fr. James Reuter and Filipino Souls

He preaches on the evils of family planning and birth control. He claims that he is helping poor Filipino families and saving Filipino souls. He has been active with this divine mission for some 60 years in the Philippines. Fr. James Reuter does not save, will not save, and could not save - American minds and hearts in America, but he can only save Filipino souls in the Philippines for a Jewish God in heaven? Wow Wee! Poch Suzara