Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If I could Pick My Valentine

I pick Hypatia – the Greek philosopher, a teacher of mathematics and astronomy in Alexandria. A woman renowned for her beauty. In an age of bigotry, she adhered to the Neoplatonic philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. With eloquence and intellect, the whole of Alexandria trembled whenever Hypatia lectured. The search of the truth was to her priceless. She was a woman of self-respect and dignity not only for herself but also especially for her community. Hypatia was a brilliant teacher who rejected unfounded dogmas. She laughed at the superstitious primitives of her days. She was ruthlessly murdered – a victim of religious fanaticism more than 15 centuries ago. Hypatia lived in the 5th century – a time characterized by destructive forces. The Roman Empire was falling apart. During this period of confusion, the church, however, was more troubled by Christian disunity and women's virginity. In her time, a complicated controversy on incarnation was prevalent. The question at issue was the relation of Christ's divinity to his humanity. Did Christ have two aspects, one human and the other divine? There were those who objected to calling the Virgin "Mother of God." She was, they said, only the mother of the human person, while the divine person, who was God, has no mother. The church was divided on this question. But the view that Christ was one Person with two aspects, human and divine, won in the end. Its chief protagonist was Cyril, the Archbishop of Alexandria. A man of fanatical zeal, who supported orthodoxy, and persecuted the Jewish community in Alexandria. Cyril, the church authority, had no influence over Hypatia. He hated her. Hypatia was the head of the Alexandria library. She symbolized learning and science, which at that time, the church authority largely identified with paganism. But Hypatia was also on good terms with Orestes, a pagan, who was also the city's chief Magistrate. As such, Hypatia was the focal point in the tensions and riots between Christians and non-Christians that have racked Alexandria. In order to show others what it means to deviate away from Christian beliefs and values, Cyril gathered a small mob together to get rid of Hypatia. She was "torn from her chariot, stripped naked, dragged to the church, and inhumanely butchered: her flesh was scraped from her bones with sharp oyster shells and her quivering limbs were delivered to the flames." After this Christian act of mercy, Alexandria was no longer troubled by philosophers; Cyril, however, was canonized a saint. As for Hypatia, because we never heard of her in our schools, colleges, and universities, her name has been forgotten. If I were granted a wish, I wish to have been with Hypatia during her last day of life on this earth. In defending her, I gladly would have been proud getting killed alongside protecting her. But as my wish cannot be granted, I would just be honored, if Hypatia, in spirit, will be my Valentine today. Hypatia, wherever you are, I love you, respect you, and admire you. You are among the rarest and greatest women who ever lived in this world. Poch Suzara


Anonymous said...

Aren't you cheating on "Rose" by picking Hypatia as your Valentine instead?

Also, don't identify the injustice done to Hypatia as "Christian love". It was done by "Christians" in name only- a true Christian would never commit such brutality.

Anonymous said...

One more comment, Poch- As I read through your thoroughly convuluted views of scripture, I was convinced you were 14 years of age. You constantly read verses out of context, or choose verses that sound wrong without their prior or folowing verses. I have read your other blogs and have been shocked- you are much older than I thought you were! I thought a man of "reasoning" and "logic" wouldn't dismiss any book of knowledge as trash, be it the Bible or otherwise. Not to mention- you cuss like a schoolboy! I thought you were 21 at MOST.

You've got a lot of catching up to do!

Poch Suzara said...

It is you, my dear boy, who have not properly read the bible. And if you did, and you did not understand certain verses, you call it divine wisdom.
Christians do not commit brutality? hey man, who are you kidding? We are already in the 21st century. Have you heard of Catholics and Protestants still killing each other today in Northern Ireland because they cannot agree as to what the bible says? Also, your own God who abetted and tolerated the morons to get his only begotten son crucified on a cross - was not brutality? Hey man, the least you can do is identify yourself. Get out of your mom's skirt. I have identified myself as an atheist openly and publicly. What about you declared? do you want to remain as a religious moron for the rest of your dumbstruck life? Poch Suzata

Anonymous said...

You are only proving my point again and again. The sectarian violence in Ireland was NOT "Christian"! Different congregations around the world mourned over the rising body count. Every church of God in the world condemned the violence! Notice I've been using the past tense- the IRA declared a widespread cease-fire and began disarming 3 years ago! You're just picking and choosing facts that support your claims, and conveniently "forgetting" ones that hurt your validity. The "brutality" of God allowing his son to die was your fault, and mine. Only a death that despicable and sad could atone for the sins of man. If we were perfect, Jesus wouldn't have had to die!

I like how you have to attack me personally by calling me "boy" and "under my mom's skirt". Why don't you address the problem instead of talking like a sleazy lawyer?

I love how you keep asking me to identify myself. I have never been asked in my life to share my personal details over the internet, and you're trying to make it sound commonplace.

Poch Suzara said...

You sound exactly a typical Filipino with a college education. Thank you for making me once again very proud of myself. Poch Suzara. chairman, High School Dropout Assn of the Philippines.

erebusnyx said...

Poch, I don't think I ever heard of the Rose in your life. Good for you!

I've always wanted to name my daughter Hypatia or some variation of the same. If only I had a daughter

erebusnyx said...

Theologies are little more than speculation and imaginative thinking. I would rather that the hypotheses theologians and religionists churn out have evidence to back them up. Else, these nonparsimonious claims can only be assessed as implausible and given an extremely low probability rating.