Sunday, March 16, 2008

It Is Hard

It is hard to be an atheist if you were not an avid reader; especially if you have not thoroughly and properly read the bible. Indeed, it is hard to meet educated atheists who are not conversant with bible contradictions, inconsistencies, immoralities, obscenities, absurdities, atrocities, mendacities, and indeed, monstrosities.
Think of the claim that the bible was written by inspired authors of God. If this were so, how come the millions of bible readers have not been as equally inspired to read and to discover the inexcusable errors written in the bible? Poch Suzara


Astronomy explains how we live on a speck of debris from a cosmic explosion billions of years ago.
Geology explains how brief is our existence on this earth both as individuals and as a species.
Biology explains how through millions of years, we humans evolved and are still evolving from lower into higher forms of life.
The science of astronomy, geology, and biology are more than enough for me to justify my stand on atheism as something more revealing, vigorous and courageous. Poch Suzara

War on Poverty

In the never-ending war against poverty, how come poverty is always winning? How come the government forces combined with the forces of the church continue to dismally fail to defeat poverty permanently out of our sick society?
In the meantime, poverty is the symptom: Christianity is the disease. Filipinos are not Christians because they are poor, they are poor because they are Christians. The war against poverty therefore should first be a war against the lies and deception behind the corrupt commercial enterprise known Christianity. Poch Suzara

The Excommunication Business

The church officials cannot afford to excommunicate government officials because they are all mutually involved together in the lucrative business of corruption in the Philippines.
Look how church officials are enjoying tax exempt status from the State. Look how the government officials are enjoying the forgiveness of sin and crime from God and His church! Poch Suzara

Most Women

Most women love mediocrity in men. Most men, just so to score sooner to what’s in between a woman’s leg, would readily manifest that their mediocrity is even inspired by a divinity. Poch Suzara

Politics and Religion in the Philippines

I hate Religion and its illusions. I hate politics and its delusions. Far more severe, I hate blind faith as it supports both religion and politics in cahoots together in the corrupt business of sin and crime. The Philippines is one example of what stupid religion combined with stupid politics can accomplish together. Especially to keep a whole nation poor, backward, frightened, and insane, - with lies, deceit, fraud, corruption and deception. Poch Suzara Twitter# Google#

One Day

One day, whether I like it or not, nature will kill me. For me, however, to be on my bended knees listening to religious morons about asking the Lord for the forgiveness of my stupid sins before I die, I say, no way. I’d rather kill myself first. Phooey on Thy Kingdom Come. Poch Suzara

The poor in Spirit

For all of its concern about the “poor in spirit” in the Philippines, Christianity does its best not only to spread spiritual poverty daily, insure moral bankruptcy weekly, support political stupidity monthly, but also, indeed, to promote social insanity yearly. And in blind faith, since the 16th century, we naturally cannot see just exactly how blessed we all are in this God-forsaken Philippines already in the 21st century. Poch Suzara

World's Poorest People

We Filipinos are among the poorest people in this world. We possess no wealth of knowledge of the nature of life or death. We possess no wealth of knowledge of the hereafter. We possess no wealth of knowledge of the nature of the existence of God. What’s more ticklish about this poverty situation, however, is that we possess no wealth of knowledge of the nature of souls. We possess no wealth of knowledge of the nature of heaven or even where it is located; and we possess no wealth of knowledge of the nature of God’s enemy - Satan. But we are told that with faith in God – we shall all be saved after death. Otherwise, we will be punished eternally in hell, - again a place where even the most brilliant of Filipino theologians have no idea whatsoever as to where exactly hell is located out there whether it is outside or inside the universe. As if there is a thing that could exist outside the universe! Poch Suzara

Incredibly Stupid

It is not incredible to see why poor people need money. What’s incredibly stupid, however, is to see people already rich still needing more money. The rich morons naturally cannot see that there is such a thing as poverty of the worst kind – the poverty of the mind. I have met a few of these rich morons who need more money to support their drug-addict sons and grandsons, if not alcoholic daughters and grand-daughters.
Of course I also know of this poorly paid college professor. He lives off his rich wife, but he needs more money to fuck around with other women just as dumbstruck as his wife. Poch Suzara

The Rich and Famous

In countries that enjoy social or political decadence they have individuals known as the rich and the famous. We too have those in the Philippines. They are the rich and famous individuals known as government officials, corrupt businessmen, and Catholic Church officials known as the Bishops and Cardinals. Not to mention, another rich and famous billionaire – Brother Mike Velarde of El Shaddai. Millions of Filipinos have not stopped buying what Brother Mike Velarde has been selling: - Jesus – the Son of God – the Savior of Filipinos. Poch Suzara

Most Subjects

Think of it: most subjects taught to children as formative years in grade school have neither social nor practical value for this life. By the time, however, they finish high school and college, most of the youth of our land are more familiar with the hereafter than they are prepared for this good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. They would rather win eternal salvation in the Kingdom of God than contribute something of value to the kingdom of Man. Poch Suzara

George Carlin

Atheist-comedian George Carlin says that religion is bullshit. Please George, let us not bullshit the bullshit. It at least serves as fertilizers in many Asian countries for better and more productive farming technique. Religion, on the other hand, has only kept most countries religiously poor and backward like the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

Monday, March 03, 2008


Have you found joy in life? The greatest of which is the joy of free thought? Have you touched the lives of others with the joy of lively and intelligent thinking rather than just the joy of deadly and stupid believing? Poch Suzara

The Oath for Office of the President

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and conscientiously fulfill my duties as President of the Philippines, preserve and defend its Constitution, execute its laws, do justice to every man, and consecrate myself to the service of the Nation. So help me God."
As a matter of fact, any president who needs help from a God who does not exists, deserves not to be the president of any Republic. Really, if God exists and he helps, God can do a better job than any president can. Indeed, if there is a God, we have no need of a Constitution, courts, lawyers, policemen or laws for the nation. In fact, we have no need for Churches, schools, colleges, and universities if God’s existence were real? In fact, we have no need of a president who admits that we, the people, did not vote for her, but that God put her in the presidential office of the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Our Sick Society

When one Pinoy suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When millions of Pinoys suffer from a delusion, it is called Christianity.
If we Pinoys do not see this piece of revealed truth, it is only because we have been indoctrinated to be always proud of our blind faith. Poch Suzara

Biblical Promises

Everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. “ Luke 11:10
If our children in school were taught that these bible promises are nothing but insults to the values of hard work under the perspiration of human intelligence, we would already be enjoying growth as a people and maturity as a nation centuries ago. Poch Suzara


We are told that if Christianity never spread in the Philippines, we Filipinos today would be still savages untouched by civilization. We would still be pagans if the Catholic Spain never arrived to colonize the Philippines to spread the will of God to save the Filipino soul.
If this were so, can any of you catholic bishops explain how come in this 21st the Philippines is still pretty much infested with: cheaters, thieves, drunkards, adulterers, fornicators, gamblers, robbers, murderers, kidnappers, looters, liars, swindlers, embezzlers, falsifiers, fixers, peddlers, betrayers, plunderers, losers, wife-beaters, child-abusers, perjurers, corrupt politicians, sex-starved priests, indeed, not to mention the never-ending supply of stupid sinners? Poch Suzara

The Trouble

The trouble with most men is their lack of self-respect and dignity. They are also incapable of genuine and lasting love. Thus, instead of loving one intelligent woman for the sake of the advancement of knowledge and its diffusion, these sex-starved morons would rather be fecundating around with women equally lacking in self-respect and dignity for the sake of confusion, if not delusion.
In the meantime, our women, always under threat of eternal damnation have been mentally enslaved to obey the will of God. What, however, is so silly about this situation, is that nobody knows what the will of God commands. Only the priests, bishops, cardinals, and the Pope know the nature of those mysteries known as the Revealed Truth. Poch Suzara

Asian Countries

Asian countries, except the Philippines, have their own native born religion. Ours is not a local, but a foreign God born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago. In all of Asia, in matters of religion, we Filipinos are the only ones spiritually poor and morally bankrupt. In the meantime, in this only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, we Filipinos continue to waste time and energy worshipping a Jewish God. At this time, in the 21st century, we should already be civilizing ourselves instead of saving our silly souls that does not even exist. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#