Thursday, February 19, 2009


“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.” Bertrand Russell...It is, indeed, sad to see sons and daughters of wealthy families growing up to be occupied with nothing in life in except to make more money believing that all values must be measured in terms of money or that money is the ultimate test of success in this world... “This belief,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is held in fact, if not in words, by multitudes of men and women, and yet it is not in harmony with human nature, since it ignores vital needs and the instinctive tendency towards some specific kind of growth. It makes men treat as unimportant those of their desires which run counter to the acquisition of money, and yet such desires are, as a rule, more important to well-being than any increase of income. It leads men to mutilate their own natures from a mistaken theory of what constitutes success, and to give admiration to enterprises which add nothing to human welfare. It promotes a dead uniformity of character and purpose, a diminution in the joy of life, and a stress and strain which leaves whole communities weary, discouraged, and disillusioned.” Poch Suzara

The Power of Knowledge

“Science,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is at no moment quite right, but it is seldom quite wrong, and has, as a rule, a better chance of being right than the theories of the unscientific.”

Knowledge in general otherwise more known as science in particular has been the greatest tool man has discovered to change the ways of the world both for the better and for the future generations to come.
Science, however, put into the hands of bigots and fanatics to promote the power of dominant groups can even be far more destructive. Indeed, far more destructive than all the great religions combined that have dominated this world since only God knows when.

Bertrand Russell explained: “We were told that faith could remove mountains, but no one believed it; we are now told that the atomic bomb can remove mountains, and everyone believes it.” Poch Suzara

The Vatican and the USA

The Vatican State currently maintains bilateral diplomatic relations with 172 countries, which is actually one more than the United States Government. The Vatican State therefore is richer and more powerful than the United States government says religious historian John Peter Pham.

“The Vatican, where the Pope resides, is not just simply a spiritual power for Roman Catholics or a moral power for the non-Catholic world, it is a significant political presence," says Michael Higgins. "[If] you're talking in terms of influence, being an important player at the board when it comes to negotiations, being taken as a serious neutral voice on political and moral affairs, it's very difficult to be a serious competitor with the Vatican.”

In addition to that diplomatic network, the geopolitical significance of a community, a faith community of over a billion adherents around the globe serviced by a network of well over 4,000 bishops and 1,000,000 priests mean not only wealth and glory, but also world power.

Many world leaders still go out of their way to be seen with the Pope. Not just because he's a greater symbol, but because the Vatican is where the higher leaders of the world converge.

The Catholic church as the sole owner of the Vatican bank is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence anywhere throughout the world today.

In the months ahead, let us all hope and pray that the Vatican financial power will help rescue the world economy from its financial woes! After all, the World Bank and the Vatican Bank are one and the same bank married together with children known as the IMF, the Federal Reserve Board of the USA, and indeed, the Bank of America. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Richer and the Poorer

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The bishops of the Catholic church, the Manalos of Iglesia Ni Cristo, Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Movement, and Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, etc. couldn’t give a hoot about the poor getting poorer. This is due to the fact that these religious leaders are amongst the rich getting richer while the poor – their believers and followers - are the ones getting poorer. Poch Suzara


A belief cannot be true here but false there. If a belief were false anywhere, it is false everywhere.

Contradict yourself and you are sure to be wrong. Not giving importance for deadly contradiction is the same thing as not giving importance for serious communication that delivers lively confirmation.

We unbelievers know what we are talking about. The believers, however, do not even know what “knowing” means.

We unbelievers enjoy the flexibility of intellectuality. You believers are only stuck in the fixity of a falsity especially as you all believe that human stupidity has some connection with infinity as inspired by the mystery of a divinity always in cahoots with deviltry. Poch Suzara

Mankind’s Greatest Enemy

Religion, in Latin, means - “to tie back, to fasten or bind together.” No, mankind’s greatest enemy has never been religion, but superstition more known as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Each proved that there is wealth, power, and glory to be achieved not by promoting peace on earth and goodwill for one another, but by propagating hate and war against each other for the glory of God. What could be more superstitious than that? Poch Suzara

No Happy Ending

In this life, there is no such thing as a happy ending. We all end up dead whether we like it or not. Unless of course resting in peace while being utterly dead is a form of happiness then there is such as thing as a happy ending. Of course we all know there is no such thing as life in the hereafter. That is why we invented life after death called “the Kingdom of God in heaven”.

In the meantime, the religious morons of this world are all so frightened of the realization that after death, there will be nothing in store for any of us. As if it bothers any of us to realize the fact that for millions of years before birth, – there was also nothing in store for any of us. In fact, there wasn’t even a store. Poch Suzara

Jesus and His Resurrection

If Jesus possessed the power to get himself resurrected from death back to life, what was all that dramatic rigmarole about getting himself crucified dead on a piece of wood for the sins of the world to begin with? Moreover, if Jesus possessed the power to resurrect Himself back to life from death, why should he cry out loud on the cross: MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME? Poch Suzara

Jesus Born Perfect

If Jesus was born perfect, why was he born supot? The faith-healers of his days had to have him circumcised? Who disposed of his holy prepuce? The bible does not say as to what happened to it. Perhaps, the bible scholars can haunt for that bodily part of Jesus. After all, Jesus was the perfect Son of perfect God, wasn’t he? Poch Suzara


Was Jesus a man of peace? Hardly. In fact, in the Gospels, Jesus displayed aggressive militarism quite contrary to his conventional image. Jesus announced that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.

In Luke 19:27, however, Jesus declares: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.”

In Luke 22:36, Jesus “said unto them, but now, he that hath purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Such was Jesus – a man of war ready to die in battle, but not ready to question what it is that he willing to die for. Poch Suzara


Atheism is not therapy but restored mental health. We atheists live in a world of reality, not fantasy. We do not hate to work, on the contrary, we love to work especially for the growth and maturity of human intelligence especially as it promotes human benevolence. If we do hate, however, we hate human stupidity, especially the kind that is the hidden agenda behind the ultimate purpose of education. The majority of our college educated men and women hate more learning. Thus, they hate more reading. Indeed, in our sick society, daily praying is always more respectable than daily reading. Bertrand Russell said: “If we must die, let us die sober, and not drunk with lies.” For my part, as I evolved to become an atheist, I have also ceased wasting my time and energy actively involved as a stupid participant in the rat race for salvation. Indeed, I care about this world. It is the only world we know and at the same time - have. Poch Suzara

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Class-mates and School-mates

My La Salle class-mates and school-mates are shocked. They are horrified to hear what in recent years I have been publicly declaring, consistently, and fearlessly that: - I am no longer a Catholic. I have become an atheist. A devout heretic. Well, if they are shocked with me, I am even more shocked at them. These grown-up highly educated men are still pretty much active with the infantile prayer that every La Salle student uttered before and after every class during grade school, high school, and in college: “St. John Baptist De la Salle, pray for us.” “Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.” As I look into the hearts and minds of these college-educated men, what I sadly found there is not love of country; only love for divinity. Indeed, like a bunch of religious morons – they have more love for Jesus, the Son of God, and more love for Mary, the Mother of God than they do have love for their own mother, father, brothers, sisters, and yea, their own life also. I should know. I was once that kind of a religious sap myself when I was in grade school and eventually expelled out of La Salle high school. Poch Suzara

Couples For Christ

There are a variety of couples existing in our sick society. The most popular one is well known everywhere as The Couples for Christ in Divinity.

None, however, exist at all, known as the Couples for Social Sanity. Especially since the 16th century to help remedy nationally perpetual stupidity out of our God-forsaken only Christian country in this already 21st century. Poch Suzara

Jesus in History

If Jesus was a real historical character, how come the angels and demons who played important roles in the life of Jesus never got to be historical characters themselves?

The bible tells us that Jesus was born in a Jewish land as the Jewish Son of a Jewish God. Could any of you explain how we Filipinos born in the Philippines could have anything historical to do with the Jews as they are the Chosen People of a Jewish God?

In the meantime, what’s the big deal about God the Father is omni-present, but Jesus the Son of God is omni-absent? How holy is the holy Trinity if its members are seldom present together united on earth as it is in heaven? Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 31, 2009

World of Darkness

“A world in darkness needs the light of the gospel.” Phil Star 1/23/2009.

That’s fine and dandy except for the theological horror that it was the gospel writers who concocted the so-called “world of darkness” to begin with. Nice try, you silly morons! Poch Suzara

The Holy Bible

The holy bible says do not hate and do not kill. But bible believers have not ceased hating and killing each other because the same bible also says one must hate and kill in order to please the Lord.

Listen to one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. In his AGE OF REASON, (1794) Thomas Paine wrote:

“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon that the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”

In the meantime, it is sad to see the new president of the United States of America continue using the obsolete bible during the oath taking ceremony. The US Constitution book should best be used. Meaningfully. Appropriately. Especially for change we can all believe in. Poch Suzara

Seek the Truth

The greatest evil committed against students during formative years in school is idea that they must always attach more importance not to the power nor to the beauty of asking questions, but only to believe and to always have faith with the answers supplied to them by the teachers. Indeed, education should have nothing to do with WHAT TO BELIEVE. It should only be about HOW TO THINK! I said it before, I say it again, always seek answers to your questions, but never belittle the power of formulating deeper kinds of questions. Otherwise gullibility takes over to support stupid faith in mediocrity. More questions are far more valuable than the answers, because, in time, the answers become obsolete. Indeed, to stop asking questions is to stop thinking constraining the power of one's intellect. "The truth,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion the human spirit is capable.” Poch Suzara Facebook# Atheist# Twitter# Google#

Hatred of Intelligence

Hatred of intelligence is what is usually found burning within the lives of the great saints of God like Augustine, Aquinas, Paul in the past, not to mention - the Opus Dei gang, the Jesuits, the Catholic bishops, together with Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Movement in the present, and TV prachers of Iglesia Ni Cristo. They all hate the growth of human intelligence. Not to mention Fr. Reuter, the American priest - he hates the power of logic as he is only at home with being a Catholic. Hatred of intelligence is at the foundation of the system of education in the Philippines. Teachers and professors, as they hate intelligence, are readily qualified to teach in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities. Our politicians in the government love the arrangement. With hatred as the standard of mediocrity in this country, they have no problem as hate, not love of human intelligence, gets the politicians elected into high government office. Poch Suzara

Rizal Biographers

A few of Rizal’s biographers failed not defend him. They defended, instead, Christianity – Rizal’s enemy by writing something like: “He became a marked man for writing the NOLI and FILI the books which shook the foundation of Spanish rule in the Philippines.” See Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings by Capino, Gonzalez, and Pineda.”

The fact is that there never was any so-called Spanish rule in the Philippines. There was only Christianity that ruled Spain as it ruled the rest of half of the world at that time. Christianity, not Spain, conquered the Philippines in order to spread the gospel. Indeed, the same Christianity still here pretty much established and in control of Filipino way of life in the Philippines - one of provinces of the Vatican State in this 21st century since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Man of Faith

A man of faith is like a stupid drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination.

Now, for Christ’s sake, how can those who are already so-called “mature” in their faith help others to “mature” in their faith? See Philippine Star 1/31/2009 Poch Suzara