Friday, March 18, 2011

God's Divine Plan

Indeed, God should not be blamed for the horrors happening in our world. But for God to just stand by and do NOTHING except to enjoy the painful spectacle surely makes him a God not worth believing, loving, respecting, and admiring.

Man's free will? Whatever happened to God's GOOD WILL? Or, God's Divine Plan? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Noah Covenant

According to the theologians, the Noah covenant is a covenant of love. God recognizes our shortcomings as a race. Because of a few who are righteous, God promises to keep the earth going in continuity from season to season and year to year. The rainbow reminds us of God's promise and His care. No matter how bad things get, God will never destroy us through a flood.

This is all fine and dandy. However, in the meantime, by what standard of decency, nay, by what measure of morality - should God tell us how to raise our children when He, as an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-just God had drowned his own children? Come on God, are you really that kind of an emotionally unstable supernatural WIMP?? Poch Suzara

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life and Death

Oh yes, sleep is restful. Death is peaceful. Not to have been born is not
only more miraculously joyful; it could also be more delightful. Poch Suzara

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Kind of Woman in Brief

My kind of woman in brief: She gets excited to be with me sexually to enjoy the pleasure of orgasm; but she gets even more excited to be with me intellectually to enjoy the beauty of idealism. Indeed, my woman shares the belief with me that life is a sexually transmitted disease with a mortality rate of 100 per cent. Since an average of 3 babies are born every minute or 1.5 million babies are born yearly in the Philippines - we both no longer believe, as we were once frightened to believe during our younger days that having sex must only be for the purpose of a woman to become a mother. My woman and I now believe in the values of birth control. We consider ourselves sick sexually if we produce babies to be a part of our sick society, nay, to produce babies that's created by God in his own sick image and sick likeness. We both have no more to do with parental irresponsibility. No more babies for us. Only to produce more ideas and ideals in that we may try and fearless put beauty into this world, our world, where nature has only put reckless insanity. In the meantime, let's take a good look at our schools, colleges, and universities. We are taught in such places on how to raise pigs, cows, horses, chickens, prawns and fish, but no courses or degrees are offered as a career in life on how to raise children to grow up as decent men and decent women to comprise a healthy, sane, and a decent society. Poch Suzara

Deadly Holy Baloney

Let me repeat: God did not bother to meet me when I arrived into this world, so why should I bother to meet with God after I leave this world? In the meantime, for me to believe that God will determine whether my lively soul should go to heaven or go to heaven - while my body is already dead, and buried, and rotting in the cemetery - has got to be a sort of a celestial holy baloney, if not terrestrial holy malarkey! Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Precious Minds and Hearts

Filipinos may be owner of this or that piece of asset and property. But they have yet to claim ownership of the most priceless piece of treasure existing anywhere in this world: precious minds and precious hearts. Such beauties have been stolen away from Filipinos during childhood days at home and in school.

The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. In this connection, Filipinos in this already 21st century are still poor: They have nothing except faith in Jesus Christ - The Son of a Jewish Mother on earth and a Jewish God in heaven.

Indeed, Filipinos are the poorest people in this world. Poorest spiritually, morally, socially, and politically. As the result of education in its schools, colleges, and universities - The Filipinos live under a sick society as they only know how the love God up there, specially by hating one another down here. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Question Everything

Not to ask deeper questions is to restrain the life of understanding. Not to ask higher questions is to constrain the beauty of enlightenment. Questions are, indeed, far more useful and valuable than the answers because, in time, the answers become obsolete. Poch Suzara

Solution for Philippine troubles

There is only ONE solution for the Philippines to be able to extricate herself out of filth, squalor, poverty, misery, corruption, economic malarkey, political depravity, social insanity, and religious baloney - THROW CHRISTIANITY OUT OF OUR COUNTRY, OUT OF OUR MINDS AND HEARTS, OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIES. IN THIS WAY, WE CAN LEARN TO LIVE WITH SELF-RESPECT AS HUMAN BEINGS AND DIGNITY AS DECENT CITIZENS OF OUR OWN COUNTRY.


Monday, March 07, 2011

Femininity at home with Mediocrity

Woman's femininity has more do with attracting the masculinity of mediocrity. Indeed, most women have no taste to be involved with a man of intellectual ability or thinking capacity. All that most women want is anything that reflects the power or the glory of mediocrity, especially as it shines with money.

Oh yes, here in brief is my kind of woman - she gets excited to be with me sexually
to enjoy the simple pleasures of orgasm; but she gets even more excited to be with me intellectually to enjoy the greatest treasures of iconoclasm.

For me to emulate the life and times of the sinners or saints of God out there in heaven, no way. I have far more love, far more affection, and far more respect for
my kind of woman down here on earth. Poch Suzara

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Insane Filthy Rich Idiots

Not ONE of the 10 multi-billionaires doing business living in the Philippines - is famous for being a philanthropist. All of them continue to be selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane as most filthy rich idiots are insane.

I entirely agree with philosopher Bertrand Russell. He wrote: "It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents most men from living freely and nobly."

In the meantime, amidst the poverty and misery of the vast majority that comprise our sick society, these 10 Filipino multi-billionaires all share something precious together: they all believe, love, worship, and adore God up there. They are all grateful to God who has always blessed only them with great financial success down here. Poch Suzara

The Greatest of Wealth

The greatest of wealth is health. Apparently nobody has wealth as nobody has health. Even St. Augustine saw through the reality. He wrote: "The day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body." In the meantime, is it really true that Nothing is impossible with God? Oh yes, there is! It is impossible with God to live with us in the here and now; especially to work harmoniously with us together for the betterment of mankind. Especially together with us Filipinos - in this the only Catholic country in all of Asia. God, obviously, does not exist; otherwise, popes, cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns need not be in big business selling lies like "Nothing is impossible with God." Poch Suzara

Every Religion

Every religion is preached by sanctimonious liars and nothing they say should be valued as something true or precious. After all, every religion inspires timidity, encourages stupidity, especially to live one's life with faith by embracing the lack of self-respect and dignity as a God blessed reality. Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Falesehood repeated

When falsehood is repeated long enough - the lie becomes the Revealed Truth. Sadly, however, sacred lies have been revealed. As to the Revealed Truth, it has yet to be revealed especially by inspired authors of God. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Success of Evolution versus the Failure of Revelation

Success is what most people settle for when they cannot think of something great or noble enough to be failing at. As for me, since I am always in search of the truth, I do not mind at all that I am such a failure in life. Meanwhile, with most people, they would rather have faith in deadly revelation of which they know nothing about. As for me, however, I would rather be on the side of lively evolution of which I know something about. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What is Reality

Everything scientists thought was a wave, is really a particle. And everything scientists thought was a particle, is really a wave. The question arises: what is real: the wave or the particle? Or does both wave and particle comprise reality? (see The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking). In either case, I'd rather attach more credibility to the real nature of REALITY: "each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace." See ENTROPY by Jeremy Rifkin). Poch Suzara

The Beauty of Curiosity

It is the curious mind, more than anything else, that encourages us to live freely, securely, creatively, and nobly. Sadly, however, curiosity is among the first beauty killed in our schools, colleges, and universities. Oh yes, curiosity killed the cat. Enviably, however, without attending grade school, high school, and college education the cat at least was curious before it died. Poch Suzara

Monday, February 28, 2011

Marcos Dictatorship

The Marcos Dictatorship destroyed the Philippines? Really? If the Philippines was then already such a rich, strong, and highly developed country with millions of Filipinos already enjoying not only a higher standard of living and thinking, but also enjoying a decent standard of education - why should the Philippines produce a blessed by God Marcos - a corrupt product of the great and famous and corrupt university of the Philippines? Poch Suzara

Sunday, February 27, 2011

God will Provide

In the Philippine Star today - Feb. 28, 2011 -"If anyone does not provide for his own, he is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Tim:5:8, Phil Star Feb. 28, 2011.

Well, in our schools, colleges, and universities, millions of Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will provide. And to think, the Philippines has been the only Christian country and Asia since the 16 century, but millions of poor Pinoys and morally bankrupt Pinays still believe and have faith in God who will provide. Indeed, provide what? Poch Suzara

The Power of Thought

Never belittle the power of thought. After all, devoid of thought, the power of knowledge dies. After it dies, what takes over is the power of lies and deceptions in order to protect, defend, and promote silly Christianity for the sake of a silly divinity perpetually in cahoots with a silly deviltry. Poch Suzara

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sick Way of Life

Poverty is what is the matter with the poor in the Philippines. Stupidity is what is the matter with the rich. As for those of us who are neither rich nor poor - what is the matter with the rest of us? Nothing except that we are victims of social insanity, political perversity, and moral bankruptcy as our way of sick life in this only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara