Does it really matter if the bible was written by God or written by inspired authors of God since neither God nor his authors knew exactly what they were doing or talking about?
For example, in the Old Testament, God had sons and daughters. In the New Testament God had Jesus - his one and only begotten son.
The bible is mostly about holy lies and sacred deceptions; in brief, mostly about ancient holy garbage to impress the superstitious primitives of the ancient world. Poch Suzara
Friday, March 09, 2012
Original Sin or Orignal Booboos
And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at
his heart. Genesis 6:6
No kidding? God was sorry? God repented to whom? God was fallible? Did not this God admit, right here, that He made a mistake? How many righteous child-abusers have also admitted that they made a mistake by their having children?
God decides: Except for (8 people) Noah, his wife, his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives Who? Who? and Who? and some of each kind of animals (including descendants of the Talking serpents?) God would murder every living thing.
Genesis 6:7-10
Now I ask: What business has God to command humans on how to raise their children when He himself drowned to death his own children? Poch Suzara
his heart. Genesis 6:6
No kidding? God was sorry? God repented to whom? God was fallible? Did not this God admit, right here, that He made a mistake? How many righteous child-abusers have also admitted that they made a mistake by their having children?
God decides: Except for (8 people) Noah, his wife, his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives Who? Who? and Who? and some of each kind of animals (including descendants of the Talking serpents?) God would murder every living thing.
Genesis 6:7-10
Now I ask: What business has God to command humans on how to raise their children when He himself drowned to death his own children? Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Hurt the Sun? Hurt God?
If you can hurt or damage or offend the sun as it is one million times bigger
and stronger and all mighty and powerful than the existence of the planet earth - would you not be proud of yourself?
So why do you believe that you can commit a sin or offend or hurt or damage the existence of such a God - the creator of the sun, heaven, earth, and the universe? Poch Suzara
The Need to go and to be With God
When you have already been told that GOD IS HERE, IS THERE, AND IS EVERYWHERE, indeed, that God is omniscient - God is above, below, in front, in the back, and in the middle of your existence - don't you think you have got to be something of a religiously fucked moron to still have the need TO GO AND BE WITH GOD? Poch Suzara
Dust Thou Art as Written in the Sick holy Bible.
The bible clearly states: “From dust thou art, and from dust thou shall return.” . . . Well, if we came from dust, and unto dust we shall return, and God made man in his own image and likeness, then God must be made of dust too. . . No wonder, God is everywhere, just like dust is everywhere too. In the meantime, isn't it rather foolish to pray to a piece of dust for the salvation of souls made of dust too? . . . The same sick bible tells us: "The living know they shall die; and the dead know not anything, neither have they anymore a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." Eccl. 9:5... and here is more sick nonsense from Jesus himself who obviously never seriously read the the bible. He said to the thief crucified along side him: "Verily, I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43. What a lucky thief. He ended up in the Philippines as a thief installed in the Philippine government as our sick, greedy, and corrupt politicians in the government are all MAKA-DIOS and MAKA-JESUS! . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
God's Love for Americans and Filipinos
This is the difference between love of God for Americans in America, and the love of God for Filipinos in the Philippines:
In America, there exists more than 50 million "garbage disposal machines" that eat up better, more nutritious, left-over food discarded away from American tables.
In the Philippines, more than 50 million of us Filipinos live so poorly that we have nothing going for us except the promise of the Catholic Church that there is a better world to come after we are all dead, buried, and gone. Poch Suzara
In America, there exists more than 50 million "garbage disposal machines" that eat up better, more nutritious, left-over food discarded away from American tables.
In the Philippines, more than 50 million of us Filipinos live so poorly that we have nothing going for us except the promise of the Catholic Church that there is a better world to come after we are all dead, buried, and gone. Poch Suzara
Fact and Fiction
Between fact and fiction is a thin dividing line known as religion: It is the study of the unknown to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.
In the meantime, Bertrand Russell said it: "religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality." Poch Suzara
In the meantime, Bertrand Russell said it: "religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality." Poch Suzara
Truth as a Bottomless Abyss
"The truth is at the bottom of the abyss," said Democritus, the Greek thinker. I would like to add, "but the abyss is bottomless."
Whatever the case may be, when it comes to the truth of the existence of God,
it is not a knowable issue. But if we cannot know God at all, how can we be truthful that the God we love, worship, and adore is a Catholic, Jewish, or a Muslim God? In the meantime, the universe is a mystery. Why therefore should we trouble
our brains by inventing another mystery to explain the existence of the universe? The universe is a knowable entity. More and more each day science is discovering the real nature of the existence of the universe. We know more today than our grandparents knew yesterday. Our grandchildren tomorrow will now more than we know today as their grandparents. In the meantime, Japanese Zen Buddhist monk Nanrei Kobori explained it simply without the complexity of a mystery: "GOD IS AN INVENTION OF MAN. SO THE NATURE OF GOD IS ONLY A SHALLOW MYSTERY. THE DEEP MYSTERY IS THE NATURE OF MAN." Poch Suzara
it is not a knowable issue. But if we cannot know God at all, how can we be truthful that the God we love, worship, and adore is a Catholic, Jewish, or a Muslim God? In the meantime, the universe is a mystery. Why therefore should we trouble
our brains by inventing another mystery to explain the existence of the universe? The universe is a knowable entity. More and more each day science is discovering the real nature of the existence of the universe. We know more today than our grandparents knew yesterday. Our grandchildren tomorrow will now more than we know today as their grandparents. In the meantime, Japanese Zen Buddhist monk Nanrei Kobori explained it simply without the complexity of a mystery: "GOD IS AN INVENTION OF MAN. SO THE NATURE OF GOD IS ONLY A SHALLOW MYSTERY. THE DEEP MYSTERY IS THE NATURE OF MAN." Poch Suzara
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Republic Act 1425 or the Rizal Law
I am told that I am a silly man because I am highly critical of our system of education and yet, at the same time, as I have also the greatest respect and admiration for Dr. Jose Rizal, I ignore the fact the Rizal himself was a product of Ateneo and the University of Santo Thomas.
I asked: So how come when it came to banned books to read due to the Index
Librorum Prohibitorum promulgated by the Catholic church, Ateneo and UST were the among the first and best universities in the Philippines to ban reading Dr. Jose Rizal's NOLI ME TANGERE and FILIBUSTERISMO?
So much so that for the purpose of honoring our hero Jose Rizal and his writings, Republic Act 1425, the Rizal law, was legislated by Congress to make the books written by Rizal required reading in all schools, colleges, and universities like Ateneo and UST! Poch Suzara
I asked: So how come when it came to banned books to read due to the Index
Librorum Prohibitorum promulgated by the Catholic church, Ateneo and UST were the among the first and best universities in the Philippines to ban reading Dr. Jose Rizal's NOLI ME TANGERE and FILIBUSTERISMO?
So much so that for the purpose of honoring our hero Jose Rizal and his writings, Republic Act 1425, the Rizal law, was legislated by Congress to make the books written by Rizal required reading in all schools, colleges, and universities like Ateneo and UST! Poch Suzara
More FUN and SAFE in the Philippines
Listen to Jesus and what He publicly declared in the bible as reported by Luke 14:26: - "If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Now take a closer look at us Filipinos as the Sick Man of Asia in the Philippines existing in this only Jesus country in Asia. As products of a Christian system of education - look how we have been taught to be God-fearing; how to have faith in the future rewards in heaven if we were obedient; or, future punishment in hell if we were disobedient. Look how we pray daily to Jesus for guidance in our economical, political, commercial, cultural, religious, and social life. We believe that such an arrangement is more than enough to insure peace, security, and tranquility; indeed, more than enough for law and order to prevail so that we may enjoy more productivity, more efficiency, and mor employment opportunities in our own country.
And yet look again at the reality transpiring daily in our sick society. We have security guards posted here, there, and everywhere to insure security and safety. We have security guards posted in government buildings, in churches and cathedrals, in private and government banks, in hospitals, medical clinics, grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, jewelry stores, airports, harbors, residential buildings, commercial edifices, plushed villages like San Lorenzo, Bel Air, Dasmarinas, Forbes Park, Ayala land, in hotels, motels, massage parlors, barber shops, museums, bus and train stations, and indeed, security guards posted at the entrances of schools, colleges, and universities.
Now we are told that the love our neighbor as a public spectacle around us is simply because of, if not due to, the historical fact we are a HAPPY people, that it is MORE FUN AND SAFE IN THE PHILIPPINES - the one and only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century?
Is it any wonder that the chief of police has all the pleasure of time and opportunities to also enrich himself like those already filthy rich in the government?
Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook#
Monday, March 05, 2012
I Welcome Life After Death to Meet Jesus
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” ― Mark Twain
If I may add, for my part, I do not fear death and I hope there is life after death. I would like to meet with Jesus, sitting in between God and Satan. I'd like to tell Jesus to his face that he has been a worthless Savior of Filipinos as a people. As
much as His father in partner with Satan have both been great success in keeping the Philippines historically crippled as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
If I may add, for my part, I do not fear death and I hope there is life after death. I would like to meet with Jesus, sitting in between God and Satan. I'd like to tell Jesus to his face that he has been a worthless Savior of Filipinos as a people. As
much as His father in partner with Satan have both been great success in keeping the Philippines historically crippled as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Sunday, March 04, 2012
The Fools, the Hypocrites, and the Frightened
The Christian god is a three-headed monster; cruel, vengeful, and capricious...One only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President (1743-1826)
If I may add, in the Philippines, aside from the fools and hypocrites, there are also the faithfully frightened. Millions of them, with college education, who would rather serve the Son of God Jesus first than serve, if at all, our country. Among them are senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, and top lawyers and court judges of our country who see to it that the separation between State and Church in the Philippines stays integrated secretly and profitably, only separated for the gullible consumption publicly.
In the meantime, in our schools, colleges, and universities, there are a set of religious commandments, or moral writings, which teach that virtue is the way towards eternal salvation; vice is the way towards eternal damnation. Really authoritative doctrines, to which I have but one objection; namely, they are all utterly worthless; especially if we ever hope to create and to spread common Filipino decency as the standard of human life, here and now, in our own country. Poch Suzara
Friday, March 02, 2012
Only 144,000 will be Chosen
If God created man gifted with a free will, and free will have turned out to be just as messy as divine will, then maybe God should have already ceased creating man in his own image and likeness. After all, according to the bible, in the end, “the many are called, but only the few are chosen.” Well, according to the bible, only 144,000 will be the chosen ones, all of them Jews. NO mention of Pinoys or Pinays to be included.
And to think that more than 100 BILLION people have already lived and died on this earth since the days of Adam and Eve created naked together with their pet snake, a Talking Serpent - created also naked but gifted too with free will by God! Poch Suzara
And to think that more than 100 BILLION people have already lived and died on this earth since the days of Adam and Eve created naked together with their pet snake, a Talking Serpent - created also naked but gifted too with free will by God! Poch Suzara
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Fuck Dying, Fuck Death
“Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion . . . Why don't we celebrate living, instead of worrying about damnation and sin?” Ed Schempp, acceptance speech as Humanist of the Year, awarded by The American Humanist Association, 1996
If I may add, indeed, why even worry about dying since the day we are born in this world is the day we begin to live in a dying body! Short, brief, and fleeting as human life is on this piece of dust called "earth" floating aimlessly in space and going no where in time?
In the meantime, if we must leave this world one day, let try to leave this world as a better place than how we originally found it. Not necessarily in the material, but in the humanitarian sense. Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Who or what Creator
Which creation story do you believe written in the holy bible: the one starting at Genesis 1:1 and ending at Genesis 1:31 or do you believe the other creation story at Genesis 2:4 through 25? Since they are different from each other, why bother to believe either story? Since there is a third story!
In his BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, Scientists Stephen Hawking wrote: "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither
a beginning nor end: It would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?" Poch Suzara
In his BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, Scientists Stephen Hawking wrote: "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither
a beginning nor end: It would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?" Poch Suzara
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A Joke Among the Pinoys
A joke among the Pinoys is a face-saving device to avoid the more painful thought of having to laugh at just how broke we are as people culturally, socially, politically,
economically, religiously, indeed, historically. Poch Suzara
economically, religiously, indeed, historically. Poch Suzara
Monday, February 27, 2012
Fuck Satan
"But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" --- Mark Twain
I said it before, I say it again: FUCK SATAN! Poch Suzara
I said it before, I say it again: FUCK SATAN! Poch Suzara
Our Good for Nothing Politicians
If experience teaches us anything at all, it teaches us this: that a good politician,
under democracy, is quite unthinkable as an honest thief. H. L. Mencken
If I may add, in the Philippines, under our democracy, and due to the horrors of our formative years in grade school, then high school, then college - our politicians are all good; unfortunately, for growth as a people and for maturity as a nation - good for nothing; especially for the glory of God in heaven. Poch Suzara
under democracy, is quite unthinkable as an honest thief. H. L. Mencken
If I may add, in the Philippines, under our democracy, and due to the horrors of our formative years in grade school, then high school, then college - our politicians are all good; unfortunately, for growth as a people and for maturity as a nation - good for nothing; especially for the glory of God in heaven. Poch Suzara
What I Resent Even more Bitterly
"Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the
guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly." Isaac Asimov.
Oh my dear Asimov, this is what I personally resent even more bitterly: the
atheists always afraid to take a stand against harm. They are afraid because their
wives or mothers, sons or daughters, friends and relatives and other business associates will discover that they are in fact more well-read, more well-informed,
and, indeed, more well- educated. And so, like a bunch of polite cowards, they hide
their intelligence inside the closet. They would rather allow human stupidity to go marching on and on giving religion more power to endlessly support historical
I said it before, I say it again: we atheists have nothing to fear. After all, we have something precious in common with scientists together. We think it most noble in this life to shatter false beliefs, false values, and false teachings. Indeed, atheists are not destroyers of the world. Scientists are not the conquerors of the world. We are the thinkers and the liberators of humankind in this world. Poch Suzara
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Lonely People, Alvin Toffler, and Bertrand Russell
"The hurt of being alone, is , of course, hardly new. But loneliness is now so widespread it has become, paradoxically, a shared experience. . . They hunger for institutions worthy of their respect, affection, and loyalty. . .For lonely people, cults offer, in the beginning, indiscriminate friendship . . . A cult, however, sells community, structure, and meaning at any extremely high price: the mindless surrender of the self. For some, no doubt this is the only alternative to personal disintegration. But for most of us the cult's way out is too costly." Alvin Toffler, author, The Third Wave
My mentor - Bertrand Russell, as a lonely man during his younger years, had a creative way out. He searched for the truth via mathematics, philosophy, logic, science, physics, sociology, anthropology, history, war, peace, and in the human family. But unlike many great and lonely people, however, Bertrand Russell cultivated a rather self-conscious sensitivity to the troubles of others.
Bertrand Russell wrote: "The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What the world needs now is not only love but the greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity."
For my part, as a happily and creatively lonely man myself, more than Jesus and his apostles in hell, more than all the saints blessed together by God in heaven - I'd rather have more love, more respect, more loyalty, and more admiration for Bertrand Russell. He encouraged me to QUESTION EVERYTHING including his logic, mathematics, indeed - his philosophy. As he wrote it himself: "Truth is a shinning goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable." Poch Suzara
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