Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Truth as a Bottomless Abyss

"The truth is at the bottom of the abyss," said Democritus, the Greek thinker. I would like to add, "but the abyss is bottomless." Whatever the case may be, when it comes to the truth of the existence of God,
it is not a knowable issue. But if we cannot know God at all, how can we be truthful that the God we love, worship, and adore is a Catholic, Jewish, or a Muslim God? In the meantime, the universe is a mystery. Why therefore should we trouble
our brains by inventing another mystery to explain the existence of the universe? The universe is a knowable entity. More and more each day science is discovering the real nature of the existence of the universe. We know more today than our grandparents knew yesterday. Our grandchildren tomorrow will now more than we know today as their grandparents. In the meantime, Japanese Zen Buddhist monk Nanrei Kobori explained it simply without the complexity of a mystery: "GOD IS AN INVENTION OF MAN. SO THE NATURE OF GOD IS ONLY A SHALLOW MYSTERY. THE DEEP MYSTERY IS THE NATURE OF MAN." Poch Suzara

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