The Holocaust was a tragic event in history. Approximately 11 million lives were lost because of cruel racial prejudice. During the first half of the 20th century, the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler, ( a Catholic ) encouraged prejudice against Jews and other "undesirables" such as gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, or physically disabled; those not of the "Aryan" race. The Nazis developed "The Final Solution", a plan to get rid of all the Jews. They decided the most efficient way of doing this was to set up camps to exterminate their existence so they would not pass on their genes and disrupt the Nazis' quest for the perfect race. The Nazis also set up ghettos, where Jews would live in the most horrible conditions. Jewish children soon could not go to schools with the other German children. Jewish businesses were forced to close, Jewish temples were burned and vandalized. Though the Nazis did not achieve their goal, they managed to kill 5-6 million Jews (and a further 5 million other victims) in cruel, sadistic, inhumane acts and murders. Remember these Jewish people were God's Chosen people and so, how come God, always omni-present, did not bother to save his Chosen people?
In the meantime, Adolf Hitler, raised as a Catholic, wrote in his famous book MEIM KAMPF: I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.( PAGE 65) Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Life's Inspiration in the Holy Bible
LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: “… The Lord will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation… which will plague you until you perish…”
Deuteronomy 28:22
LIFE'S INSPIRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: "For God soloved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
more inspiration from Jesus - God's only Begotten Son, crucified on a cross, cried out loud: "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Matthew 27:46
More Inspiration from Jesus, Sweet Jesus: "If any man come to me and hate NOT his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26
I said it before, I say it again: FUCK THIS HOLY BIBLE SHIT! Poch Suzara
Deuteronomy 28:22
LIFE'S INSPIRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: "For God soloved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
more inspiration from Jesus - God's only Begotten Son, crucified on a cross, cried out loud: "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Matthew 27:46
More Inspiration from Jesus, Sweet Jesus: "If any man come to me and hate NOT his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26
I said it before, I say it again: FUCK THIS HOLY BIBLE SHIT! Poch Suzara
Jesus Was a Failure and a Loser
Jesus chose twelve losers and failures of His the community to help him save the world. They were called “apostles” who, even with the power of God behind them, never succeeded to straighten out the mess even of their own community. In fact, when the Word of Jesus arrived in the Philippines, Filipinos began to believe and have to faith as the Sick Man of Asia.
In the meantime, Jesus was not invited to a banquet to celebrate the success of his life and work. On the contrary, He was arrested, tried, and crucified on the cross. Indeed, crucified by saps - the same saps who were created in the image and likeness of His own Father - God. Thus, nailed to a cross dying, Jesus cried out loud: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
When it comes to divine failures – Jesus is the answer. In the meantime, Generations have passed and there is yet not a sign that Jesus is returning. Nevertheless, if Jesus arrives, it is most probable that his twelve apostles won’tbe coming along with him. They were all frightened cowards in the eyes of Jesus. Consider the two sick criminals crucified along side Him. Jesus promised one eternal salvation for believing in Him. A promise He never made to any of His twelve apostles. But then again, in the ultimate analysis, why would Jesus bother to return when clearly in John 18:36: Jesus bragged: “My kingdom is not of this world.” Poch Suzara
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Berrand Russell - One of the Fathers of the Computer Industry
Bertrand Russell reduced mathematics into logic and showed the two are one and the same thing. Because of this, though he never knew it, he ended up to be one of the FATHERS of the COMPUTER INDUSTRY. That's the machine facing you at this moment. Poch Suzara
Old Age in the Old testament
Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar in 46 B.C. to incorporate Leap Days as part of the reform, that year's calendar included 445 days making it known as "THE YEAR OF CONFUSION."
In the meantime, Consider time in the bible. There was yet no hours, days, weeks, months, and no years. There was no calender existing. But God inspired his authors to write the number of long years these poor saps lived and died:
Genesis 5:1 God made man in His likeness.
Does this explained man’s immortality?
Genesis 5:5 Adam died at 930 years of age.
Genesis 5:8 Seth died at 912 years of age.
Genesis 5:11 Enosh died at 905 years of age.
Genesis 5:14 Kenan died at 910 years of age.
Genesis 5:17 Mahalalel died at 895 years of age.
Genesis 5:20 Yered died at 962 years of age.
Genesis 5:23 Enoch died at 365 years of age.
Genesis 5:27 Methuselah died at 969 years of age.
Genesis 5:31 Lamech died at 777 years of age.
Trivia: Noah died at 950 years of age.
Shem died at 600 years of age.
Terach died at 205 years of age.
Abraham died at 175 years of age.
Isaac died at 180 years of age.
Jacob died at 147 years of age.
Moses died at 120 years of age.
Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God and he was not; for God took him.
Enoch walked with God clearly implies he did not die like Elijah did not die in Kings 2:11.
Enoch and Elijah went to heaven without dying?
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken so that he should not see death…
Note. The Talking Serpent (devil) never died. For the glory of God, the devil is still pretty much alive existing in the Philippines popularly known as a well-respected and highly admired politician in the government. Poch Suzara
Monday, March 12, 2012
War, Religion, and Politics
"It would be almost unbelievable, if history did not record the tragic fact, that men have gone to war and cut each other's throats because they could not agree as to what was to become of them after their throats were cut." - - - Walter P. Stacy
If I may add, however, war has always been made possible with insane politics always in cahoots with insane religion inextricably mixed historically together. In the ultimate analysis, wars have mostly been not about good versus evil; but about evil versus evil. Evil always won and the victorious always thanked God for granting them victory! - - - Poch Suzara
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Physicist Stephen Hawking
70 year old Physicist STEPHEN HAWKING has survived with a motor neurone
disease that kills 90 % of people in less than decade since he was diagnosed at the age of 21. Believe It or Not, Philippine Star, March 12, 2012
If I may add, Physicist Stephen Hawking is one of most fortunate, if not one of the luckiest men of science. As a boy in his formative years, his parents never enrolled him in a Catholic school. There to also get his mind damaged and his heart crippled as a human being to learn to be just another sick man of this world who has nothing going for him except the Catholic promise that there is a better world to come after death.
disease that kills 90 % of people in less than decade since he was diagnosed at the age of 21. Believe It or Not, Philippine Star, March 12, 2012
If I may add, Physicist Stephen Hawking is one of most fortunate, if not one of the luckiest men of science. As a boy in his formative years, his parents never enrolled him in a Catholic school. There to also get his mind damaged and his heart crippled as a human being to learn to be just another sick man of this world who has nothing going for him except the Catholic promise that there is a better world to come after death.
Please Forgive my Father God
The Son of God Jesus, crucified on the cross, cried out loud: 'MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME?" According to Matthew 27:46
But according to Luke 23:34 - Jesus cried softly with these words: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
Now I ask: could you, my dear reader, imagine Jesus, while crucified on the cross, pleaded more sensibly: "MAN, PLEASE FORGIVE GOD, MY FATHER, FOR HE KNOWS NOT WHAT HE IS DOING!"
I said it before, I say it again: if Jesus had instead been honest and truthful by saying those sane words, Christianity in the Philippines could have been a LIVELY and a CREATIVE, and not a DESTRUCTIVE and a DEADLY, - religion! Poch Suzara
Friday, March 09, 2012
Who Cares Who Wrote the Bible
Does it really matter if the bible was written by God or written by inspired authors of God since neither God nor his authors knew exactly what they were doing or talking about?
For example, in the Old Testament, God had sons and daughters. In the New Testament God had Jesus - his one and only begotten son.
The bible is mostly about holy lies and sacred deceptions; in brief, mostly about ancient holy garbage to impress the superstitious primitives of the ancient world. Poch Suzara
For example, in the Old Testament, God had sons and daughters. In the New Testament God had Jesus - his one and only begotten son.
The bible is mostly about holy lies and sacred deceptions; in brief, mostly about ancient holy garbage to impress the superstitious primitives of the ancient world. Poch Suzara
Original Sin or Orignal Booboos
And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at
his heart. Genesis 6:6
No kidding? God was sorry? God repented to whom? God was fallible? Did not this God admit, right here, that He made a mistake? How many righteous child-abusers have also admitted that they made a mistake by their having children?
God decides: Except for (8 people) Noah, his wife, his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives Who? Who? and Who? and some of each kind of animals (including descendants of the Talking serpents?) God would murder every living thing.
Genesis 6:7-10
Now I ask: What business has God to command humans on how to raise their children when He himself drowned to death his own children? Poch Suzara
his heart. Genesis 6:6
No kidding? God was sorry? God repented to whom? God was fallible? Did not this God admit, right here, that He made a mistake? How many righteous child-abusers have also admitted that they made a mistake by their having children?
God decides: Except for (8 people) Noah, his wife, his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives Who? Who? and Who? and some of each kind of animals (including descendants of the Talking serpents?) God would murder every living thing.
Genesis 6:7-10
Now I ask: What business has God to command humans on how to raise their children when He himself drowned to death his own children? Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Hurt the Sun? Hurt God?
If you can hurt or damage or offend the sun as it is one million times bigger
and stronger and all mighty and powerful than the existence of the planet earth - would you not be proud of yourself?
So why do you believe that you can commit a sin or offend or hurt or damage the existence of such a God - the creator of the sun, heaven, earth, and the universe? Poch Suzara
The Need to go and to be With God
When you have already been told that GOD IS HERE, IS THERE, AND IS EVERYWHERE, indeed, that God is omniscient - God is above, below, in front, in the back, and in the middle of your existence - don't you think you have got to be something of a religiously fucked moron to still have the need TO GO AND BE WITH GOD? Poch Suzara
Dust Thou Art as Written in the Sick holy Bible.
The bible clearly states: “From dust thou art, and from dust thou shall return.” . . . Well, if we came from dust, and unto dust we shall return, and God made man in his own image and likeness, then God must be made of dust too. . . No wonder, God is everywhere, just like dust is everywhere too. In the meantime, isn't it rather foolish to pray to a piece of dust for the salvation of souls made of dust too? . . . The same sick bible tells us: "The living know they shall die; and the dead know not anything, neither have they anymore a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." Eccl. 9:5... and here is more sick nonsense from Jesus himself who obviously never seriously read the the bible. He said to the thief crucified along side him: "Verily, I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43. What a lucky thief. He ended up in the Philippines as a thief installed in the Philippine government as our sick, greedy, and corrupt politicians in the government are all MAKA-DIOS and MAKA-JESUS! . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
God's Love for Americans and Filipinos
This is the difference between love of God for Americans in America, and the love of God for Filipinos in the Philippines:
In America, there exists more than 50 million "garbage disposal machines" that eat up better, more nutritious, left-over food discarded away from American tables.
In the Philippines, more than 50 million of us Filipinos live so poorly that we have nothing going for us except the promise of the Catholic Church that there is a better world to come after we are all dead, buried, and gone. Poch Suzara
In America, there exists more than 50 million "garbage disposal machines" that eat up better, more nutritious, left-over food discarded away from American tables.
In the Philippines, more than 50 million of us Filipinos live so poorly that we have nothing going for us except the promise of the Catholic Church that there is a better world to come after we are all dead, buried, and gone. Poch Suzara
Fact and Fiction
Between fact and fiction is a thin dividing line known as religion: It is the study of the unknown to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.
In the meantime, Bertrand Russell said it: "religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality." Poch Suzara
In the meantime, Bertrand Russell said it: "religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality." Poch Suzara
Truth as a Bottomless Abyss
"The truth is at the bottom of the abyss," said Democritus, the Greek thinker. I would like to add, "but the abyss is bottomless."
Whatever the case may be, when it comes to the truth of the existence of God,
it is not a knowable issue. But if we cannot know God at all, how can we be truthful that the God we love, worship, and adore is a Catholic, Jewish, or a Muslim God? In the meantime, the universe is a mystery. Why therefore should we trouble
our brains by inventing another mystery to explain the existence of the universe? The universe is a knowable entity. More and more each day science is discovering the real nature of the existence of the universe. We know more today than our grandparents knew yesterday. Our grandchildren tomorrow will now more than we know today as their grandparents. In the meantime, Japanese Zen Buddhist monk Nanrei Kobori explained it simply without the complexity of a mystery: "GOD IS AN INVENTION OF MAN. SO THE NATURE OF GOD IS ONLY A SHALLOW MYSTERY. THE DEEP MYSTERY IS THE NATURE OF MAN." Poch Suzara
it is not a knowable issue. But if we cannot know God at all, how can we be truthful that the God we love, worship, and adore is a Catholic, Jewish, or a Muslim God? In the meantime, the universe is a mystery. Why therefore should we trouble
our brains by inventing another mystery to explain the existence of the universe? The universe is a knowable entity. More and more each day science is discovering the real nature of the existence of the universe. We know more today than our grandparents knew yesterday. Our grandchildren tomorrow will now more than we know today as their grandparents. In the meantime, Japanese Zen Buddhist monk Nanrei Kobori explained it simply without the complexity of a mystery: "GOD IS AN INVENTION OF MAN. SO THE NATURE OF GOD IS ONLY A SHALLOW MYSTERY. THE DEEP MYSTERY IS THE NATURE OF MAN." Poch Suzara
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Republic Act 1425 or the Rizal Law
I am told that I am a silly man because I am highly critical of our system of education and yet, at the same time, as I have also the greatest respect and admiration for Dr. Jose Rizal, I ignore the fact the Rizal himself was a product of Ateneo and the University of Santo Thomas.
I asked: So how come when it came to banned books to read due to the Index
Librorum Prohibitorum promulgated by the Catholic church, Ateneo and UST were the among the first and best universities in the Philippines to ban reading Dr. Jose Rizal's NOLI ME TANGERE and FILIBUSTERISMO?
So much so that for the purpose of honoring our hero Jose Rizal and his writings, Republic Act 1425, the Rizal law, was legislated by Congress to make the books written by Rizal required reading in all schools, colleges, and universities like Ateneo and UST! Poch Suzara
I asked: So how come when it came to banned books to read due to the Index
Librorum Prohibitorum promulgated by the Catholic church, Ateneo and UST were the among the first and best universities in the Philippines to ban reading Dr. Jose Rizal's NOLI ME TANGERE and FILIBUSTERISMO?
So much so that for the purpose of honoring our hero Jose Rizal and his writings, Republic Act 1425, the Rizal law, was legislated by Congress to make the books written by Rizal required reading in all schools, colleges, and universities like Ateneo and UST! Poch Suzara
More FUN and SAFE in the Philippines
Listen to Jesus and what He publicly declared in the bible as reported by Luke 14:26: - "If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Now take a closer look at us Filipinos as the Sick Man of Asia in the Philippines existing in this only Jesus country in Asia. As products of a Christian system of education - look how we have been taught to be God-fearing; how to have faith in the future rewards in heaven if we were obedient; or, future punishment in hell if we were disobedient. Look how we pray daily to Jesus for guidance in our economical, political, commercial, cultural, religious, and social life. We believe that such an arrangement is more than enough to insure peace, security, and tranquility; indeed, more than enough for law and order to prevail so that we may enjoy more productivity, more efficiency, and mor employment opportunities in our own country.
And yet look again at the reality transpiring daily in our sick society. We have security guards posted here, there, and everywhere to insure security and safety. We have security guards posted in government buildings, in churches and cathedrals, in private and government banks, in hospitals, medical clinics, grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, jewelry stores, airports, harbors, residential buildings, commercial edifices, plushed villages like San Lorenzo, Bel Air, Dasmarinas, Forbes Park, Ayala land, in hotels, motels, massage parlors, barber shops, museums, bus and train stations, and indeed, security guards posted at the entrances of schools, colleges, and universities.
Now we are told that the love our neighbor as a public spectacle around us is simply because of, if not due to, the historical fact we are a HAPPY people, that it is MORE FUN AND SAFE IN THE PHILIPPINES - the one and only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century?
Is it any wonder that the chief of police has all the pleasure of time and opportunities to also enrich himself like those already filthy rich in the government?
Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook#
Monday, March 05, 2012
I Welcome Life After Death to Meet Jesus
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” ― Mark Twain
If I may add, for my part, I do not fear death and I hope there is life after death. I would like to meet with Jesus, sitting in between God and Satan. I'd like to tell Jesus to his face that he has been a worthless Savior of Filipinos as a people. As
much as His father in partner with Satan have both been great success in keeping the Philippines historically crippled as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
If I may add, for my part, I do not fear death and I hope there is life after death. I would like to meet with Jesus, sitting in between God and Satan. I'd like to tell Jesus to his face that he has been a worthless Savior of Filipinos as a people. As
much as His father in partner with Satan have both been great success in keeping the Philippines historically crippled as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Sunday, March 04, 2012
The Fools, the Hypocrites, and the Frightened
The Christian god is a three-headed monster; cruel, vengeful, and capricious...One only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President (1743-1826)
If I may add, in the Philippines, aside from the fools and hypocrites, there are also the faithfully frightened. Millions of them, with college education, who would rather serve the Son of God Jesus first than serve, if at all, our country. Among them are senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, and top lawyers and court judges of our country who see to it that the separation between State and Church in the Philippines stays integrated secretly and profitably, only separated for the gullible consumption publicly.
In the meantime, in our schools, colleges, and universities, there are a set of religious commandments, or moral writings, which teach that virtue is the way towards eternal salvation; vice is the way towards eternal damnation. Really authoritative doctrines, to which I have but one objection; namely, they are all utterly worthless; especially if we ever hope to create and to spread common Filipino decency as the standard of human life, here and now, in our own country. Poch Suzara
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