Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Hell is a place for the Sick. Heaven is a place for the Insane.
“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.” ― Bertrand Russell, Atheist... As an atheist myself, to be told by the believers that an atheist is destined to suffer forever in hell for longing not for love, for searching not for knowledge, and for caring not for the suffering of mankind deserve to go to hell as it is a place for the sick. Such believers however, deserve to go to heaven as heaven is a place for the insane... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Finally We have a Presidential Candidate Worthy of all our Votes
"I don't care if I burn in hell... For as long as the people I serve live in Paradise." ... Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao City
Dear Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, You are 100 per cent right on target. Indeed, our country should be a paradise. Happiness should be its greatest good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others also happy.
We, Filipino humanists / freethinkers / heretics / scholars / scientists / unbelievers of the faith/ - together with the millions of poor Filipinos who are the homeless, the landless, and the jobless - all citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are all on your side. We shall be rooting and campaigning for you to be our next president who will also be the first intellectually courageous leader unafraid to face the sick historical enemies of our Republic!
That's right, sir: enough of sick politics and enough of sick religion. Especially as such evils are always in cahoots together. Enough also in protecting and defending the criminals with human rights. It is time to look at the victims of human wrongs. The criminals, specially in government and in church, are keeping us Filipinos aimless as a poor people, and keeping the Philippines rudderless as a backward nation! The Catholic bishops with God's money are known to be the biggest investors in the Makati Stock Exchange. They have billions of pesos to play around with. While millions of poor Filipinos live in the streets of our major cities.
What is happening in our country today is not much of our own doing. The fault lies not with us. It is what and who we are as the sick products of a system of education. Consider the existence of schools, colleges, and universities in our country: they are more of commercial enterprises; and hardly educational institutions. They are places where we learn not how to think; but only what to believe!
Faith in God was the greatest thing we learned in school for activity in spirituality. Today, faith in God is also the best excuse we have for being bankrupt morally, impoverished spiritually, degraded economically, misguided culturally, and deficient scientifically. Indeed, millions of us Filipinos live such wretched and broken lives in our own country as obvious not only by our religious genuflection, but also by social, political, and economical reflection.
We have been taught to believe that in this life, whenever we fall, the quickest way to get back on our feet is to get down on our knees and pray. After centuries of daily prayers, however, we Filipinos are still praying as a people. We are still on our knees in this already 21st century!
We need you sir to change things around and to put our country on the road towards real growth, real development, and real progress! Exactly like what the late Prime Minister Lee Kua Yew, a freethinker, accomplished without sick prayers and without sick corruption for his people in Singapore!
Do you know sir, that in the schools, colleges, and universities existing in non-Catholic Asian countries - there is no such nonsense like teaching millions of its students to believe and to have faith what the sick bible says as a revealed truth: 'LOVE NOT THIS WORLD, NEITHER THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE WORLD. IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM." 1 John 2:15.
Our college-educated men and women in government have yet to courageously ask: how is it possible that those non-catholic countries in Asia are able to employ Filipinos workers and laborers; and we Filipinos are educated just enough to be their employees?
It is also time for our government officials to see and to acknowledge how and why the Catholic church drags down and breaks the back of every country it rules and dominates. Just look at our own country, the Philippines, where the qualify of life is always going
downhill; while poverty, crime, prostitution, human degradation, corruption, filth, lies, and deceptions together with the Immaculate Misconception are always going uphill.
Jesus preached about helping the poor. But in the Philippines, the only Jesus country in Asia, the Jesus TV preachers are the ones getting richer and richer; while millions upon millions of Filipinos as the frightened followers of Jesus are getting poorer and
poorer? But for being faithful we are promised the reward in the kingdom of God more known as heaven; and yet, nobody, but nobody knows where heaven is located; or even knows by what mode of transportation we embark on to travel to heaven! Hell, for that
matter, nobody also knows what happens after we die; except that we get buried or get cremated!
Millions of us well-meaning Filipinos will stand up and speak up with you: After all, the greatest crime committed daily in our sick society is the crime of SILENCE. It is time to openly love fellow-Filipinos and to publicly love our country down here! Let's have no more religious insanity. Let's have no more political stupidity! Instead, let's have more discipline, more law and order, more health and sanitation, and more social sanity under national unity; indeed, let's have a paradise to be known again as the Pearl of the Orient; not only for this generation of Filipinos in the here and now, but also for the future generations of Filipinos in the centuries yet to come.
Sir: we have a bigger monster keeping our country poor and backward: Our population growing out of control needlessly. It means environmental deterioration, impaired quality life, and indeed, the support and maintenance of a sick society. Our population growth is mostly due from one source: more of the nation's children are entering the sex industry in order to survive. They are children begetting children who have been taught to believe that God will provide for them! Such is the power of sick belief: it begets nothing but more sick beliefs. In the meantime, population growth is forcing a fantastic rise in malnutrition, illiteracy, unemployment, and human degradation in the Philippines. The horrors that's keeping us Filipino famous throughout the world as the Sick Man of Asia.
We Filipinos are all born ignorant; not sick. We are made sick by a sick system of education. It is, in this connection, that religious lies and political deceptions have been and still are among the most painful of tragedies of the Filipinos as a people!
Sir, it is time for a real change. You can do it. We are counting on you! We shall change, grow, and develop with you as the next president of the Republic of the Philippines! There is every hope sir, that with you as the highest leader of the State, we, the Filipino people, with pride, dignity, and self-respect shall become not followers, but leaders too in our own country. Sincerely, Poch Suzara, Freethinker, twitter# Facebook# Google# ( April 1, 2016 )
No One Should Serve Even One Master
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money... Matt.6:24...Indeed, you should not even serve any kind of masters because, to begin with, having a master is like being a slave and it is stupid to be a slave to anyone or to anything. In the meantime, yes, indeed, God loves you; but He loves even more your money! ... I said it before, I say it again: let's be the master of human intelligence; if we refuse to be so, we shall only end up as sick adults with a school-boy mentality more at home with human stupidity in this world, and if there is any, also in the next world. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# facebook# Google#
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Prayer as One sick Mystery
As an atheist I ardently hope more and more people would stop wasting their time and energy saying their daily prayers to a silly divinity. After all, it has turned out that prayer is really nothing but a mixture of insanity, stupidity, and perversity rolled
into one sick mystery that generates senseless futility, if not mindless pomposity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Monday, April 27, 2015
Lack of Peace is Evidence that there is No God
"Peace is the presence of God." Philippine Star, April 29, 2015... It is glaringly obvious that there is no God simply because there is never peace in this sick world. Indeed, our world has always been made Sick with sick religious beliefs and insane values... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Playing Silly Games with Jesus
"Christ calls the restless ones to find their rest in Him." Philippine Star, April 27, 2015. Wow Jesus, don't you have far more important things to do with your existence than just play silly childish games with those who are restless, mindless,and directionless? Shame on you! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Saturday, April 25, 2015
There is No Such Thing as the Power of Prayer
The day we are born is the day we also begin to live in a dying body. So you are dying of cancer but the with the power of prayer, it has cured your terminal ailment; but you are still dying you poor sap. Face it! There is no escape. There is nobody enjoying perfect health as death is the final destiny of each and every one of us. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The Sick Followers of Christ
"We can finish strong when we focus on Christ." Philippine Star, April 24, 2015... Wow, what a lot of holy bible hogwash... Christ, crucified on the cross, cried out loud: 'MY GOD, MY GOD, WHAT HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME:" Matt. 27:46. Here's more holy garbage from Christ as written in the sick bible: "BUT THOSE MINE ENEMIES, WHICH WOULD NOT THAT I SHOULD REIGN OVER THEM, BRING HITHER, AND SLAY THEM BEFORE ME!" luke 19:27... These sick words could only be uttered by a sick king to his sick subject of which, the Filipinos in this already 21st century are among the only sick followers of Christ. . . Poch Suzara twitter# facebook# Google#
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The Kingdom for the religious Saps and Jerks
You are a success in God's kingdom if you are faithful where He has placed you. Phil Star, April 21, 2015... In other words, fuck your free will. You do not have any. It is all about God's will. Follow His will and you will end up in God's kingdom. The problem is nobody, but nobody knows where that God's kingdom is located out there in the universe; or, by what mode of transportation do we embark on to get to God's kingdom... Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Taxes are what we pay for civilized society... Oliver Wendell Holmes . . . In the Philippines, however, taxes are what we pay for to make our filthy-rich politicians get richer in our sick and insane society. This is mainly inspired by the sick values and sick beliefs of Christianity as blessed by the Holy Trinity... Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
I Love Philosophy. I hate Religion.
"Hatred of some sort is quite necessary - it need not be towards people." Bertrand Russell. . . For my part, I love philosophy because of its constructive questions. I hate religion because of its destructive answers to questions I have not even raised... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Monday, April 13, 2015
Nations that Do Not Submit to Jesus shall Perish - NO KIDDING?
For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted... Isaiah 60:12 . . . So how come nations in Asia that do not love, admire, or serve Jesus have managed to grow, flourish, and develop? China is now the greatest economic power in the world, but she never had Jesus as her Savior? So how come, millions of Filipinos are "employees" in such non-Christian countries nations? When such Asian foreigners are here as our foreign investors, they are our "employers." In the meantime, the holy bible also states: "Unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." Isaiah 45:23, Phil. 2:10.. . Amazingly and incredibly, only the millions of poor and sick Filipinos in the whole of Asia continue live in fear of Christianity down here for the sake of a silly Jewish divinity up there. . .Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” ... Albert Einstein. . . Sadly and unfortunately, in our schools, colleges, and universities own and operated by the Catholic church in the Philippines millions of us Filipinos have been taught to believe that the mysterious can only be something deleterious, if not atrocious as the mysterious can never be anything meritorious or even precious. Take the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Thus far, such a mystery has only inspired in us Filipinos to excel in our religious tradition as a sick people; and, to have more faith in our political insanity as a nation... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Nothing is Impossible with God. NO KIDDING?
For with God, nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37. . . Oh God, my dear God, please forget the impossible! Could you just attend to what is possible? . .. After all, it has always been impossible for you to be OMNI-PRESENT, as it has been possible for you to only be always OMNI-ABSENT???... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Democracy as Mediocracy in the Philippines
Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. - H. L. Mencken . . . In the Philippines, the collective wisdom of individual ignorance is considered one of the great blessings from Jesus on earth as he is in heaven... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Friday, April 10, 2015
Oh Dear, My Dear Ravi Zacharias
Everyone - pantheist, atheist, skeptic, polytheist - has to answer these questions: 'Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die?' Those are the fulcrum points of our existence. . . Ravi Zacharias
Oh dear, my poor dear Ravi, have you ever considered living the good life - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge? It is one of best ways in trying to leave this world, our world one day as better place than how we found it. Not necessarily in the material, but in the humanitarian -sense.
For my part, as a atheist, I say: fuck death and the "hereafter." There is not even such as thing as a "herebefore." So why bother with either eternal salvation or eternal damnation since there is "civilization" in the here and now we have yet to improve upon as thinking and as decent human beings! Specially for the sake of future generations of humanity to come! . . . Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Thursday, April 09, 2015
The Secret of Writing and the Pleasures of Thinking
Rewriting is the secret to good writing. Embrace it, and you will produce final drafts of interest. Reject it, and you will limit your writing to mediocrity. Always remember – you are writing to express the power of your thought, not to impress your readers with lies and deceptions... Nick Fatool.
In the meantime, the love of writing and re-writing; and, the love of reading and re-reading pretty much amount to the joys in life under the pleasures of thinking... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
New and Fresh Ideas versus the Old and Useless beliefs and Values
It is sad and pathetic: college-educated Pinoys and Pinays are among the first to fear new and fresh ideas that could transform the lives of millions of poor Filipinos to live in and work in his own country with dignity ans self-respect. Ironically, said new and fresh ideas are mostly about the total rejection of the old and sick beliefs and values that keep the Filipino poor as a people and sick as a nation. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Bertrand Russell as a Great Spirit Says Albert Einstein
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly." - Albert Einstein, letter to Morris Raphael Cohen, professor emeritus of philosophy at the College of the City of New York, March 19, 1940. Einstein is defending the appointment of Bertrand Russell to a teaching position.`Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter#
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
Jesus and His promise to the THIEF crucified alongside Him
Then Barabbas, the thief said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:42-43... This promise could have been kept, unless Jesus went to heaven that day, which is contrary to the Christian doctrine that when he was dead he spent the succeeding three days and nights in the heart of the earth or according to the Apostle's Creed in hell)... Well, Jesus could have been truthful had he promised the thief that he will resurrect back to life centuries later and he will end up to be a congressman or a senator in the Philippine government... Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
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