Friday, January 22, 2010

For Brother Bert Numez

Brother Bert, as you claim to be a messenger of God / delivery boy for God, please, I would appreciate it, if you could deliver this message to God from me:

Please God, I beg of you, please come down from heaven and visit the Philippines. Millions of Pinays and Pinoys (all faithful and loving to you) are in a desperate
hand to mouth level of existence. They need your help to provide for them. After all, you did promise to do so when you were last living in Israel some 2,000 years ago. Thank you. Poch Suzara

God – the Creator

As an atheist, I do not believe God created the world. I do believe, however, that the devil created the Philippines, especially created the Philippine government - when God was busy elsewhere trying to figure out also what to do exactly with US government! Poch Suzara

Deadly Priorities

If we could only produce not 3 Filipino babies every minute of the day and night, but precisely produce 3 fryers and broilers, 3 cows, 3 pigs, 3 goats, 3 carabaos, 3 deers, 3 sheeps, 3 tons of abaca, 3 tons of fruits, 3 tons of onions and garlic, 3 tons of rice and corn every minute of the day and night - we need not worry about "globalization" as a complex issue.

Indeed, instead of exporting the world over our production of milk, butter, cheese, eggs, ham, bacon, beef steaks, pork steaks, ground beef, onions, garlic, rice and corn, and indeed textile materials - what do we, instead, export in God's name and for his glory in heaven? We export Filipino workers and laborers to help in the progress and development of non-Christian foreign countries.

Really, whatever happened to our duty and responsibility as citizens under a system of education to work and achieve progress as a people, and indeed, growth and maturity as a nation? Poch Suzara

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Devil in Christianity

In Christianity, the Devil is named Satan, sometimes Lucifer. He is a fallen angel who rebelled against God, and is now roaming the Earth. He is identified by Christians with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, whose lies led to original sin and the need for Jesus Christ's redemption. He is also identified as the Accuser of Job, the tempter of the Gospels, and the dragon in the Book of Revelation. Traditionally, Christians have understood the Devil to be the author of lies and promoter of evil. Many liberal Christians view the devil metaphorically[1]. It should be noted, however, that much of this history is not biblical; instead, it is a post-medieval Christian reading of the scriptures influenced by medieval and pre-medieval Christian popular mythology.

Whatever the case may be, isn’t it getting more and more obvious that you Christians, more than a billion of you as an army in this world today with your powerful God and wonderful Son of God Jesus together have dismally failed to put an end to the existence of the stupid devil – the promoter of lies and deception? Indeed, you are all the losers and the failures in the war against evil.

What is wrong with you people? What kind of a God do you people love, worship, and adore? A God who cannot even handle a simple problem like putting an end to the existence of silly, if not a childish devil? Golly, God could kill you, could kill me, and could kill our parents and grandparents and could kill the rest of our loved ones, but God could not kill the devil? Why? is the devil really another supernatural moron?

As for me, I want no more to be a part of this religious bullshit. I would rather be a humanist on the side of humanity; and, an atheist on the side for the achievement of global sanity. Poch Suzara

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Human Brain

The mammalian side of brain, an amazingly complicated product of evolution, created God? But then again, there is also the reptilian side of the brain. It too was created by the devil? For my part I say, nature created the brain. The brain created fear. Fear created both God and the devil. The former as a projection of ourselves; the latter as a projection of our enemies. Let’s ask a deeper question. Does it matter? Humanity has a penchant for creating abstract forces that, for all of their actual nonexistence, wield power and get things done. First we created communities, then tribes, then governments, and nations that created the army, navy, and air force. From absolutely nothing, we have created conceptual entities that have reshaped the world and the way we live. Would a real existing God and his partner the devil who created all these for us make any sense at all? In the ultimate analysis, I say, there exists, no doubt, bigger entities and higher power than we are and that we must always embrace with truth, love, and respect: - I mean - our family, our country, and indeed, this planet, our world. These should be the kind of Gods that we should fully recognize as something bigger, greater, and higher than we all are. Nothing else matters. Nothing else counts! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Son Know Not His Father

One would think that as the Son of God Jesus could have easily disclosed to his hearers, followers, and disciples - everything there is to know - the real nature of the existence of God - His Father. So how come the existence of God is still a mystery? Is God a He or a She or an It? Why is God a Father and not a Mother? Even the theologians know nothing worthwhile about such a Being? T

The most Jesus admitted was that "I and my father are one." In the meantime, God's existence is still perpetual mystery which is really a euphemism for stupidity. Really, I ask: If Jesus and God were one, how come while crucified on the cross Jesus cried out loud: “ My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Now my dear reader, ask yourselves: what do you really know anything worth knowing about the existence of God? Take a closer look at the greatest miracle mentioned in the holy bible - the Revealed Truth. It has yet to be revealed! That's how miraculous it is??? Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Jesus – the Jewish Savior of Filipinos

In John 2: 13-17 - Jesus found in the temple courts people selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at tables. So he made a whip of cords and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold the doves he said, “Take these things away from here! Do not make my Father’s house a marketplace!”

Can any of you faithful religious morons please explain what has this episode with money changers in the temple somewhere in Israel some 2,000 years ago got anything to do with Jesus as the Son of a Jewish God - Savior of the Filipinos in the Philippines? Poch Suzara

The Faitheists

The Faitheists of our poor, sick, and insane society have not ceased chastising me as to why am I angry at God? I also have not ceased asking them which God am I suppose to be angry at? Poch Suzara

Monday, January 04, 2010

The Death of the Human Race

Religion is ignorance. Ignorance is religion. Indeed, religion supports ignorance and ignorance supports religion. In either case, no matter what happens, both are always in cahoots together defending and protecting each for the sake of the other; at a price too dear to pay: the eventual death of the human race in disgrace for the sake of a divine grace. Poch Suzara

Friday, January 01, 2010

Great Monuments

The Coliseum in Rome was, indeed, famous as one of the greatest monuments, especially, to human sadism.

On the other side of the world, however, in the Philippines, the Manila Cathedral was and still is also famous as one of the greatest monuments; unfortunately, to human stupidity. More people have lost their minds and hearts inside the Manila Cathedral than people lost their lives in the Coliseum of Rome. Poch Suzara


Man is both a rational and an irrational animal. Man is rational when he is thinking. Man, however, is irrational like an animal when he is only believing.

Thus, the irrational man is a man of faith. He enjoys his free will; especially the will to freely avoid knowing what is actual or factual or what is true. Poch Suzara

The Greatest of all Miracles

A great many miracles are revealed in the holy bible both in the Old and in the New Testament.

Amazingly, however, the greatest is the miracle known as the Revealed Truth. It has yet to be revealed. Poch Suzara

The Great Religions

Thanks to the great religions of the world – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – the human race continues to live under the welter of organized hatreds and threats of mutual extermination.

As atheists, we are growing sick and tired of this grim way of life on this planet. We atheists are against war. War is not the way to settle conflicts of superstitions. Conflicts of any kind should be settled with the power of reason.

As atheists, we never run away; on the contrary, we would rather cultivate self-conscious sensitivity to the troubles of our world. It is you, the religious morons everywhere, that’s destroying our world. We atheists are the ones saving it. We do not hate this world. We do not hate other atheists; neither have we ever declared war and killed other atheists for not believing in the existence of a silly God! And you religious morons have the gall to say that we atheists are the ones arrogant in this world of troubles and hate that you yourselves created for each other. Poch Suzara

Poverty and Mystery

“It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God “ Luke 18:25. Well now, consider the rich man. Jesus said: “Sell all you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven: and come, follow me. Luke 18:22. I ask: if what truly matters in the end is treasures in heaven, what do the poor gain if treasures were given to them on this earth? Here, however, is another mystery: if the kingdom is not of this world, John 18:36, if there were already existing a perfect heaven, why would Jesus promise that when he makes his Second Coming He will insure peace and happiness in this world that will last for a thousand years? In the meantime, I ask: have any of you ever met a dumbstruck camel insane enough to want to enter the eye of a needle? Poch Suzara

Oh Jesus, My Sweet Jesus

It is incredible to believe that in this 21st century, 15,000,000 (million) Pinoys and Pinays have already migrated to some 168 countries around the world. A lot of these places are non-Christian countries. Our workers overseas are now enjoying not only the higher standard of living, but also the higher standard of thinking.

In the meantime, back home, we are taught to believe that Christ is not only real, but that “Without Christ we can do nothing. With Him we can do everything he wants us to do.” Phil Star Dec. 11, 2009.

Well, for my part, I find it painful to believe that the Filipino is the poorest people on this earth. Even the Philippines – is no longer his own country. It is now own by foreigners, especially by the Vatican power. In the meantime, around the Philippines, most of the big farms, big Beach Resorts, 5-star hotels, prime properties, girlie Bars, shopping malls, schools, colleges, and universities, and other commercial enterprises are owned by Spaniards, Americans, Australians, Koreans, Japanese, British, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, Saudis, Malaysian, and what-have-you businessmen and traders married to Pinays. Poch Suzara

In Heaven

No need to do anything in heaven. It is a perfect place and therefore utterly boring. No need to sleep. No need to wake up. No need to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. No need to do the dishes. No need to throw out trash and garbage. No need to brush teeth. No need for sex, or go to the bathroom, or dress up, or comb your hair, or make-up, or clean up, or take a shower, or watch TV, or read books, or go to your computer, or walk a dog, or drive your child to school, or go to church, or cook a meal, or go shopping, or have your motor vehicle checked for maintenance.

And you religious morons are hoping, nay, praying to end up in heaven one day? What is the matter with you people? Why do you still allow yourselves to be frightened by a lot of childish religious malarkey? Poch Suzara


We are told that soldiering is like writing, teaching, preaching, faith-healing, or trading. But what gives the soldier nobility is this: only he pledges to die for his country.

No doubt, a soldier has the courage to die in the battlefield. Sadly, however, he has no courage to ask what it is exactly he is told to give up his life for.

In the meantime, listen to Bertrand Russell: “There is no more horrible crime against liberty than to compel men to kill each other when their conscience tells them to live in peace.” Poch Suzara

We are Sick even in Death

Look how we all have been taught during our formative yearws to look forward after death to meeting only God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Moses and all the rest of the famous characters in the bible written not by Filipinos, but by Jewish authors. Never, however, are we ever to entertain the thought that we might again be re-united with our mother and father, grandparents, brothers and sisters, wife and children, and other relatives and friends and associates in the hereafter. Indeed, in life as well as in death we were all sick with sick values and sick beliefs. We prefer not the truth. We prefer sick lies and sick deceptions. They are more comforting, if not more soothing, and easier to grasp. And that is why there exist schools, colleges, and universities to teach us how to be frightened of such holy baloney to benefit those who are in control of our minds and hearts. Poch Suzara


Ever since I became an atheist, I began to stop hating myself. In fact, I gradually learned to love myself. So much so that I have no need of lies and deceptions to make me happy, or to make me feel that life has meaning or is worth living. Indeed, loving myself has made me feel more creative, not destructive. I have no need of a God to love me. I am neither afraid of life nor death. I am ready for any change or development in my life. I have no need of a silly God like a silly child who needs to be friendly to a silly Santa Claus. "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' (Matthew 5:43). On the contrary, I say, Hate divinity and hate deviltry as both are one and the same hooey phooey. Let us, instead, love humanity; especially with the power of thought. The power of thought is far more crucial, if not more beneficial, than the power of love; for, without thought, love cannot exist. Poch Suzara

The gods of the Kangaroos

If kangaroos had gods they would look like kangaroos. No kangaroo can conceptualize beyond its own limits or its own being. A kangaroo cannot think or imagine beyond the experience of a kangaroo.

Despite our human pretensions, this is also true of human beings. We human beings have gods, and they look and act remarkably like us human beings.

For my part, I envy the kangaroos. They never have to multiply and replenish the earth with kangaroos that need to go to grade school, high school, and to go for a college education to learn how to love and worship and adore a god Kangaroo. Poch Suzara