Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Son Know Not His Father

One would think that as the Son of God Jesus could have easily disclosed to his hearers, followers, and disciples - everything there is to know - the real nature of the existence of God - His Father. So how come the existence of God is still a mystery? Is God a He or a She or an It? Why is God a Father and not a Mother? Even the theologians know nothing worthwhile about such a Being? T

The most Jesus admitted was that "I and my father are one." In the meantime, God's existence is still perpetual mystery which is really a euphemism for stupidity. Really, I ask: If Jesus and God were one, how come while crucified on the cross Jesus cried out loud: “ My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Now my dear reader, ask yourselves: what do you really know anything worth knowing about the existence of God? Take a closer look at the greatest miracle mentioned in the holy bible - the Revealed Truth. It has yet to be revealed! That's how miraculous it is??? Poch Suzara


Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! Don't know God? Can't find God? Well of course, you can't even find the Manila Public Library or Quezon City Public Library;)

From your,

Dumbstruck Anonymous Coward

Poch Suzara said...


Out of a country that comprises 7,000 Islands you could mention only two public libraries - one in Manila and another in Quezon city?
And listen you dumbstruck moron - what about you? What do you really know of God? Which God? And why would I want to find God since I am have been told over and over again while I was in school that God is everywhere, HUH? Poch Suzara

Anonymous said...

That's like telling me to locate a metropolitan area on every centimeter of available earth.

Don't be mad because the existence of Manila Public Library and Quezon City Public Library escaped you.

Dumbstruck Anonymous Coward

Poch Suzara said...

No sir, I am not mad. But it seems to me glaringly obvious, if not alarmingly translucent that it is no problem with you whatsoever facing the fact that in our sick and insane society we have far more girlie-bars and houses of ill-repute than we do have public libraries. In the meantime, we are a nation of prayers; we are not a nation of readers? Are you happy and proud of this historical horror keeping the Philippines ever so poor and backward as a nation? Poch Suzara

Anonymous said...

Mr. Suzara, 'Dumbstruck Anonymous Coward' is not capable of an intelligent discussion. He himself doesn't know the Manila or the QC Public Library. He just 'Googled' them! He is probably another delusional fundamentalist believer not capable of thinking for himself.

Poch Suzara said...

Indeed, somethings are impossible. For example, it is impossible to provoke the thoughts of others if they have no thoughts to begin with. Poch Suzara

Anonymous said...

I am not a consumate contrarian like you so I can agree with you that the existence of girlie bars and the poverty levels in the Philippines is reprehensible. The status of the Philippine economy is nothing to be happy about.

But where is your evidence that religion is the cause of this social ill? On the one hand one can say that it is the failure of Catholics and other Christians to live up to their moral values. On the other hand it is also the failure of government to implement policies that will promote job growth and to make and enforce laws that prohibit ilicit activities.

Nevertheless corelation and causation are two separate things and you have not provided any evidence to show that religion is the cause for the existence of girlie bars. Have you seen the GDP figures for Ireland, Poland, Italy or France? Societies that are predominantly Catholic. I could make the assertion that because they are predominantly Catholic their nations are wealthier. But that would be incorrect and unscientific thinking. It would exclude other variables of context and circumstance.

I bet you would rather have cheerleaders posting comments on your site to massage your ego.

Yours truly,

Dumbstruck Anonymous Moron

Poch Suzara said...

When millions are taught, nay, frightened to believe in our schools, colleges, and universities that there is a better world to come with God in heaven after we are all dead - look at the results of such sick beliefs and sick values that make for our sick and insane society. Wake up, man! Are you blind in blind faith too? Poch Suzara

Anonymous said...

Since I only stumbled onto your blog in the last few months I must have missed your post where you demonstrated that the belief in an afterlife has caused the Philippines to become a sick and insane society. Correlation and causality are too different things. And calling the Philippine society sick and insane is merely an opinion, a value judgment. The USA, Saudia Arabia and the U.A.E. are countries where a majority of their populations believe in an afterlife.

The fact that Philippine universities can produce scientists, doctors, nurses, etc. who can go abroad and practice their professions tells me that the colleges and universities are doing something right. The current state of the Philippines I would blame on those who are in public office. And maybe I would blame the political science or economics professors who taught them.
