Monday, June 02, 2008

The Frightened Atheists

I envy the gays and the lesbians. Decades ago, they were laughed at, threatened, insulted, maltreated, ostracized, frightened, beaten, tortured, lynched, burned, and hanged. But they stood their ground to vigorously fight hatred and bigotry. Today, the gays and lesbians are the accepted parts of mainstream society. They are in government as politicians, in church as priests and nuns, in trade and commerce as businessmen and businesswomen, in schools, colleges, and universities as teachers and professors, creative artist in the advertising industry, actors and actresses in the film industry, golly they are even loved moms and respected dads raising decent children. Except the frightened atheists. We are still behaving like a bunch of intimidated freaks. Instead of evolving publicly; we would rather be recoiling privately. We are still afraid to expose the power of knowledge that got us to be atheists to begin with. We are still hiding inside the dark closet. For Christ’s sake, there are even existing atheist today who are famous authors, lawyers, educators, philosophers, and scientists but they are among the first idiots to intimidate fellow atheist not to identify our true identity in public as “atheist.” After all, they insists: the word “atheist” connotes something of a criminal, if not some kind of an animal. In this 21st century, we atheists are left out like a bunch of crippled idiots in a quagmire stuck away from the decent struggle to promote tolerance for our rights to openly exist too. We continue to be frightened hiding under the pressure from those who enjoy exalting fear and fanaticism for and in this world that forever needs feeding. Poch Suzara - The Father of Atheism in the Philippines


Anonymous said...

Hi, please join It's a Christian Forum open for everyone, of all faiths and races, even non-Christians alike. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Overall I think that atheists at the grassroots level are finding their voice and are willing to step up whenever atheism/atheists are mis-characterized.

I do grant you that there are those who would rather "stay in the closet" out of a sense of conflict avoidance within family dynamics.

My personal experience in being proactive and vocal has been more positive than negative even among friends and family. Mileage may vary.

Steve Schlicht

PS Thanks for the link John!

Clogtowner said...

Hi y'all - we've found you, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I once interacted online with a young woman from Saudi Arabia, who was just discovering her own unbelief. She was speaking on an open atheist forum, and although she had not left any clues to her RL identity, several of us cautioned her to be careful that her atheism wasn't revealed to those around her- because in Saudi Arabia, you can be [i]beheaded[/i] for being an apostate from Islam!

Fear in circumstances like hers is thoroughly rational.

I do agree that in free societies, we skeptics do need to be willing to step forward and identify ourselves as atheists; but we all need to be aware that there are still lots of places and circumstances where being known as an atheist can be unpleasant, dangerous, and even deadly.

Poch Suzara said...


The day we are born is the day we also begin to die. So what's the big deal about atheism being dangerous and deadly? Thanks for your response!

Poch Suzara

tangerine said...

well, gee whiz Poch. Isnt it my civil right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness? At least in U.S? (not really)

tangerine said...

What I meant was that I am an atheist, dont deny it and tell any and everyone about it if the subject comes up. I aint skeered.The ones who "discriminate" against me are my family members....but they love me...they say...but they all just know I am going to hades.some folks call it hell, I call it hades.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being a beacon of light in a society rich with promise but mired in crippling superstition!

I'm a Filipina American Ex-Catholic/Born Again Christian who is now an atheist after rediscovering the critical thinking faculties that I'd left on the doorstep of every church of which I've called myself a member. I agree with you wholeheartedly! We need more atheistic evangelicals spreading the word that living a life of free thought and reason is infinitely more rewarding than living in the oppressive police state that is Christianity.

My problem is that, despite my happiness with my life of non-belief, I still haven't "come out" to my family. My father is a well respected deacon in the Catholic Church and my mother's piety rivals the very best of them. Though not Catholic, my brother and sister are both very religious and actively involved in their evangelical Christian churches -- as was I at one point in my life. How does someone like me "come out" to a family who will, in turn, waste countless hours weeping and praying over the fate of my "immortal" soul no matter how much I will attempt to assure them that I arrived at my decision via careful investigation of scientific evidence as well as through good old-fashioned rational thought?

Lex Bonife said...

I am very glad to have found your blog.

I am an atheist and a screenwriter. I have been wanting to write a story that will "preach" atheism. And I'm still looking for the right material.

Kigwa said...

I think that atheism should not become a religion. When people begin to organize I fear that atheism will become a religion. It's good to share ideas and know that there are also many people in the world who are not sold to this story entitled "God" but it should be just that.