Friday, October 31, 2008

Is a Fetus a Person

Is a fetus a person? A person, however, is one who has free will. A fetus has no free will. When we were once ourselves a fetus in mom’s womb, did we have the free will to choose whether we wanted to be born as a boy person or a girl person in this world? But then again if a fetus were a person, how come when a miscarriage happens, nobody in the priesthood industry gives the fetus the sacrament of Extreme Unction; or attends to its funeral service? Are the souls of the fetus remembered during All Saints's Day? Now I am told that a fetus nevertheless has the potential to be a thinking person with a free will? What about the would-be mother and would-be father of a fetus? Are they thinking persons while they are mating? But for a man to penetrate a woman’s sexual organ, all the blood in his brain must travel down to his sexual organ in order to get an erection. Solidified blood as it were. The same chemistry happens with the woman. Sexual arousal makes all the blood in her brain travel down to her reproductive system and she also, exactly like her man, becomes utterly brainless while in the act of propagating the human species. Never mind the ridiculous physical contortions that a man and his woman must assume for the sake of starting a family. It is illegal to kill a group of cells called a fetus inside the womb. It is called “abortion.” It is, however, legal to let them be born, let them grow up a bit, and then kill them with malnutrition. In the meantime, politicians, doctors, priests, and indeed husbands all have the right and the free will to have sex with a woman; but she, however, has neither the right nor the free will to practice family planning and birth control? What despicable nonsense is this? As a matter of biological fact, men are the ones fertile every minute of the month. The women are fertile only two or 3 days of the month. It should therefore be the men, not the women, who should be more involved with the responsibility of family planning and birth control in our already sick and overpopulated society. Overpopulation means that the number of people in a given society surpasses the economic basis for providing them with adequate food, housing, meaningful education, and harmless entertainment. We already have more than 10 million persons called children living under subhuman conditions in the streets of our major cities? In the meantime, three ( 3 ) babies are born every minute in the Philippines. That transforms into 1,500,000 babies born every year. Many of them abandoned by their father and neglected by their mother. The Roman scholar Pliny, the Elder, said: “What we do to our children, they will do to society.” Well, in this 21st century, take a good look at our sick and corrupt society! If God himself practiced family planning and birth control measures, why is there so much religious pressure for Filipinos to emulate God who only had one son with Mary? Instead of being childish as a people frightened of morality, why don’t we grow up as a nation and begin to discover morality? This business of paraphrasing the bible: “Forgive me, Father, for I know not what I am doing” – can only be the confession of a man born ignorant, not stupid; but made stupid by indoctrination! If centuries past were to be identified by their dominant characteristics, like the Age of Reason or the Age of Enlightenment, how come in this 21st century Philippines, ours is still the Age of Fear and Guilt? Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Poch Suzara said...

NY, 02 November 2008

Dear Poch:

Your essay is not only mind-opening and thus enlightening--but it is also mind-boggling because of its simple but terrifying logic!

My opinion is that a fetus is not a person. Read the Civil Code of the Philippines--and also the civil codes of what by general consensus are civilized countries--and there you find good, sensible and rational definitions of a "person." Those definitions do not and cannot include a "fetus."

You say that the Christian God practiced family planning. Yes, the Christian bible says that he begot only one son, Jesus Christ, by Mary the legal wife of Joseph. I cannot understand why Christians disrespect their God by opposing family planning! If their God is a good example, they should follow him.

Is it because their God committed an abominable act by fornicating with a married woman? He was an adulterer, wasn't he? Christians say that their God had no physical sexual relations at all with Mary! Ha-ha-ha!

In 1415 the Emperor Constantine convened the Council of Niceae; there the bishops conceived of what they must have considered a clever --but actually stupid-- way out of a big problem: Let the bible say that Mary had a virgin birth! Again, Ha-ha-ha! How can a woman's egg be fertilized without a male sperm penetrating it and thus starting the process of conceiving! Those guys at the Council of Niceae should have had at least a rudimentary knowledge of Anatomy--but they were simply ignoramuses who had no problem whatsoever inflicting their ignorance on their Christian flock.

Thanks, Poch
More power to you.