Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Yes, indeed, there are individuals who claim they were once upon a time an atheist, but not any more. One would hear them admit: “I am now a theist as I finally found God.” This is religious bullshit. In the first place, we have been taught to believe that God is already existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere. Therefore, what need is there to have found God? And if we ever found God, how would we know that God is a Catholic? In the meantime, whoever heard of an intelligent unbeliever who found more truth by reverting back to his being once again as a dumbstruck believer or a religious sap in grade school? To begin with, there is no such animal as an atheist pretending to be an atheist. Atheism is a courageous life style. Never a cowardly or a pretentious life style! We atheists say what we mean and mean what we say. We have no fear of the unknown; no fear of the mysteries. We have no fear of death. We atheists do not believe in the hereafter because there never was, to begin with, a herebefore. We atheists love life as much as we love this world. No matter how imperfect this world has been and still is. We, as atheists, have no need of a God, or an angel, or a devil, or some holy ghost in a heaven or in hell in order for us to live the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. We have no need of lies and deceptions to make life worth living. We have no need of illusions or delusions in order to carry on with others with more confusion. Indeed, we atheists, have no need of the invisible means of support called "God" or "Allah" or "Yahweh." And contrary to what you frightened faithfools say about us atheists - we DO believe in something bigger, higher, and greater than ourselves: - we believe in our family, in our country, and indeed, we believe in the whole of humanity on this earth as something of the greatest treasure found anywhere in the universe! Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an intellectual cripple. Treat your atheism seriously, really seriously and not in the infantile fashion teenager do, and then tell me there's not incentive to abort atheism. Dostoyevsky is a marvelous example. Creating meaning is like creating facts. It's delusional. You can't do it, and it renders the whole enterprise a fraud.