Friday, May 02, 2008
The Holy Bible
For my part, messages from the Old and the New Testament inspired me to extricate myself up and out of the Catholic Church premises. As I happily excommunicated myself, I managed to save not my stupid soul; but saved, instead, my precious mind and heart to carry on living the good life – one inspired by knowledge and guided by love. So life is short, brief, and fleeting, so what? If we must face death, let us face death sober, and not drunk with lies. Poch Suzara
Basket Case
The Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, for the glory of God in heaven, produces more children than it can produce more rice for the nation’s children!
In the meantime, it is incredible to notice that other Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand do not believe in a God that provides. And yet, these Asian countries are able to produce more rice not only for themselves but also for export to the Philippines. Poch Suzara
The Difference
Christ’s Victory
Indeed, the courage to continue to be selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane; and the hope to continue to be the Sick Children of Asia.
In the meantime, Christ preached: “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matt.18:3.
Of course, it is best that we all grow up not only older, but wiser; but how is that possible when Christ’s also preached: “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; no yet for your body, what ye shall put on. . . Take therefore no thought for the morrow.” Matt. 6:25
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Crab Mentality
Philippine Education
Atheists are Honest and Truthful People. We do not live with Lies and Deceptions
In the meantime, if man were inherently evil, why would God allow his only begotten son to incarnate and be born as a man? Born of a Virgin Mary at that! Poch Suzara
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Man's Insignificance
Heaven and Earth
Silly Question
In the meantime, evolution is not a theory in religion. Evolution is a fact in science. Poch Suzara
Theological Malarkey
Family Relationship
Catholic Bishops
God's Mysterious Existence
Truly Incredible
I said it before, and I say it again: we are all victims of human stupidity; specially by our own parents at home and by our teachers in school. For us today
to be as equally stupid to distort and to twist the minds and hearts of our own children and grandchildren to carry on human stupidity should make us no less than those criminals who destroyed our minds and hearts leading us away from the path toward the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Poch Suzara
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Rich People
People think they are rich because they have plenty of money. In fact, most rich people enjoy poverty of the worst kind – the poverty of the mind and heart.
Bill Gates is not rich because of his billions. He is rich because of the wealth of his mind, and indeed, the nature of his kind heart.
In the Philippines, when a dumbstruck Pinoy gets to become suddenly rich either by smuggling, gambling, robbery, marriage, or inheritance – the first thing he does with his money is to look for pretty prostitutes in local cheap bars. Then he immediately plans to travel to America to look for prettier prostitutes.
God as Designer and Creator
Religion and Politics as Evil Monsters
Separation of Church and State
Religious Rat Race
No doubt, in the religious rat race, we Filipinos won and have been victorious since the 16th century. Indeed, in matters of religious beliefs and values, specially with faith in Jesus, we are way ahead among all other Asian countries still untouched by Christianity.
The Human Race
Rotten Religion
Religion is the most rotten thing in the world. It misdirected humanity to live a sick life after death in heaven. It never guided humanity to live a healthy life after birth on earth.
Bertrand Russell and Voltaire
Voltaire said: “If God does not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” On the contrary, if God does not exist, it would be even more necessary to live the good life. Atheist Bertrand Russell described “the good life as one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”
If only the politicians in government understand this piece of truth, ours could be a government of the truth, by the truth, and for the truth. Not as it has always been a government of lies, by lies, and for lies. Poch SuzaraHorrible Faith
Nothing is really completely horrible, because the most horrible of things can, at least, serve as a horrible example. For example, faith may be not that horrible all the time. Sometimes it can be very useful. Faith helps to choke free inquiry and the useful consequences it might bring. Faith also promotes the fallacy of the unknown by means of the more unknown. Poch Suzara
Revealed Truth
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Obama - the anti-Christ
The Existence of Reality
God and the Fireman
Where is Hell
I bet the Catholic theologians know everything there is to know about hell. After all, they invented the concept of hell for intelligent children who have hopes of being unfaithful and disobedient. They are destined to end up in hell. Poch Suzara
God and Evolution
If this were true, however, then God is natural, not supernatural. But then again, if God were part of nature, why would he declare such nonsense like: “My kingdom is not of this world?”
In the meantime, I will take sides with Carl Sagan, one of the greatest scientists our world has ever produced. In his Pale Blue Planet, he wrote:
“Two billion years ago our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and 1 million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. In our time, the pace is quickening.” Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 27, 2008
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8.
It is insane to imagine a supernatural Being still bothered with stupid sin in this 21st century. Billions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims have already been born, sinned, and died on this earth since ages ago. Especially since His own son Jesus pretended to die on the cross to save the world from sin. Indeed, when Jesus resurrected from the dead, so have the deadly sins of the world resurrected along with Him. Poch Suzara
Free Will
The Fool
The fool said in his heart “There is no God.” Well, as a fool myself, I say, let’s assume for a moment that there is a God: so how come God is always omni-absent everywhere all the time; never omni-present anywhere at any time?
Well, more to the point I ask: what if there is a God, but no life after death? What if there is life after death, but no God? Either way, it still sucks, doesn’t it? Poch Suzara
Let There Be Light
Wild Beast
Please Sir Ammianus, no need to insult them - wild beasts do not hate each other in God’s name, nor do they kill each other for his glory in heaven. If they do kill, however, it is for the sake of survival as their creator couldn’t give 2 hoots about their existence on this planet earth! Poch Suzara
Divine Plan
Was God really that all-knowing? Did God have ample experiences so as to insist that he could remedy human affairs and improve global events?
Instead of creating Adam and Eve, He should have first created for himself a mom and dad, a wife and in-laws, grandma and grandpa, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, uncles and aunties, and cousins. In this way, God need not have been lonely as a supernatural orphan living all alone in the vast universal darkness. In fact, with such divine relatives, God from up there could have shown real examples of love and affection for the human family to emulate down here. Poch SuzaraSt. Augustine Wrote:
The Bigger Fool
Silly Bible
How Wonderful of Christ
How dreadful, however, when Christ resurrected, so did the sins of the world also resurrected. Well, Christ did not go back to the drawing board; instead, he promised to return to finish the job. That was more than 2,000 years ago. Poch Suzara
The Bible
The bible is a good book; unfortunately, good for nothing. Tens of millions of Christians have not read the bible. If they read it, however, and read verses that were confusingly incredible, if not incomprehensible, they called it “divine wisdom.” Sometimes, they even thought of it as the “Revealed Truth.” Poch Suzara
If God Does Not Exist
If God does not exist, everything is permitted? On the contrary, according to the priesthood industry, God exists and therefore everything is permitted. Look how the faithful believers always take advantage of the sacrament of forgiveness of sin available from God at any time. Specially those sinners and criminals elected into high government office.
Such an arrangement has certainly generated wealth, power, and glory for the priesthood industry. After all they own the unregistered patent: they invented the concept of sin and eternal punishment that goes to hell with it. Poch SuzaraTest Everything
The bible clearly states: “Test everything. Hold on to the good.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:21
I say: test everything especially the good. It too might be good for nothing. Poch Suzara
Deadly Religious Morons
They would rather visit their dead loved-ones buried in the cemetery; but never, would they ever, even dream of visiting their loved-ones in heaven. In the first place, nobody knows whether their loved-ones made it to heaven; in the second place, nobody knows where heaven is located. Even the theologians do not know; though they know or rather pretend to know a lot about God, and that God is everywhere.
In the meantime, what is immortality? It is the condition of dead people who refuse to believe they are already dead. Poch SuzaraLively Religious Morons
It is interesting to observe how the religious morons try to prove the existence of God precisely by proving the existence of their own ignorance.
Listen closely to these two morons debating: I do not how God created the turtle’s shell. You do not know how God created the turtle’s shell. We both know, however, that God created the turtle’s shell.
In other words, the existence of unsolved problems proves the existence of God. To worship “God” therefore is to worship ignorance.
Nobility or Stupidity
Silly Prayer
Bible Lessons
As an atheist, I ask: where is the love of reading as a lifetime adventure taught in the Old Testament? Where is the joy of free thought explained in the New Testament? Where is the definition of a decent man and a civilized woman written in the bible? Where is the definition of a happy home with happy children described in the bible? Where in the bible does it explain how to settle international disputes not with hate and war, but with the audacity of reason?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Atheist and Christian
The Atheist, however, is drawn to this goal out of unselfish love and sympathy – which arise from his sense of human decency and intelligence. For the Atheist, the ultimate goal in life is human happiness by making others also happy.
The Christian, sad to say, is driven to it out of fear for his own eternal welfare. For him, helping his fellow man is not an end in itself, but only a means of saving himself from damnation.
The Atheist realizes that he could be mistaken about what his best for his fellow man; so he is willing to change his mind. He welcomes criticisms.
The Christian cannot admit that his ideas of right and wrong might be mistaken, because to doubt would, again, imperil his immortal soul.
Thus, highly-indoctrinated, the Christian is a blind, senseless, panic-stricken victim who must keep running until he drops. He has nothing useful going for him in this world except blind faith in lies, deceit, fraud, and deception especially about the next life in the better world to come after death. Poch Suzara
Jose Rizal
If Christianity had not dragged Jose Rizal down and get him executed for promoting the power of science and reason, the Philippines today would be the most developed and the most advanced country in Asia today. Especially in the race to achieve the higher standard of thought as a free people and the higher standard of independence as a free nation.
More On Rizal
“It is our duty to follow the arid but peaceful and productive paths of science which lead to progress and thence to the unity desired and asked by Jesus Christ on the night of his sorrow.” Page 82
It Is Hard
War on Poverty
The Excommunication Business
Most Women
Politics and Religion in the Philippines
One Day
The poor in Spirit
World's Poorest People
Incredibly Stupid
The Rich and Famous
Most Subjects
George Carlin
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Oath for Office of the President
As a matter of fact, any president who needs help from a God who does not exists, deserves not to be the president of any Republic. Really, if God exists and he helps, God can do a better job than any president can. Indeed, if there is a God, we have no need of a Constitution, courts, lawyers, policemen or laws for the nation. In fact, we have no need for Churches, schools, colleges, and universities if God’s existence were real? In fact, we have no need of a president who admits that we, the people, did not vote for her, but that God put her in the presidential office of the Philippines. Poch Suzara
Our Sick Society
If we Pinoys do not see this piece of revealed truth, it is only because we have been indoctrinated to be always proud of our blind faith. Poch Suzara
Biblical Promises
If our children in school were taught that these bible promises are nothing but insults to the values of hard work under the perspiration of human intelligence, we would already be enjoying growth as a people and maturity as a nation centuries ago. Poch Suzara
If this were so, can any of you catholic bishops explain how come in this 21st the Philippines is still pretty much infested with: cheaters, thieves, drunkards, adulterers, fornicators, gamblers, robbers, murderers, kidnappers, looters, liars, swindlers, embezzlers, falsifiers, fixers, peddlers, betrayers, plunderers, losers, wife-beaters, child-abusers, perjurers, corrupt politicians, sex-starved priests, indeed, not to mention the never-ending supply of stupid sinners? Poch Suzara
The Trouble
In the meantime, our women, always under threat of eternal damnation have been mentally enslaved to obey the will of God. What, however, is so silly about this situation, is that nobody knows what the will of God commands. Only the priests, bishops, cardinals, and the Pope know the nature of those mysteries known as the Revealed Truth. Poch Suzara
Asian Countries
The Catholic Church
Indeed, Catholics are not the masters of the Revealed Truth. They are, in fact, the victims as the Revealed Truth has yet to be revealed.
I was once a devout Catholic. Thank God not anymore. I excommunicated myself out of my church since I was 16 years old. Poch Suzara
We Filipinos
In this only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century, when we Filipinos do something we are guilty of, we are instantly aware there is always our faith in a loving God who will readily forgive our sins and crimes and other variegated forms of stupidity. Poch Suzara
Why Evil will always Triumph
National Solution
One solution to our country’s historical troubles: no more childish prayer for the sake of a childish theology. Only more science and technology.
Indeed, science and technology that should, as nothing else could, quickly extricate the Philippines up and out of its historical quagmire in fear and superstition, and indeed, in the belief in life after death in the kingdom of God. Poch Suzara
What, however, do the vast majority of poor and miserable Filipino citizens share in common? We all have faith in life after death to come in the kingdom of God in heaven. Poch Suzara
Catholic Bishops
Consider the vast majority of the Filipinos taught always that it is better to believe than it is to know? That no matter what, there is always available from God the forgiveness of sins and crimes? Thus, kickbacks in public office, cronyism and nepotism, smuggling, lying, cheating, corruption, etc are not sins or crimes, but rather blessings from God with opportunities to forgive the fall of men. Poch Suzara
Three Masters
But then again, how come millions of spiritually poor and morally bankrupt Filipinos have always been able to serve not only two, but three masters: the Catholic Bishops, high government officials, and the foreigners who are now the legal owners of most of valuable property and assets comprising the Republic of the Philippines? Poch Suzara
Divine History
Former President Joseph Estrada was charged, convicted, jailed, and pardoned by President Gloria M. Arroyo. If the Catholic Bishops were not allowed to meddle in matters of the State, there would be no such horror as the forgiveness of sin and crime in our insane government. Poch Suzara
Blind Faith
In tbe meantime, no doubt, there is the power of blind faith. It comes from the power of blind ignorance. Poch Suzara
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Blog Comment
Isn’t it time to realize that the glory of creation lies in its consummation, not in its inception? And this consummation should not be global stupidity; precisely, it should be perfected humanity.
Poch Suzara
Old and New Religion
Poch Suzara
Dear Jesus
In School
Indeed, we Filipinos are born ignorant, not stupid; we are made stupid not by an educational, but by the powerful commercial enterprises otherwise more known as Catholic schools, colleges, and universities.
Poch Suzara
“Beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke 12:15
“The greatest of intellect without religion in the heart, is only civilized barbarism, and disguised animalism.” Bunsen
Dr. Harold J. Sala
Whoever slanders the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: he carries the guilt of his sin forever. Mark 3:29