Saturday, May 05, 2007
Family Values in the Bible
Those who refuse to read bible verses because such verses contradict each other are no better off than those who can’t read at all.
Here, however, are a few verses among the many more on the art of gracious living by way of family values as written in the bible:
Moses commanded his army: “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have no known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:15-18
Joshua commanded the sun to stop in the sky for the sole purpose of allowing him the time to slaughter more of his enemies, the Amorites. Josh. 10:12-15
God plays favorites. He chooses one people to be God’s Chosen to the neglect of all the others. Genesis 26. God could split the Red Sea for his Chosen people to get away from the Egyptian army.
God who could manipulate the weather in order to send the great flood that drowned all his children save for Noah’s family because human life has become so evil God needed to destroy it. Genesis 7.
God commands: “Thou shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall yet eat.” Leviticus 26:29
God commands: “thou shalt eat it as barley bakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight. Ezekial 4:12
God said: “Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces.” Malachi 2:3
God said: “I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.” God is a spirit. John 4:4. No man hadth seen God at any time. John 1:18. And the Lord appeared unto him. (Isaac). Gen. 26:2
God sent the angel of death across the land of Egypt to murder the firstborn males in every Egyptian household in order to facilitate the release of the chosen people. Exodus
God says to Hosea, Go, take thee a wife of whoredom and children of whoredom. Hosea 1:2; 3:1-3
God is the father of the whole human family. Mary was his daughter who gave birth to Jesus. Jesus therefore was the son and grandson of God. In the meantime, God is not the author of confusion. 1 Cor. 14:33.
God admits that “I create the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things.” Is. 45:7 (see also Judges 9:23)
God says things in the Old Testament only to be repeated in the New Testament: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Ps 22:1
God “sent me to thy master and to speak to thee these words? Hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?” Is.36:12
God inspired his authors to write about Melchisedec in the Old and in the New Testament. A king of Salem, priest of the most high, without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Heb. 7:1-3. Now where is Melchisedec? How come nobody among the bible readers do not bother to find out more about this bible weird character? Heb. 7: 1-3
God says: “The lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the hemorrhoids, and with the scab, and the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed.” Deut. 28:27
Mediocrity at best, stupidity at worst approved as a revealed truth: “For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” Ecc.1:18.
And due to the religious hogwash as claimed in the bible - I threw my bible out my holy window. Ever since then, I ceased praying to God to lead me not into temptation. I would rather lead my own way in this life devoid of religious illusions or biblical delusions, and to hell with the rat-race called “eternal salvation.” In the meantime, No knowledge can be discovered by reading the sacred writings of some inspired bare-assed, half starved, protein-deficient, illiterate Jews wandering around in a desert in a nomadic tribe, hallucinating from the oppressive conditions and climate in which they tried to eke out an existence. Poch Suzara
Sunday, April 15, 2007
God’s Chosen People
That the Filipino today is also among the chosen People of God says little about the Filipino. In fact, it says a great deal more about God and the ways of his sick partner – the devil gifted with a more efficient free will than yours or mine. To be God’s Chosen means to be subjected to persecution as well as degradation. Consider the Jews then popular as the Chosen People of God: they have been driven from their natural home by the Roman capture of Jerusalem ( 70 a.d. ), scattered, persecuted, and decimated by Christianity and Islam – which have been born of their scriptures; barred by the feudal system from owning land; shut up in congested ghettos; mobbed by people and robbed by kings; outcast and excommunicated, insulted, and injured; and in modern times in Germany, they were isolated, mutilated, decapitated , asphyxiated, cremated, and granulated. These are some of the horrors Chosen people of God must experience in this world. I said it before, I say it again: - so long as we continue to have faith in divinity, so long as we continue to be frightened of deviltry, so long as we continue saving our stupid souls with prayer and theology, so long as we continue degrading the evolution of our intelligent minds, so long as we continue degrading the power of science and technology, we Filipinos, in the centuries to come, shall surely be even more famous as the Sicken People of a Sick God in Asia... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Monday, April 09, 2007
God Debate Letter to Newsweek
April 10, 2007
Letter to the Editor
In the God Debate (April 9 issue) between Sam Harris and Rick Warren, this much I should say:
It does not bother me to realize that for millions of years before my birth, I was a nothing. Why then should it bother me to realize also that after my death, I will again be a nothing?
In the meantime, just like everyone else, I too was born an atheist. Indeed, no child is born a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or what-not. That a creator made me in his own image is no burden to me. It’s the problem of the creator. After all, we are all born on a planet so tiny in that one million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. More than a trillion of such suns otherwise called “stars” comprise the cosmos. If the creator is also like a speck of dust floating aimlessly in space – what’s all this fear and guilt about behind man’s silly religious beliefs?
If there be a purpose to life, that purpose must be those of the atheists – to leave this world a little better than we found it, or there is little reason for our having lived. Sincerely, Poch Suzara, San Lorenzo Village, Makati city, Philippines
Cellphone: 09165724788
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Philippine College Education
College education in the Philippines is about having two goals in life: 1) to be prepared to go abroad to earn your living. 2) to be prepared to go to heaven after death to earn your believing.
In the meantime, the Filipinos are the poorest people on this earth. Imagine for centuries us Filipinos impoverished with our brains washed with original sin and our hearts dry-cleaned with Christianity. Poch Suzara
In the meantime, the Filipinos are the poorest people on this earth. Imagine for centuries us Filipinos impoverished with our brains washed with original sin and our hearts dry-cleaned with Christianity. Poch Suzara
Face Death
I am asked if I can face death without faith? What a silly question. After death, we have no more eyes to see, no more ears to hear, no more nose to smell, no more skin to feel, no more palete to taste. The better question to ask: what conceivable value has your faith after you are already faceless and indeed, - lifeless? Poch Suzara
Sam Harris
Sam Harris wrote a most interesting piece on the 10 myths and the 10 truths about Atheism. If you wish to read it, I’d be happy to email to you.
In the meantime, I have discovered the 11th truth about Atheism: - No one ever became filthy rich for believing that God is bad. Yet, millions upon millions upon millions of people are filthy poor for believing that God is good. Poch Suzara
In the meantime, I have discovered the 11th truth about Atheism: - No one ever became filthy rich for believing that God is bad. Yet, millions upon millions upon millions of people are filthy poor for believing that God is good. Poch Suzara
World Insanity
During the Second World War, 1941–l946 American factories built 94,000 planes and launched 30 aircraft carriers. The question is not what happened to those planes and aircraft carriers after the war ended, but what happened to those factories, including those producing other weapons of destruction for battle in the field and in sea and in the air?
Notice in the meantime civil war has been the most frequent kind of war since 1946: something like two-thirds of all postwar conflicts have been within, rather than between, - states. And weapons used in these conflicts are “Made in America.” Not to mention American troops involved also taking them further and further away from home, though presumably in the cause of “homeland security.”
Indeed, more and more American kids are shipped overseas to fight terrorism or more specifically to drain the breeding grounds of anti- Americanism.
It seems to me clear that if America was truly the land of the free and the home of the brave, we Americans should bring the world together in putting an end to the worst of Anglo-American commercialism: the production of weapons of mass destruction to defend and protect nothing but capitalism. Poch Suzara
Notice in the meantime civil war has been the most frequent kind of war since 1946: something like two-thirds of all postwar conflicts have been within, rather than between, - states. And weapons used in these conflicts are “Made in America.” Not to mention American troops involved also taking them further and further away from home, though presumably in the cause of “homeland security.”
Indeed, more and more American kids are shipped overseas to fight terrorism or more specifically to drain the breeding grounds of anti- Americanism.
It seems to me clear that if America was truly the land of the free and the home of the brave, we Americans should bring the world together in putting an end to the worst of Anglo-American commercialism: the production of weapons of mass destruction to defend and protect nothing but capitalism. Poch Suzara
Scientist and Theologian
Better a scientist dissatisfied than a theologian satisfied. A scientist dissatisfied never threatens any one with eternal damnation if you do not believe in his tentative conclusions. Indeed, in science, far more questions are entertained than answers retained. Science is a never-ending search of the truth. Science is honest enough to admit openly and publicly that it understands only a little bit more than 1 per cent of the nature of reality
In theology, however, there are only answers. No questions are allowed. Moreover, there is also the threat of eternal damnation if you do not believe in the theological dogmatic claims. Theology is the study of the unknown for the sake of having faith in the unknowable. Who benefits in this religious mess? The silly theologians, who else, specially as they act in their respective churches, schools, colleges, and universities Poch Suzara
In theology, however, there are only answers. No questions are allowed. Moreover, there is also the threat of eternal damnation if you do not believe in the theological dogmatic claims. Theology is the study of the unknown for the sake of having faith in the unknowable. Who benefits in this religious mess? The silly theologians, who else, specially as they act in their respective churches, schools, colleges, and universities Poch Suzara
Women of the Philippines
Our women are still on their knees before the alter of mediocrity. They are always frightened to believe that someone died on the cross for their Original Sin. Indeed, the majority of our women prefer delusion to truth. It sooths. It is easy to grasp. They embrace faith; not reason. Faith, after all, is nothing but the free will to lazily avoid discovering what is true. Sadly, the intellectual capacity of our women to seek the truth has been damaged by stupid religious beliefs and values as taught to them in our schools, colleges, and universities. Poch Suzara
War as Big Business
As the number one supplier of arms in the world, the US government abhors the idea of peace agreement between countries at war. The US government loves to hear of conflicts or killings such as those between the Christians and the Muslims in the Philippines. Such evils create profitable opportunities to sell weapons to both parties at war within or even between, states. Such terrors keep the existence of US industrial-military-university complex on high gear. The war against terrorism is nothing but a business concoction of American capitalism. Decades ago, it was known as the war against communism. It was all a joke on the global scale. Today, the war against terrorism is another joke on the global scale. All thanks to the wealth, power, and glory of American Capitalism. Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell
Russell’s intellectual life was devoted to three main quests. He sought impersonal objective truth successively in Religion, Mathematics, and Science.
I ask: can you name another scientist who lived to be ninety eight years, and devoted seventy years of it in the search of truth in Religion, Mathematics, and Science? In his remaining years, however, involved in global affairs, Bertrand Russell – the philosopher-humanist – worked very hard for peace on earth and goodwill to all governments, especially those headed by homicidal maniacs like the US government under the power of the industrial-military-university complex. Poch Suzara
I ask: can you name another scientist who lived to be ninety eight years, and devoted seventy years of it in the search of truth in Religion, Mathematics, and Science? In his remaining years, however, involved in global affairs, Bertrand Russell – the philosopher-humanist – worked very hard for peace on earth and goodwill to all governments, especially those headed by homicidal maniacs like the US government under the power of the industrial-military-university complex. Poch Suzara
Created Equal
If all men were created equal in the sight of God, what was God’s purpose in giving men free will? Especially to white men to wage war against non-white men in order to prove white men are free, rich, intelligent, and God-loving; while non-white men are slaves, poor, stupid and God-loving too. Poch Suzara
Rich in Spirit
Bless not those poor in spirit for they shall inherit lies. Bless instead those rich in spirit for they shall inherit the truth. Poch Suzara
Diminishing Faith
Nick fatool writes in the Manila Standard Today: “Faith is something that is sadly diminishing among us.” Sir, a man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination. Moreover, faith is never wanting to know what is true. Do you speak of faith that 2 plus 2 equals 4? Or that the earth is round? No, you only speak of faith when you do not know and hope to remain ignorant by letting others in authority do the thinking for you. This is wrong and childish . Faith in our childish religion has kept us spiritually stagnant as a people and morally malignant as a nation. In this 21st century, isn’t time for Filipinos to ask: where is our national health as a people and where is our national wealth as a nation under the power of Christian faith during these past 500 years in the Philippines? Sir, Christianity thrives not on love, but on guilt? Guilt, not love, is the fundamental emotion that Christianity seeks to induce – and this is symptomatic of a viciousness in Christianity that few Filipinos care to acknowledge. For all of its alleged concern for the “poor in spirit,” Christianity has only done its best to perpetuate spiritual poverty and intellectual stagnancy in the Philippines. Indeed, to be moral, according to Jesus, we must shackle the beauty of reason. We must force ourselves to believe that which we cannot understand. In the name of morality, we must always suppress doubts. We must never subject religious beliefs to critical examination. Less criticism leads to more faith – and faith – Jesus declares is the hallmark of virtue. Indeed, “unless you turn and become like little children, you will never the enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3. Children, after all will believe anything; even the promises of the mediocre politicians running for government office. In the final analysis, Christianity must first destroy reason before it can introduce faith, so it must destroy joys of the heart and happiness of the mind before it can introduce salvation. Thus, we are neither growing as a people nor developing as a nation. We are not even reasonable in the race to achieve higher civilization; only faithful in the rat-race for eternal salvation. I say: to hell with faith in that biblical corruption called faith in the Original Sin. After all, none of us ever originated anything in this world to begin with. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
White-American Gimcrackery
On CBS ‘60 Minutes’ Andy Rooney remarked: “My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours.” No kidding? Any native Indian or native Mexican can cry about it with more truthfulness: “My ancestors died in vain for you to leave the countries you were born in to come over and claim it as your own by naming it the United States of America. And to think in America, there is this grand claim inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” At any given day, (7) seven million white American citizens cannot find decent employment in America. It is all about a lot of white American gimcrackery! I should know. As a poor immigrant, I lived and worked in America for some 17 years. My job there was about working hard
to help my white rich employer become filthy richer. Oh yes, in America there’s the beauty of individualism; but what is, however, far more important is capitalism. US Capitalism now owns and controls more than 60 per cent of the world’s natural resources. Moreover, as the only super power, American capitalism has but one single goal: to rule the world unchallenged with its military fire power. My dear Andy Rooney, may I suggest you read history books written by a rare and honest American historian - Howard Zinn. It is truthful historians like Howard Zinn that prevents me from totally losing hope with America and its decent future. In his PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, he writes: - “We are not hated because we practice democracy, value freedom, or uphold human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things to people in Third World countries whose resources we coveted by our multinational corporations. That hatred we have sown has come back to us in the form of terrorism… Instead of sending our sons and daughters around the world to kill Arabs so we can have the oil under their sand, we should send them to rebuild their infrastructure, supply clean water, and feed starving children … In short, we should do good instead of evil. Who would try to stop us then? Who would hate us then? Who would want to bomb us? That is the truth the American people need to hear.” Poch Suzara
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Email Response
I get messages such as "Please do not include me in your e-mailing list. My mind is not that great to comprehend your message."
My response: Ok will delete your name in my address book. I understand your predicament. You must be a college educated individual. I feel so sorry for you.
Yours sincerely, Poch Suzara, Chairman, High School Dropout Association of the Philippines.
My response: Ok will delete your name in my address book. I understand your predicament. You must be a college educated individual. I feel so sorry for you.
Yours sincerely, Poch Suzara, Chairman, High School Dropout Association of the Philippines.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Religious Morons
Religious morons will tell about the wonderful word of God written in the bible. But never will they ever inspire you to read the bible thoroughly and properly. You can only read the bible under ecclesiastical guidance. You are not allowed to interpret bible contents. In other words, the bible was not written for the inspired readers, but only written by inspired authors of God. Well, I read the bible and studied it for some 20 years. After I threw the bible out the window, I began to be happy as a thinking man. Also, I was able to recapture the lost reality of my birth called “atheism.” Just like you my dear reader, I was also born an atheist. Indeed, no one is born a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew, or what-not. We are all born devoid of conscience and therefore arrived into this God-forsaken world as unbelievers of the faith. Poch Suzara
The Filipino Challenge
The greatest challenge we Filipinos must face in this 21st century is to stand up as a people against our childish religious beliefs that have not ceased to inspire fear and ignorance, poverty and suffering, and backwardness in this Asia’s only Christian country.
We need public discourse about the life and times of our greatest hero – Jose Rizal and his courage not only at love of country, but especially about his critical thinking and intellectual honesty. Nothing stands in the way of this progress more than the respect we give to our Christian religion. Indeed, the same religion that has caused so much troubles and problems in the Western world ever since its Founder – the Son of God Jesus – crucified on the cross, cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.” Poch Suzara
We need public discourse about the life and times of our greatest hero – Jose Rizal and his courage not only at love of country, but especially about his critical thinking and intellectual honesty. Nothing stands in the way of this progress more than the respect we give to our Christian religion. Indeed, the same religion that has caused so much troubles and problems in the Western world ever since its Founder – the Son of God Jesus – crucified on the cross, cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.” Poch Suzara
Thought and Love
One of the horrors we first learned in school was how to be habitually thoughtless. We all wished to win the love of our teachers in school, and so we showed our teachers how happy we got to be thoughtlessly believing as we hated higher learning especially via hating questioning with deeper thinking.
In the meantime, the greatest creation we can enjoy in life is not love but the power of thought; for, devoid of thought, the power of love cannot exist. Poch Suzara
Rizal's Death-defying Poem
In his death-defying Ultimo Adios poem, Rizal said: I go where faith does not kill, and God alone reigns over all.”
millions of Filipinos really believe that Rizal was such a mediocre thinker in that he was referring to the God of the Christians or the God of the Muslims or the God of the Jews or the God of the Lilliputians. Indeed, these assorted believers of Gods have not ceased cutting each other’s throats because they cannot even agree as to whether God is a he, a she, or an it?
Rizal was obviously referring to the God of the thinkers, philosophers, and scientists. The God otherwise known as the simple God of Reason. Poch Suzara
millions of Filipinos really believe that Rizal was such a mediocre thinker in that he was referring to the God of the Christians or the God of the Muslims or the God of the Jews or the God of the Lilliputians. Indeed, these assorted believers of Gods have not ceased cutting each other’s throats because they cannot even agree as to whether God is a he, a she, or an it?
Rizal was obviously referring to the God of the thinkers, philosophers, and scientists. The God otherwise known as the simple God of Reason. Poch Suzara
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