Sunday, June 24, 2007

Good and Evil

The horror in this world is not about the difference between good and evil. On the contrary, it is about the conflict between one evil against another evil - the two great religions of the world known as Christianity and Islam. Each have not ceased hating and killing the other for the glory of God on the one side; and, on the other side, for the glory of Allah. And to think that both these evils came from the womb of mother religion – Judaism – that gave birth to Christianity and Islam.
For my part, I am proud to be an atheist. No one has ever heard of atheists hating and killing other atheists because they refuse to believe, love, worship, and adore God.
Take a good look at Osama Bin Laden. He invoked God when he directed his hijacked suicide airliners into the world Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.
Take a good look at President George W. Bush. He invoked God when he unleashed his missiles and bombers on the people of Iraq.
Take a good look at the Palestinians. They too invoked God when they strapped dynamite to their waste and boarded a crowded bus or entered a public restaurant in Israel to destroy themselves and anyone else who happened to be near.
Take a good look at the Jews in Israel. They invoked God
As they sent their tanks into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to knock down houses that were thought to provide shelter to their enemies.
Take a good look at the Catholics and the Protestants. They invoked God as they killed each other in Ireland, the last gasp of a dying fury that spawned a thirty-year religious war and in 1588 propelled the Spanish Armada to a watery grave as it sought to win back Protestant England for the Vatican.
Take a good look at the priesthood industry. They invoked God when they violate and abuse little children who have been trusted to their care. It gets worse as the superiors of these priests – bishops, the archbishops, the cardinals – also invoked God when they acted to cover up these violent crimes and protect the victimizers and ultimately themselves rather then the victims.
Take a good look at the religious morons of today. They tell me that I hold not the right premise on how one should take a good look in the existence of a kind and loving God! Poch Suzara

The Fools in Christ

Ignorance is the soil in which religions grow and Christianity is no exception. The New Testament itself calls the disciples, “unlearned and ignorant men.” Indeed, the “fools in Christ.” The same Christ who preached: “Be ye wise as the serpent” and commanded: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” Luke 19:27.
To think that this was the same Christ who, crucified on the cross, cried out: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Obviously Christ was referring to those “unlearned and ignorant men,” and to those wise as the serpent, and those about to be slaughtered as they would not that Christ should reign over them. Poch Suzara

The Root of all Evil

The root of all evil is not deviltry. It is divinity. After all, deviltry in the most original of God’s most intelligent design. Poch Suzara

Ellen Blackstone

She wrote: "The Bible doesn’t forbid suicide. It’s a Catholic directive, intended to slow down their loss of martyrs.”
May I add sinners and the saints and the Sick Man of Asia too? Poch Suzara

Babies in Theology

Babies are atheists. They do not know God. Parents are atheists too. They also do not know God. In fact God is unknowable. Theology has not been much of a help either. Theology is the study of nothing; though the theologians call it the study of the unknowable. In fact, theology is the study of the not worth knowing. To think that theology is the most important subject taught to all of the students in our schools, colleges, and universities. Poch Suzara

An Atheist's Viewpoint

The RP-Rizal Forum members refused to believe me – an atheist – when I say that the execution of Jose Rizal had only to do with religious morons in authority who had him faced a firing squad for writing truths on the hypocrisy and chicanery of the Catholic Church. I am even told that if I have nothing new to add to the ongoing discussion on Rizal’s life, work, and writings, I should just shut up and to take my atheistic “frustrations” and “angst” elsewhere.
Well, I am also saying that the kind of enemies Rizal struggled against are still here pretty much alive today in charge of what should be taught in our schools, colleges, and universities.
In the meantime, as an atheist, I am treated like I am a little monster afflicted with psychological problem. Really, a feeble, if not a laughable attempt to evade the fundamental questions of truth and falsehood, of facts and fiction. It is obviously so ridiculous to try and defeat atheism by subordinating truth with infantile emotionalism. Such childish reaction only reveals the truth of the Christian traditional contempt for man’s ability to think. Ah, but the members of this RP-Rizal Forum would rather prove themselves crippled at thinking any deeper or further, and that they themselves are quite impressive at linguistic contortions, dramatic algebraic ejaculation, an indeed, ecclesiastical masturbation. Poch Suzara

What isTicklish Biblically

For one thing, God inspired only the bible authors, but not the best part of any book – its readers, millions of them. Meanwhile, even up to this day and age, bible readers continue to be in conflict with other bible readers simply because the Revealed Truth in the bible remains utterly unrevealed. Poch Suzara

Our Country

Our country is full of suffering, tragedy, disease, disaster, pain and misery - a mockery of humanity. As an atheist, I demand better reason than what religion has traditionally
offered – that the variety of horrors historical in our country are really due to, if not always coming from the love of God. I say, this is the height of religious insanity. To begin with, according to the Word of God written in the bible, the Jews are the Chosen people of God; and second, Filipinos are not even mentioned in any of the pages comprising the Old
Testament or the New Testament. In fact, a great many other peoples from different countries around the world are mentioned in the holy bible; except the Sick Man of Asia – the Filipino. Poch Suzara


I am told that cathedrals in the Philippines are monuments to architectural, engineering and artistic talents. I say hogwash. Cathedrals are monuments to human stupidity. Indeed, where are the public libraries build in every town in the Philippines as monuments to human intelligence? Where are the health clinics and hospitals build in every town in the Philippines as monuments to human decency? Where are the public toilet facilities build in every town in the Philippines as monuments to health and sanitation? Indeed, in this faith-soaked country, we have more impressive monuments to silly divinity; hardly have we also monuments to decent humanity. Poch Suzara

Jobs at Home

The fact is not only mothers and fathers, but also grandmothers and grandfathers, sons and daughters, granddaughters and grandsons, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, nephews and nieces, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, cousins, not to mention closed friends and associates ( 15 million Pinoys ) are working today in more than 162 foreign countries to keep the Philippine economy afloat. This, while strong able-bodied Pinoys are left behind praying to the Lord Jesus for the salvation of their silly souls. They also active at propagating and replenishing the Philippines with more babies for the greater glory of God in heaven. Poch Suzara

God's Holy Bible

God easily inspired Jewish authors to write the bible; but God could hardly inspire Filipino readers to read the bible.
Could any of you religious Filipinos please explain what in hell has been going on? So we are the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. So what? Poch Suzara

Edgar Millian

I introduce Rizal as an atheist to the RP-Rizal Forum discussion on Rizal’s life, work and writings. Edgar Millian, supposedly one of the brightest participant of this Rizal group, like a frightened religious boy, wrote and said: “This is RP-Rizal Forum. If you have nothing more relevant to say than your pent up angst and frustrations, pls. spare us.Sincerely, Edgar Millan.
Well, much to their consternation, it turned out I had more relevant things to say to Edgar about Rizal. How he and other participants reacted thus far? These college educated men responded like frightened little boys feeling angst and frustrations. They cannot stand my atheistic guts for trying to remove away from them the religious lollipop they suck on daily for the glory of Rizal’s soul they believe made it to heaven after he was executed by the Catholic Church in the Philippines.
In the meantime, God created the Rizalists shortsighted, not blind. They are made blind by faith. Faith in religious values and beliefs. And to think that these were precisely the same kind of religious morons who, in cahoots with the Catholic friars, got Jose Rizal arrested, jailed, and executed for writing truths about stupid religion keeping the Filipino poor as a people and the Philippines backward as a nation. Poch Suzara


Religious morons pray daily to God to beg for all sorts of things or favors or support. I was, once upon a time, a religious moron myself. I used to pray daily to God to just take good care of all his children – the human race. My prayers were always ignored. Never answered. In time, I gave up. In fact, I even prayed daily to God to go tell the devil to go and screw himself, instead of screwing around with the human race already screwed-up by divine disgrace. Poch Suzara

The Bible Admonishes

The bible says: Love thy Neighbor." Well, if we hope to enjoy a decent life, we better love not only our neighbor but love also the world. Our world. It is the only world we know. The only world we have.
Unfortunately, religious morons as inspired authors of God proudly wrote in the holy bible: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1John 2:15. Poch Suzara

Religious Delusion

Why is it that when one Filipino suffers from a religious delusion, it is called insanity. And yet, when the majority of Filipinos suffer from the same religious delusion, it is called Christianity? Poch Suzara

Friday, June 22, 2007

What's Wrong with the Bible

For one thing, God inspired only its authors, but not the best part of any book – its readers, millions of them. Thus, even up to this day and age, bible readers continue to hate other bible
readers simply because the bible is full of errors and lies.
Well, another thing wrong with the bible: it encourages insufficiency and condemns self-help and independence. In fact, any action toward self-help and independence is discouraged as
it is an indication of having little faith in God’s almighty power. What is desirable is enslavement – mental submission. It is the dogma of misery and poverty and masochistic denial of the
expression of a normal personality working to fulfill one’s needs and desires. Bible messages never fail to impart that a person must never entertain the hope that, by his own efforts, he could learn to begin to enjoy the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Poch Suzara

Human Stupidity

Nothing last forever, except human stupidity. It is happily married to infinity. Thanks to divinity. Indeed, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Poch Suzara


When Japanese are caught with crimes against the public, they commit suicide. In the Philippines, when Filipinos are caught with crimes against the public, they immediately qualify to hold public office to take charge of our Republic. Poch Suzara

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sacred Books

All religions have their sacred books which are regarded as written by authors inspired by divinity. The Jews – their Talmud. The Muslims – their Quran. The Buddhists – their Sutras. The Hindus- their Bhagavad Gita. The Confucians – their Analects. The Taoists – their Tao-Te-Ching. The Vedantists – their Upanishads. The Christian – their holy bible. In the Philippines, in any bookstores, more than 40 different versions of the bible are being sold. It is always a best seller. Filipinos, however, have so very little knowledge of bible contents. They pray over the bible. They hardly read it. Many have been told to believe that serious analysis of bible contents might lead to temptation and therefore to sin. Poch Suzara


Death is not partial. It is total. Man dies entirely. Death is not temporary. Nothing is more evident to him who is not a religious moron. The human body, after death, is but a mass of dead weight, incapable of producing any movements the union of which constitutes life. We no longer see circulation, respiration, digestion, speech, or reflection. Now we are told that man has a soul that separates itself from the body upon death. This is saying nothing as it is admitting that the soul is a mystery. Nothing is more natural and simple than to believe that the dead man lives no more, and nothing more moronic than to believe that the dead man is still living. To claim that the souls of men will be happy or unhappy after the death of the body, is to pretend that man will be able to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to taste without a palate, to smell without a nose, and to feel without hands and without skin. Indeed, to believe without a brain. When we are told that the soul is more excellent and noble than the body, they tell us nothing, except that it is a mystery. Well, a mystery is nothing but a childish contradiction, a palpable absurdity, a notorious impossibility, and a biblical gimcrackery. In the ultimate analysis, theology is whatever the silly theologians can not explain as theology is the study of the unknown that is not even worth knowing. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#