Friday, June 22, 2007

What's Wrong with the Bible

For one thing, God inspired only its authors, but not the best part of any book – its readers, millions of them. Thus, even up to this day and age, bible readers continue to hate other bible
readers simply because the bible is full of errors and lies.
Well, another thing wrong with the bible: it encourages insufficiency and condemns self-help and independence. In fact, any action toward self-help and independence is discouraged as
it is an indication of having little faith in God’s almighty power. What is desirable is enslavement – mental submission. It is the dogma of misery and poverty and masochistic denial of the
expression of a normal personality working to fulfill one’s needs and desires. Bible messages never fail to impart that a person must never entertain the hope that, by his own efforts, he could learn to begin to enjoy the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Poch Suzara

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