Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sacred Books

All religions have their sacred books which are regarded as written by authors inspired by divinity. The Jews – their Talmud. The Muslims – their Quran. The Buddhists – their Sutras. The Hindus- their Bhagavad Gita. The Confucians – their Analects. The Taoists – their Tao-Te-Ching. The Vedantists – their Upanishads. The Christian – their holy bible. In the Philippines, in any bookstores, more than 40 different versions of the bible are being sold. It is always a best seller. Filipinos, however, have so very little knowledge of bible contents. They pray over the bible. They hardly read it. Many have been told to believe that serious analysis of bible contents might lead to temptation and therefore to sin. Poch Suzara

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