Saturday, December 05, 2009

Knowledge versus Ignorance

Ignorance prevents its own enlightenment. Thanks, however, to the great religions of the world ignorance is not a local, but a global phenomenon. Look how the great majority of mankind has been intimidated to study the Word of God instead of the Works of God. A great many people throughout the world believe as true in a lot of religious nonsense. Where what would suffice for world peace and sanity is simply the belief in common sensibility. Indeed, common sense that tells us all the great religions of the world are baseless and mindless. Indeed, our loyalty to humanity should make more sense than our loyalty for silly divinity! “The good life,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.’ Being guided by love of knowledge we can make our future what we wish it to be. Indeed, in life, we will always find what we are looking for. What we can conceive, we can achieve. When we realize that our present character, our present status in life, our present ability or disability, our present health or the lack of it are all the result of past methods of thinking, we shall begin to have some conceptions of the value of education, indeed, the power of knowledge. As the Sick Man of Asia in this already 21st century living in a hopeless, directionless, if not aimless nation - HELLO you millions of college educated Christians! In the meantime, a nation that believes there is a better world to come out there after death is not likely to give attention to the needs of the next generation. Look back my dear reader. As religious victims of stupid religion remember how our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents would rather love God up there by ignoring the future of our good country down here? That my dear reader is exactly the same attitude millions of Filipinos hold with much faith today about the future of our country. Amongst them are the “high officials” running the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our Philippine government. Not one of them is a humanist or a freethinker, but silly MAKA-DIOS! Poch Suzara

Faith in Christ

“Faith in Christ is not just a single step but a life of walking with Him,” Phil Star Nov. 29,2009

Well, take a good look at us Filipinos. The only Christians in all of Asia walking with Christ since the 16th century? Aside from being poor spiritually as a people, bankrupt morally as a nation, look how we continue to have faith in Christ even as we are only getting more famous as the Sick Man of Asia in this already 21st century.

Now take a good and hard look at Bethlehem – the place where Christ of Nazareth was born. It never got to be converted into a Catholic community. It is still part of a Jewish State. Poch Suzara

The Tree of Good and Evil

The bible clearly disclosed about the existence of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Genesis 2: 9, 16-17 For Christ’s sake, can any of you religious faithfools tell me where exactly can I find that tree existing anywhere in the world today? All kinds of trees existing then have survived during all these past centuries. So how come that one particular TREE of knowledge of Good and Evil no longer exists? It has vanished? Is it possible it had already died and is now enjoying eternal plantation in the kingdom of God in heaven? Poch Suzara

God Bless You Holy Baloney

My dear reader, have you ever met any one who enjoys peace and love, security and prosperity and felicity – because he or she has been blessed by a divinity? Obviously this “God Bless you” holy baloney is based on a lot of celestial malarkey. Indeed, “God Bless You” is all about a religious phooey resulting in nothing except the need to pray for more God bless you hooey-chopsuey! In our sick society with sick values and sick beliefs, we are not the master, but the sick victims of religion. We are vulnerable to charlatans, crackpots, bible thumpers, saps, jerks, insane teachers and professors, dishonest priests, and corrupt politicians - the superstitious primitives of our day. Poch Suzara

My Younger Years

I love the Philippines. I love it enough not to leave
it but to change it. I want my country back from those
who stole it still ruling and dominating it - Christianity - the greatest destroyer of human minds and human hearts. Consider, in this day and age, in our schools, colleges, and universities, we are still taught to believe that we can and must endure this life’s trials because there is a better life to come after death in the next world.

I can still feel the pain today as I witnessed yesterday as a boy seeing my parents, grandparents, and great grand mother together with all other relatives just like the rest of the millions of fellow-Filipinos. We would all be looking up to a God up there by looking down on one another down here right in our own poor and backward country - the Philippines. Indeed, we were always more proud to identify ourselves as Catholics; hardly, however, would we feel the joy of publicly declaring that we are also Filipino citizens of our beloved country. Poch Suzara

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 Million Babies

3 babies are born every minute of the day and night in the Philippines. It amounts to about 2 million babies added each and every year to the needless Filipino population growth. It guarantees nothing but more squalor, more misery, and more poverty for our already sick society.

In the meantime, the frightened God-fearing politicians of our corrupt God-fearing government have not ceased declaring they will fight poverty. We have yet to hear them publicly declare that they will fight for family planning and birth control measures as a matter of national policy. Indeed, as a matter of establishing common human decency in the Philippines!

Indeed, religion encourages endless stupidity and an insufficient sense of stark reality that totally negates learning from history. Poch Suzara

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teachers and Professors

Those incapable of higher or deeper learning have taken to teaching... Indeed, for the most part, we are all the victims, not the masters of - education. Our teachers in school, and professors in college teach the same subject year in and year out – most of it obsolete especially on what to believe, and not on how to think. Most of it about old answers; hardly ever about new questions. As if knowledge should only be based upon authority and therefore static and not creative. In fact, knowledge and its growth and development should always be based upon the power of reason and therefore prolific, if not always elastic... For my part, as a little boy, I was always eager to learn things until my parents enrolled me in a Catholic school. Bad teaching made me stupid and fearsome. And so I engineered my own expulsion out of high school in order to save what was left of my distorted mind and twisted heart... We must always remember how limited our present knowledge must be, and in what unexpected ways it is likely to grow and develop. If there centuries were yet to come for mankind, the logic, mathematics, and science of this century will become obsolete. Just as much as the logic, mathematics, and science of the previous centuries have become obsolete in this century. Poch Suzara

Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong, in her insightful book - A HISTORY OF GOD, has demonstrated that Jews, Christians, and Muslims were all at one time accused of being atheists when their ideas began to challenge the popular religious wisdom of their day.

For my part, in this 21st century, I need not be accused of atheism. I already openly declared and publicly admitted that I am an atheist whether you like it or not. I am not only challenging the popular religious wisdom of our day. What I am also saying, again and again, is that if we hope to save our world from further destruction, we must all become atheists and learn to embrace the peace, tranquility, and the beauty of atheism.

Indeed, consider the history of our world. There isn't one atheistic country anywhere, at any time, that declared war against another atheistic country for not believing in God.Poch Suzara

Woe Unto the Lord God Himself

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

Woe therefore unto the Lord God Himself who clearly declared: “I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things.” Isaiah 45:7 Poch Suzara

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Art of Habitual Reading

The greatest lesson we can teach children is the art of habitual reading; especially to read properly and thoroughly the holy bible. In this way, children could begin to learn why we are a sick people existing under an insane society.

Consider sick messages from the bible as written by inspired authors of God: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 1:15

Or such unhealthy militaristic messages from our loving and kind Savior, the Prince of Peace, the Almighty Son of God Jesus who declared in Luke 19:27 "But those mine enemies, which would not that I reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me."

During my grade school and high school years at De la Salle, we were not allowed to read to bible. We were not also allowed to read Jose Rizal’s Noli and Fili. Other than books sold to us for class usage, we are not allowed to read the so-called “bad books.” In fact, we were taught mostly and mainly how to be active in prayers, not creative nor imaginative or even to be inquisitive as readers. Poch Suzara

Thursday, November 26, 2009

God as a Burning Bush

We are told that God is not a material, but a spiritual being. Yet in the bible, God is described as a Burning Bush, Exodus 3:1-15. So how come God, as a Burning Bush, eventually got to be materially omni-absent, and not ever more omni-present? It is possible that the Burning Bush actually evolved and relocated itself to the White House in America and renamed itself - President George W. Bush. Poch Suzara

Love versus Hate in the Bible

"He who loves God must love his brother also.” 1 John 4:21. Not, however, according to the Son Of God. In fact, Jesus said: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Poch Suzara

Life After Death Malarkey

When I say that there is no life after death, I am quickly told: isn’t that a little depressing? Well, isn’t it more depressing if you believe in life after death? Please read your own bible? “The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten.” Eccl. 9:5 Can you also imagine eternal existence without a mind and the capacity to think. With what ears will you hear? With what eyes will you see? With what mouth, lips, and voice box will you speak? With what hand will you feel? What teeth? With what brain will you comprehend? AGAIN a verse from the BIBLE confirms: “For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other; they all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts; for all is vanity. All go to one place; all are from dust, and all turn to dust again." Ecclesiastes, 3:19-20 Never for one moment would you think of your continued life other than in your present form. You want to think that your body, your personality, will be intact. You would find it disgusting that in the after life you will a piece of dust floating in the cosmos. You want to be you. This is what is so pathetic about life after death. You are what is stored in your brain cells. When that rots after you die, all is gone. Your unique individual personality is no more. It's caput! Esta Jodido! At death the cerebral functions cease; there is no more thought process, no reward, no memory, no knowledge, and no access to this world. Death terminates an individual's interaction with this physical dimension of existence. The Bible again clearly states that there's no life after death: “As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.” Job 7:9 That is why it makes more sense to value your life in the here and now. Life is for the living. Go for it; get to the exercise. In the meantime, never belittle the power of your brain – a three pound mass you can hold in your little hand that can discover the galaxies of a trillion stars. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Religious Morons

The religious morons are asking me how come as an atheist I am able to quote bible verses left and right with much ease and self-confidence?

Well, Listen to Issac Asimov: “Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived."

And to think the bible is a book for the believers, not for the atheists. And yet,
we atheists are more familiar of its contents than most of you religious morons are conversant with either the Old or the New Testament. Poch Suzara


Knowledge is not only power, it is priceless. By applying knowledge we can make our future what we wish it to be. Indeed, in life, we will always find what we are looking for. Or, what we can conceive, we can achieve. When we realize that our present character, our present status in life, our present ability or disability, our present health or the lack of it are all the result of past methods of thinking, we shall begin to have some conceptions of the value and the power of knowledge.

As to what exactly is happening to us - the Sick Man of Asia in this already 21st century living in a hopeless, directionless, if not aimless nation, HELLO you millions of college educated Christians!

In the meantime, a nation that believes there is a better world to come out there after death is not likely to give attention to the needs of the next generation. Poch Suzara

People Power

People power in the Philippines is more about people than about power.
As a matter of historical fact, we are a powerless people because, to begin with, we sell our votes to the corrupt politicians during election time.
If power were the production of intended results, look at us in our own country – the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia, especially with our so-called Christian values and beliefs.

We have more of the same nothing as results from political concoction inextricably mixed with religious degradation than we do have powerful results from intellectual, cultural, scientific, and industrial production. Poch Suzara

Poor Filipinos Under Civilization

I am told that God loves the poor. He created so many of them. What a cheap lie. God created the poor in his own image and likeness even though God himself has always been very rich and powerful. Look the Vatican bank that God created, owns, and control? It now has a deposit of trillions of dollars in cash, titles to prime properties and assets, tons of jewelries, tons of gold bullions, and art works, stocks and bonds, etc! No doubt, God loves the poor; but he loves his wealth and power much more than he loves the poverty-stricken; especially those enjoying free will in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. In the meantime, Christianity has taught us to believe that man does not live by bread alone. Well, take a look at civilization under the inspiration of Christian values and beliefs – our civilization has made sure that not everyone should be provided with bread in our poor and backward society. No, this is not suffering. It is called “SACRIFICE” for the glory of God, according to God's priesthood industry. Poch Suzara

The Faitheists – My Enemy

How boring and empty life would be if we have nothing to hate. For my part, I am glad of the existence of the faitheists. I hate them all with a passion. They are my enemy. No, I have no desire to kill them. In fact, I would like to keep them alive. In this way, we can continue debating again each other. I should be among the first to defend their rights to exist in this world.

In the meantime, devoid of hate, and having no enemies to hate - makes for an empty, unhappy and, indeed, boring and meaningless life. Poch Suzara

The whole idea

The whole idea of going to grade school, high school, and college is to prepare you to be fuckable if you were male; and to be equally fuckable if you were female.

Indeed, we live as we must only work for the powers-that-be. In the meantime, in this world, there is no such thing as the struggle for existence. There is only the struggle to fuck each other around especially for the sake of keeping the powers-that-be in power.

I did not have to finish my high school years to see this truth. I refuse to cater to the powers-that-be. I walked out of high school by getting myself expelled. Indeed, whether we are male or female - we are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by education. Poch Suzara

Nothing is Impossible with God

Nothing is impossible with God! No Kidding? How come it has always been impossible with God to stop screwing around with the devil? As a matter of fact, God, always happy and contented screwing around with the devil, and the devil, always so appreciative and satisfied, sees to it that we also never stop praying daily to God to “lead us not into temptation. Amen.” Poch Suzara