Friday, October 18, 2013

We are no longer the SICK MAN OF ASIA

The Philippines has been always blessed by God as it is the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... We have already been told by the media at home and abroad that due to its great economic success in recent decades, the Philippines is no longer a country inhabited by the Sick Man of Asia... Unfortunately, what is true these days is that the Philippines is now more known as a nation where its Catholic congressmen and Catholic senators have turned out to be the most corrupt officials of the sick Catholic Philippine government. I said it before, I say it again: GOD BLESS THE PHILIPPINES - THE ONLY SICK CATHOLIC COUNTRY IN ASIA SINCE THE 16TH CENTURY!... or, in the vernacular: Pork Ina Mo sa Congresso; Baboy Tatay mo sa Senado; Mga Hindut Lahat kayo sa Gobyerno. Poch Suzara


There are many failed arguments for God's existence but there is one which is fundamental to them all. This is the Argument from FEAR as inspired by IGNORANCE... Take virtually any aspect of our natural world that we don't fully understand and you'll find someone claiming God is the light at the end of that dark tunnel... Here are TEN of such arguments - faulty, illogical, childish and fearfully crappy as they are superstitious to any critical mind that thinks under lively analysis, and never stuck with beliefs under deadly paralysis:.. 1. Shifting the Burden of Proof - I know God exists. If you disagree, prove otherwise. Oh you say you can't prove God doesn't exist? That's because you know he does!... 2. Argument from Popularity - The vast majority of the world believes in God. This supports the universal truth that God is real, otherwise it makes no sense that so many people would believe... 3. The Transcendental Argument - God is, by definition, a being greater than which nothing can be conceived (imagined). Existence in reality is better than existence in one's imagination. God must exist in reality; if God did not, then God would not be that than which nothing greater can be conceived (imagined)... 4. Argument from Coercion - You must believe in God/Jesus. It's your only hope for salvation. We are all doomed if we don't accept Jesus as our personal savior. It says so in the Bible. If you want to live forever and avoid suffering, you must accept God... 5. First Cause Argument - Everything that exists in our world is the result of some sort of "first cause" which brought about its existence. Therefore, there must have been a force which created the universe. That "first cause" is what we call God. Also known as Cosmological Argument... 6. Argument from Authority - God is real because the Bible (or whatever sacred text you believe in) says so. Why would so many people write so much about God if it wasn't true?... 7. Argument from Personal Experience - I know god exists because I can feel him. I know it in my heart; he talks to me; I feel his strength and existence flow through every fiber of my being... 8. Argument from Improbability - The second law of thermodynamics says matter inevitably becomes entropic (spreads out in chaos) and this defies the observation on Earth where we see, things becoming more organized. Therefore God is responsible... 9. Pascal's Wager - It is a "safe bet" to believe in God just in case he is real. What's the harm? If you believe and he doesn't exist, you don't lose anything, but if you don't believe and he does exist, you lose big time... 10. Argument from Design - If you found a watch on the ground, you never met the watchmaker, but you know from its design, the beauty of it; the way each piece was intricately designed to work together, that this watch had a creator. Theists point to the human body; the precise way each of our organs work with each other and claim it's the most amazing "creation" of all, and surely there was some sort of creator behind it... In the meantime, no one has ever found God existing here; or has discovered God existing there; or, has met God existing anywhere! As a matter of truth, no one knows if God is a HE, a SHE, or an IT as supposed to be existing everywhere!... Faith in God is just as useless as it is worthless. We do not speak of faith that 2 plus 2 equals 4. We do not speak of faith that a triangle has 3 sides, or an octagon has 8 sides. We only speak of faith when we do NOT know and we need to transform our FEARS and IGNORANCE into something less shameful or worst - by referring to ourselves as faithful!... Sadly, a man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheists#

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jesus was not baptized a Catholic

My Dear Blanca, If Jesus existed at all, and was baptized, please be rest assured that Jesus was never baptized as a Catholic. Even the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, was not a Catholic! Jesus therefore is the Founder of what particular church? Cheers! Poch Suzara Twitter@ Google# Facebook# Atheists#

The Monuments to Human Stupidity

Who can over estimate the progress of the world if all the money wasted in superstition could be used to enlighten, elevate and civilize mankind?” ... Robert G. Ingersoll... Who can over estimate the progress of the Philippines if all the money wasted in building monuments to human stupidity, like churches and cathedrals, had instead, been used to promote the education of the Filipino to learn how to live not only with self-respect and dignity, but also how to be the healthiest and the wealthiest people in all of Asia? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google# Atheist#

God as a Faulty Creator

We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes... Gene Roddenberry... For my part, I have a far more serious question: How come God refuses to learn from experience as His power to create is not a self-correcting creativity? God continues to create only the same faulty humans; especially humans more known as congressmen and senators in the Philippine government - the only Catholic country in Asia... Poch Suzara... Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheists#

Ignorant of something, but not of everything

For my part, as I am a proud and happy to be a truth-seeker. I Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things. It is, in this way, that I am able to creatively avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything. In the meantime, no doubt, there is more power in intelligent thinking than there is in stupid believing. Poch Suzara


Filipinos must return to God now!!! ATTY. BATAS MAURICIO ... My dear Atty Batas Mauricio, In La Salle grade school, some 60 years ago, we were all frightened to believe and to have faith in God who is existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere... I asked it before, I ask it again: why must we Filipinos return to God now? Has God ceased to be existing here, existing there, and to be existing everywhere? Just exactly WHERE is God now existing so we Filipinos can return to Him??? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google# Atheists#

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Our Corrupt Politicians Godly in our Corrupt Government

Godly exercise is the key to Godly character... Phil. Star Oct. 17, 2013... Indeed, take a good look at the sinners and the criminals as the corrupt politicians in our corrupt government - all of them Godly; not a single one of them is an Atheist. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheists#

Children Frightened in School

Studies show kids are most imaginative at 8. Phil. Star Oct. 17, 2013 What, unfortunately, studies do not show is that children in school are also gullible, if not vulnerable, to believe anything they are frightened to have faith and believe in. Thus, during formative years in school, children begin to believe lies and deceptions. Such as that God created them in His own image and likeness, and that there is a better world to come after death; therefore - "love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15. And Jesus is our Savior! Naturally, children frightened in school grow up with their minds twisted and their hearts distorted especially by believing such superstitious nonsense. In the Philippines, they end up famous the SICK MAN OF ASIA. For m part, I said it before, I say it again: there is no greater love we can have for our country than by exposing the lies and deceptions that keep us spiritually poor as a people and morally bankrupt as a nation. Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

The Life of Sin and Crime in the Philippines

"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly." Bertrand Russell... Oh Russell, my dear Bertrand Russell, in the Philippines, - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century, it is preoccupation with sin and crime that encourages the Filipino to live the life of corruption. It is what the SICK MAN OF ASIA has been and still is all about. Indeed, we Filipinos have never been educated to be the intelligent masters, but only educated to be the stupid victims of a sick system of Catholic education... Indeed, for us Filipinos in the Philippines, no matter what sin or no matter what crime we commit - there is always available, at any time, from the good Almighty God - the forgiveness of our sins and the forgiveness of our crimes. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheists#

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lies and Deceptions as Big Business

I said it before, I say it again: "Blessed is the thinking man that engages the whole of mankind in a conspiracy of love - to unite humanity; and not divide it for the sake of big business more known as the love of Divinity or, fear of deviltry - big business;" Or just plain human stupidity as big business - more known as schools, colleges, universities. In the meantime, the history of our world has hardly been about GOOD verses EVIL. On the contrary, it has always been about EVIL versus EVIL and EVIL always wins... Look at our world today still dominated by evil. Half of it manipulated with lies. The other half dominated with deceptions. Mix the two evils together and they both add up to the EVIL that daily characterizes our sick and insane society... Happily, only we, the atheists give a damn. Never do we ever fear to challenge such lies and deceptions! Indeed, I ask: who would you rather love and respect - the lies of the corrupt politician? Or, the deception from the silly theologian? Or, the thoughts to provoke your thoughts by a pochologian - one who is never a frightened Believer but only always fearless as an unbeliever, specially of the sick faith! Poch Suzara

God Does Not Talk To Me

My Dearest Boys and Girls, When the US President Bush declared to the whole world that "GOD TALKS TO ME" the result was that hundreds of American Christians and thousands of Arab Muslims got KILLED... When I declared to the whole world that "GOD DOES NOT TALK TO ME" nobody got KILLED but everybody got so shocked with me in that I am now declared as one atheist who HATES RELIGION. Really boys and girls, if God exists, and He is such a supernatural Dummy, who HATES what or whom, huh? Poch Suzara Facebbok# Twitter# Google# Atheists#

Destructive Religious Messages Daily in the Philippines

Plan as if Christ's return is many years from away; live as if he will come today. - Philippine Star, March 19, 2012... Christ Himself is the truth - we need nothing more. - Philippine Star, March 20, 2012... If you know that God's hand is in everything, you can leave it in God's hand. - Philippine Star, March 21, 2012... God always gives enough strength for the next step.- Philippine Star, March 23, 2012... In China, the atheistic and richest and most progressive country in the world today - the journey of a thousand miles begin with the first step. In the Philippines, however, the one and only poor and backward Catholic country in Asia today - the journey of one mile begins with a thousand steps on each other; especially for the glory of Jesus on earth as He is in heaven! In the meantime, in the HOLY BIBLE, Jesus proudly declared: IF ANY MAN COME TO ME AND HATE NOT HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, WIFE AND CHILDREN, AND BRETHERN, YEA, AND HIS OWN LIFE ALSO, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." Luke 14:26... Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Atheist# Google#

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oh My Dear Thomas Jefferson

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson... Oh my dear Thomas Jefferson, for questioning everything including the existence of God, I was expelled out of la Salle High School. It was one of my greatest achievements in life. It saved me from becoming just another one of the millions of educated Filipinos more referred to as the SICK MAN OF ASIA! Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheist#

Horus, the Egyptian God of 3,000 years before the Bible was writtenj

Does the cult of Horus prove that Christianity is false? Some parallels between Horus and Jesus Christ: 1. Horus born of a virgin. <> Jesus born of a virgin. 2. The foster father of Horus was Seb or Seph. <> Jesus was fostered by Joseph. 3. Horus was of royal descent. <> Jesus was of royal descent. 4. Horus birth accompanied by three solar deities [star gazers] who followed by the morning star of Sirius bearing gifts. <> Jesus birth accompanied by three wise men [Zoroastrian star gazers] who followed by a star “in the east” bearing gifts. 5. The birth of Horus announced by angels. <> The birth of Jesus announced by angels. 6. Herut tried to murder the infant Horus. <> Herod slaughtered every first born in an attempt to kill Jesus the forthcoming messiah. 7. Horus is baptized at age 30 by Anup the Baptiser at a river. <> Jesus is baptized at age 30 by John the Baptist at a river. 8. Horus resists temptation by the evil Sut [Sut was to be the precursor for the Hebrew Satan] on a high mountain. <> Jesus resists temptation by Satan on a high mountain. 9. Horus had 12 followers. <> Jesus had 12 disciples. 10. Horus performed miracles like healing the sick and walking on water. <> Jesus performed miracles like healing the sick and walking on water. Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What is Really Wrong With Us Filipinos

Ever since Catholicism arrived in the Philippines during the 16th century up to this already 21st century, we Filipinos are still grateful even if we remain God-forsaken as a people; and we remain still faithful even if we are poor and backward as a nation. We still believe and have much faith, and indeed, also still have high hopes that what will ONLY help us grow as a decent people and what will ONLY generate our development as a decent nation is NOT with the growth and development of Filipino intelligence via the power of science and technology, but ONLY with the power of the Son of God Jesus and His bible and childish theology - the SAVIOR of the Filipinos in the Philippines. As if the life and times of Jesus on this earth were based on factual historical reality! Indeed, Jesus was no more real as a historical character than is Superman, Spider Man, Batman and Robin, the Lone Ranger and Tonto - all existing only Comic books for children... Our nation cannot be radically reformed except by the radical reform of our traditional beliefs and obsolete values. This, in a neat summary, is what is really wrong with us poor spiritually, bankrupt morally, corrupted politically, sapped economically, and degraded historically - Filipinos. Specially, as millions of us Filipinos are the indoctrinated products of schools, colleges, and universities own and operated by the Catholic church in particular and by Christianity in general!!!! I said it before, I say it again: Never could we ever grow as a healthy people; or, develop ourselves into a wealthy nation if we continue to believe that ATHEISM is a form of neurotic behavior or mental illness. Indeed, if we continue to label ATHEISM as a psychological problem while at the same time totally ignore the real fundamental questions of truth and falsehood!!! Millions of college-educated Filipinos, like the college-educated saps on these pages, attempt to defeat ATHEISM by subordinating the truth to childish emotionalism. Obviously, as Filipinos, we accomplish nothing. We reveal nothing; except our shameless CONTEMPT for man's great ability to think! As if great works needed for growth as a people; and, great works needed for development as a nation can ever be accomplished in this world by being THOUGHTLESS on the one hand; and by being MINDLESS on the other hand! Google# Twitter# Facebook# Atheists#

I have more love and Respect for the Existence of Bacteria

One million ( 1,000,000 ) planets the size of Earth can comfortably fit inside the Sun. In the meantime, we humans, billions of us, who live like parasites on this grain of sand called Earth, are we really able to displease God with sin - the Creator of the billions of galaxies? For my part, I have more love and respect for the existence of bacteria. Such little creatures, without college education, do not feel threatened with eternal damnation if they do not believe or do not have faith in the existence of beings bigger or greater than themselves. As an atheist, what is bigger, taller, greater, higher, stronger, and wiser than I am is my family, my country, and the whole of humanity. As a decent Filipino, I have no room in my heart to love and respect the existence of a selfish, silly, greedy, and insane divinity up out there! Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook# Atheist#

I love NOT God, but I love the Sun

The existence of God should be brighter and lovelier than the existence of the sun. The sun is always around us every day of the year. God is not even with us at any night of the year. There is no such thing as sin against the sun; there is only silly sins against God... For my part, as an atheist, I'd rather love and respect the existence of the Sun than I could love and respect the existence of God. The existence of the sun has never been mysterious; sun has never been been petty enough, or silly enough to reveal to me that if I did not believe in its existence, she will, after my death, damn and burn me in hell fire forever and ever... I love and respect the existence of the sun. It is the sun that awakens all life on this planet earth and that alone deserves worship. Moreover, there is something clean about the sun being the sun even as it burns itself out in the process. Oh yes, if we must believe in things bigger than ourselves, there is the sun. The sun is so big: one million planets of the size of earth can fit inside the sun. For my part, as a little pagan living on this earth, after my family, my country, and the whole of humanity – I also love, respect, worship and adore the Sun. Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheists#

The Choice - God or the Sun

The existence of God should be brighter and lovelier than the existence of the sun. For my part, as an atheist, I'd rather love and respect the existence of the Sun than I should love and respect the existence of God. The existence of the sun has never been mysterious; sun has been been petty enough, or silly enough to reveal to me that if I did not believe in its existence, she will, after death, damn and burn me in hell fire forever and ever. I love and respect the existence of the sun. It is the sun that awakens all life on this planet earth and that alone deserves worship. Moreover, there is something clean about the sun being the sun even as it burns itself out in the process. Oh yes, if we must believe in things bigger than ourselves, there is the sun. The sun is so big: one million planets of the size of earth can fit inside the sun. For my part, as a little pagan living on this earth – I’d rather love, worship, and adore the Sun. Poch Suzara

Oh Jesus, My Dear Jesus

Tens of thousands, nay, millions of Filipinos, have come into some kind of religious experience by accepting Jesus as their Savior. As to how exactly millions of Filipinos have been saved by Jesus - no one but no one knows how, when, or where! For my part, as an unbeliever of the faith, I can understand how hard it is must be for Jesus to save the Filipinos away from the devil; but what is even harder is for Jesus to save the Filipinos away from his own faithful to Jesus corrupt congressmen and faithful to Jesus corrupt senators of the corrupt Philippine government; especially as corrupt politics in the Philippines has always been blessed by God, the Father of Jesus! Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheists#