Saturday, September 24, 2005

Christ and Satan

Christ was offered by Satan “all the kingdoms of the world and the glory in them” if only Jesus would fall down and worship him. But Jesus rejected the offer in favor of dying on the cross to save the world. I ask: Was Jesus gullible enough not to have questioned Satan where he got the rightful titles to those properties and kingdoms to legally be able to give them away? See Matt. 4: 1 – 9. In the meantime, Jesus said: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” In other words, reject Satan; never mind your free will. Poch Suzara

The Immortal Soul

According to Church doctrines, the human body, since it is mortal, belongs to man. The human soul, however, since it is immortal, belongs to God. If this were true, and it is equally true that God is here, there and everywhere, why should the Church bother saving human souls that already belong to Almighty God? Indeed, what need does God have for the Church to save immortal souls for Him? Poch Suzara

The Sin of Stupidity

According to the teachings of the Church, except for the sin of blasphemy against the holy spirit, all other sins, including the sin of stupidity, can be easily forgiven by grace from divinity. In fact, looking at the insane social results of the teaching of the Church during these past centuries based upon the Old and the New Testament, stupidity is not a sin. It is a virtue. Poch Suzara


Bertrand Russell wrote: “What I will maintain – and maintain vigorously – is that knowledge is very much more useful than harmful and the fear of knowledge is very much more harmful than useful.” For my part, I think what is even more harmful, if not useless is overcoming one’s stupidity with knowledge and then feel guilty. Poch Suzara

Changing the Church

I do not think it necessary to change the Church as the Church is always changing. I would like, however, to embarrass the church for always being against emotional growth and intellectual maturity as it would rather spread the inspiration of mediocrity. In the meantime, mankind would be centuries ahead in science and technology if it hadn't been for the church heirarchy ignoring, threatening, incarcerating, torturing, drowning, hanging, burning and, indeed, killing the best of human minds in God’s name and for His glory in heaven. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Julius Larson – a freethinker from South Dakota invented this new word: poligiousity. Poligious has two meanings: using religion to pursue political aims; and, using politics to pursue religious aims. Poligiousity – excessively and obtrusively using religion to purse politics or using politics to pursue religion. In this connection, aside from social insanity, we Filipinos, - the most devout Christians in Asia, - enjoy as well the insanity of our historical poligiousity. Poch Suzara


Questions are either silly or intelligent. Here’s an example of a silly question: did God raise Jesus from the dead? The intelligent question, however, to ask is: Why did Jesus have to die to begin with? What did He accomplish? If Jesus died on the cross to destroy the devil – how come the devil is still alive today keeping Christianity in business as ever? But then again, where was God, the Father of Jesus, to have assisted Adam and Eve to reject the offers of the Talking Serpent – the devil – the very myth that gave birth to Christianity? Poch Suzara

Deeper Questions

Deeper questions are more important than the higher answers because, in the ultimate analysis, there is no such thing as a “higher” answer to deeper questions. There is no such thing as a God who fills the empty gap in our lack of higher knowledge. Otherwise, if there were a God, none of us need to bother with the morality or even the necessity of searching for more knowledge. In the meantime, Bertrand Russell wrote: “Whoever wishes to become a philosopher must learn not to be frightened by absurdities.” Poch Suzara


The most pathetic character depicted in the bible is Joseph, the stepfather of Jesus. From the day Jesus was born and up to his death on the cross, Joseph never said anything. He was consistently speechless, if not taciturn. As depicted in the bible, he never even questioned his domestic situation. Apparently, Joseph got so dumbstruck because the Holy Spirit told him to his face that his wife Mary was, and always will be, - a virgin. In the meantime, how can a mother remain a virgin? And if God had a mother, who and where is God’s father? Poch Suzara

Freedom and Democracy

Before we can enjoy the benefits of freedom and democracy, we must first acquire education in science and in the scientific way of thinking. In this way, we would know exactly what to do with freedom creatively; and, we would also know exactly what to do with democracy constructively. It follows, therefore, that unless we have serious education in science and scientific way of thinking and living, our freedom will be meaningless and our democracy will be rather worthless. Poch Suzara

Family Planning

To be entrusted with a large family is a great responsibility. To be entrusted with feeding, clothing, housing, educating, and loving a large family is a greater responsibility. To acknowledge the fact, however, that uncontrolled human population growth leads to the depopulation of most other living species needed for human survival is the greatest responsibility. In the meantime, 500,000 babies were born in the Philippines just these past 3 months alone. Indeed, women in this country do not believe in having sex for fun. They are very serious in following the teachings of the church: multiply and replenish the earth - bring forth more babies, even if un-wanted, into our sick society for the glory of God in heaven. In the years to come most of the babies born today will eventually join all those 15 million Filipinos now living and working in 150 foreign countries. The attitude of such Filipinos is: who cares about love of country. I am better off earning a living to support my family in some other foreign country. Poch Suzara

More Than 100 Billion People

More than 100 Billion Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and Taoists have already lived and died on this earth. I ask: - when will the creator stop creating failures and losers in His own image and likeness? Indeed, we humans on this earth would rather show compassion for divinity and to hell with the troubles and problems of humanity. And that’s how stupid we all are embracing with deep faith our stupid religion. Poch Suzara

Biological Fact

The biological reality is that human life is related to all other forms of life on this earth. One form of life could only survive with other forms of life existing. In order to survive, and to evolve further, perhaps into higher forms of life, life must eat as food other forms of life. It is the poor product of a designer, if any; but obviously – poor planning from an all-knowing, all-powerful, benevolent and all-loving creator, if any. Poch Suzara

A False Belief

A false belief, even if it were sincerely believed by 88 million people to be true, will not make it true. A belief is worth it only if it accords with the evidence. Otherwise it is harmful to believe in things that are not true. Poch Suzara


Catholics are taught to follow faithfully the teachings of the Church. One such teaching has been and still is: - Do Not read the Bible without proper spiritual guidance. Thus, Catholics are shamelessly ignorant of bible contents and its mythological sources. Poch Suzara

Peace On Earth

“Peace on earth and goodwill to all men” are sentiments best articulated by the poor people getting poorer, and certainly not by the rich people getting richer. The rich do not care for peace on earth and goodwill to all men. They only have time to hope and to pray that others will not get any richer than they are already. Once I was told to my face: If you were so damned smart, why aren’t you rich? I replied: well, if you were so damned rich, how come you want nothing more in life but only to become richer? Poch Suzara

Bush, Not Katrina

Not the Katrina Hurricane, but the George W. Bush presidency is one of the worst disasters that hit the United States of America. The damage brought by Katrina hurricane based upon reality of nature can be repaired in less than 3 years. The George W. Bush presidential damage on the USA based upon his local lies and global falsehoods and other expensive fairy tales will take 30 years to repair. It’s incredible how the United States government – the greatest and the richest government in the world today encourages hate and violence around the world as a way of generating unceasingly the equally great American military-industrial-university-oil complex. Poch Suzara

Adolf Hitler

In his MEIN KAMPF, Hitler wrote: “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.“ ( page 65 ). And to think that Hitler was once a cute little baby created in the image and likeness of God. Not to mention Hitler was also raised and educated as a good Christian. Poch Suzara

Success Versus Failure

We do not learn from success. We only learn from failure. In this sense, I hope to be a failure for the rest of my life. In the meantime, within my lifetime, I still have high hopes that one day, in the corporate world, I will meet men of success who are not selfish, or greedy, or stupid, or insane. Poch Suzara


Science will continue to be powerful in making knowledge and wisdom accessible to everyone. Sadly, however, the enemies of science – religion and politics – still maintain the virtues of fear and ignorance. Please read the holy bible. It admits: - For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. For my part, as an individual fascinated with science and the scientific way of thinking, I thought it best to throw the bible out of my holy window. Poch Suzara