Sunday, June 06, 2004

Sell Sacred Lies

Do you want to be hated and a nobody in life? Sell or be a truth-seeker. Do you, however, want to be successful, rich, and famous? Sell sacred lies and silly falsehoods. Thus, among the men who are filthy rich in our sick society are the church ministers, owners of schools, colleges, and universities, TV evangelists, bible preachers, the theologians and the politicians. Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Arson said...

Bullshit. How can you lump church ministers in with tv evangelists, or politicians for that matter? Largely different. Church ministers and bible teachers, for the majority, aren'ts filthy rich. My dad was a pastor for almost 20 years and we were NEVER, EVER rich, by anyone's standards. It's true, tons of pastors and evangelists and theologians and politicians are selling 'sacred lies and silly falsehoods', and getting filthy rich off it, there's no doubt about that. But don't you think that's a little bit large of a generalization? Okay, okay, so you're an athiest and don't believe in God, that's fine. You're entitled to your beliefs. You're entitled to say whatever you want to, seeing how this is your blog and all. But, don't lump us all in the same shitty category.