Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thou Art Dust

The bible says: “From dust thou art, and from dust thou shall return.”
Well, if we came from dust, and unto dust we shall return, and God made man in his own image and likeness, then God must be made of dust too. No wonder, God is everywhere, just like dust is everywhere too. In the meantime, isn’t it rather foolish to pray to a piece of dust for the salvation of dusty souls made of dust
too? Poch Suzara

1 comment:

erebusnyx said...

In the Beyond Belief conference ( held at the Salk Insitute last November, either it was Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson or Dr. Carolyn Porco who reiterated the fact that we are literally made of stardust. And indeed we are, since all chemical elements are synthesized in stars. The dust and rocks that coalesce to form planets are starstuff--the remmants of dead stars.