Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Troubles in our World

The troubles in our world begins with the troubles in the human family. Indeed, to begin with, children are the products of sex; not love. We are not the masters of the biological truth, but the victims of theological lies. Life is not a creation of a fictitious creator. As a matter of truth, life is a sexually-transmitted disease with the mortality rate of 100 per percent. Listen, however, to sweet Jesus - the Savior of the world, declaring in the bible: "If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife and children, and brethren, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 When I tell my friends and relatives to struggle with me against with the basic troubles of our troubled world, they react by only telling me that they are too busy and that there is nothing we can do anything about it anyway. That no one can remedy the situation. That the struggle for human decency is a waste of time and energy. That we can only try to remedy the horrors of those who are poor and homeless; never, however, can we ever alleviate the horrors of those who are the mindless and the heartless. I insist however: this is our world. This is the world of our children we are dealing with. If we do not speak for this world, our world, who will? I, myself, alone, may not solve the problems of our world. The least I could do, however, is to exclude myself away from among the billions of religious saps and jerks who keep our world always in trouble. Indeed, I should stop having faith in a divine grace that has, in fact, been doing nothing except to perpetually be a disgrace against the human race. For as long as we waste time and energy believing, loving, venerating, and having faith in lies and deceptions, we shall never solve the problems of our troubled world. We shall only need a Savior. But Bertrand Russell had a more creative alternative to solve the evil: He wrote: "What the world needs now is not only love, but also the greater knowledge of the nature of love, in all its complexity." Indeed, "the good life one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

1 comment:

Poch Suzara said...

NY, 06 Jan 08
Dear Poch:
You hit the nail on the head!
Yes, indeed, many if not most people refuse to get involved in what's happening in their own local community, in their town or city, in their own province, in their own country--and much less in what's happening outside their own country.
They are apathetic, and that's quite pathetic because that is how the corrupt "trapos" are routinely able to take advantage of their apathy, their ignorance, their gullibility --and thus perpetuate themselves in power.
A position I have long held is that if people do not make it a point to know what's going on, do not get involved, and do not participate in civic and political affairs, they cannot make rational and informed judgments. Thus, democracy simply doesn't work; it withers on the vine, and "trapos" have a field day doing what they always like to do which is to enrich themselves through corruption and hold on to power at all costs.
This lament of mine applies, regrettably for me, to my own adult children and other close relatives here and in the Philippines.
Woe unto me!
Mar Patalinjug