Friday, December 25, 2009

A College-Educated Moron

A college-educated moron writes and says: “I am not against atheist. My father was an atheist almost all his life but was baptized and receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist in his last few days on earth. He was just enlightened because he can no longer defend his atheism. Poch is his own worst enemy. No need to destroy him because he is doing it well by himself.” No kidding? Did your father ever read to you verses and chapters as guiding principles written in the holy bible that made us the Sick Children of Asia? Indeed, made us believe that since Jesus is coming anyway, no need to love our country and to love each other as we are all Filipinos since there will be a better world to come with Jesus later after death in heaven under the management of the Chosen People of God - In the meantime, for my part, as I am myself a publicly declared theist, if I find myself one day about to be baptized and about to receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist in my last few days on this earth – believe me – I would rather kill myself first. Jesus Christ was not even a fellow-Filipino. He was a Jew born in a foreign land that never even got to be a Catholic country. Israel today is still a Jewish State! So what's this religious malarkey that I need not be destroyed because I am already destroying myself? My dear man, the day we are born is the very same day we begin to live in a dying body! Wake up, my dear man!! Is it so hard for you to face the reality that we were all born as non-believers of the faith? We were all born as atheists. No child comes out of his or her mother’s womb believing in a God or in the Son of God Jesus. No child has a religion. Well, since I was born an atheist, the least I could do is to die one day as an atheist too. I say, if we must die, let us die with self-respect and dignity. Let us die sober, and not drunk with religious lies or drugged with sacramental deceptions? In the ultimate analysis, we all arrived into this world with nothing; the least we could do is to leave this world with something. Indeed, let us one day leave this world a better place than how we found it. Or there is little reason having lived at all. Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Thesauros said...

You're a good man pooch. Don't change anything :-)