Friday, August 06, 2010

Corruption and Christianity

Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:19:00 08/06/2010

Dear Editors

IF YOU steal small, you land in jail. If you steal big, you immediately qualify to run as a candidate for an elective government position. And when in government, if you steal bigger, you are promoted to a higher government position. In the meantime, look at the ongoing investigation of crimes committed by public officials. The investigation is not being done by policemen or by NBI agents, but by fellow criminals in or out of the same corrupt government.

Usually, the investigation goes on endlessly; except for one beautiful development. Via the priesthood industry, the criminals under investigation are forgiven by God for their sins and crimes. This is otherwise more known as Christianity than as a way of life in the Philippines. POCH SUZARA


Anonymous said...

it is not a wonder for me why you atheists take pleasure in attacking Christianity of all the religions in the world. For the very obvious reason that it is a safe target. Christians would readily turn the other cheek and you atheists exploit that to raise your cause. Dare, Mr. Suzara, attack Islam or the muslims in your columns, if you got the balls to do so, or at the very least, the INC. Let's see what you got.


Poch Suzara said...

No kidding? Have you read my Open Letter to the United Nations? In that letter I attacked all religions as based upon stupidity and generated by an insufficient sense of reality. Poch Suzara