Sunday, August 08, 2010

First Cause Bullshit

If God was the first cause of everything and God Himself was part of that everything – who or what caused God to exist? Here, however, is a deeper question: who or what is God? Where did God come from? Since there was a "nothing" before creation, how did God manage to exist as a nothing before He created everything? Poch Suzara


DSP's Thoughts said...

Poch, cause and effect is in the realm of the physical. God is not part of this things, or everything. God is over, above and beyond things.

Poch Suzara said...

Sorry my friend but anything that is above and beyond things, in fact anything that is beyond human knowledge is otherwise more known as human stupidity. Poch

DSP's Thoughts said...

Poch, I do not mean beyond knowing, I do mean beyond thing. I mean God is not a thing. But can be known by humans. I knew I knew Him? I do not just believed, I knew!