Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Please be assured that there are those who are carrying on, somehow, what you can no longer do. We are a group composed of freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, humanists, and avid readers. We hope to continue the crusade you so bravely started a century ago. To liberate the Filipino mind from blind faith. Indeed, to banish the evil exploiters, executioners and liars out of our way of life. The evil called "Christianity" that was not only responsible for your death by public execution, but also entirely culpable for the strangulation of the search for truth, knowledge and wisdom for us as a people. Sir, I must sadly tell you that Christianity is the only thing that is a success in the Philippines. During your time, the Catholic friars shaped and controlled the destiny of the Filipino. Today, our country is controlled by the Catholic bishops and their political partners. There is no such thing as the power of God. There is only the power of the church, which maintains itself by teaching successive generations of impressionable Filipino students to embrace faith instead of science, reason and thought. Thus - via our schools, colleges, and universities - Christianity perpetuates the Filipino dream of the next life, whilst the priests and the politicians enjoy wealth, power, and glory in this life. We are taught by the millions to believe in sacred lies that only those biblically frightened would believe – that hours before you were executed – you retracted from your errors against Christianity and Masonry. Imagine Masonry. It was not even a religious organization or a revolutionary society. It was a humanitarian association dedicated to the liberation of mankind from being submerged in ignorance and slavery to progress in science and freedom. As a matter of fact, adherence to intellectual honesty and pursuit of veracity characterized you as a great man at home with scientific rationality. Indeed, you always struggled in the arena of ideas, using truth as your weapon, and reason as your shield. In the meantime, ours is not a system of education that encourages human intelligence. On the contrary, we are still stuck under a basic system of indoctrination that inspires social and moral and political decadence. Sir, you are the first intellectually courageous Filipino put to death by Christianity in the Philippines. It was due to your writings on the values of Filipino dignity, the beauty of a sane society, and love for humanity. You are the one and only great Filipino scientist-humanist-freethinker this country has ever produced. Instead of worshipping the saints of Christianity, for the sake of the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge - we would rather love you, respect you, and admire you! Dearest Sir, Happy Birthday on June 19. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Decline and Fall of Christianity

The Christian churches today are tearing each other apart externally. I am most elated to see these churches not only retreating, but also collapsing internally. It is about time to challenge its veracity historically.
For my part, after I am long dead and gone, I would like to be remembered as an individual who was primarily responsible for the death and burial of Christianity in the Philippines. I said it before and I say it again: - enough is enough. It is time to develop the most priceless treasures we all possess on this earth – our human mind and human heart. We need such treasures so that we can develop as well another precious thing on this earth - our own country for the sake of the nation’s children to grow up healthy, wealthy, and wise no longer having faith in a lot of priestly hogwash.
It is time to discard the promises of Christianity; for, as we search for the truth, we will discover that even the existence of God has all been based on religious threats concocted by the priesthood industry as a profit generating enterprise to benefit no one but themselves. Poch Suzara

Human Lifetime

Human lifetime is but a fraction of a millimeter long, a bittersweet instant in eternity, a wink of an eye, a flash in the pan, a split of a second long. Even our planet earth is so tiny in that a million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun.
To think that the Son of the God Jesus during ancient times was born on this piece of dust called earth. In order to save mankind from sin he allowed himself to be crucified on the cross by men created too in the image and likeness of his own Father. And this is the same crucified Jesus who cried out from the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!" Poch Suzara

The Politicians

The bible says: “If you live after the flesh, you shall die.” ( Rom 8:13). “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. ( 1 Cor. 6:9-10 ).
One thing glaringly obvious written in the bible: it knew exactly what it was writing about when it came to the life style of most politicians installed in the United States government with headquarters no longer at the Oval but in the Oral Office! Poch Suzara

US Economy

The US economy gets on high gear especially for the Industrial-Military-University Complex for as long as the US government prepares to go to war. War is big business globally. Especially under the pretext of installing freedom and democracy in foreign countries. But there has yet to be the same economic windfall if the US government were to install freedom and democracy to benefit the native American Indians, the Black Americans, and the homeless and jobless – the victims of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the United States of America. Poch Suzara

Life on Earth

Life on earth may be expensive, but it includes a free ride for everybody while the earth spins on its axis at 1,037 miles per hour. It includes another free ride as the earth orbits annually 595,000,000 miles around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour. And yet another free ride as the earth follows the sun going around the galaxy 250,000,000,000 miles at 400,000 miles per hour. Despite the astronomical free rides, only the esoteric few love the spaceship earth. The rest have been indoctrinated to ignore it or even to hate it for heaven’s sake. Poch Suzara

Illegitimate Jesus

The father of Jesus never legally married his mother Mary. Jesus therefore was an illegitimate Son. What a rotten way to give birth to family values. Nevertheless, can any one blame Jesus for preaching: "If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, brothers and sisters, and ye his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. See Matthew 10:34-37 and Luke 14:26. Poch Suzara


The USA may produce a filthy-rich criminals like Donald Trump worth in the billions of dollars. The same USA, however, can also produce millions upon millions of American citizens who are not only homeless, not only jobless, not only hopeless and thoughtless, but also landless. And to think that we millions of poor and sick Americans love to sing with pride “God Bless America - land of the free and the home of the brave." Poch Suzara

Japanese Proverb

“Baka ni tsukeru kusuri wa nai”- ‘There is no medicine that cures stupidity.”
But the worship of divinity is a greater evil than stupidity. Why not therefore find the cure not for stupidity, but the cure for divinity? Please do not misunderstand me. I have the greatest respect for Japan as a nation and the greatest admiration for the Japanese as a people. They do have another slogan which is more powerful as well as enviable: "A world without kindness is grim; a world without sweat is decadent." Often times, I have wondered if Japan had won the Second World War in the pacific, the Philippines would have been a better place than it has been. For one thing, Christianity would have died out as the Japanese culture, values and beliefs would have eradicated in the Filipino psychology that destructive faith in a God who will provide.Poch Suzara


I discovered through self-study how Christianity has not been based on values that promote health or wealth; or, for that matter, that promotes the welfare of humanity. I then began to look deep at the social and political and economic conditions of Filipinos dominated from infancy to senility to have faith in sacred lies and to believe in other biblical falsehoods?
What a thrill it was for me to have gradually discovered the beauties of atheism. How, in fact, atheism promotes the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. To begin with, we atheists have no God to love up there as an excuse to hate one another down here. Poch Suzara

Save Democracy

If we Filipinos were interested to save our democracy, the first thing we must do is to shut down and abolish all of our schools, colleges, and universities. Especially those owned and controlled by the Catholic Church and Iglesia Ni Cristo. The greatest enemy of democracy has always been and still is Christianity – the religion that makes a mockery of liberty by encouraging more faith only in divinity.
Consider our college-educated men and women of this country, including college professors: - none are qualified to be decent leaders to manage a decent government for the creation of a decent society to enhance throughout the land common human decency! In fact, our schools, colleges, and universities are places where minds are twisted and hearts are distorted to feel more at home with the fantastic promises of Christianity; and, at the same time, to feel terrorized when facing the realistic works needed to nourish freedom and to cherish democracy in our country. Poch Suzara


To love my mother and father, brothers and sisters, friends and other relatives, or even to love my country was hardly an issue at the foundation of my education at De la Salle University. In fact, I was taught to love Jesus first and foremost. However, since Jesus was never around to reciprocate love and affection for him, I learned in the end to love and to respect only his priests and nuns, bishops, cardinals, and his pope. As I was just one of the millions of such students, I imagined the impact of such teachings on the Filipino mind as a people, and on the Filipino heart as a nation.
My dear reader, if you have some other logical explanation as to why we Filipinos are impoverished spiritually, bankrupt morally, childish emotionally, insane socially, and frightened biblically; in brief, why, in this 21st century, we are the Sick Man of Asia, I would be most anxious to learn from you. Poch Suzara

Guardians of Christianity

For those who believe, no explanation is needed. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible. In other words, it does not matter what you believe as long as you believe. Tertullian, the great Christian theologian, once admitted: “It is true because it is absurd. I believe it because it is impossible.” And to think that this famous dumbstruck theologian was once highly feared, respected and admired as one of the greatest spiritual guardians of Christianity! In the meantime, it is easy to believe. It is hard to think. That is why, in our sick society, there are far more stupid believers than there are intelligent thinkers. Poch Suzara

What Does It Profit

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers in the end the lost of his soul in the next world? I asked it before, I ask it again: What does it profit a man if he wins eternal salvation in heaven but leaves this world a worst place than he found it? Obviously, such a man had little reason for having lived. Indeed, such a man saw neither the beauty nor the power or even the worth in saving something even more priceless - his own precious mind and precious heart. Poch Suzara


Religion shows us how to go to heaven. Science, on the other hand, shows us how the heavens go. For my part, I’d rather be on the side of philosophy: it shows us how to question both science and religion as neither has found the truth. In finding the truth, however, I would pin my hopes first on science; never on religion. I do not trust religion. All the great religions of the world began with sacred lies. Poch Suzara

Pagan Satirist Celsus

At the end of the 2nd century the Pagan satirist Celsus writes: “Christians, it is needless to say, utterly detest each other. They slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse, and cannot come to any sort of agreement in their teaching.”
It is the same old story today in this 21st century. Look at us Filipinos in this biggest Christian country in Asia. Look how we all love divinity up there by making a mockery of our sense of humanity down here. Poch Suzara

Three Kinds of People

There are only three kinds of people in this world: those who upgrade the human race; those who degrade the human race; and the rest who could not care less as nothing matters to them except divine grace. Perhaps, there is the fourth kind - the Americans who will insist that there is more grace in the love of money than there grace in the love for the human race! Poch Suzara

Practice Makes Perfect

If practice makes perfect and we practice unhappiness everyday on this earth, by the time we get to heaven, we shall surely be experts at how to be unhappy perfectly. Indeed, as the prayer goes.. "on earth as it is in heaven." Poch Suzara

Power of God

There is no such thing as the power of God. There is only the power of the church. Church power comes from human ignorance of which the church has insured and perpetuated for herself with fear of the Lord on the one hand; and, on the other hand, with threats of eternal punishment in hell; especially for those who have no wish to embrace blind faith in the teachings of the church. Indeed, if there is a God, I refuse to believe that such a God would allow the Church to spread more nonsense to believe in this world so as to prepare its believers to enter a next world called the power and the kingdom of God. Poch Suzara

Monday, May 29, 2006

Work of Fiction

No matter how a reader views a work of fiction, it cannot be denied that reading fiction shapes imagination, stirs emotion, and stimulates the intellect. Such is Dan Brown’s best seller the Da Vinci Code – 60 million copies sold and translated into 24 different languages worldwide.
The church claims that it does not manipulate revealed truth. It only serves the truth. What the church really means is that it serves fiction as the revealed truth has yet to be revealed. In the Da Vinci Code novel, a historian asked: what if the greatest story ever told is a lie? I watched the movie, then I read the book.Dan Brown indeed is a great writer. A better author than all the bible writers put together. Dan Brown makes his readers think. He teaches his readers to question and therefore to become less gullible.
To Dan Brown, please accept my deepest apologies for having written criticisms against you. My attack against you was based on catholic ignorance about your work. I am sorry, but now I know better. Thank you. Poch Suzara