Sunday, October 25, 2009

God’s Love

“God loved us so much, he sent His only begotten Son.” Philippine Star Oct. 21, 2009

Indeed, this is the same Son of a Jewish God Jesus who, crucified on a stick, cried out loud: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

That Jesus was a man of the highest moral character – is not true at all. In fact, Jesus was a man of low moral character who couldn’t care less for family values. Jesus never bothered to question why His Father never morally and indeed legally married His Mother Mary. He also declared that if you do not hate your parents, if you do not hate your brothers and sisters, you cannot be his disciple. Luke 14:26

Jesus also saw neither beauty nor necessity to include women as among his twelve apostles. Ironically, the women, specially the Pinays, loved the arrangement – they would rather be the stupid victims rather than be the intelligent masters of religion.

In the meantime, look at the Pinays as mothers and as the first teachers of their children at home before they start going to any of the sick schools well-established in our poor and backward and Catholic country. Poch Suzara

The Purpose of Education

The purpose of education via schools, colleges, and universities is to learn how to be afraid of new and critical ideas. Indeed, to learn how to promote thoughtless sensationalism, if not to carry on with mindless traditionalism that keeps us away from growth, away from the winds of change, and away from development via the power of scientific modernism. Thus, college educated Pinoys and Pinays are more at home with decaying familiarity rather than courageous in facing the adventures of new ways of living and thinking, or how to deal creatively with uncharted opportunities. Jack W. Meiland, Ph.D author of – COLLEGE THINKING (how to get the best out of college) wrote: “In order to learn how to think, you must think about something, about some particular content. But the content is not the main point. Much of the content that you are taught in college will be outmoded or discarded anyway in ten or twenty years. Learning intellectual skills and attitude is far more important. . . Another important function of college is to inculcate certain habits of mind. One such habit is that of critical thinking.” Most of my college educated friends and relatives and associates think of me as someone who is mentally off balance - insane as I appear to them not only as an individual who was expelled out of high school but that I have not ceased proving even to my teachers in grade school that progress in intellectual matters requires that popular views or fashionable ideas must always be tested, challenged, and criticized. Indeed, in our sick society, if you expose new and critical ideas to any one – you are thought to be mentally sick, and thus not worthy of the forgiveness of sin from God, and therefore not qualified to gain eternal salvation in the next life after death. In the meantime, my dear reader, everybody wants to go to an extraterrestrial heaven, but before doing so, nobody wants to experience terrestrial death on this earth. Poch Suzara, Phsdo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Theory of the Original Sin

Charles Darwin discovered that the created world is still expanding and human life is still evolving. One therefore cannot fall from perfection if there is no finished creation.

Evolution was always a fact, not a theory. It is the “Original Sin” that has always been and still is a theory. In the meeantime, how can any of us be guilty of the Original Sin since none of us originated anything to begin with? Poch Suzara

The Original Sin

A perfect God created two perfect human beings. Then puts them to a perfect test only to find out that His two perfect beings - Adam and Eve – turned out to be perfect fools gullible enough to believe the perfect words of a talking Serpent – the only animal gifted not only with perfect free speech ability, but also with a perfect “free will.”

In the meantime, obviously, the original sin was the creation under perfection. What could more original than that? Poch Suzara

We are all Fanatics

We are all fanatics when it comes to religious or irreligious beliefs. The difference is that your fanaticism promotes the fear of thought and therefore prevents the art of thinking.

My fanaticism, however, whether you like it or not - makes you think. Thus, my thoughts to provoke your thoughts Blog. To promote not social insanity or religious stupidity, but to stimulate men’s intellectual capacity to enhance global peace and tranquility via a healthy mentality. Poch Suzara

The Whole Truth

It is designated by distinctive names, such as inside and outside, left and right, top and bottom, front and back, light and dark, black or white, good and bad, and indeed, the one and only side - the middle side.

As to which side of the spectrum reflects the whole truth – if in fact there is any, who knows? Poch Suzara

Friday, October 23, 2009

I am an Atheist

I am an atheist. I care about life after birth especially for the glory of humanity enjoying common decency terrestrially. I do not give a hoot for life after death especially for the glory of a silly divinity somewhere out there celestially. To begin with, there is no such thing as human life after death. There is only the death of memory, the death of identity, the death of personality, and the death of the human brain. I am, however, more impressed with the death of stupidity. In the meantime, God himself was an atheist. Listen closely to His first commandment: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." Well, obviously, God did not believe in the existence of other Gods. Now the question is - why would God create other Gods for you religious morons to believe and to quarrel and hate and kill each other to accomplish what? Poch Suzara

Most Women

Most women love stupid men and in order to win the heart of a women – most men try so hard to impress upon women that they are even more stupid than nature made them. And by the way, my dear reader, that is exactly how the human race goes forth to multiply and to replenish the earth for the glory of God in heaven. Poch Suzara

Human Life and Death

We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by believing that there is a better, more everlasting life to come, after we experience the stupidity of meaningless death.

Life after death is a lot of hooey-phooey fucking baloney. Just visit any mortuary or cemetery. And the evidences are all there to prove that there is no human life after death.

In the meantime, the bible says: “The world is passing away but he who does the will of God abides forever.” 1 John 2:17. Well, what about those of us gifted with free will from God – where do we abide forever? In hell? Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Christianity has been falling apart just like any structure falls apart against the winds of change and the forces of modernity.

Biblical inerrancy and Papal infallibility have turned out to be nothing but traditional religious baloney on the one hand, and on the other hand – a lot of ecclesiastical hooey-phooey.

Indeed, what if the greatest story ever told turned out to be the greatest lie – the basis of ill-gotten wealth, ignorance as power, and stupidity masquerading in our sick society as divinity. Poch Suzara

The Bible

“The bible: Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world.” Philippine Star Oct. 12, 2009

Most Filipinos have no idea why we are a spiritually poor people and a morally bankrupt nation. It is mainly due to, if not the result of, - bible messages.

Consider such one bible message destructive as always: “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him. 11 John 2:15

We Filipinos love not this world. We do not love our own country – the Philippines. For the love of God up there, we hate this world down here. In fact, we would rather look forward to be better world to come after death. As if there is any such life.

Consider another deadly message: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” Matt. 6:34. Our teachers in school, our professors in college, our politicians in the government, and our priests, bishops, and cardinals in the church all love and respect such a convenient message from the bible. It supplies them with power derived from fear and ignorance – the foundation of our religious beliefs and values as we are the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pinoy Crisis

Pinoys always turn to God in times of crisis. What the Pinoys do not realize, however, that if such a God was real, and who loves us, there would hardly be any crisis in the Philippines. After all, we are the only ones in the whole of Asia who believe in the existence of this powerful God, especially in his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. We are the only Christian country in Asia. No other nation in Asia believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God as we do in the Philippines. So how come, if our sacred beliefs and values were based upon such truth and power, how come we are we still so spiritually poor as a people and still so morally bankrupt as a nation? Poch Suzara

Sunday, October 18, 2009

God’s Truth

"God’s truth stops the spin of Satan’s lies." Philippine Star Oct. 17, 2009
This is shallow, devoid of sensibility, an exercise in futility. Where is God’s existence to put an end to Satan’s existence? Indeed, as long as Satan continues
to exist, God’s truth isn’t worth a hoot!

In the meantime, if God could be screwing around with Satan in hell; and, if Satan could be screwing around with God in heaven – is it any wonder that our politicians in government and our theologians in church always in cahoots together are also screwing around with each other while on this earth? Indeed, on earth as it is in heaven and in hell. Poch Suzara

Saturday, October 17, 2009

God Everywhere

I cannot, will not, and I refuse to believe in a God who is existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere. I can, however, believe in a God who can stay put in one place somewhere, anywhere. A God who has a permanent office address. In this way, each time I need God, I know where to visit him. So far, as has been taught to me to believe, God is an escape-artist. He loves to run away all the time specially away from himself. Look at such a God in the bible. He was once a Burning Bush. He managed somehow to run away to get in between the legs of a Virgin Mary, got her pregnant, after which we never heard from such a Burning Bush God ever again. Indeed, I am an atheist. Just like you and everyone else I too was born an atheist. You may save my silly soul. You can have it. I don't need it. You can even eat it. I have, however, already saved the most precious treasure on this earth: my mind and heart. In the meantime, Atheism is not a therapy. It is restored mental health. Poch Suzara

No Life After Death

There is no life after death. If there is, we should be able to see God dancing, drinking, singing – enjoying himself as the life of the party celebrating the beauty of human life after death with our dead loved ones buried in the cemetery. Poch Suzara


When a man gets an erection the blood in his brain goes to his sexual organ. The same thing happens with his woman getting horny ready to be invaginated. The blood in her brain goes to her genital organ... In other words, replenishing the earth or propagating the human race – can only be accomplished by brainless fathers and brainless mothers enjoying sexual embrace mindless as it is... We are all the masters as well as the victims of this biological truth. Ugly as it is... To think that if we were the result of mindless mating between mom and dad, isn’t that enough explanation why we are all born not only wet, crying, hungry, bloodied, naked, and uncircumcised, but also born utterly mindless? But then again we are told that God gifted babies with a free will during birth. As if babies were free to choose not to be born dumbstruck... In the meantime, happy birthday greetings is a lot of hogwash. No one is born happy. In fact, we are born like the animals are born – thoughtless, ignorant, and crying as we arrive into this world of fools... In the meantime, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY have little to do with the propagation of biological protoplasm; It has more to do with sexual orgasm... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

One Nation Under God

One nation under God? Which God? There are so many Gods out there! In fact, if there was only one true God, there would be but one united world, not many divided nations each suspicious of the other for believing in their own kind of God! But where is that one true God to be found anywhere in the world? Poch Suzara


There is much of deviltry in the best of us, and much of divinity in the worst of us, that it is difficult to say which of us is not as insane as the rest of us. Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Religious Moron

He claims that God created the universe. He, however, knows nothing about the universe, knows nothing about God. That, my dear reader, is a religious moron. He knows nothing of the planet earth. He knows nothing of the Solar System. He knows nothing of the Milky Way Galaxy. He knows nothing of the billions of galaxies out there. But he knows that God is the creator of heaven and hell even as he knows nothing about “knowing.” The religious moron may be forgiven for his ignorance; but when he also knows nothing about “knowing” then he has no excuse whatsoever to be a religion moron for the rest of his life. Ah, I meet such religious morons everyday comprising our sick society. They even have the gall to tell me that one day I will end up dead in hell. But they know nothing of me, nay, they know nothing of death, and they know nothing about the existence of hell or even where hell is located or where situated. Poch Suzara

Three Babies

Three babies are born every minute of the day and night in the Philippines. That’s about 1.8 million babies added yearly to the population growth situation.

For my part, as an unbeliever of the faith, I would consider myself a criminal if I get reckless enough to impregnate a woman with a child to be born and be a part of our sick society.

In the meantime, there are about 20 million single mothers in the Philippines today. These mothers have been told that God will provide for their children. Most of which are existing under subhuman conditions in the streets of our major cities. And to think that the fathers of these poor and wretched children also believe, love, worship, and have deep faith in a God who will provide. Poch Suzara