Friday, January 01, 2010


We are told that soldiering is like writing, teaching, preaching, faith-healing, or trading. But what gives the soldier nobility is this: only he pledges to die for his country.

No doubt, a soldier has the courage to die in the battlefield. Sadly, however, he has no courage to ask what it is exactly he is told to give up his life for.

In the meantime, listen to Bertrand Russell: “There is no more horrible crime against liberty than to compel men to kill each other when their conscience tells them to live in peace.” Poch Suzara

We are Sick even in Death

Look how we all have been taught during our formative yearws to look forward after death to meeting only God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Moses and all the rest of the famous characters in the bible written not by Filipinos, but by Jewish authors. Never, however, are we ever to entertain the thought that we might again be re-united with our mother and father, grandparents, brothers and sisters, wife and children, and other relatives and friends and associates in the hereafter. Indeed, in life as well as in death we were all sick with sick values and sick beliefs. We prefer not the truth. We prefer sick lies and sick deceptions. They are more comforting, if not more soothing, and easier to grasp. And that is why there exist schools, colleges, and universities to teach us how to be frightened of such holy baloney to benefit those who are in control of our minds and hearts. Poch Suzara


Ever since I became an atheist, I began to stop hating myself. In fact, I gradually learned to love myself. So much so that I have no need of lies and deceptions to make me happy, or to make me feel that life has meaning or is worth living. Indeed, loving myself has made me feel more creative, not destructive. I have no need of a God to love me. I am neither afraid of life nor death. I am ready for any change or development in my life. I have no need of a silly God like a silly child who needs to be friendly to a silly Santa Claus. "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' (Matthew 5:43). On the contrary, I say, Hate divinity and hate deviltry as both are one and the same hooey phooey. Let us, instead, love humanity; especially with the power of thought. The power of thought is far more crucial, if not more beneficial, than the power of love; for, without thought, love cannot exist. Poch Suzara

The gods of the Kangaroos

If kangaroos had gods they would look like kangaroos. No kangaroo can conceptualize beyond its own limits or its own being. A kangaroo cannot think or imagine beyond the experience of a kangaroo.

Despite our human pretensions, this is also true of human beings. We human beings have gods, and they look and act remarkably like us human beings.

For my part, I envy the kangaroos. They never have to multiply and replenish the earth with kangaroos that need to go to grade school, high school, and to go for a college education to learn how to love and worship and adore a god Kangaroo. Poch Suzara

Monday, December 28, 2009

Celebrating the Love for Holy Baloney

We can very well disagree with the doctrines and get confused over dogmas of the church such as the Holy Trinity. We still, however, have faith enough to celebrate them. In other words, we love to be the victims of lies, not the masters of the truth.

Or, “Oh God, dear God, we don’t even care if you exist or not. Whether or not you do there is nothing you can do that can make us stop loving you”.

Such are the helpless victims celebrating not the love of self or the love for one another, but the love for holy non-existing baloney.

Listen to Bertrand Russell and then take a closer look at us Filipinos in this only Christian country in Asia:

“There is something feeble, and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dare not face his thought, and he therefore cannot carry his own reflections to a logical conclusion. Moreover, as he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed. He therefore adopts persecution, censorship, and a narrowly cramping education as essential of statecraft. In so far as he is successful, he produces a population which is timid and unadventurous and incapable of progress. Authoritarian rulers have always aimed at producing such a population. They have usually succeeded, and by their success have brought their countries to ruin.”

And in ruin what do we Filipinos continue to do? We continue to love, worship,
and adore those who ruined not only our self-respect as a people and dignity as a nation, but also ruined our future.

Come on, you guys and gals. We are now in the 21st century! Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who Determines? God? Which God?

Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a filthy poor Catholic family existing under subhuman conditions in the slums of Metro Manila? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a filthy rich Jewish family of New York? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son of an economist or a daughter a communist in the Philippines? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of the King of Saudi Arabia? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a celebrity atheists? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a poor Buddhist family of Tibet? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son of a pimp and the daughter of a prostitute? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of your own grandfather who raped and impregnated his own daughter your mother? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of the head of the Mafia family who manages the Vatican bank for the Catholic church? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a Drug Lord of Panama? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a wealthy Filipino family making tons of money selling the Word of God? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son of a corrupt politician or the daughter of a corrupt theologian? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son of a father who abandoned you and the daughter of a mother who neglected you? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a poor stevedore in the port of Singapore? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of corrupt chief of police of any city in the Philippines? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as a homosexual son or a lesbian daughter of a family in Ireland? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of an alcoholic father who beats up your alcoholic Catholic mother? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a Senator who is a well known for his love of stealing money instead of working for love of country? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of an Iraqi family killed by US Air force fighting jets bombing Iraq to create employment in America? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a Black African family surviving from hand to mouth existence in Nigeria? God? Which Go Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of famous philosopher? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as a cripple son or born blind as a daughter of a poor and sick family squatting in the streets of Bangladesh? God? Which God? Who determines that you be born as the son or daughter of a Spanish family in Spain, a Chinese family in China, a Korean family in Korea, a Mongolian family in Mongolia, a Russian family in Russia, a French family in France, a Burmese family in Burma, an Irish family in Ireland, or a Filipino family who have been educated to love not his country, or to love the things that are in his country for the sake of a divinity? God? Which God? Who determines that we all be born without religion? That we all come out of mother’s womb, not as a Catholic or a Muslim or a Jew or a Buddhist or a Hindu, but as atheists – as non-believers of the existence of God! Which God? If religions were true, and there is a God, how come we continue to live in a much troubled world? How come religion only teaches us that there is a better world to come after death? And that we should only show nothing but contempt for any man who has the ability not only to think, but to love life in this world. Now I ask you sons and daughters everywhere: where is the true God, if, in fact, there is such a thing as a “true God?” Obviously, there is no such thing as justice because there is no such thing as a God to begin with. If there is, such a God has got to be a supernatural monster who determines which part of the nature should be wonderful and which part horrible or despicable. In the meantime, we all live on a speck of dust called “earth.” It is some 4.5 billion years old. The earth is orbiting yearly round the sun for the sake of nothing; rotating daily on its own axis for the sake of nothing; and, in terms of eternity, heading for no where in space and in time for the sake of nothing. The most we humans should do while living on this earth is to try and live the good life. My mentor Bertrand Russell defined it: “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What the world needs now is not only love, but also greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity.” Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Atheist# Facebook#

The Sick Children of Asia

Here are manifestations, cries, and pleadings that show just how sick we are as the Sick Man of Asia. Indeed, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverb 22:6 “And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “ Matthew 18: 2 Well, listen to us Pinoys and Pinays: “I’d rather have a government run like hell by Filipinos than a government run like heaven by Americans.” President Manuel Quezon


The religious morons of our sick country are unhappy with me. Especially when I say that there are 10 million single mothers in the Philippines today earning a living by prostitution to support their children.

The same religious people, however, will be happy with me, if I lower my estimate to, say, only 10 thousand single mothers in the Philippines today earning a living by prostitution to support their children.

As if our perpetual poverty as a people, and eternal insanity as a nation will make any difference as to the true statistics in just exactly how many single mothers there are struggling to survive earning a living by prostitution to support their children in the Philippines.

In the ultimate analysis, I ask: who really gives a damn as to what is happening to our women as we are a nation?

In the meantime, for the love of God up there via hate of one another down here – as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century - we are only getting more famous as the Sick Children of Asia in this already 21st century? Poch Suzara

Friday, December 25, 2009

A College-Educated Moron

A college-educated moron writes and says: “I am not against atheist. My father was an atheist almost all his life but was baptized and receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist in his last few days on earth. He was just enlightened because he can no longer defend his atheism. Poch is his own worst enemy. No need to destroy him because he is doing it well by himself.” No kidding? Did your father ever read to you verses and chapters as guiding principles written in the holy bible that made us the Sick Children of Asia? Indeed, made us believe that since Jesus is coming anyway, no need to love our country and to love each other as we are all Filipinos since there will be a better world to come with Jesus later after death in heaven under the management of the Chosen People of God - In the meantime, for my part, as I am myself a publicly declared theist, if I find myself one day about to be baptized and about to receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist in my last few days on this earth – believe me – I would rather kill myself first. Jesus Christ was not even a fellow-Filipino. He was a Jew born in a foreign land that never even got to be a Catholic country. Israel today is still a Jewish State! So what's this religious malarkey that I need not be destroyed because I am already destroying myself? My dear man, the day we are born is the very same day we begin to live in a dying body! Wake up, my dear man!! Is it so hard for you to face the reality that we were all born as non-believers of the faith? We were all born as atheists. No child comes out of his or her mother’s womb believing in a God or in the Son of God Jesus. No child has a religion. Well, since I was born an atheist, the least I could do is to die one day as an atheist too. I say, if we must die, let us die with self-respect and dignity. Let us die sober, and not drunk with religious lies or drugged with sacramental deceptions? In the ultimate analysis, we all arrived into this world with nothing; the least we could do is to leave this world with something. Indeed, let us one day leave this world a better place than how we found it. Or there is little reason having lived at all. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Australia and Philippines Compared

Australia was colonized some 200 years by some of the finest felons, thieves, muggers, alcoholics, prostitute, atheists and agnostics and freethinkers; in fact, a strain of depravity, if not a parade of British banditry. But look how they all contributed greatly to this country's amazing vigour in growth and due development as a nation of laws, self-respect, and human dignity.

Australians today have the finest, cleanest, and highly organized cities. The greatest of health and sanitation system. Scientific and creative system of education. A hard working government. It enjoys one of the highest per capita income in the world. A decent standard of living and indeed thinking for the Australian people, by the Australian people, and of the Australian people.

The Philippines was colonized by a bunch of Catholic friars and Catholic Spanish soldiers some 400 years ago. Look at the Philippines today. All of our cities are among the dirtiest and disorganized. In fact, our streets are no longer streets, but have been converted into baby factories. We have no health and sanitation. system. We have no government of, by, or for the people, but only a government for the corrupt officials, by the corrupt officials, and of the corrupt officials. Our system of education is around 100 years backward. Filipinos still come out of schools, colleges, and universities more prepared for the next life than prepared to be a productive and creative citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

We Filipinos are still so poor as a people and still so backward as a nation. As the only Christian country of Asia since the 16th century, we still believe in the power of prayer and that God will provide for us even as we have already become famous as the Sick Children of Asia.

In the meantime, in this already 21st century, is there hope for the Philippines for a better future? Yes, there is. But only as soon as we stop this childish nonsense of hating one another down here for the love a God up there. Or to put more bluntly, it is time we seriously attend to our sense of common human decency by discarding away that superstition otherwise more traditionally known as “divinity,” or “holy trinity,” or “Christianity,” or “El Shaddai malarkey,” or “Jesus is Lord Movement baloney,” or "Dating Daan" biblical hogwash.

Indeed, let us, instead, love the Philippines - our country. It is the only country we have as Filipinos. Poch Suzara

Single Filipina Mothers

There are about 10 millions single mothers in the Philippines today. Most of them proud of their achievement. Specially as their children, live and play in the streets of our major cities, sick and dirty as they are. Most of these single mothers are poor. They support themselves and their malnourished children by means of prostitution. Others have to work as housemaids or cooks or waitresses. Still others earn a living by working as hospitality girls in night clubs owned by foreigners; or work as helpers, and assistants in Beach resorts throughout the country owned by foreigners; or work in hotels owned by foreigners; or just work for a pimp or a policeman or a taxi driver to earn a few pesos a night. Tell them that they are among the worst criminals on this earth and they get shocked. They will insist that there is nothing wrong in carrying on an unwanted pregnancy. That there is nothing wrong with producing three (3) babies every minute of the day and night, or 1.8 millions babies yearly in the Philippines . Most of these children are potential members of the Catholic church, Iglesia ni Cirsto, El Shaddai, Jesus is Lord Movement members, Opus Dei, etc. The Catholic church and her Christian allies urges the Pinays to multiply regardless of the consequences. They are even told that productive motherhood is really in the end a virtue, and replenishing the Philippines with more babies even if unwanted is a sacred duty. In spite of population explosion the Pinays have 4 or 7 or 8 children not for society’s sake, but for the glory of God in heaven. The right to propagate, no doubt, is a freedom; but like all freedoms, when exercised by ignorance, is inimical to human welfare that generates an insane society. In the meantime, the Pinoys, as products of our schools, colleges, and universities have been taught to believe that no matter what they do for Pinays, with Pinays, against the Pinays, or just take advantage of their child-like qualities – there is always God up there who will always take care of them. Indeed, God will always provide for them. But that God will also always forgive us Pinoys of the sin of sexual stupidity, if not forgive us of the crime of social perversity. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Who is the bigger, better, taller, wiser, more disciplined, and more courageous individual? The fighter who fights in the world of boxing for the sake of glory, money, and other forms of insanity; or, the individual who fights lies, myths, deceptions, and superstitions in order to improve the world of thinking for the sake of global peace and tranquility and, indeed, sanity in the human family? Poch Suzara

Manny Pacquiao

He claims that his being boxing champion of the world is due to his having a special relationship with God. And yet, just as much as there are no atheists in a foxhole, there are also no atheists in the boxing ring. There are only the faithful believers fighting it out against other faithful believers. For my part, I imagine the greatest good Manny Pacquiao can do for the millions of Filipinos who admire him. For the sake of self-respect as a people and dignity as a nation, he could tell all of us that his being boxing champion of the world today had only to do with “hard work, training, discipline, and dedication to a chosen career down here. It has nothing whatsoever to do with a Jewish God up there who was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago." In the meantime, instead of augmenting the better quality of life with moral, physical, and intellectual courage for the average Filipino, Manny Pacquiao is only augmenting the worse - greed, selfishness, cruelty, social insanity, not to mention political stupidity specially for the sake of a silly divinity in our spiritually twisted and morally distorted country. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mayon Volcano

22 out of the 37 volcanos in the Philippines are active. Mayon Volcano is the most active. It has erupted at least 50 times since documentation began in 1616. Its worst eruption buried in mud Cagsawa town that killed 1,200 people in 1814. Another eruption in 1993 killed more than 70 family of farmers. Mayon erupted again in 2006 killing poor and innocent people.

Any day now, most probably its biggest, greatest, and the most devastating explosion will occur. Just exactly like the sinking of the Titanic, Mayon Volcano will also kill both the faithful believers and the unbelievers of the faith.

In the meantime, in Genesis, it says that when God created the world, He saw that it was “good.” Can any of you religious morons really believe the destructive holy baloney from such a silly creative divinity? Poch Suzara

The Sick Children of Asia

In the last analysis, there is really no such thing as the “Sick Man of Asia.” I have been wrong all along. I stand corrected. What is more truthful to say, however, is that we are the “Sick Children of Asia .” Indeed, in this already 21st century, look how we Filipinos continue to have more faith, more love, and more admiration for Jesus Christ, born in a foreign country than we do even know who or what our own Jose Rizal lived and died for our country? Indeed, Rizal as the greatest of Filipino thinker-humanist-scientist. How sick are we as the Sick Children of Asia ? Look deep at Jesus Christ and his teachings. And then look deeper at our Jose Rizal and his teachings. Here is Jesus Christ who taught family values for the Filipinos: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26 Now listen carefully to what our Jose was saying about values for the family, and about human dignity and self-respect: “I would like the Filipino to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive.” Do you faitheists now understand now why Christian power and authority had to have our Jose Rizal arrested, incarcerated, and then publicly executed? Jose Rizal had been saying that Christianity thrives not on love, but on fear and guilt. They are the fundamental emotions that Christianity seeks to induce. For all of its alleged concern for the “poor in spirit,” Christianity does its best to perpetuate spiritual poverty, squalor, and social misery. Not to mention political stupidity. In the ultimate analysis, with its emphasis on punishment and reward in the afterlife, Christianity is largely responsible for the notion that morality, common human decency under social sanity are not practical, and has little to do or should have nothing to do with being “Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive.” Thus, in this already 21st century, Christianity in the Philippines carries on with so much wealth, power, and glory. Our Jose Rizal shot, dead, buried, ignored, and forgotten. - - - Poch Suzara

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Love Destroyed

It is sad to see love in our modern world often destroyed not by unfaithfulness, or by a 3rd party intrusion, but simply due to the gospel of work and economic success. It happens especially when both man and woman in love together allow one or the either to get busily embroiled within that universal scramble for money.

Between man and woman whom there is love, they both succeed or fail together, but when they hate each other the success of either is the failure of the other.

In the meantime, what is even more painful is that with enough money already saved, we continue to suffer from poverty of the worst kind – the poverty of the mind and heart.

Despite economic success, life is still empty; still devoid of intellectual substance; still bereft of the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

How petty, selfish, insecure, greedy, stupid, insane, and needlessly frightened should we be? Poch Suzara

Death in the Bible

“For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other; they all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts; for all is vanity. All go to one place; all are from dust, and all turn to dust again." Ecclesiastes, 3:19-20.

In other words, my dear reader, if there were life after death, it will not be the life of man or the life of beasts. It will be the life of dust.

In the meantime, if God created man in his own image and likeness, and man in the end will just turn into dust for all eternity, then God must be made of Dust too. Now can you really imagine yourselves praying to a supernatural Dust for the salvation of your silly, dusty, impoverished souls? Poch Suzara

Contradictions in the Bible

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

And it repented the Lord that he has made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast. And the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” Genesis 6: 6-7

God apparently forgot that after creation, he admitted that what he saw was all good. Genesis1:21

Unless of course God meant then that it was good for something; unfortunately, later, it became good for nothing! Poch Suzara

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yes Jesus is Real

Philippine Daily Inquirer
Dec. 15,2009
For: Renim Valenzuela

Dear Sir:

Yes, Jesus, indeed, is real; specially for the sinners and the criminals.

Thanks for your response. The quotations you got from me are the opinions
of the inspired authors of God as written in the holy bible.

Yes, I agree with you there is the reality of hope, peace, love and joy to experience. In the meantime, it is sad, isn't it, everybody wants to go to
heaven one day, but nobody wants to die at any day.

My friend, may I suggest you read the bible. The majority of Filipinos
including our own parents, grandparents, and great-parents, not to mention
our teachers in school, and professors in college - have had no inklings
whatsoever as to what are the real contents published the holy bible –
a book written by so-called inspired authors of God.

In the meantime, yes, you are right - Jesus is real. So real that even the
highest to the lowest officials that are corrupt in our corrupt government
all love worship, and adore Jesus. And why not? After all, who will forgive
them of their sins against divinity, and forgive them of their crimes against
our country - if not Jesus, ever loving sweet Jesus!

As for me, I thank God I am an atheist.

Best wishes,
Poch Suzara

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Only in the Philippines

Filipino parents are so eager, if not so excited to enroll their children to school. However, they would find it needless, if not utterly boring to check what values and beliefs are being taught to the nation's children in school. It is all taken for granted.

But then again, why should they bother to check? Our parents and grandparents too have been the same victims of the same sick system of education in the Philippines.

Take a good look at us, the majority of Filipinos. In this already 21st century, we are all still waiting for the Second of Christ to help us straighten out the mess of our sick nation caused primarily by a sick system education. Poch Suzara