What is the scariest thing about coming out of the closet?
Waiting for the lightning bolt to strike you dead. But it's also the best thing about
coming out...there is no lightning bolt to strike you dead! - Poch Suzara
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
almost 10 years now, I have been losing, slowly and gradually, my taste
for food, my appetite for sex, and my eagerness to travel. Such as to travel to a hospital for a check-up
or to a foreign country for a visit
or to a foreign country for a visit
joys and pleasures in life that have kept me alive have been my
thoughts to provoke the thoughts of others. Once these thoughts are
gone, I will be ready to be gone too. Happily and fearlessly.
I also have been losing, slowly and gradually, the belief yesterday that a God may possibly exist somewhere out there in the cosmos. Today, I am 100 % quite sure that there is no such possibility.
If I am wrong, however, I still say that if there is a God existing out there, such a God is a silly God unworthy of love, respect, affection, or admiration. - - - Poch Suzara Google, Atheist,
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Bertrand Russell on Money
“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents men from living freely and nobly.” - - - Bertrand Russell
It is,
indeed, sad to see sons and daughters of wealthy families growing up to
be occupied with nothing in life except to make more money believing
that all values must be measured in terms of money or that money is the
ultimate test of success in this world.
“This belief, is held in fact, if not in words, by multitudes of men and
women, and yet it is not in harmony with human nature, since it ignores
vital needs and the instinctive tendency towards some specific kind of
growth. It makes men treat as unimportant those of their desires which run counter to the acquisition of money, and yet such desires are, as a
rule, more important to well-being than any increase of income. It leads
men to mutilate their own natures from a mistaken theory of what
constitutes success, and to give admiration to enterprises which add
nothing to human welfare. It promotes a dead uniformity of character and
purpose, a diminution in the joy of life, and a stress and strain which
leaves whole communities weary, discouraged, and disillusioned.” - - - Bertrand Russell
In the Philippines, to learn not how to love our country, but to learn to believe that success in life has more to do with getting or stealing or borrowing or cheating or marrying or fucking for money - has been and still is what our sick system of education has been and still is mostly about.
For my part, I have no money; but I am happier and richer than most men who have lots
of money. For one thing, my needs and wants in life have very little to do with money:
I would rather be busy searching for the truth than be busy searching for money! - Poch Suzara
Sunday, April 02, 2017
Death as a Fact in Nature We all Need to Accept
What if it is for life's sake that we must die? In truth we are not individuals; and it is because we think ourselves such that death seems unforgivable. We are temporary organs of the race, cells in the body of life; we die and drop away that life may remain young and strong. If we were to live forever, growth would be stifled, and youth would find no room on earth. Death, like style, is the removal of rubbish, the circumcision of the superfluous. In the midst of death life renews itself immortally. - - - Will Durant
To claim that the souls of men will be happy or unhappy after the death of the body, is to pretend that man will be
able to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to taste without a
palate, to smell without a nose, and to feel without hands and without
skin. Nations who believe themselves very rational, adopt, nevertheless,
such ideas. - - - Jean Meslier
Death is like taking a trip. we do not know where we are going; we only know that we shall never be coming back. Indeed, it be would be great if, after death, we could come back and live life over again. For my part, I hope to continue writing my thoughts to provoke the thoughts of my college-educated friends, associates, and relatives; specially to provoke the thoughts of teachers in school and professors in college.
In the meantime, life is a sexuallly transmitted disease with the mortality rate of 100 per cent.
So, so what? We only live once, and I say, if we live a life that is great, once is enough. --- Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 30, 2017
I Do Not Fear Death
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain
month April 26, 2017, I will be 80 years old. I too am looking forward to my own death
coming soon. Indeed, I too do not fear
death and just like Mark Twain, I too am looking forward to that same experience having been dead myself for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
death and just like Mark Twain, I too am looking forward to that same experience having been dead myself for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
the meantime, I entirely agree with Robert G. Ingersoll. He wrote:
"Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to
be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others also happy."
In the meantime, What is the scariest thing about coming out of the closet to be an atheist?
Waiting for the lightning bolt to strike you dead. But it's also the best thing about
coming out to be an atheist - there is never a lightning bolt to strike you dead!
Poch Suzara
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Let's Keep the Business of Religion Profitable as Always
To master temptation, let Christ master you.
Phil Star, 3/29,2017
For my part, as an unbeliever of the faith, I
say this is all so childish, if not all so sickening.
To master temptation we must learn to laugh at
the devil out of existence. The same old devil always cahoots with Christ to keep the business of religion as profitable as ever.
In the meantime in our sick society of poverty, misery, greed, graft, crime and corruption, there is always something to be joyful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am no longer a Catholic.
Poch Suzara
Friday, March 17, 2017
Afraid of Going to Hell
It is so sickening to hear people admit
that God is a God of mercy or a God of forgiveness who nevertheless had to
create hell for the atheists to go to be eternally damned and punished after
death. As if they do know where exactly hell is located; or, where hell is
situated. As if they also know what mode of transportation to embark on to go
to hell. In the meantime, how come my dead friends, dead associates, and dead
relatives already dead are still dead
and peacefully buried in the cemetery?--- Poch Suzara
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
"In prayer God hears more than your words - He listens to your heart."
Phil Star, March 15, 2017
WOW! What a shallow-minded God! He does give a hoot why you are such a heartless product of your frightened parents at home.
He does not give hoot why are you such a heartless product of your frightened teachers
in school. He does not give a hoot why you are such a heartless product of frightened priests
in church. He does not give a hoot why you
He does not give hoot why are you such a heartless product of your frightened teachers
in school. He does not give a hoot why you are such a heartless product of frightened priests
in church. He does not give a hoot why you
are such a heartless product of a sick society made sick with values and sick beliefs.
my part, as a man of thought, as I am an atheist, I refuse to believe
in the existence of such a shallow-minded God; and if there is a God who
will damn me to hell after death for being an atheist, that's his problem, not mine.
Charlie Chaplin said it: "That's the trouble with the world. We all despise ourselves."
For my part, I say: "If we live in a troubled world, it is because of our sick prayers under our sick religious beliefs and values as inspired by the belief in the existence of a shallow-minded God."
Poch Suzara
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The Power of Thought versus the Fear of Thought
There is nothing more despicable in this world than the fear of thought. However, there is also nothing more precious and delightful in this world than the power of thought. - Poch Suzara Google, Facebook, Atheist.Republic
Friday, March 10, 2017
Bertrand Russell - my Kind of God
As a little boy in school, my priest-confessor often told me that I am not a
perfect being. I should therefore always kneel down and ask God for the
forgiveness of my defects. Indeed, that eventual obliteration will be a
better way to achieve my salvation than my need to seek reconstruction.
Bertrand Russell arrived into my life after I was lucky enough to have
been expelled out of La Salle high school. He said: “No one is perfect
and we should never be bothered by the fact that we are not perfect.”
Russell also taught me to question everything including his own ideas
and values. He wrote: "It is preoccupation with possessions, more than
anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly." These
words have not ceased to stir my mind and heart to this day.
If there were ever a thinker I have learned to love and respect – such a
thinker was Bertrand Russell. Indeed, Russell saved not my silly soul;
he saved, instead, something far more precious - my intelligent and lively mind.
Much to my joys and pleasures and happiness in life, it was
Bertrand Russell who introduced me to love and respect as well our own
great thinker - Jose Rizal. None of my teachers in school taught me to
see just how great a Filipino humanist/scientists was our own Dr. Jose Rizal.
Oh, Bertrand Russell, whenever you are - thank you for teaching me
intellectual courage to face the horrors in nature. And thank you as
well for making me realize that
our world is infested with religious
insanity as always in cahoots with political stupidity; and that life is not worth living
unless we struggle to wage war to defeat such horrors - horrors
that's keeping our world misguided spiritually, misdirected morally, and sick
economically. - Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 09, 2017
Julia Carreon
Julia Lagoc
Today at 12:07
saludo ako! I've just read your 2003 (35). Wow! It will take me weeks,
even months to read all the blogs. So, forget about editing fees, forget
about what I wrote the other day, pasted below. Gosh, I wonder when
I'll get through, reading all those thought-provoking thoughts.
got crazy with deadlines. After my swan song of a column last December,
I was resolute to come up with a novel. Up to now, the title is still
afloat in my mind.
Talking of floating, hey, don't get too serious. I fly in the wings of songs many times.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Adolf Hitler was No Atheist, In fact, He was a Devout Catholic
"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
— Adolf Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 46
— Adolf Hitler, ibid. p. 65
— Adolf Hitler, ibid. p 152
— Adolf Hitler, ibid. Vol. 2 Chapter 1
— Adolf Hitler, Berlin, 1933, first radio address after coming to power.
— Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichstag, March 1933
— Adolf Hitler, June 26 1934, to Catholic bishops
schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious
instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious
foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and
religion must be derived from faith ... We need believing people."
"The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ... proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism..."
— Adolf Hitler in an article in the Völkischer Beobachter, 1929
— Adolf Hitler
— Adolf Hitler, quoted in: The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1
— Adolf Hitler, speech, October 24, 1933
"As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."
— Adolf Hitler, 1936, to Bishop Berning and Msg. Steinman, representatives of Pope Pius XI
— Adolf Hitler, December 1926.
Here, here,
and here are more of his quotes on religion, God, and
Christianity. Here are Nazi photos showing their alliance with
"The party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, without, however, allying itself to any particular denomination."
Article 24, Program of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party
German WWII Military Oath
— slogan of Hans Schemm, Bavarian Minister of Education and Culture during the Third Reich
Sunday, February 19, 2017
What Makes a Great Man
“A great chessplayer, a great golfer, a
great boxer, a great basketball star, a great swimmer, etc. are not
great men, for they leave the world as they found it.” No, the great man
is one who had the power and the courage to put more truths into this world where the State and the Church together have put only the horror of lies and deceptions. --- Poch Suzara
The Difference Between a Great Man and a Little Man
If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. - - - Robert H. Schuller
you believe what they threatened you in school to believe,
you will die
never knowing how possible it was for you to have become a great man -
one who has the power, and the courage to put thoughtful ideas into this world where sick religion has only put thoughtless beliefs! - - - Poch Suzara
Friday, February 17, 2017
Is God Really that Silly?
"The bible is a mirror that lets us see ourselves as God see us."
Phil Star, Feb. 18, 2017
My dear readers, do you people really believe that God is
such a silly God who loves to play silly games with how people should see themselves as they read the sick bible? - Poch Suzara
Phil Star, Feb. 18, 2017
My dear readers, do you people really believe that God is
such a silly God who loves to play silly games with how people should see themselves as they read the sick bible? - Poch Suzara
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Is There Hope for the Philippines
Is there hope for the Filipinos in the Philippines to ever grow decent as a people; and, to ever
develop decent as a nation?
there is! As soon as the State takes
over to be in full control of schools, colleges, and Universities.
Indeed, the Church should have no business in anyway whatsoever involved with the
system of education in any country. After all, nothing distorts the
minds and nothing contorts the hearts of children in school taught, nay,
frightened to believe in a lot of sick religious dogma, pigma, and hogma!- Poch Suzara
Monday, February 13, 2017
Health and Wealth and the Search of the Truth
We squander our health, in search of wealth. We toil, we
sweat, and we save. Then we squander our wealth in search of health;
to find the grave. - - - Anonymous
As with me, however, I have been most fortunate. I squandered both my health
and wealth in search of the truth. It is a never-ending adventure; and in
the process I managed, somehow, to discover the lies and deceptions
that's keeping us spiritually sick as a people; and, keeping us
morally insane as a nation. In sharing, however, my discoveries with
others - I never intended to be vicious or malicious; in fact, I
thought, I should be ethically meritorious, if not philosophically
In the meantime, the search of
the truth is the most delightful of
adventures. Especially as it means total submission of the power of reason to
the mutilation of
silly or childish faith. Rightly or wrongly it's the best way to enjoy
lively analysis as we should always reject the uselessness of deadly paralysis! - - - Poch Suzara
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