Saturday, February 02, 2008


Nobody knows, not even God, just exactly how many millions of baptized Filipino Catholic live under subhuman conditions in the Philippines. However the case may be, these poverty-stricken Catholic Filipinos existing in the streets, under bridges, huts and hovels are consistently reminded that God loves them; and, that Jesus, the Son of God, will soon return. The biblical promise has been going on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for almost 2,000 years now. From this Islas de ladrones y bobos, millions of Catholic Filipinos have already migrated and are now living and well-employed in some 190 foreign countries. This simply means that Filipinos are the failures in their own Catholic countries, but are happy and successful living and working in non-Catholic countries. Poch Suzara


Anonymous said...

Their success has nothing to do with their religion. Socioeconomics are a human invention...

However, God may bless you in certain aspects of your life if it fits his plan. Financial blessings are not unheard of. Look up those successful Filipinos- they're probably devoted believers!

Poch Suzara said...

How nice and convenient of you to avoid mentioning those successful catholics who owns and control the Vatican Bank now worth in cash deposit $7 TRILLION DOLLARS. No doubt, devoted believers! Poch Suzara

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "convenient"? I'm not Catholic! If the men who hold sway over that money you mentioned gained it through ill means, they will pay in the next life. Their judgement is not your concern.

Oh yeah, you don't have to sign every post with your name. These aren't letters you're writing- this is the internet. Your name is in the heading.

Poch Suzara said...

Wow, you have the gall to virtually tell God what to do and what not to do. Now you also have the gall to tell me what to do or what not to do with my blog. Whether I should sign it or not sign it.
Hey man, what about you? When will you start to think for yourself and enjoy a life of your own? And by the way, if God may bless you in certain aspects if it fits his plan, what happened to your so-called God-gifted "free will?" Poch Suzara