Monday, March 15, 2010

History of free Thought

As a freethinker myself, I am, naturally, interested
in the history of free thought. I am, however, far more
interested to contribute rather than just distribute to
others the history of free thought. That is why, rightly
or wrongly, I’d rather think for myself rather than just
allow other great thinkers to think for me. Thus, my
Thoughts to Provoke Your Thoughts Blog.

Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest thinkers this
world has ever produced nevertheless inspired in me as
his student to think always for myself. Russell never
discouraged me to question everything including his own
stand on a great many issues. After some seventy years
of devotion in the search of the truth, Russell was honest
enough to admit his failure in finding the truth. He
concluded: “All human knowledge is uncertain, inexact,
and partial.”

As a free thinker, I love, worship, and adore Bertrand
Russell. He declared, and rightly so: “Nobody’s perfect,
and we should never be bothered by the fact that we are
not.” Poch Suzara

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