Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Something out of Nothing

I am not sure about the universe as a something
created out of nothing. What, however, I am sure
of is that, for millions of years before I was
born, I was a nothing. Then my mother, happily
married to my father, got into their usual sexual
embrace one night some years ago. As a result, I
was somehow produced into a something from a
nothing. It is simple biology. If my dad never
met my mom – I would never have been born.
Now to say that it is due to religion that I was
born alive is theologically ludicrous. To say
further that God ( a Catholic God ) created me
in his own image and likeness is even more
religiously absurd. Now I am asked why I do not
believe in the existence of a hereafter? My
answers – it is because there never was for me,
or for any one else for that matter, a herebefore.
Well, if there is no such reality as a herebefore,
how can there be the reality as a hereafter? Poch Suzara

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