Saturday, April 03, 2010

We, freethinkers

We freethinkers enjoy the power and the beauty of free thought.
We can discuss on the premise that God exists. We can as well
discuss on the premise that God does not exist. In either case,
we freethinkers are free.

We defend nothing except the only thing that is worth defending
at any time – the only thing sacred in this world - the power
and the beauty of a free mind.

No one has ever proved or disproved the existence of God. As
freethinkers, however, even if all sorts of evidences are presented
to us that there really is a God, we would still be freethinkers,
and happily so.

So God exists. So what? Will our world now be less fucked than it
has been during the past many centuries when the whole world did
in fact believe in the existence of God? Poch Suzara

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