Monday, May 03, 2010

Who Created God

The problem with the First Cause Argument lies in its assumption
that this almighty creative god exists, something that it is trying
to prove. This is known as begging the question. Even a child can
ask, “If God CREATED the universe, then who CREATED God?” If the
answer is that God is uncaused, then the same answer could certainly
be applied to the existence of the universe — that it is uncaused.
Besides, which almighty creative god are we talking about? People
using the First Cause Argument always make the assumption that their
god did the creating. Catholics think the Lord created the universe.
Muslims think that Allah created the universe. Hindus think that
Brahma did it. The Jews think that Yahweh did it. Most religions
have a story of how their god created the universe. As to what the
universe stands for, who knows? Even the scientists have not the
foggiest as to how to define the word "universe." The idea of a
god as creator of the universe makes for a fantastic tale, but it
obviously tells us little about the characteristics of that god.
Even the theologians know nothing about the existence of God.
What they are doing, however, is explaining one mystery with
another mystery, and that is fallacious logic. Or, explaining
the unknown by means of the unknowable. Indeed, religion, by
and large, encourages sacred stupidity perpetually in order
for faith to continue to exist as a sort of a holy absurdity
ternally. Poch Suzara

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