Friday, December 30, 2011

Jesus Christ - a Failure and a Loser

Jesus Christ, as the Savior of the world, was a failure; and, as the Son of God, he was a loser. He never saved the world, on the one hand; on the other hand, however, he only convinced billions of people to believe that after death, there is a better world to come. Nobody, however, but nobody knows anything about the existence of such a world to come after death. Moreover, Jesus never submitted to any one Road Map or Sky Map on how to go to heaven or to hell or to purgatory. As the Son of an all-knowing God, Jesus was a loser.

As the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, never transformed the concept of war into
a better purpose and that is the - WAR OF GOOD AGAINST EVIL, and not what precisely has been going on historically since time immemorial - the WAR OF EVIL AGAINST EVIL. Poch Suzara

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