Sunday, August 22, 2004
Religion and Alzheimer's
Religion is like a disease, exactly like alzheimer's - it destroys the mind. Happily, both evils are curable by science. Poch Suzara
Metaphysics and Religion
Metaphysics and religion are one and the same thing. One is beyond physics and the other beyond reality. It's comforting to believe in either just as long as one does not discover that both metaphysics and religion are based on a lot of unscientific nonsense. Poch Suzara
Jesuit Astronomers
Jesuit astronomers say that astronomy is the study of the universe in order to find God. Apparently, these Jesuit astronomers do not believe that God is here, there, and everywhere. Poch Suzara
Wealthy individuals
There is no such thing as wealthy individuals in the Philippines. Despite their millions, Christianity has stolen away from such wealthy individuals their precious minds and precious hearts.They are just as poor as everyone else in this God-forsaken only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara
Our democracy Without Science
Our democracy is a farce, a fraud, and a ceremony. It has yet to flourish in a climate of rationalism that sees ideas and beliefs as true and others as false. Science needs democracy as much as democracy needs science. The two in fact are one and neither exist in the Philippines.
A democracy without science, encourages the cult of mediocrity, fosters vulgarity, generates political stupidity, and enhances infantile religiosity. In the end, what prevails is social insanity, hardly a democracy. Poch Suzara
A democracy without science, encourages the cult of mediocrity, fosters vulgarity, generates political stupidity, and enhances infantile religiosity. In the end, what prevails is social insanity, hardly a democracy. Poch Suzara
Theologians tell me
Theologians say that the human body is a temple of God. No kidding?. Right at this very minute there are about 2 billion different kinds of viruses, germs, and bacteria trying to kill your body and my body and such little creatures created by God will eventually succeed to kill us all whether we pray or do not pray to God. Indeed, the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body. There is no escape! None whatsoever! Poch Suzara
God's design
If my pair of eyes were such that it is a product of God's design, I would have no need for a microscope to see things in the small; or, a telescope to see things far away. Science, and not religion, designed the microscope and the telescope. Poch Suzara
No Kingdom
No kingdom has ever had more hate and misery and poverty than the kingdom of Christ. Such is the case in the Philippines. In this only Christian country in Asia, in order to enter the kingdom of Christ, one must use the gates of hell. Poch Suzara
Think of It
Think of it: Our national hero Jose Rizal earned his first class education and earned his membership in first class scientific associations in foreign countries. Poch Suzara
What science cannot discover
What science cannot discover, religion cannot know. In this connection, it will not be religion, but science eventually will discover God, if in fact there is a God. As for religion, it will remain forever a nothing but an unsubstantiated superstition. Poch Suzara
Believers hating other believers
At the rate Christians unhappily hate other Christians, Muslims unhappily hate other Muslims, The Jews unhappily hate other Jews; and the Christians and the Muslims and the Jews all unhappily hate each other, I am most proud and always happy to be an atheist. I have no need to believe and to have faith in the religious monkey that is suppose to be mysteriously existing on my shoulders. Poch Suzara
Guns do not kill people
Not everyone has a gun; but everyone has a doctor. Guns do not kill people; doctors do. In fact, doctors make tons of money off the dying. Poch Suzara
The existence of God
I cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. If God exists however, I do not care love, worship, and adore such a God. I am part of what is natural. I know nothing of the supernatural. How
can I love, worship, and adore something I know nothing about? Poch Suzara
can I love, worship, and adore something I know nothing about? Poch Suzara
Harmful beliefs
The most harmful of beliefs is belief in God. We hate those who do not believe in the same God as we do. Thus, the Christians, Muslims, and the Jews have not ceased hating each other in God's name or in Allah's name or in Jehovah's name. Poch Suzara
The only Pill
The only pill the Catholic Church approves of in the Philippines is the sleeping pill. In this way, nobody wakes up to the stupidity behind our social insanity perpetually ongoing in this God-forsaken country. Poch Suzara
To the average Pinoy
To the average Pinoy the power of knowledge means nothing, but the power of God means everything. Then we could not even wonder why in this 21st century we are still living in a Third World country deprived of science and the scientific way of thinking. Poch Suzara
I love philosophy and the Bible
I love philosophy as there is no such thing as the revealed truth in philosophy. In fact, philosophy is still searching for the truth. But I love the holy bible even more. It contains so many revealed truths even if such truths have not yet been revealed. Poch Suzara
Our present problems
Our present problems are the products of our present consciousness; but consciousness that create problems cannot solve them. Only a higher degree of consciousness especially with the scientific way of thinking can do that and until that is attained, we shall remain victims of our own stupid problems. Poch Suzara
Free Will Garbage
Most people brag about having free will. They have yet, however, to be liberated from it. How can we ever discover the truth if during our formative years in grade school we were told to believe that the truth has already been revealed as written by inspired authors of God in the holy bible? Poch suzara
According to the Good News bible, Jesus sacrificed himself to die on the cross for the sins of mankind. According to the Bad News bible, Jesus resurrected back to life. Where is the sacrifice? Well, according to the Catholic bible, Jesus was neither killed by the Jews nor by the Romans but by men all precisely created in the image and likeness of God. And to think Jesus never really died as he resurrected back to life. Poch Suzara
Olympic Games
Too bad there are no Olympic games for lies, graft and corruption. Our top politicians in government and our top officials of the Christian churches should easily be the winners for Gold, silver, and bronze Medals. Poch Suzara
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Pray for Satan
My devout friends,catholic relatives, and religious associates have not ceased praying for the salvation of my soul. As for me, I pray to God for the salvation of Satan. After all, Satan should be highly respected. He has never inspired any one to write a book in order to inspire nations to declare war against each other in his name or for his glory. Poch Suzara
Friday, July 30, 2004
Religious happiness
Religious happiness on earth is believing that those who do not share
our religious faith are suffering on this earth, and those who had already died are suffering eternal damnation in hell. Poch Suzara
our religious faith are suffering on this earth, and those who had already died are suffering eternal damnation in hell. Poch Suzara
Filipino scientists
Filipino scientists who should be at home with the scientific way of thinking are among the timid cowards of our sick society. Not one of these learned individuals would come out publicly to speak out clearly against the evils of religion or the evils of politics that's keeping the Filipino poor as a people. Not one of our Filipino scientists would admit publicly that the only thing that will extricate the Philippines out of its eternal backwardness is not more religion or more politics, but only more science and the scientific way of thinking. But then again, who are our Filipino scientists? Where are they? How come nobody hears from these learned individuals? For my part, as a non-scientist, in fact as a high-school dropout, I would look closer at our system of education responsible for more evils in the Philippines than evils from the devil himself. Poch Suzara
According to Religion
According to religion, the Son of God Jesus was born on this earth. According to science, earth is such an insignificant planet. It is so small in that 1,000 planet earths can fit inside the planet Jupiter. Well, Jupiter is rather tiny as well. 100,000 Jupiters can fit inside the sun. Well, the sun is no big deal either as there exist stars 500 times bigger than our sun. Our planet earth is a smote of dust lost in space and in time. Why should God, the creator of the universe, choose a mote of dust in the universe as a place to have his only begotten Son born? Poch Suzara
The Power of God
If the power of God could convert the Philippines into becoming a Christian country since the 16th century, how come that same power of God could not convert Israel into becoming a Christian country as well? Consider after all the Son of God Jesus was not born in the Philippines. Jesus was born in Israel during the 1st century. It is today not a Christian, but a Jewish State. Poch Suzara
All the Money
You may have all the money in the world; but money will not buy love for the loveless, brain for the brainless, heart for the heartless, and it will not buy you a spine if you were spineless. Poch Suzara
The Nation that fears
The nation that fears it has no future is not likely to give much concern to the needs of its children. Thus, the plight of most children abandoned, if not suffering from malnutrition in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara
The Easiest Thing to do
The easiest thing to do in this world is to get your wife or girlfriend or lover pregnant. The hardest thing to do is to raise unwanted and unloved children to grow up as decent human beings. Poch Suzara
Wars over Revaled Truth
Think of it: There has never been a war declared over conflicting interpretation of the Multiplication Table. Yet, wars today are still ongoing over the Revealed Truth as stated in the Christian Holy Bible, in the Muslim Quoran, and in the Jewish Talmud. Poch Suzara
Thursday, July 22, 2004
The Poor Filipino
We are the poorest people on this earth. When we are in other countries, we work hard for the rich foreigners. When the rich foreigners are in our country, we work harder for them to make ourselves not richer, but poorer. Look how, despite our hard work, we managed to owe the foreigners some $58,000,000,000 (billion) dollars or P3,000,000,000,000 ( trillion ) pesos.Poch Suzara
Monday, July 19, 2004
The Original Atheist
I have great respect for Adam and Eve as depicted in the bible. They were not Christians in general nor Catholics in particular. And considering God in cahoots with the devil together to bring about the Fall of man, I would not be surprised if Adam and Eve ended up to be the original atheists who lived on this earth. Indeed, I am most proud to be an atheist myself. I think the idea of a divinity existing together with deviltry is an idea that eternally sucks! Poch Suzara
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Origin of Humankind
According to science, the origin of humankind transpired sometime within 2.5 million years ago. Life became aware of itself, and began to transform the world of nature to its own end. Not, however, according to religion in the Philippines. Everything began when the Spanish Friars arrived some 500 years ago to convert the Filipinos into the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ who was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago. Poch Suzara
To Believe
To believe is a most wonderful thing. You don't have the know what you believe; you don't even have to understand what it is you believe. In fact, as long as you never learn how to think, and you do not know or understand the nature of your beliefs, you are considered to be a faithful believer. Poch Suzara
Charter Change
In the Philippines, we are still talking about the need of a Charter change; but we desperately need is a character change. Poch Suzara
College Graduates
College graduates run the Philippines. As a high-school dropout, I am most proud that I play no part whatsoever in the stupid mess that is keeping the Philippines poor and backward. Poch Suzara
Poorly Educated
A poorly educated person is one who believes that to be thoughtful of others is one of the horrors that nature has imposed upon him. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Devoid of vision
Because the priesthood industry has imprisoned the Filipino mind with a vision of eternal happiness with God in heaven, it prevents him from seeing earthly solutions to national problems. Indeed, where there is vision of the here and the now people flourish; where there is only vision of life after death people perish. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
One Painful Thing
One of the most painful things in life: a stupid fellow who has no other recourse but to relate to you as only another stupid fellow. Poch Suzara
The Good Life
The good life should be like a good country or, for that matter, like a good world: - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. For my part, however, my good life has been and still is inspired by my love for reading and studying the works of Bertrand Russell. Poch Suzara
Sunday, July 11, 2004
God's Existence
God's existence is not needed by those who have self-respect and dignity. God's existence is for those who are contented with their own timidity, and therefore have no taste to assume responsibility for humanity. Poch Suzara
The Concept of Evil
Evil is a concept of religion, not science. Evil is just one of the many fruits of ignorance. Science is in the daily business of eliminating not evil, but ignorance. It leaves evil alone as the secret behind the success of religion. Poch Suzara
Just to prove that our system of education is just as poor and backward as ever: there exist no active relationship of any kind between teachers, parents, students, together with the business community, a representative from the Police Department, and there is no representative from the Garbage and Trash Collection Department to remind the students to watch out for the garbage and trash being taught to them to love, worship, and adore. Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Our Sad Women
Our sad women do not even wonder why so many men they have sex with are so inept at satisfying them. Yet men are so competent at being selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane; not to mention violent and destructive. Does it seem natural? it is not. Men are made sick with sick values and sick beliefs as inspired by the teaching that God has gifted them with a Free will. Poch Suzara
The Church in Commerce
The Church is now the greatest of commercial enterprises existing anywhere in the world today. Indeed, the church has investments in mining, shipping, trading, importing, exporting, banking, buying up more real estates and prime properties. The church is even heavily invested in the manufacturing of arms and weapons of mass destruction as a preparation to make war against the unbelievers of the faith. Otherwise, how does one explain the wealth of the Church at par with the wealth of the United States government into trillion of dollars? Poch Suzara
Render unto
Render unto God the things that are God's; and unto the devil the things that are the devil's. Forget therefore your free will. It's a fight as to which of those two supernatural morons will win you over to either side. After all, your silly free will is nothing compared to the power God's will or to the power as well of the Devil's will. Poch Suzara
The Will of the Devil or the Will of God
I have more respect for the deviltry than I have for divinity. The devil never inspired authors to write a book called: the HOLY DEVIL. Indeed, the devil has never written a book to make poorer the minds of men or to frighten the hearts of women. Unlike the book called the holy bible written by inspired authors of God.
I must, however, admit that I am most grateful for the existence of the holy bible. I read it thoroughly and properly. The bible contents indeed convinced me that I will be better off as a saner, wiser, healthier, and happier person as an unbeliever of the faith. Indeed, as an atheist. Poch Suzara
United Religions
Since decades ago, a "United Nations" has already been established to explore peace and harmony among nations; and yet, since centuries ago, there is still no such thing as the "United Religions" to explore possibilities of peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Poch Suzara
Filipino Dentists
Most Filipno dentists are much more conversant with biblical theology than they are familiar with the latest in dental technology. 82 million of the population of 85 million Filipinos suffer from rotting teeth, decaying molars, and bleeding gums. Yet, most Filipino dentists are far more interested to save the souls of Fellow-Filipinos for heaven than to save their set of teeth on this earth. Poch Suzara
My Beliefs and Unbeliefs
I am not only responsible for my actions, I am also responsible for my beliefs. As I see reality, so I act, and as I act, I shape reality. All ideas are man made, and none are the absolute truth. Common sense dictates that I should evaluate my beliefs on the basis of how it affects my life. If my beliefs make me loving, creative, and free - they are good beliefs. If, however, my beliefs make me selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane - I should be better off with my unbeliefs. Poch Suzara
Indifference to the search for the truth is our only national defect, and it is regrettable that so large a body as Christianity in the Philippines should devote its power and influence to perpetuate more indifference as well to the other beauties that life has to offer. Poch Suzara
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Bible Inspired Authors
Bible inspired authors of God knew not that the world is round; knew not that the earth rotates on its own axis daily; and knew not that the earth orbits around the sun yearly. They also knew nothing about the existence of germ, virus, and bacteria that causes diseases. And yet such inspired authors knew and acknowledged that diseases were caused by the devil. If God had only kept away from these morons writing the bible, there probably won't be any atheists, like me, existing in the world today. Poch Suzara
Each Child
Each child is a loving act of procreation. Each child is chosen, welcomed, needed, and loved. He or she is recognized as a vital member of society. Not, however, in the Philippines: each child is just a product of copulation inside marriage; if not a product of fecundation outside of marriage. If one wishes to see how exactly a child is chosen, welcomed, needed, and loved - just visit, day or night, the streets of Metro Manila. Poch Suzara
According to Science
According to science, the brain is a three pound mass you can hold in your hand that can conceive of a universe a hundred billion light-years across. Not, however, according to religion in the Philippines: the brain may be a three pound mass; but it is not as useful as the knees in prayers to God - the creator of the universe. Poch Suzara
Better Questions
Berween moments of joys and laughter, pain and suffering, good times and bad times - I have found more meaning in life not by being stuck or contented with stupid answers, but more so by formulating for myself more intelligent questions. Poch Suzara
My Brain
My brain is a gift from nature and I certainly need my brain to understand the wonders in nature. Unfortunately in school, the very first thing my teachers tried so hard to destroy was my precious brain; especially via the teachings that what is more important to God is not my brain, but my stupid soul. Poch Suzara
In First World
In First World countries, despite its science and technology, the frontiers of knowledge are still wide open. Not, however, in the Third World countries, like the Philippines. As Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our troubles and problems, the frontiers of knowledge have been closed centuries ago. Thus, in this 21st century, we are still troubled as a people burdened with many problems as a nation. Poch Suzara
The Origin of Life
According to science, if you wish to explore the origin of life, you must first be familiar with the knowlede of chemistry, molecular biology, evolutionary biology, astronomy, physics, and geology. According to religion, however, if you wish to know the origin of life, all you have to do is to know a few verses in the holy bible. Specially if you believe that the bible was written by inspired authors even if you yourself were never inspired as a reader by God. Poch Suzara
Friday, July 02, 2004
The Sacred books
In the Philippines, the sacred bible and the Church have been and still is greatest stumbling blocks in the way of children's sane education, women's sane emancipation, and the Filipino struggle for a sane civilization. In other countries, it is the same thing with the sacred Koran for the Muslims; and the sacred Talmud for the Jews. Poch Suzara
Utopia and Heaven
What heaven is to the theologians, utopia is to the scientists. The former is happiness in the next life in the next world; the latter is happiness in this life and in this world. As the theologians know nothing of the next life or even the next world, I attach more credence to what the scientists are saying. They certainly know more about this life and this world. The theologians do not even know who or what their boss looks like. Poch Suzara
Governments, before America existed, were established on the basis of so-called "divine rights" of Kings and Queens. Such governments were theocracies or "ruled by God" and therefore undemocractic, if not authoritarian. In the Philippines, we too have a government, though not of, by, and for the people; but a government for the high government officials. Such high officials are always in cahoots with the Church high officials. Poch Suzara
A major Newspaper
When we have a major newspaper such as the prestigious Philippine Star print daily something like "nothing on earth can compare to being with Christ in heaven," you can clearly see just how poor we are as a people and just how backward we are as a nation. This the same Christ who was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago; and Israel is not even a Christian, but a Jewish State today. Poch suzara
According to the science of astronomy, 1,000 earths can fit inside the planet Jupiter; but 10,000 jupiters can fit inside our sus. Our sun is so small in that 100,000 suns can fit inside the smallest star out there in the galaxy. In the meantime, I am told by the theologians that on this earth I am able to offend God - the creator of heaven and earth. What a treat! I did not know I have that much power. Poch Suzara
Pain is nature's signal to do something and/or to stop doing something. In the Philippines, however, pain is the signal to continue with our daily prayers, or that it is time to re-elect our stupid politicians back in government. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Science as Critical Inquiry
Science is lively with critical inquiry. Religion is the exact opposite: it is deadly with uncritical piety. How can the two therefore reconcile and find harmony in the search of the truth? Indeed, instead of wasting time believing that science can one day reconcile with religion, I think it would be more creative if we can all help by exploring the possibilities of how silly religion can first reconcile with other silly religions? Poch Suzara
Our College Graduates
Our college graduates are victims too, rather than the masters of education. Due to the lack of science and especially the scientific way of thinking, even our college professors convey to their students that after graduation they will be ready to look for jobs; especially overseas. Indeed, college students are not trained to be scientific to be creative enough to create their own jobs to contribute to the growth and development of the nation. Poch Suzara
Poverty in the Philippines
Poverty in the Philippines is closely allied with Christian values and beliefs. Since we are taught to love not this world, neither the things that are in the world, we all learned to be poor not only spiritually, but also to be poor materially. The thought that in God's name we are the Sick Man of Asia makes us feel closer to God and to His angels. Poch Suzara
As A Little Boy in School
As a little boy in grade school and high school in De La Salle College, I never heard of science or the scientific way of thinking. Only the religious way of believing. I learned much about God and his angels; heaven and hell; Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and the saints. I also heard much about the devil and his ambition to win more souls for hell-fire. I was taught to be busy with sin and be busier with confession. No, I was not educated; I was indoctrinated; specially to be good; unfortunately, to be good for nothing for this world. Happily, I rebelled against such academic nonsense. Poch Suzara
Crime Does Not Pay
In civilized countries, crime does not pay. In the Philippines, if you were a high official in government, or a high official of the church, or a bible preacher, or a TV evangelist or even an owner of schools, colleges, and universities - crime does not only pay, it is a very lucrative commercial enterprise. Poch Suzara
Blind Faith
A man of blind faith is like a blind man going inside a dark room looking for a black cat that is not there; but found it for the glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven. Poch Suzara
Sunday, June 20, 2004
I love My Sons and grandsons
I love my sons and grandsons. Oneday, if I am still alive, I hope to meet my great-grandsons whom I will love also. As for God's son, I do not see how or why I should love him. I have no blood relation with him. He was born a Jew in Israel some 2,000 yeara ago, and I never even met the poor fellow. Poch Suzara
I Love My Critics
I love my critics much more than I love my fans. My fans make me think less. My critics, on the other hand, never ceases to make me think more. But here are more thoughts to provoke the thoughts both my critics and my fans: Reality is ultimately unknowable; any attempt to describe it obscures as much as it illuminates. It is, in this way, that we are all, each and every one of us, without exception, quite equal under the infinity of human stupidity. Poch Suzara
What If?
What if, in genesis, God created first Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; and in Revelation, God created Adam and Eve last? Would there have been established peace on earth and goodwill to all men? I doubt it. Joseph would be the first to be originally insulted as he will be told by one of God's angel that his wife Mary is still a virgin! Poch Suzara
Saturday, June 19, 2004
I Am Told
I am told by friends and relatives that I should be more positive in life; not negative. And that I should obey the ten commandments of God. Unfortunately, 8 of the 10 commandments of God are negative, not positive. Perhaps, like everybody else obeying God's commands, I too am expected to be greedy, selfish, stupid, and insane. Poch Suzara
What Keeps Me Going
What keeps me going in life. My failures. After all, success is what most non-thinkers settle for since they cannot think of something noble enough to be failing at. Bertrand Russell also keeps me going. The spirit of Bertrand Russell is more than enough to feed my guts. Poch Suzara
History teaches that all the great religions of the world were established with the aid of fear, ignorance, and lies preached by morons who had the effrontery to style themselves as ministers of divinity so that you, dear believer, will embrace nothing in life except your own timidity.
The Holy Bible
Whenever I see a holy bible displayed in a book shelf in a home, I know that book has not been thoroughly read at all. A properly read bible belongs in a garbage dump. No other book has done more harm to the human mind and to the human heart, indeed, more harm done to a whole country like the Philippines than the contradictions, inconsistencies, obscenities, cruelties, atrocities, and absurdities found written in the holy Bible by inspired authors of God. Poch Suzara
The Search For The Truth
In the search of the truth, what counts is not the truth, but the search of it. Paradoxically enough, if we ever find the truth, there will be no more reason for any of us to go on living. As it is, the search of the truth is what the meaning of life should be all about. I am fully aware, however, that those of you who have acquired higher education or gifted with higher I.Q. have the same sentiment as I do over finding this brightest of light existing somewhere out there or down here known as the truth. Poch Suzara
Imagine your Sons and Daughters
Imagine your children, your own sons and daughters, hating and killing each other over silly beliefs. Now imagine God with His own children, his own sons and daughters, hating and killing each other over silly beliefs. These children, these sons and daughters, are called Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Poch Suzara
The fugitives
The fugitives from justice are not as dangerous as those fugitives from reason. They are the active participants always playing in our national sport: - always jumping into conclusion by running away from reality. Oh yes, you will find them as men and women behind our government, behind our church, and indeed, behind our schools, colleges, and universities. Poch Suzara
My Own beliefs, if any
My own beliefs are not immutable; in fact, mutable - subject to change or emendation. Indeed, my beliefs are tentative; never definite. My critics are all welcome to tear my beliefs apart. If my logic fails me, I will make the necessary changes or, if need be, I will abandon my beliefs.In the ultimate analysis, I do not care to know whether my beliefs are right or wrong; what's important is if my beliefs were on the road toward the truth. Poch Suzara
If God were all-knowng
If God were all-knowing, how come his theologians were not also all-knowing? The study of theology during the first century is still the same study of theology in this century: - the study of nothing. Poch Suzara
My Parents
My parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents wasted precious years of their lives waiting for the Second Coming of Christ. Indeed, Even the rest of my relatives who already died were all victims rather than the master of their religious faith. Poch Suzara
God's Son
God knows we have our own sons to love and yet he asked us to love only His son Jesus. This is no family unity.This is family stupidity inspired by religious insanity. In the meantime, what happened to God's daughter? Has He not any? Poch Suzara
Sunday, June 13, 2004
If God Had Neither
If God had neither a beginning nor an end, that means He has been existing for more than 800,000,000 years. If I live to be 80 years it would mean that I would have lived just a fraction of a second long in comparison to God's endless existence. And I am able offend God with a thing called "original sin?" If this were true, should I not be most proud of such an accomplishment? Imagine me, able to grasp lightning away from God's hand, and I was able to hurt his feelings?
Jazz Drummer
I may be a cerebral maverick, an extreme intellectual radical, and an atheist; but I also happen to be a decent jazz drummer. And man, if you don't know what jazz is, keep the hell away from it. Poch Suzara
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Sell Sacred Lies
Do you want to be hated and a nobody in life? Sell or be a truth-seeker. Do you, however, want to be successful, rich, and famous? Sell sacred lies and silly falsehoods. Thus, among the men who are filthy rich in our sick society are the church ministers, owners of schools, colleges, and universities, TV evangelists, bible preachers, the theologians and the politicians. Poch Suzara
Why Something
Why something rather than nothing? Indeed, at the heart of reality is not an answer, but a question; and if we refuse to value questions, we will end up fearing nothing instead of loving something. Poch Suzara
Friday, June 04, 2004
On Christianity
In this country, owing to Christianity, that has kept us out of science and technology, the most we can be proud of is our individual insanity that has already culminated to social insanity. Indeed, thanks to our Christian values and beliefs, we all love God up there by hating one another down here. Poch Suzara
Intelligent Discussion
What danger is there from an intelligent discussion or intelligent inquiry or from intelligent reading? The worst that can happen to you is that you will be on the road with a mind moving not on hinges, but on wheels. Poch Suzara
Revealed Truths
God may have revealed the truth to Moses in the Old Testament; and may have revealed the truth to Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John in the New Testament. But until God reveals the truth to me, I do not care to participate in the Christian scheme of hand me down used information. Indeed, revelation is a direct communication; it has nothing to do with second-hand or third-hand information. Poch Suzara
Leave the school alone
Religion and politics should get out of schools and schools should get out of politics and religion. Schools should be about nothing but the development of the scientific habit of mind. Poch Suzara
God-inspired Authors
The God-inspired authors of the bible were a sorry lot. They had no access to a microscope to write anything truthful about the smaller realities of life down here. They also had no access to a telescope to write anything truthful about the larger realities of life out there. All they had access to was horoscope to inspire them write anything truthful yet to be revealed to each and every one of us not as a second or third hand information, but direct revelation. Poch Suzara
Unworthy God
What kind of a God is that who creates faulty human beings and then blames them for their fault? It is even called "original sin." But what could be more original than the original creator? In the meantime, if men were such little devils in the eyes of God, why did God create man in of his own image and likeness? For my part, such a creator is worthy of neither love, respect, nor devotion. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
The Scientist
The scientist has a lot of experience with ignorance, doubt, and uncertainty. Fortunately, the scientific way of thinking is not the monopoly of the scientist. We too, ordinary men and women, can enjoy the scientific way of thinking and learn to deal with our own ignorance, doubt, and uncertainty as we must all be involved in the search for the truth.Poch Suzara
Need Not Waste Time
If we could only learn to see not far, but near - the future. If we could only learn to be happy here and now. If we could only learn to live in peace and harmony together as one happy family. We need not waste precious time and energy preparing for the next life as there isn't any. Poch Suzara
Our Sick Society
Ours is a sick society because of our sick beliefs and sick values.We think so big of the man of material wealth, but we think so little of the man of mental health. In fact, we do not think at all. We leave all our troubles and problems in the hand of God. As if God has a hand. Poch Suzara
Saddest Day of my Life
Today is the saddest day of my life. It just dawned on me that I should be the one to pray to God to help my friends and relatives develop the habit of critical reading and thinking. Poch Suzara
MAN differs from an ANIMAL
Man differs from an animal only by a little. "Most men," said Confucius, "throw that little away." Indeed, dominated by a silly theology, most men throw away their sense for common human decency to elevate humanity. Like frightened faithfools, they would rather please a silly divinity in hell always blessed by a stupid deviltry in heaven. Poch Suzara
Poverty-stricken Filipinos
Millions of poverty-stricken Filipinos love, worship, and adore God who, we are told, has been and still is well-established in his eternal state of divine perfection. I should think, however, that aside from a good will, God might also, with the help of His own free will, duly reciprocate the Filipino affection. Poch Suzara
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