Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Nation of Religious Morons
On Being Spiritual
Friday, November 02, 2007
God Revealed in Nature
Nature is terrible and cruel. It cares nothing for human values. Nature is also wasteful. Moreover, nature has only to do with birth, death, and decay. Nothing is permanent in nature. As an atheist I admit that I am a part of nature as nature is part of me. Now where or when or how has God ever revealed himself in nature? Poch Suzara
Why Something
Quality Education
Atheist Defined
Our Most Pressing Problem
What is the most pressing issue besetting our country today?
I say blind faith. We are still blind with so much faith in the power of stupid prayer.
During the past 400 years, we never missed praying daily to a higher power to remedy the ills of our sick country.
In the meantime, we are a corrupt people because of our corrupt values and corrupt beliefs.
100 Trillion Cells
The 100 trillion cells that are bundled up together comprising our body are not human cells, but tiny animal cells. It is amazing how such tiny creatures together could evolve into our physical form and still more amazing how such little devils could evolve as thinking human beings.
Too bad silly religion managed to intrude into the picture to damaged man’s thinking capacity; especially to believe that a God made man in his own image and likeness. Poch SuzaraReligion Against Science
In school, we were taught to believe that God is omni-present. And yet, God has always been omni-absent. God was not present to edit the works of His inspired authors who recklessly wrote such nonsense as “Cain knew his wife,” or that “Joshua commanded the sun to stop,” or that God told Noah to save not his neighbors, but to “save the animals,” or that dead characters in the Old and in the New testament were able to resurrect themselves back to life. Poch Suzara
Russell and Dawkins
Bertrand Russell was once accused of being “lecherous, salacious, libidinous, lustful, venerous, erotomaniac, aphrodisiac, atheistic, irreverent, narrow-minded, bigoted, untruthful, and bereft of moral fibre.”
On the contrary, Russell was one of the kindest philosophers who ever lived. In his time in many countries, he intellectually taught millions of people to be courageous with self-respect and to be comfortable with human dignity.
Next to Russell, I have the greatest respect and admiration for the famous atheist-biologist Richard Dawkins. He recently published “The God Delusion” – a best seller in the USA and Britain, it is now also coming out in 30 foreign editions, shooting onto best seller lists in Italy, Germany, Brazil and Spain.
If God is Dead
The Bible
The bible tells us to have faith. But faith means having the free will to choose to avoid knowing what is true.
God's Children
Why should God tell parents how to raise their children when he had drowned His own? Oh yes, the existence of God might still be a mystery. One thing, however, is no longer a mystery: in this world, God loves the dead more than He gives a hoot about the living. Poch Suzara
Born-Again Atheist
Our Historical Trouble
Our historical trouble is that we have not prayed hard enough? We have not prayed daily enough, weekly enough, monthly enough, yearly enough, and centuries enough? We need to pray more? Let us be more active and consistent with our prayers? In fact, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents did not pray as much they should have prayed?
Our System of Education
In our schools, colleges, and universities are teachers and professors who have proven themselves incapable of deeper learning.
Our Sick Society
Silly and Childish
Quezonian Prophecy
Why Bother as We are Sick Man
But then again, why should we Filipinos bother to grow as a people and to mature as
a nation since we have been educated to believe that God will provide for us; if not Jesus, the son of God, will soon return to remedy the ills of our sick society. Poch Suzara
God's Love
Our World
Only in the Philippines
Prayer Works
Free Will
The Customer
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
My Kind of Prayer
Here is my kind of prayer: “God, never mind giving to me. Just give to them. After all, yours is the power, the kingdom, and the glory. Lord, I have nothing and nothing is more than enough for me! Poch Suzara
Cycle of Life
Right or Wrong
Now modern physicists have scientifically dissolved into nothing the materiality of matter. A body, in our case the human body is, in the ultimate analysis, nothing but a system of bundled energy – a thing that can never be created or destroyed. Poch Suzara
Most Men
With me, the mental freak that I am, rightly or wrongly, I only love to play with ideas. Ideas, no doubt, have tremendously encouraged me to examine my own life as I found it worth living.
The love of playing with ideas seemed more glorious, incomparably, than the lust of the ways of the flesh and the dross of the world. For my part, I hardly wanted millions. I only wanted answers to my questions! “Seek ye first the good things of the mind,” Bacon admonishes us, “and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt.” For me, mental health is the best kind of wealth. Poch Suzara
It is Understandable
Jesus said, and I could hardly blame him: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Poch Suzara
What's Evil about our Government
What our country needs now is not only love and the greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity, especially what it really means to love a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Poch Suzara
More On Death
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Change Our Society
College-Educated Women
Life and Death
In the meantime, the bible admits: “The living know that they shall die, but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.” Poch Suzara
Conversation With God
Impossible With Men
Nobel prizes won by the faculty members of University of San Thomas? None yet. To think UST is older than Harvard by some 50 years. UST, however, has already produced thousands of priests and nuns who, during these past centuries are still preaching to Filipinos to love not this world, neither the things that are in this world! Poch Suzara
Christ's Love
I ask: where is Christ’s love for the unity among Filipinos and for the unity of the Philippine government? To think that no other Asian people, except the Filipinos have always rendered deep faith in Christ since Christianity conquered the Philippines some 500 years ago! Poch Suzara
Sunday, September 16, 2007
More On Religious Morons
Saturday, September 15, 2007
William Mckinley 1843-1901
“There was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by God’s grace do the very best we could for them, as our fellowmen for whom Christ also died.”
Mckinley must have been a religious moron who seriously read and clearly understood bible messages. In Luke 19:27. Christ said: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” That’s exactly what the Americans did to Filipinos in the Philippines in Christ’s name.
Poor Mckinley, he did not know that the Filipinos were already enjoying the failure of values and beliefs under the success of Christianity in the Philippines since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
If Jesus Were a Jew
Why Are There Atheists
Hazing and Praying
So how come praying which is just as selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane always has a place in our sick society? Indeed, if prayer works, if someone out there listens to our prayers, how come we only need to utter more prayers? And if that were not enough, to utter even more prayers! Poch Suzara
Think Tank
What a bunch of morons. Instead of eliminating stupid subjects such as religion that have no bearing at all with reality and instead teach more science and the scientific way of thinking - students can succeed with less number of years in acquiring genuine education to play a serious part to get this country really growing, maturing, and developing. Poch Suzara
What's Wrong with the Philippines
College-Educated Economists
Who is a Moron
Of course, there are morons by degrees. The highest are those who believe that RP-Rizal forum was established to help Rizal admirers learn more about Rizal’s life, works, and writings and why he was executed as a great thinker but that he retracted, carried a rosary in his hand, wore a scapular around his neck, kissed the Jesus crucifix and died as a repentant Catholic. In the meantime, the books written by Rizal remain as banned books in all Catholic schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines. Poch Suzara
Deadly Proverbs
Newspaper Headline
In 1947 our population was at 18 million. Sixty years later, today in 2007 our population is at 88 million. I ask those newspaper columnists who are still insisting that there is no population growth problem in the Philippines: how have we enjoyed growth, maturity, and development as a nation? It seems clear enough our economic pie, instead of getting bigger, has only been getting smaller. Again, I ask: If God so loved the world, how has He loved the Philippines considering his only Son Jesus is more loved, worshipped, and adored here than anywhere else in the whole of Asia today? Poch Suzara
Bible Readers
Atheists have No Need to Be in Foxholes
Foreign Investment
Now which foreign investor would be interested to risk investing capital in this God-fearing, faith-soaked, corrupt-ridden, crime infested, and only Catholic country in Asia? Of course the foreign criminals would be happy to come here to be among his peers. Poch Suzara
My Aim in Life
I'd rather see a world populated with intelligent men without religion, than see a world populated with religious men without intelligence. Indeed, religion has had thousands of years of opportunities to change and improve our world. It is time for human intelligence to take over. Poch Suzara
Pray to Mary
It is Religiculous
There is an explanation for everything. If there were things, however, that cannot be explained, then such things are not worth believing. Poch Suzara
The Cry Baby
Monday, September 03, 2007
On Jose Rizal
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Where or What is God
A belief is utterly worthless unless it accords with the evidence. Faith won't do because like piety, faith is just another sacred word we often use to justify our lazy mentality. Poch Suzara
Monday, August 27, 2007
Who are the Religious Morons
and girls is that they grow up to be men and women who are either too twisted mentally or too distorted spiritually to seriously read or judiciously study bible messages for themselves. They just take the vicious verses and murderous chapters written in the bible for granted. Poch Suzara
It is Incredible
As an atheist, I look forward with much gusto to seeing organized religions eventually dying as victims of its own moronic immaturity, idiotic insanity, and
endless stupidity. Poch Suzara
Egg Cell
As a Little Boy
Take a good look at the millions of college educated men and women of this country. They
are more at home as stupid believers, but hardly have the time nor the energy to learn to become intelligent thinkers. Poch Suzara
Great Scientific Discoveries
Perhaps, he was just being facetious?
Fatherhood is impossible without motherhood – the carrier of male babies who grow up to be a men never knowing what to do or how to understand and appreciate with women.
For my part, I love and respect my mother – a woman. Without her wanting me, I never would have been born in this world. And until we all recognize the fact that women should always be the ones on top of men - we will never be able to fix the problems and troubles of our chauvinistic, if not psychotic male world. Poch Suzara
The Politics of Destruction
Look at the Philippines, destructive politics in cahoots with destructive religion keep the Flipino enjoying self-deception as the foundation of its traditional way of life. Poch Suzara
Western Civilization
I agree; but what is even more evil about Western civilization is that it is the product of Judaism that gave birth to Christianity as Christianity gave birth to Islam. Meanwhile, the history of Western civilization is not about the hate and war of good against evil. It has been, and still is about the hate and war among three great evil religions of the world against each other. And for God's sake and glory in heaven too. Poch Suzara
The Bible and Multiplication Table
Precious Mind
Senator Ninoy Aquino
Today, after twenty four years since Ninoy’s death, the Filipino goes on killing fellow-Filipinos; especially killing love and respect for each other, and killing love of country. All for the sake of proving how devoted we all are as faithful Christians in this only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara
Agnostic and an Atheist
Religious Morons
MOSES - God's Favorite Author and Favorite General in God's Army
Mother Teresa
If one were actively involved in personally assisting the poor, the sick, and the downtrodden that is really suppose to be God’s duty and responsibility, why should one not doubt the existence of God who can remedy such horrors more efficiently, if not easily with his super power as the creator of the universe?
God did not want Mother Teresa to be a robot? But are not those poor, sick and downtrodden people much better off as robots than they are miserable pieces of suffering humanity?
So Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that you should follow his steps. 1 Peter 2:21. What have we here – a God, the Father, a God, the Son, and a God of the Holy Spirit with nothing else better to do except suffer? For what?
But then again, what kind of supernatural monsters are these Gods if they too suffer like the rest of us natural beings suffer? Poch Suzara
Reason, Not Belief
God sees our Tiny World
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Lies, Distortion and Mutilation
Look at these religious Filipino authors mentioning on page 135 Rizal’s great interest in science and its usefulness was expressed by him in an article: “It is our duty to follow the dreary but peaceful paths of science which lead to progress and thence to the union desired by Jesus Christ and prayed for on the night of his sorrows.” (Rizal prose, page 21)
Rizal never wrote the second part of that sentence. From his Spanish writings to English, his translators maliciously distorted and if not religiously mutilated Rizal’s scientific attitude. They tried to make Rizal appear like he is some kind of a scientific dummy. This is an example of how Rizal’s written Spanish works have been mistranslated, specially by his biographer Guerrero who was more faithful and loyal to Catholic authority than he was faithful and loyal to the subject of his biography – Rizal, the courageous man of science and philosophy. Poch Suzara
Prayerful Morons
Belief or Disbelief in God
There is, however, a greater significance in believing that even if God exists, he is not worth believing. After all, such a God eventually puts all of us to death. He needs us dead permanently more than he wants us alive temporarily?
Happily, we atheists would rather find life beautiful and delightful to live it. It is the mark of the atheistic spirit. Atheism is all about that imperative need to think and to live. It is the exact opposite with theism – it is only about the imperative need to believe and to die. Poch Suzara
Big Bang
So God Exists, So What
Hitler's Holocaust
Rizal and Paine and the Bible
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sick World
Faith and Doubt
Faith is all about the hatred of knowledge and wisdom. Education is all about the love of the truth, especially the search for it – the noblest of man's professions. Poch Suzara
Wars Caused By Religion
Look back half a century and witness the role played by the Catholic Church in aiding Nazi Germany. For example the German church opened its genealogical records to the Third Reich so that a person’s Jewish ancestry could be traced. Not a single German Catholic, including Adolf Hitler, was excommunicated for committing crimes against humanity. And Hitler often claimed he was serving God. In MEIN KAMPF HE SAYS, “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance of the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” Poch Suzara