Thursday, February 19, 2009

God’s Will and Plan

If there is indeed such a thing as God’s will or God’s plan, why should we waste precious time and energy praying daily to Mary, the holy Mother of God, “to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen?”

No doubt, we are all sinners and with prayer we shall all be saved. Too bad we also do not pray to God to save the greatest sinner of all time – the stupid devil? Poch Suzara

A Pinoy Prisoner

After 15 years in prison for the crime of murder, this Pinoy prisoner was released. He was pardoned by the President of the Republic. In an interview with a newspaper reporter this criminal disclosed that he “had learned a lot in prison. I met God there.”

Well, obviously God is not, after all, everywhere. God only makes himself known to murderers while they are in prison. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, however, if criminals were to meet with God minutes before they committed their stupid crimes? Poch Suzara

Troubled Life

We are told that if your life is in trouble, there is always God to fix it. We are not told, however, that everybody’s life is in trouble of some kind or the other. In fact, nobody’s life is free from trouble. Consider the day we are born: it is the day we also begin to live in a dying body.

In terms of eternity our troubled life on this speck of dust called “earth” is but a split of a second long. What value is there in human life not long lasting enough for God to bother fixing?

As an atheist, I am not afraid to face the facts. I have no wish to distort such facts into an insane pattern. Indeed, just like everyone else, I too was born an atheist. Surely, one day, I shall die as an atheist. After all, for billions of years before my birth I existed as a thoughtless nothing; and for billions of years after my death – I will then be again existing as a thoughtless nothing. - Poch Suzara


“Suffering can teach us about what we can’t learn in any other way.” Philippine Star, Feb. 18,2009

On the contrary, if I may borrow from Bertrand Russell: what we all need now is not only love but also greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity. A beauty one can hardly learn from any of the schools, colleges, and universities owned and managed by the Catholic church. Poch Suzara

Scientist Richard Dawkins

Scientist Richard Dawkins wrote In his great book THE GOD DELUSION: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” I entirely agree. I would like, however, to add that the God of the New Testament is even more unpleasant. In order to save the world away from sin, instead of getting the devil captured and crucified dead on the cross, He had, instead, his own Son Jesus arrested, abused, and nailed to a cross who, while nailed to a cross, cried cried out loud: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.” Really, I ask: are these the words of a Redeemer or a Savior? In the meantime, I do not consider it a threat or a chill, but rather a joy and a thrill to be identified as an atheist. I have no taste to be a man of faith, A man of faith is a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination. Poch Suzara

Two Billions Years Ago

“Two billion years ago,” wrote Carl Sagan, “our ancestors were microbes; half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred billion years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by the mastery of change. In our time, the pace is quickening.”

Oh my dear Carl, you are so right as you were always seldom quite wrong with your scientific attitude towards the pursuit of knowledge. It is truly pathetic, however, that most religious morons of this world belittled your findings. They actually believe that the earth is only some 6,000 years old created by God in the year 4004 B.C. in October at 9 a.m. according to a certain Bishop James Ussher – known to be a fine biblical scholar. Poch Suzara

Same Mysterious Hogwash

The “unknown” and the “supernatural” are one and the same mysterious hogwash. Explaining the unknown by means of the supernatural, or explaining the supernatural by means of the unknown is really more about explaining the existence of a mysterious hogwash.

Here’s one example of a hogwash that is always mysterious to me. Every time I have a question for God, it is never God who gives me the answer. It is always the religious morons that do. Poch Suzara

Strengthen Ties

Every time a high official is installed in the United States government or installed in the Philippine government – the first they do is to visit each other to renew commitment to strengthen RP-US Ties. As to the nature of what exactly those commitments are all about, nobody knows. The ties, however, are more about graft and corruption enjoyed mutually together by both governments to benefit the rich getting richer in the USA at expense of the poor getting poorer in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Hate, not Love

We are more prone to hate than we are to love. Hate is more contagious than love. Even among the believers of the faith there is more hate than love for each other. Golly, even among the unbelievers - the atheists, agnostics, infidels, heretics, humanists, and the freethinkers of our sick society – they too hate each other. They hate each other’s intellectual capacity. The unbelievers pay less attention to the horrors of insanity behind the traditional belief in silly divinity that gives everyone a sense of false serenity.

Bertrand Russell had a healthier view: “No, the greatest men have not been “serene." They have had, it is true, an ultimate courage, a power of creating beauty where nature has put only horror, which may, to a petty mind, appear like serenity. But their courage has had to surpass that of common men, because they have seen deeper into the indifference of nature and the cruelty of man. To cover up these things with comfortable lies is the business of cowards; the business of great men is to see them with inflexible clarity, and yet to think and feel nobly. And in the degree in which we can all be great, this is the business of each one of us.”

For my part, I hate to mingle with either the believers or, as the case may be - with the unbelievers. Especially if either would inspire in me fear of this and fear of that or fear of what-not. I hate living a life of fear. Poch Suzara

Science and Christianity

Science has already proved itself triumphant in all of its respective fields of endeavor. Indeed, science based on reason, is what we know. Religion based on faith, is what we do not know.

Christianity, on the other hand, still refuses to abandon its appeal to faith. Devoid of faith, Christianity can have no more mysterious elements to frighten its believers never to take their eyes off heaven above. Indeed, due to faith everybody hopes to play a prominent part in the rat-race for eternal salvation.

In the meantime, to advocate that a belief devoid of reason must be accepted is to advocate that a belief devoid of proof or verification must be accepted. What is the difference, therefore, in believing in the existence of a Santa Claus and in believing in the existence of a Savior? Poch Suzara


“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.” Bertrand Russell...It is, indeed, sad to see sons and daughters of wealthy families growing up to be occupied with nothing in life in except to make more money believing that all values must be measured in terms of money or that money is the ultimate test of success in this world... “This belief,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is held in fact, if not in words, by multitudes of men and women, and yet it is not in harmony with human nature, since it ignores vital needs and the instinctive tendency towards some specific kind of growth. It makes men treat as unimportant those of their desires which run counter to the acquisition of money, and yet such desires are, as a rule, more important to well-being than any increase of income. It leads men to mutilate their own natures from a mistaken theory of what constitutes success, and to give admiration to enterprises which add nothing to human welfare. It promotes a dead uniformity of character and purpose, a diminution in the joy of life, and a stress and strain which leaves whole communities weary, discouraged, and disillusioned.” Poch Suzara

The Power of Knowledge

“Science,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is at no moment quite right, but it is seldom quite wrong, and has, as a rule, a better chance of being right than the theories of the unscientific.”

Knowledge in general otherwise more known as science in particular has been the greatest tool man has discovered to change the ways of the world both for the better and for the future generations to come.
Science, however, put into the hands of bigots and fanatics to promote the power of dominant groups can even be far more destructive. Indeed, far more destructive than all the great religions combined that have dominated this world since only God knows when.

Bertrand Russell explained: “We were told that faith could remove mountains, but no one believed it; we are now told that the atomic bomb can remove mountains, and everyone believes it.” Poch Suzara

The Vatican and the USA

The Vatican State currently maintains bilateral diplomatic relations with 172 countries, which is actually one more than the United States Government. The Vatican State therefore is richer and more powerful than the United States government says religious historian John Peter Pham.

“The Vatican, where the Pope resides, is not just simply a spiritual power for Roman Catholics or a moral power for the non-Catholic world, it is a significant political presence," says Michael Higgins. "[If] you're talking in terms of influence, being an important player at the board when it comes to negotiations, being taken as a serious neutral voice on political and moral affairs, it's very difficult to be a serious competitor with the Vatican.”

In addition to that diplomatic network, the geopolitical significance of a community, a faith community of over a billion adherents around the globe serviced by a network of well over 4,000 bishops and 1,000,000 priests mean not only wealth and glory, but also world power.

Many world leaders still go out of their way to be seen with the Pope. Not just because he's a greater symbol, but because the Vatican is where the higher leaders of the world converge.

The Catholic church as the sole owner of the Vatican bank is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence anywhere throughout the world today.

In the months ahead, let us all hope and pray that the Vatican financial power will help rescue the world economy from its financial woes! After all, the World Bank and the Vatican Bank are one and the same bank married together with children known as the IMF, the Federal Reserve Board of the USA, and indeed, the Bank of America. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Richer and the Poorer

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The bishops of the Catholic church, the Manalos of Iglesia Ni Cristo, Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Movement, and Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, etc. couldn’t give a hoot about the poor getting poorer. This is due to the fact that these religious leaders are amongst the rich getting richer while the poor – their believers and followers - are the ones getting poorer. Poch Suzara


A belief cannot be true here but false there. If a belief were false anywhere, it is false everywhere.

Contradict yourself and you are sure to be wrong. Not giving importance for deadly contradiction is the same thing as not giving importance for serious communication that delivers lively confirmation.

We unbelievers know what we are talking about. The believers, however, do not even know what “knowing” means.

We unbelievers enjoy the flexibility of intellectuality. You believers are only stuck in the fixity of a falsity especially as you all believe that human stupidity has some connection with infinity as inspired by the mystery of a divinity always in cahoots with deviltry. Poch Suzara

Mankind’s Greatest Enemy

Religion, in Latin, means - “to tie back, to fasten or bind together.” No, mankind’s greatest enemy has never been religion, but superstition more known as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Each proved that there is wealth, power, and glory to be achieved not by promoting peace on earth and goodwill for one another, but by propagating hate and war against each other for the glory of God. What could be more superstitious than that? Poch Suzara

No Happy Ending

In this life, there is no such thing as a happy ending. We all end up dead whether we like it or not. Unless of course resting in peace while being utterly dead is a form of happiness then there is such as thing as a happy ending. Of course we all know there is no such thing as life in the hereafter. That is why we invented life after death called “the Kingdom of God in heaven”.

In the meantime, the religious morons of this world are all so frightened of the realization that after death, there will be nothing in store for any of us. As if it bothers any of us to realize the fact that for millions of years before birth, – there was also nothing in store for any of us. In fact, there wasn’t even a store. Poch Suzara

Jesus and His Resurrection

If Jesus possessed the power to get himself resurrected from death back to life, what was all that dramatic rigmarole about getting himself crucified dead on a piece of wood for the sins of the world to begin with? Moreover, if Jesus possessed the power to resurrect Himself back to life from death, why should he cry out loud on the cross: MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME? Poch Suzara

Jesus Born Perfect

If Jesus was born perfect, why was he born supot? The faith-healers of his days had to have him circumcised? Who disposed of his holy prepuce? The bible does not say as to what happened to it. Perhaps, the bible scholars can haunt for that bodily part of Jesus. After all, Jesus was the perfect Son of perfect God, wasn’t he? Poch Suzara


Was Jesus a man of peace? Hardly. In fact, in the Gospels, Jesus displayed aggressive militarism quite contrary to his conventional image. Jesus announced that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.

In Luke 19:27, however, Jesus declares: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.”

In Luke 22:36, Jesus “said unto them, but now, he that hath purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Such was Jesus – a man of war ready to die in battle, but not ready to question what it is that he willing to die for. Poch Suzara


Atheism is not therapy but restored mental health. We atheists live in a world of reality, not fantasy. We do not hate to work, on the contrary, we love to work especially for the growth and maturity of human intelligence especially as it promotes human benevolence. If we do hate, however, we hate human stupidity, especially the kind that is the hidden agenda behind the ultimate purpose of education. The majority of our college educated men and women hate more learning. Thus, they hate more reading. Indeed, in our sick society, daily praying is always more respectable than daily reading. Bertrand Russell said: “If we must die, let us die sober, and not drunk with lies.” For my part, as I evolved to become an atheist, I have also ceased wasting my time and energy actively involved as a stupid participant in the rat race for salvation. Indeed, I care about this world. It is the only world we know and at the same time - have. Poch Suzara

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Class-mates and School-mates

My La Salle class-mates and school-mates are shocked. They are horrified to hear what in recent years I have been publicly declaring, consistently, and fearlessly that: - I am no longer a Catholic. I have become an atheist. A devout heretic. Well, if they are shocked with me, I am even more shocked at them. These grown-up highly educated men are still pretty much active with the infantile prayer that every La Salle student uttered before and after every class during grade school, high school, and in college: “St. John Baptist De la Salle, pray for us.” “Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.” As I look into the hearts and minds of these college-educated men, what I sadly found there is not love of country; only love for divinity. Indeed, like a bunch of religious morons – they have more love for Jesus, the Son of God, and more love for Mary, the Mother of God than they do have love for their own mother, father, brothers, sisters, and yea, their own life also. I should know. I was once that kind of a religious sap myself when I was in grade school and eventually expelled out of La Salle high school. Poch Suzara

Couples For Christ

There are a variety of couples existing in our sick society. The most popular one is well known everywhere as The Couples for Christ in Divinity.

None, however, exist at all, known as the Couples for Social Sanity. Especially since the 16th century to help remedy nationally perpetual stupidity out of our God-forsaken only Christian country in this already 21st century. Poch Suzara

Jesus in History

If Jesus was a real historical character, how come the angels and demons who played important roles in the life of Jesus never got to be historical characters themselves?

The bible tells us that Jesus was born in a Jewish land as the Jewish Son of a Jewish God. Could any of you explain how we Filipinos born in the Philippines could have anything historical to do with the Jews as they are the Chosen People of a Jewish God?

In the meantime, what’s the big deal about God the Father is omni-present, but Jesus the Son of God is omni-absent? How holy is the holy Trinity if its members are seldom present together united on earth as it is in heaven? Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 31, 2009

World of Darkness

“A world in darkness needs the light of the gospel.” Phil Star 1/23/2009.

That’s fine and dandy except for the theological horror that it was the gospel writers who concocted the so-called “world of darkness” to begin with. Nice try, you silly morons! Poch Suzara

The Holy Bible

The holy bible says do not hate and do not kill. But bible believers have not ceased hating and killing each other because the same bible also says one must hate and kill in order to please the Lord.

Listen to one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. In his AGE OF REASON, (1794) Thomas Paine wrote:

“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon that the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”

In the meantime, it is sad to see the new president of the United States of America continue using the obsolete bible during the oath taking ceremony. The US Constitution book should best be used. Meaningfully. Appropriately. Especially for change we can all believe in. Poch Suzara

Seek the Truth

The greatest evil committed against students during formative years in school is idea that they must always attach more importance not to the power nor to the beauty of asking questions, but only to believe and to always have faith with the answers supplied to them by the teachers. Indeed, education should have nothing to do with WHAT TO BELIEVE. It should only be about HOW TO THINK! I said it before, I say it again, always seek answers to your questions, but never belittle the power of formulating deeper kinds of questions. Otherwise gullibility takes over to support stupid faith in mediocrity. More questions are far more valuable than the answers, because, in time, the answers become obsolete. Indeed, to stop asking questions is to stop thinking constraining the power of one's intellect. "The truth,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion the human spirit is capable.” Poch Suzara Facebook# Atheist# Twitter# Google#

Hatred of Intelligence

Hatred of intelligence is what is usually found burning within the lives of the great saints of God like Augustine, Aquinas, Paul in the past, not to mention - the Opus Dei gang, the Jesuits, the Catholic bishops, together with Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Movement in the present, and TV prachers of Iglesia Ni Cristo. They all hate the growth of human intelligence. Not to mention Fr. Reuter, the American priest - he hates the power of logic as he is only at home with being a Catholic. Hatred of intelligence is at the foundation of the system of education in the Philippines. Teachers and professors, as they hate intelligence, are readily qualified to teach in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities. Our politicians in the government love the arrangement. With hatred as the standard of mediocrity in this country, they have no problem as hate, not love of human intelligence, gets the politicians elected into high government office. Poch Suzara

Rizal Biographers

A few of Rizal’s biographers failed not defend him. They defended, instead, Christianity – Rizal’s enemy by writing something like: “He became a marked man for writing the NOLI and FILI the books which shook the foundation of Spanish rule in the Philippines.” See Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings by Capino, Gonzalez, and Pineda.”

The fact is that there never was any so-called Spanish rule in the Philippines. There was only Christianity that ruled Spain as it ruled the rest of half of the world at that time. Christianity, not Spain, conquered the Philippines in order to spread the gospel. Indeed, the same Christianity still here pretty much established and in control of Filipino way of life in the Philippines - one of provinces of the Vatican State in this 21st century since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Man of Faith

A man of faith is like a stupid drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination.

Now, for Christ’s sake, how can those who are already so-called “mature” in their faith help others to “mature” in their faith? See Philippine Star 1/31/2009 Poch Suzara

Thursday, January 29, 2009

God, the Creator of Filipinos

If God created the Filipino in his own image and likeness, or better said – created the Filipino with his own wisdom and knowledge, then how come we are born ignorant, wet, naked, hungry, uncircumcised, and crying? And then after we are taught about the existence of our creator in the blessed-by-God schools, colleges, and universities - how come we Filipinos learn only to become selfish, greedy, corrupt, frightened, and insane?

We are taught to believe that there is always God available to forgive our sins and to pardon our crimes. That is, of course, on condition that what we faithfully aim for in this life is only be with God one day in heaven after death. To begin to enjoy the rewards called “eternal salvation.”

Indeed, we are taught to believe that our earthly life, nature, and the flesh is low, depraved, and unworthy and therefore should be of little concern or consequence to those seeking the holy Christian way of life. Even the Creator himself said in the bible: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him.” John 2:15. Is it any wonder that the Philippines is more about the kingdom of Christianity? Hardly about a sane public enjoying a healthy Republic?

Notice when we Filipinos leave for employment abroad, we enjoy a higher standard of living and thinking offered in those foreign countries. Back here at home, however, with government officials always in cahoots with church officials all they have to offer the Filipino left behind is to enjoy our corrupt way of life as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Historical Victims

It is truly sad to see the historical victims of this country, especially those who call themselves Rizalists. They still focus on Rizal as a nobody, comparatively. They are still taught to look not at the face of his powerful enemy - those who had him arrested, jailed, and then executed - the power and authority then in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th century Philippines. Such same power and authority in this already 21st century still making sure that in schools, colleges, and universities Rizal is treated as a lesser man. Specially compared to the great saints of God such as St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, St. Paul, St. John Baptist de la Salle, not to mention the Son of God Jesus and his apostles in the Philippines.

To think that these weird religious characters were all born in foreign countries. Rizal, one of the rarest of men the human race has ever produced was born in the Philippines – another victim - not as yet also the master of historical direction as a nation. Poch Suzara

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Linguistic Morons

College professors and newspaper columnists argue on the evils of the English language as the medium of instruction for Filipino students in school. They say it will retard their sense of nationalism. It is incredible, however, that these linguistic morons argue their case so eloquently by utilizing not the Filipino, but the English language.

Jose Rizal got to be bigger and taller, not lesser or smaller of a Filipino as he could speak and write in several languages. In fact, if we Filipinos were tri-lingual, if we could speak and write in Tagalog, English, Spanish fluently as taught to us in kinder, grade school, high school, and in college – we would be treated with more respect and dignity anywhere we go around the world.

The planet earth is transforming itself into a global village. The human way of life will be based more on science and technology. English is the language of science and technology. I wish you linguistic morons would stop fucking around with the power and the beauty of the English language. Poch Suzara

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wise Advice

"Do not do to others what you do not want done to you' - a wise advice, indeed." For my part, however, I want to be wiser. I should want to do to others what I want them to always do to me – make me think! Poch Suzara

The Truth

How wonderful that the truth goes marching on, and that the truth will set us free; unfortunately, however, it is also at the same time dreadful: no one knows what the truth is, or where exactly it is heading. Poch Suzara


The wealth and power, indeed the great success of Christianity in the Philippines comes from Filipinos taught how to live in fear of divinity; if not due to Filipinos taught how to look forward to a better world to come by ignoring love of country.

Christianity in the Philippines has always been about the behavioral control of Filipinos, especially in the development of insufficiency, incompetence, and diminished self-reliance as a people since the 16th century.

In the meantime, look how we all want to go to heaven, but none of us want to die. Poch Suzara

Psalm 119:2-32

“God speaks to those who take the time to listen, and he listens to those who take the time to pray.” Phil Star January 3, 2009.

Oh God, dear God, whatever happened to your own free will to change and eliminate the life of poverty in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century?

Consider poverty of the worst kind brought about by the teachings of Christianity - the poverty of the mind and heart. Poch Suzara

The Holy Mind

Far more holy than the holy bible is the holy mind of man – solely responsible for the existence of the bible and its contents. In the meantime, the mind is not a terrible thing to waste; on the contrary, it is a terrible thing to waste the mind. Poch Suzara

Dark Black God

It is ludicrous to believe in the existence of a Black God who existed in total darkness before the creation of the universe. It is incredible to believe that such a God had to create the sun to illuminate everything dark around Him originally devoid of brilliant light. Imagine a dark divinity devoid of total luminosity before a show of universal creativity? Poch Suzara

The Corrupt Morons

The corrupt morons comprising our sick society have yet to acknowledge a simple truth. The corrupt officials we have traditionally elected to be in government are all God-fearing men and Jesus-loving women.

There has never been one, no, not a single one amongst these corrupt criminals as government officials who publicly-declared himself or herself as an atheist. Of course, as the Sick man of Asia, we all need to be God-fearing. After all, who but a God out there will forgive us of the sins we commit against each other and the crimes we commit against our own country down here? Poch Suzara

Where’s the Bread

The Bible itself states in Gen. 3:19, that: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” And here we are - the religious morons that we all are – we never stop praying to God to give us this day our daily bread. To think that while many of us have no bread to eat, while hungry, we also pray to the same God to lead us not into temptation. Poch Suzara

Born Atheists

No child is born with a religion. We are all born atheists coming out of mother's womb. We were all frightened to believe in a lot of religious hogwash while we were in school. Just like our parents and grandparents frightened too as they are same products of the same school. Who benefits from all this religious hogwash? Me? You? Our children? Our society? Our Country? Take a good look at the wealth, power, and glory of the Vatican State. It even had to get rid of our one and only Jose Rizal to pave the way for the great business of Christianity while everything else is a sick failure that yearly makes Filipinos only famous throughout the world as the Sick Children of Asia! Poch Suzara

The Power of Thought

There is an old Taoist saying, "Beware what you think for they become your words. Beware what you say for they become your actions. Beware your actions as they become your habits. Beware your habits as they become your fate." So changing your fate simply requires changing your thoughts." Bertrand Russell expounded it better, not only courageously, but more so profoundly: “It will be said that the love of mental adventure must be rare, that there are few who can appreciate it, and that ordinary education can take no account of so aristocratic a good. I do not believe this. The joy of mental adventure is far commoner in the young than in grown men and women. Among children it is very common and grows naturally out of the period of make-believe and fancy. It is rare in later life because everything is done to kill it during education. Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. It sees man, a feeble speck, surrounded by unfathomable depths of silence; yet it bears itself proudly, as unmoved as if it were the lord of the universe. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world and the chief glory of man.” See Bertrand Russell’s THE PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION. For my part, I said it before, I say it again: FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN LOVE IS THE POWER OF THOUGHT; FOR, DEVOID OF THOUGHT THERE IS NO SUCH BEAUTY AS THE POWER OF LOVE." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Bible Scholars

They are among the first religious morons who will tell you that “first of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation.”

To think that a published book is for everyone to read and indeed, to understand and learn from. Is it any of the reader’s fault if the bible contents were not as exact and as certain, and indeed as truthful as the multiplication table – not possible for any kind of moronic or contradictory interpretation? Can you imagine a teacher of arithmetic telling his students: “First of all you must understand this, that no part of the multiplication table is a matter of one’s own interpretation.” Poch Suzara

Climate Change

Nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary. Change is the only thing certain everywhere. The danger of climate change around the world is based on a lot of political hogwash. Climate change has been going on around the world and will continue to do so as a law of nature.

Instead of climate change, however, what we should really be concern about is the human population explosion. We humans, not the climate, are the ones destroying our world, especially with the horrors of insane religious beliefs such as we must multiply and replenish the earth with more fools for the glory of God. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Truth about the Holy Bible

The Truth about the Holy Bible as exposed by Robert G. Ingersoll:

“Somebody ought to tell the truth about the Bible. The preachers dare not, because they would be driven from their pulpits. Professors in colleges dare not, because they would lose their salaries. Politicians dare not. They would be defeated. Editors dare not. They would lose subscribers. Merchants dare not, because they might lose customers. Men of fashion dare not, fearing that they would lose caste. Even clerks dare not, because they might be discharged. And so I thought I would do it myself.

There are many millions of people who believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God -- millions who think that this book is staff and guide, counselor and consoler; that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope -- millions who believe that it is the fountain of law, Justice and mercy, and that to its wise and benign teachings the world is indebted for its liberty, wealth and civilization -- millions who imagine that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and love of God to the brain and heart of man -- millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness of death, and pours its radiance on another world -- a world without a tear.

They forget its ignorance and savagery, its hatred of liberty, its religious persecution; they remember heaven, but they forget the dungeon of eternal pain. They forget that it imprisons the brain and corrupts the heart. They forget that it is the enemy of intellectual freedom. Liberty is my religion. Liberty of hand and brain -- of thought and labor, liberty is a word hated by kings -- loathed by popes. It is a word that shatters thrones and altars -- that leaves the crowned without subjects, and the outstretched hand of superstition without alms. Liberty is the blossom and fruit of justice -- the perfume of mercy. Liberty is the seed and soil, the air and light, the dew and rain of progress, love and joy.”

For my part, as I look deep at my spiritually poor fellow-Filipinos, and as I look deeper at my morally bankrupt country – I say, it is time for us as the Sick man of Asia to throw this so-called holy book out the window. It is mainly due to the bible and its teachings that we Filipinos still believe that life is a defect and that we must not bother with reconstruction, but only seek obliteration. Indeed, look at us Filipinos as a people in this already 21st century: We are still praying to God to “give us this day our daily bread, and to “lead us not into temptation.” And we still continue praying to Mary, the Mother of God, to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.” Poch Suzara

Monday, January 12, 2009

Forgiving God

Most men need to believe in a forgiving God to forgive them of their crimes against women. Most women need to believe in a forgiving God to forgive them of their crimes against men. At any rate, God needs to believe and to forgive himself too. After all, at most times, God knows not what he is doing. Really, if God could create a happy place called heaven, why couldn't he create a happy place called earth? Poch Suzara


I love philosophy. It provides me with riches that are lacking even among those who already rich: lively intellectual freedom; and the power to keep away from the monotony of deadly boredom. Poch Suzara

The Unexamined Life

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, concluded that: “The unexamined life is not worth living for man.” Indeed, we must examine not only our own life, but examine also the life of our parents who gave us life.

For my part, I began to learn to love my mother and father more than I have then loved Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and other bible Jewish characters who never even existed; and, if they did, born centuries ago in foreign countries, none of them had anything to do with us Filipinos born in the Philippines in this 21st century. Poch Suzara

My Life's Ambition

Ignorance and fanaticism is forever busy, and needs feeding. For my part, I try to feed minds and change lives. What could be more ambitious than helping others become aware of the existence of the power of the mind via thoughts to provoke thoughts?

Knowledge needs to be increasing ceaselessly in every mind. There should never be an end to learning or teaching. Books and other writings should be read and analyzed and discussed. It is beneficial never to tire of partaking in the aims and goals of science, of reason, of evidence, of investigation, experimentation, and discovery. The goal should be endless search of the truth – man’s most noble of professions.

Bertrand Russell summarized it best for all of us: “Heroic lives are inspired by heroic ambitions, and the young man who thinks there is nothing important to be done is pretty sure to do nothing important.” Poch Suzara

Our Greatest Strength

“Our greatest strength is often shown in our ability to stand still and trust God.” Phil Star Jan. 8,2000

On the contrary, our greatest strength is often shown in our capacity to stand up and tell God that enough is enough. Oh God, dear God, you were a such a God in the beginning good; unfortunately, in the end, you are good for nothing. Where is your power under your own free will to change and improve creation? Why are you so busy at only being omni-absent; never busy at being omni-present? Poch Suzara


It is often said that what goes up must always come down. Not however in our corrupt society. Corruption never comes down. It always goes up. Look how in this already 21st century, we spiritually corrupt Filipinos are still praying to a God up there to “give us this day our daily bread,” and to “lead us not into temptation” down here.

We also pray daily to Mary, the corrupt Mother of God, - to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.” Poch Suzara


When Gloria Macapagal Arroyo publicly declared that “God put me here,” we all laughed privately at her as she became the new President of our country.

We forgot, however, to laugh at ourselves too. GMA’s God is the same God as every Filipino’s God in this God-forsaken Philippines. Poch Suzara

Love of the Filipino

Oh yes, I love the Filipino as a people, not however for what they are, but for what, with proper education, they can become: ahead in the whole of Asia in Science via the scientific way of thinking. Poch Suzara

Lucifer and his angels

The bible tells us that Lucifer was expelled out of heaven. Can any of you bible scholars out there explain what in hell was Lucifer doing in the heaven to begin with? And where in hell did Lucifer's silly angels come from? Who created these supernatural morons so much feared by equally frightened morons known as the Sick Man of Asia on this earth? Poch Suzara

Three Great Religions

It is not ironic that the most troubled part of the world is the cradle of the world’s three great religions: Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish religion - all founded not on sacred veracity, but holy mendacity. Each grown and spread out with the power of political lies and religious deception. Especially the mother of all religions – Judaism. The Jews after grabbing more land in Gaza for themselves, they also continue singing: “This land is mine. God gave this land to me.” Poch Suzara

The Collapse

The fall of Wall Street in America spelled the collapse of Capitalism. It was the same thing with the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. It spelled the collapse of Communism. Historically, both were a kind of ideology in a sense. Capitalism and Communism have been great evils as neither couldn’t care less about the human race for as long as either was winning as rats in a race.

Consider capitalism, just like communism: it is the extraordinary claim that a bunch of clowns, with the clownish of reasons, can work for the benefit of all mankind.

Hopefully, with these great evils out of the way, our world can now begin to embark on the road towards the achievement of a new kind of civilization where man’s humanity to man will be a terrestrial reality, sufficient unto itself - globally and indeed, peacefully. Poch Suzara

Reform of Ideals

We can never solve the problems of our country with the same traditional mentality that created them in the first place. If we hope to seek new achievements, we should not be going about doing the same thing. Indeed, it will be only more of the same circular story if we just install new faces in the chorus to sing the same old traditional songs.

We can only radically reform our way of life as a people and indeed as a nation by the radical reform of values and beliefs.” And that is precisely what other Asian countries having been doing – growing not with faith behind theology but developing with reason behind science and technology. Poch Suzara

Rizal’s Killers

The killers of Rizal never left town. In fact they were the owners of the town. In fantasy, the town eventually got to be known as the Republic of the Philippines. In reality, however, the Philippines is just one of the numerous backward provinces of the Vatican State – the same power that had Rizal executed during the 19th century. The same killers of the Filipino minds and hearts in this 21st century. All for the sake of God’s will to be done on earth as it for his glory in heaven. Consider most Filipinos today would not with love and respect memorialize the death of Rizal (December 30, 1896), but would rather manifest more faith and devotion to the Rizal’s killers - the Catholic priesthood industry of the Philippines. In the meantime, in Ateneo, the best Catholic school in the Philippines, the main building is named after the Inquisitor Archbishop Roberto Bellarmine, the supreme arbiter for the church in all theological issues. Canonized a saint in 1930, Bellarmine was the same saint who sent the freethinker Giordano Bruno to burn at the stake for heresy in the 16th century. The same Bellarmine syndrome that got our own Jose Rizal executed for writing two great books – NOLI and FILI in the 19th century; and, Hypatia torn off her flesh with Abalone shells to death by the mob of Cyril, the archbishop of Alexandria in the 5th century. Also canonized a saint who saw to it that Hypatia’s name and character be expunged from everything that represents woman’s intellectual capacity. Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 10, 2009


January 11, 2009
Philippine Daily Inquiry
Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir:

We feel no shame for losing a job, health, or pride as a people, or even losing our dignity as a nation. However, we would feel shameful and indeed sinful if we lose our faith.

Sadly, however, a man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination.

As the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, what have we proved to the rest of the world with our faith? We have proved ourselves stuck as a people with comfortable myths; and stuck as a nation with political lies and deception.

Indeed, thanks to our faith, blind as it has always been, we obviously cannot see that in this already 21st century, we are still the victims of superstition, and not the masters of religion. Look how with blind faith we only love divinity out there; and we do so by ignoring our sense of common human decency down here.

I write as an atheist and I define my lifestyle as follows: As an atheist I love myself and fellow Filipinos instead of a god. I accept that heaven is something for which we should work now – here in our own land – for all Filipinos to enjoy. I accept that I can get no help through prayer but that I must find in myself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, grapple with it, subdue it, and to enjoy it. I accept that only in knowledge of my country and of the world can I find the understanding that will help me live a life of fulfillment – indeed - live the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

As an atheist, I do not want to believe; instead, I want to know. I seek to know the nature of human life in reality rather than to believe in a god wrapped in fantasy. As an atheist, I accept that a hospital should be built instead of a church. I accept that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. I strive for involvement in life and not escape into death. I want diseases conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated via human population control. I love the Filipino as part of the human race. I have no need for a divine grace. I want to live not a moral, but an ethical way of life. I accept that that I cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer, nor hope for an end of troubles in a hereafter.

In the ultimate analysis, as an atheist, I accept that we are – in a great sense – our brother’s keepers. We are, first, keepers of our own lives, and that we are responsible people responsible for the growth and development of our country. The job is here, and the time is now.

Yours sincerely,
Poch Suzara

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christianity Everywhere

Christianity is everywhere. It is demonstrated in our custom and tradition, indeed in our culture, damaged as it is already. Christianity is in the home. In the schools, colleges, and universities. In the cinema, theatre, and radio and television, in newspapers, in books, magazines, and journals. Christianity intrudes into our judicial, executive, and legislative branch of government. In the social functions and other civic organizations. In the business meetings, political campaigns, commercial seminars. Christianity is there in prayer before mealtime. In sports contests. The music of the day is contaminated with Christian messages. From all sides it moves in on us, endlessly. Ceaselessly. It is not possible to go through a day of one’s life without being exposed to Christianity. In the office, banks, hospitals, police precincts, city hall, residential buildings, hotels, motels, streets, highways, and in billboards, and public transportation system. In any important event of one’s life Christianity is standing by ready to take over the event: birth, marriage, anniversary, death. In fact Jesus Christ demands that you shove Christianity at everyone. Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, son, and of the Holy Ghost: 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” It is all about behavioral control of the Filipinos. To have more faith in the failure of education that brings about not the Age of Reason or the Age of Enlightenment, but simply the Age of Christianity that gives the Filipinos the power to act as its own destroyer both as a people and as nation. We are not, by any measure, the intelligent masters; on the contrary, as a matter of history, we are the insane victims of organized insanity otherwise more known in the Philippines as Christianity. Indeed, Christianity has developed insufficiency, incompetence, and diminished self-reliance of, with, and for the Filipino as a people since the 16th century. The essence of Christianity is its intolerance. The first commandment of the Christian god is: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Christians cannot live with other ideas. They are forced to convert all persons to their belief system because that person, who is outside, illustrates that your god has failed to bring at least one person to his flock. Therefore he is not all-seeing, all-knowing, all-understanding, all-benevolent, all-powerful god. If he were that, he could induce all to “come unto him” and feel the “glad tidings of great joys.” It is impossible for those of you who are caught in that trap to understand that others have no need of faith in such beliefs systems and do not live in mental prisons or spiritual cages. Therefore you scream out to us atheists that our position is one of religion too, that we have a belief system as you do. What you are trying to do is, by definition, include us in your insanity. You define the positions and attitudes, opinions and ideas that we have as “a religion” because your thinking is so structured that it is impossible for you to understand the concept of a “free mind.” Indeed, you can only believe in the freedom of religion, when there is something better and greater - the freedom from religion. Atheism has none of the attributes of a religion. We have no god above or beyond nature, no breach of natural laws by such a god to demonstrate that he exists, no method of communication between such entity and ourselves, no elaborate reward and punishment system such as heaven or hell for being in accord with that god’s dictates. There is not one element needed for religion existing anywhere in Atheism. We have no atheistic morons known as atheist saints. Therefore, you charge that our religion is the worshipping of “nothing.” But, in fact, this is what the Christians do: worship nothing. An unseen, unknown, unhearing, unresponding entity which you call god is supplicated by you daily with no response. Nothing is there – but you worship it. Nothing hears you – but you address communication to it. Nothing responds – but you hear some messages in the void. Nothing ever happens – but you rationalize that “something” occurs somewhere, perhaps in one’s heart. It is an incredible game that you play all year round like children do for centuries. Poch Suzara

Monday, January 05, 2009

Jesus on the Cross

“One of the malefactors which were hanged railed at him, saying, If thou be Christ, save yourself and us.” Luke 23:39 If I were among those present during the crucifixion of Christ, I should ask: Jesus, as you are the Son of God, the creator of heaven and hell and the universe, gifted with powers to perform miracles including walking on water, making the blind see, the deaf hear, curing diseases, changing water into wine, raising the dead back to life, what are you doing there nailed to a cross crucified by a gang of religious dumbstruck morons who were themselves created in the image and likeness of your own God, the Father? Poch Suzara


Can any of you really believe in the revealed truth of this biblical hogwash? Moses writing his own death and burial?

“The Lord buried him in a valley in Moab, opposite the town of Bethpeor, but to this day no one knows the exact place of his burial.” (Deuteronomy 34:6)

To think that this is the same Moses who wrote about Joshua commanding the sun to stop? The same Moses who parted the Red Sea? The same Moses earlier who told his generals: “Now, therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him; but all women-children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.” What a bunch of child-molesters, sex fiends blessed by the Lord maniacs! Poch Suzara

Our Medical Doctors

It is sad and pathetic, our medical doctors have yet to find the cure for the deadliest of diseases. It is a mental disease called religion. It is very contagious, especially with threats of eternal punishment if you refuse to believe in the word of God. Religion is the deadliest of all mind viruses.

No other disease has brought more damage to Filipino minds and hearts than the organized insanity known as Christianity. It is what makes for our sick society. Look at the Filipino today as the Sick Man of Asia - still waiting for the Second Coming of the Lord – the same Lord born not in the Philippines, but born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago that is still Jewish today as it never got converted to be a Christian country. Poch Suzara

Second coming of the Lord

It is vacuous, no less ridiculous, if not indeed ludicrous, not to mention utterly lugubrious. In the Philippines, Filipinos are still waiting for the Second Coming of the Lord as if the Lord had anything to do with Filipinos guilty of Original Sin in the Philippines some 2,000 years ago. Poch Suzara


Faith is childish and foolish. I was once a foolish and a childish boy of faith myself. Atheism changed me. It changed my mind and heart. Much more than that however, Atheism made me look deeper into my own life as it paved the way toward my struggle to live the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Poch Suzara

Who is a Religious Moron

Who is a religious moron? He is one who hates his mother and father, hates brothers and sisters, hates his wife and children, and yea hates his own life also in the name Jesus and his teachings. As a matter of biblical instruction, if you do not hate your mother and father, if you do not hate your brothers and sisters, if you do not hate your wife and children, and yea if you not hate your own life also, you cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Please read Luke 14:26. Of course a religious moron is also one who does not properly read the holy bible. In fact, verses and chapters written in the bible that he finds hard to read or difficult to understand he believes that to be the same as having faith in divine wisdom. Well, the religious moron is also one who has not stopped proving the existence of God as if it were any of his business since the real business of the proofs for the existence of God should come from God himself. But where is God? How come he is always omni-absent? Never omni-present? Poch Suzara

Nothing Dies

Matter composed of energy can never be created or destroyed. In the universe therefore nothing dies. Nothing is wasted. Everything is just transformed. Well, when we ourselves will be transformed one day, let us experience the matter sober, and not drunk with superstitious lies.

Philosopher Bertrand Russell happily reminds us that “Happiness is nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting.” Poch Suzara

The Greatest of Questions

It is not “where did the universe come from,” but “where did the creator of the universe come from, and who knows if the creator were a He or a She or an It; and, if such a creator were still alive these days still busy outthere somewhere creating only God knows what else? Poch Suzara

Anti-Atheistic Hogwash

Atheist Holiday Court Ruling: This is courtesy of Connie Hooper, a lady who works for the judicial system in Florida. Have you heard about this case? Great answer from the judge! In Florida, an atheist became incensed over the preparation of Easter and Passover holidays. He decided to contact his lawyer about the discrimination inflicted on atheists by the constant celebrations afforded to Christians and Jews with all their holidays while atheists had no holiday to celebrate. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the long passionate presentation by the lawyer, the Judge banged his gavel and declared, 'Case dismissed!' The lawyer immediately stood and objected to the ruling and said, 'Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and many other observances. Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah ... yet my client and all other atheists have no such holiday! The judge leaned forward in his chair and simply said, 'Obviously your client is too confused to even know about, much less celebrate his own atheists' holiday!' The lawyer pompously said, 'Your Honor, we are unaware of any such holiday for atheists, just when might that holiday be, your Honor?' The judge said, 'Well, it comes every year on exactly the same date--April 1st! Since our calendar sets April 1st as 'April Fools Day,' consider that Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, in my opinion, if your client says there is no God, then by scripture, he is a fool, and April 1st is his holiday. Now have a good day and get out of my courtroom!" Wow, truly a nice fairy tale from Connie Hooper, a religious tuti-frutie who works for the judicial system of Florida. Sadly for her, she is not aware that the judge in this case is typical of the religious morons who are even more confused. with so little knowledge of bible contents. “The fool had said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 15:1. The same words are repeated in Psalm 53:1. Well, Psalm is in the Old testament and since you Christians revere more the New Testament, you should read Matthew 5:22 which says: . . .”Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire.” The judge in the above-mentioned case put himself in danger of going to hell. My dear reader, we atheists have no dogmas, no pigma, no hogma, no rituals, no gods, no angels, no devils, no priests, no worship, no prayers, no holy places, and no holy books. Now you expect us to believe that we atheists need to celebrate a holiday too? And get it legalized to boot? Everyday of the year is already a joy for us, especially as we daily celebrate the power of ideas under freedom of thought. There is nothing quite like in all of nature. The fool says there is no God. We, the wise, say it to the world. In the meantime, religion encourages the silly fixity of credibility at a price paid dearly: - the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of self-respect and human dignity. In the ultimate analysis, if there is hope for lasting peace in this world, it will be due to more and more people realizing that religion at best is a farce, a fraud, and a ceremony; and at worst a source of prejudice, intolerance, conflict, insanity, and everlasting stupidity. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Jesus Contradiction

Crucified on the cross, Jesus cried out: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

Now Luke himself reports earlier on the same Jesus who said: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” Luke 19:27

Now which is which: Jesus slaying his enemies? Or enemies slaying Jesus? If Jesus possessed the miraculous power to raise the dead back to life, what was all that deadly drama about getting himself crucified dead on a cross? How did Jesus forgive himself as he obviously knew not what he was doing? Poch Suzara

Messages in the Bible Made me an Atheist

Consistency in the Bible is a consistency of holy baloney. Even the canonized Gospel writers were inconsistent against each other. The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Jesus was an aristocrat descended from David via Solomon. The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus was from much more humble stock. The Gospel of mark says that Jesus was born to a poor carpenter. At his birth, Jesus was visited by kings according to Matthew, but according to Luke, he was visited by shepherds. Jesus, according to the bible was born in Bethlehem, but he is usually referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. At his death, according to the Gospels of mark and Matthew, the last words of Jesus were: “My God, my God, why hast forsaken me?” But according to Luke, Jesus said: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” And in John, Jesus simply said, “It is finished.” The bible repeatedly exhorts readers to fear God. Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. “Blessed is everyone that feareth the Lord. As the Lord’s Prayer states, God’s will should “be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In the meantime, fear is at the foundation of our insane society, In fact, we Filipinos are the fearful and the frightened Sick Man of Asia. For my part, I thank the gods, for they inspired me to properly read the bible. Reading the bible has been the most potent force for me to grow up and to move out of my Catholicism into the rationality of agnosticism and finally to the sanity of atheism. After all, religion encourages stupidity and the promotion of a sick society. Poch Suzara

Life on Earth

Life on earth may be expensive, but it includes a free ride around the sun once a year. Any one who tells you that there is no such thing as a free lunch, that there is nothing free in this world can only be the view of a dumbstruck moron who has always been deprived of the greatest of freedom – the freedom of free thought. Poch Suzara

God’s Gift

According to the Gideon bible, “Yes, thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.

According to the Catholic bible, “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.

I ask: which or what gift from God? Could we really be that religiously moronic to thank God for anything that is “indescribable,” or for something that is “unspeakable?”

Consider in terms of eternity, human life on this earth is but a wink of an eye, a flash in the pan, a split of a second long! Poch Suzara

Human Senses

We have not only five senses, but actually more than just the sense of seeing, smelling, hearing, touching, and tasting. We also have the sense of balance, temperature, acceleration, and indeed, the sense of victory, and the sense of losing in defeat. Leave it to science – she will eventually discover more senses in human nature than what silly religion has thoughtlessly preached during these past centuries - that God with five senses made man with five senses in his own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

Social Progress

Progress in society has always involved the elimination of lies and falsehoods. Ours have never been a society in progress because it has always been and still is stuck with lies and falsehoods.

Consider the lies that not a Fellow-Filipino born in the Philippines, but only a Jewish fellow born in a foreign land some 2,000 years ago will transform our land one day from poverty, depravity, and misery into a nation of peace and joys, human decency, and prosperity. Poch Suzara

The Philippines

The Philippines is a nation of diverse religious beliefs/non-beliefs. ... Msgr. Achilles Dakay, spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Cebu. Now I wonder if Msgr. Achilles Dakay ever wondered how come the Philippines has always been a land where there was and still is only one kind of believer of the Multiplication Table? Even before Christianity arrived to conquer the Filipinos 400 years ago; nay, even thousands of years before Christ was born – there never was different religious sects based upon different interpretation of the Multiplication Table. The believers of 2 plus 2 equals 4 never hated nor killed each other to death. The religious morons do so everywhere and all the time as a matter of diverse religious beliefs or non-beliefs. Poch Suzara

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Moses Writing His own Death and Burial

Can any of you really believe in the truth of this biblical hogwash? Moses writing his own death and burial?

“The Lord buried him in a valley in Moab, opposite the town of Bethpeor, but to this day no one knows the exact place of his burial.” (Deuteronomy 34:6)

To think that this is the same Moses who wrote about Joshua commanding the sun to stop? The same Moses who parted the Red Sea? The same Moses earlier who told his generals: “Now, therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him; but all women-children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.”

What a bunch of child-molesters, sex fucking blessed by the Lord maniacs! Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 20, 2008

John Galt

Declared in his famous speech: - The world will change when you are ready to pronounce this oath: I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine. John Galt, the fictitious character that he was in one of Ian Rand’s novel, must have been selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane, indeed, an economic moron.

I bet he could not afford to take his oath to his cook in the kitchen, to his butler in the room, to his chauffer in the automobile, to his secretary in the office, to his waiter in the restaurant. Not to mention to his pilot flying the plane.

As a matter of economic fact, John Galt is the type of a man that usually ends up as the CEO of top corporations – the wealthy criminals in the corporate world who, for the sake of profit, would even destroy this world, our world.

In the meantime, because of men like John Galt in charge of American corporations – America as a corporation is wealthy, but as a nation she is quite unhealthy. Poch Suzara


Corruption in the government agencies, corruption in the business sectors, corruption in the church, corruption in the AFP-PNP, corruption in the justice system, corruption in the prison system, etc. Nothing however can compare to the corruption in the system of education in the Philippines. They are places where corruption is born, fed, baptized, and blessed by God. In the meantime, only in the Philippines: for every crisis, there is always an opportunity; especially for the politicians in the government to be greedy, and selfish; and for the priesthood industry of the church to be stupid, and insane. Indeed, always ready to forgive the sins and the crimes of our stupid politicians. Poch Suzara

The Rich and the Famous

According to the rich and famous of our sick society the government must never interfere with church matters; but the church, if it sees fit, can always interfere with government matters. In other words, for love of country, to hell with democracy. However, for love of divinity, let’s embrace theocracy. Unfortunately, God is never omni-present; only always omni-absent. Poch Suzara

Good Tree

A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Whatever the case may be, if only God can make a tree, why make bad trees and then declare that it was “good?” Poch Suzara

Decent Education

Millions of minds are distorted and hearts twisted with false beliefs during the formative years in school. All for the sake of having faith in the Lord, if not to believe that there is a better world to come after death with God in heaven. I ask: what reasons have we to blame each other for the historical fact that we are the Sick Man of Asia living in an insane society? It seems so translucent that decent growth as a people and decent development as a nation can only be the results of a decent system of education. Poch Suzara


Those who live with untruths live in spiritual poverty. Freedom is still the greatest reward we acquire when we seek the truth. “Seek ye first the good things of the mind,” Bacon admonishes us, “and the rest will either be supplied, or its loss will not be felt.” The truth will not make us rich and famous, but it will make us free and precious.

Paradoxically, we Filipinos enjoy freedom, especially the freedom to enjoy religious delusions in cahoots with political illusions. Poch Suzara


The first law of ecology tells us that everything is connected to everything else. Over-population means over-exploitation of nature and the destruction of nature as it affects all other parts, including ourselves as we are part of nature. Not to mention including the destruction of our habitat - the blue planet earth - the only home we got. Poch Suzara

The Power of Thought

To believe that thoughtfulness is a form of bitterness against life is utter foolishness, if not downright childishness.

Never belittle the power of thought. There is nothing quite like it in all of nature.

Confucius said: “Man differs from an animal only by a little. Most men throw that little away.” Well, my dear reader, that little has only to do with the power of thought. Poch Suzara


As a little boy at home and in school, I used to pray everyday to God to lead me not into temptation.

How I wished then that a God existed out there who had more to do with my life under reconstruction, and not a life escaping away from silly temptation. Indeed, a God to lead me not towards meaningless vacillation, futility, timidity, and self-destruction, but only towards human perfection carrying out the advancement for human civilization. Poch Suzara

Religious Morons

Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, declared: “I am mere dung.”
John Calvin, famous theologian, declared: “We are all made of mud.”
Moses in the bible wrote: “Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

It is glaringly obvious, if not alarmingly translucent, that these religious morons utterly ignored what we were all taught in school to believe – that God created man in his own image and likeness. Well, if that were true, and we are all made of dung, mud, and dust, then God must be made of dung, mud, and dust too.

Now why should we love, worship, and adore dung, mud, or dust, indeed, why should we have faith in such a supernatural garbage? Poch Suzara

Silly Religion

Religion has had thousands of years to change and improve the quality of human life on this earth. It has miserably failed and will continue to fail. Simply because religion has no basis in reality.

It is time for human intelligence to take over. Happily, with the newly-elected President Barack Obama of the USA - human intelligence has taken over the American way of life in the United States of America. Hopefully, as other countries will catch on, human intelligence will eventually transform the whole world too.

In the meantime, silly religion, silly as it has been as it is still silly, might as well step aside and let human intelligence reign supreme globally. It is the only way we can save our planet earth. Poch Suzara

Saint Clement of Alexandria

Just like the many other moronic saints of the Lord, St. Clement of Alexandria, who was another moron, wrote: “Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman.” Well, Even other saintly priests say: “Woman is the confusion of man, an insatiable beast, a continuous anxiety, and incessant warfare, a daily ruin, a house of tempest, and a hindrance to devotion.”
What is even more moronic, however, is that a lot of the tuti-fruties and patuties famous in our sick society would like to end up as moronic lady saints too with the Lord in heaven. Poch Suzara

Dr. Harold J. Sala on There is Nothing Free in the World

This superstitious primitive, the famous bible preacher that he is, obviously displayed shameless ignorance while writing that there is nothing free in the world. He elaborates. He says that there are some laws as old as humankind, and one of them bears repeating: “There is nothing free in the world.” Philippine Star, Nov. 23, 20O6 Dr. Sala, you are such a religious hypocrite? How about the free ride we get everyday on earth as it rotates daily on its own axis traveling at 1037 miles per hour? What about the free ride we get as the earth orbits around the sun yearly traveling at the speed of 60,067 miles per hour? And what about the free ride we get as our earth together with the solar system going around the Milky Way Galaxy traveling at the speed of 486,600 miles per hour? It takes about 200 to 250 million years to orbit once around the Milky Way Galaxy. All for free. No charge for the cosmic ride. Poch Suzara

Friends of Jesus

“Our dearest friend is but a shadow compared to Jesus.” Phil Star Nov. 24, 2008.
Jesus had the power to perform miracles, and yet, crucified on the cross, he cried out loud: “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” Well, never mind God His Father on a rescue mission. But where in hell were the dear friends of Jesus, the apostles, on his side? Poch Suzara

The Problems of the World

It begins with the family with children born unwanted and unloved - the accidental product of sexual pleasure. Indeed, it is foolish to imagine married or even un-married couples entertaining the propagation of the human race while enjoying the pleasures of sexual orgasm. How do parents love their sons or daughters not of their free choice, but only nature’s decree?
The problems of the world get even more complicated with stupid religion wedded to stupid politics. Both derail the family into believing that their responsibility as humans is not to cultivate common human decency, but only to have faith in divinity via human misery at worst, and social insanity at its best. Poch Suzara

It is Good

In the Philippine Star today, ( Nov. 26, 2008 ), the sick message reads: “Don’t despair because of evil; God will have the last word.”
Oh God, what we need from you is not your last word, but to make good your creation when you yourself saw in the beginning that “it was good.” Poch Suzara

The Trouble with the Bible

The trouble with the bible is that none of the inspired authors bothered to read together the bible when it was completed as a finished published product. Otherwise, if they did, they would have found each other shocked with the contradictions, inconsistencies, obscenities, atrocities, and absurdities that fill more than half in what is written in the bible. I have a sneaky suspicion even God did not read the bible for final approval. In fact, I think the devil also did not read it too for his disapproval. Poch Suzara

The Filipino

“No one stands as tall as a Christian on his knees.” Phil Star Nov. 28.2008.
Still the faithful Christians since Christianity arrived in the Philippines in the 17th century, the poor Filipino is still on his knees praying daily to God to “give us this day our daily bread,” and to “lead us not into temptation,” in this 21st century. Poch Suzara

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dear Catholic Bishops

I should wish to share with you words from a psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, author of THE ROAD LESS TRAVEL. It is a bit about psychiatry at its best on top of Christianity at its worst: “The learning of something new requires a giving up of the old self and a death of outworn knowledge. To develop a broader vision we must be willing to forsake, to kill, our narrower vision. In the short run it is more comfortable not to do this – to stay where we are, to keep using the same microcosmic map, to avoid suffering the death of cherished notions. The road to spiritual growth, however, lies in the opposite direction. We begin by distrusting what we already believe, by actively seeking the threatening and the unfamiliar, by deliberately challenging the validity of what we have previously been taught and hold dear. The path to holiness lies through questioning EVERYTHING.” Well, in our sick society today, if we question the evils of corruption, we find that corruption is not a political or a legal or a medical issue. Corruption is a moral issue. During these past centuries under Christian authority, hasn’t it been your sole responsibility to shepherd the flock, to be in charge of the teachings of moral values? Especially to establish self-respect and human dignity as the foundation of a healthy and a sane society? Why is it that after 400 years of Christianity solidly established in this country, tens of millions of Filipinos in this 21st century continue to experience interior emptiness, still thirsting for some form of spirituality? No doubt, we still have deep faith in the holy Trinity known as the “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit,” but in our race to achieve a higher standard of living as a people, and to accomplish a higher standard of thinking as a nation – where is the Holy Trinity on our side as our “Creator,” “Redeemer,” and the “Sustainer?” For my part, as a humanist, I embrace morality as one of the greatest of human values. Not, however, superstitious morality. I do not do good because there is a greater power out there who will reward me for my goodness after death. On the contrary, I do good precisely because of what’s higher and greater than me, namely, - my family, my country, and indeed, this planet earth as the home of humanity. I duly recognize that there is little difference between the goals of the Christians and the humanists. We both value helping others. But as a humanist I am drawn to this goal out of unselfish love and empathy – which arises from education in rationality. As a humanist my goal in life is to try and spread the virtues of felicity via intellectual growth and maturity. Indeed, to keep ignited the torch of enlightenment. To see things now as they will seem forever, - “in the light of eternity.” The Christian, however, is driven to it out of fear for his own eternal welfare. For the Christian, helping others is not an end in itself, but only a means of saving himself from damnation. As a humanist I realize that I could be mistaken about what is best for my fellow-Filipinos; so I am willing to listen to criticism. I am willing to have my ideas torn apart and will listen to the power of reason. The Christian, however, cannot admit that his ideas of right and wrong might be mistaken, because to doubt would imperil his immortal soul. He must have faith in Christian doctrines – out of fear of eternal torture if he does not. He must be anti-intellectual in order to maintain his faith – out of fear of torture if he does not. And he must never doubt that his action is correct – again out of fear of torture if he does not. What is happening to us, I ask? Why is it that we Filipinos do not, and cannot as yet enjoy social unity, moral sanity, and political maturity in our own country? We only continue to be a people of childish followers; hardly a nation of intelligent thinkers as leaders. Why is it that in this day and age, under your moral guidance and inspiration, we Filipinos only continue to believe that human life is but a defect, and that we must only live our lives seeking not reconstruction, but only obliteration! My dear bishops, as citizens of our country, isn’t it time for you to take a deeper look at our spiritually poor and morally bankrupt nation - the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since 400 years ago? No doubt, Christianity has been a great success. But what has been a greater success, however, is the Filipino way of life. We are still faithful to a higher power out there, but paying for it at a expensive price down here: the horrors of spiritual corruption, moral degradation, economic stagnation, political delusion, educational deception, not to mention the lack of national health, hygiene, and sanitation in our country everywhere! In the final analysis, I say it again: it is time for us Filipinos to stop fooling around with our silly “free will” for the sake of heavenly salvation. We should, instead, begin to believe and have faith in our intelligent “good will,” especially for one another for the sake of promoting in our country - civilization? Yours sincerely, Poch Suzara Chairman Center for Inquiry, Philippines December 13, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir:

Mr. Alexander L. Lacson’s piece OUR ENEMY ( PDI, Nov. 30, 2008 ) is another reflection of why we are the Sick Man of Asia.
He says that during the Spanish time, the face of our enemy was very clear. It was the Spanish conquerors and the rulers of our country. They used force and violence against our people, raped our women, stole our gold and spices, exploited our natural resources.

But today, Mr. Lacson says, our enemy is the “trapo” in government – the mayor, the governor, the congressman, the Cabinet secretary or department undersecretary, the president, the senators, etc.

I ask: aren’t those leaders in our government products of La Salle, Ateneo, University of Santo Thomas, Letran, San Beda, Mirian college, Assumption college, Asian Institute of management, etc. etc. including the University of the Philippines that produces men like a Marcos - a Jesus-loving, God-fearing Filipino leader?

Indeed, in this poor and backward country, we are all born ignorant, not stupid and corrupt. We are made stupid and corrupt by education.

Millions of minds are distorted and hearts twisted with false beliefs during the formative years in school. All for the sake of having faith in the next world to come, and to have faith also in the next country to go to in order to earn a decent living. What keeps us Filipinos stupid and corrupt? Isn’t it glaringly obvious that decent growth as a people and decent development as a nation can only be the result of a decent system of education?

A decent life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. It has nothing to do with prayers to God to give us this day our daily bread, and to lead us not into temptation? Isn’t it tragic enough that we Filipinos are winners in the rat-race for eternal salvation, but are poor losers in the race for human civilization under a better system of education?

To teach Filipino children in school to reach for fantasy solutions to real life problems is the worst possible training Filipino children can have for their outreach toward emotional growth and intellectual maturity – indeed, for love of fellow-citizens and for love of country.

The success of Christianity in the Philippines is our one and only real enemy. Its basic teachings in the schools, colleges, and universities have always shaped the Filipino mind and molded the Filipino heart to live faithfully as the poor victims, but never as the healthy masters of religion in our own country.

If there is purpose to life that purpose must be that we should leave this world a little better than we are born into it, especially in the humanitarian sense, or there is little reason for our having lived.

Yours sincerely,
Poch Suzara
Center for Inquiry, Philippines
Dec. 2, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Jesus is usually referred to as Jesus of Nazareth though he was born supposedly in Bethlehem. What’s remarkable about this discrepancy, however, is not the Jesus of this or that town, but that neither Nazareth nor Bethlehem got to be a Christian place as part of a Christian country. Israel is still a Jewish State.

Here, however, is something even more remarkable. In the State of Israel today there exist no school, college, or a university that teach Jesus is the Son of God who was crucified on a cross to redeem the souls of Filipinos in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Jesus Crucified or Hang on a Tree

Was Jesus crucified on a cross or hang on a tree? Listen to the reports of the Inspired by God authors of the holy bible: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. Matt.27:37 The King of the Jews. Mark 15:26 This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. Luke 23:38 Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews. John 19:19 One would think that there was only one cross, not four, and therefore only one inscription written on the cross. However, in the book of Acts 5:30, Jesus was not crucified on a cross, he was hanged on a tree. In Acts 10:39, it also reads: “And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, or in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree.” Again, in Acts 13:29, it reads: “ And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree. And laid him in a sepulcher.” And again, in 1 Peter 2:24, “Who on his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. In the meantime, St. Augustine was obviously not a critical bible reader. He wrote: “Nothing is to be accepted except the authority of scripture, since greater is that authority than all the powers of thehuman mind.” Poch Suzara