Monday, December 24, 2012

The Catholic Church in the Philippines

The Philippines is home to many of the world's major religious congregations, and today these include the Augustinians, Recollects, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Salesians, and the indigenous Religious of the Virgin Mary. As a matter of truth made simple, however, the Catholic church in the Philippines is no longer a church. It is now more known schools, colleges, and universities. Poch Suzara


I have great respect for General Douglas MacArthur. He was a truthful man. During the Second World War, he promised to return with a bigger army to assist fellow Filipino soldiers fighting the Japanese in the Philippines. He simply said: - “I shall return!” He did so in two years time. Jesus, however, the Son of God, who cured diseases, who could walk on water, who raised the dead back to life, the Savior of Filipinos, after getting crucified on a cross, promised that he will return soon. Jesus made that promise some two thousand years ago. College-educated - Religiously frightened faithfools are still seriously waiting for Jesus to return. I ask: to return to accomplish what? I am sad for my parents, grandparents, great, great, great, grandparents. They all believed this bullcrap promise of Jesus returning within their own lifetime. What a lot of holy bible garbage! But then again, I have more respect, more love and affection, more admiration for Jose Rizal. When he died for his country, he stayed dead. When Jesus died on the cross to destroy the devil, he did not stay dead. He resurrected on the 3rd day back to life presumably to try to find some other ways and means to fuck the stupid devil dead for good. Poch Suzara

Power of Love comes from the Power of thought

Never belittle the power of thought. love comes from the power of thought. Indeed, devoid of thought love has NO power. Poch Suzara

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oh Jesus, Where are You

Millions of your Filipino followers are filthy poor; but your Filipino leaders-Evangelists are filthy rich. All, however, rich and poor alike, are waiting for your return. What’s holding up the show? Where are you Jesus? It has been more than 2,000 years already. Why did you make a promise you could not deliver in due time? Time has elapsed! Oh Jesus, my dear Jesus, do you know that millions of Filipinos who are college educated Catholics have to earn a living overseas. These are in foreign countries that do not even believe you are the Son of God who performed wonderful miracles or that you are the Savior of the world! Oh Jesus, my dear Jesus, while you lived on this earth, did you really have to squander your supernatural powers on frivolous nonsense? Instead of bringing mankind a cure for heart disease and cancer, you only used magic to curse a fig tree. Instead of ending birth defects and infant mortality, you filled pigs with demons. Instead of ending world hunger and illiteracy, you changed water into wine. Instead of showing men and women how to walk with dignity and self-respect, you only showed them how to walk on water. Instead of raising dead Lazarus back to life, you ignored raising dead minds and hearts to benefit society. Instead a punching to death a boy who had accidentally hit you, wouldn't it been better if you punched to death the devil responsible for the sins, crimes, and in your own community? Oh Jesus, my dear Jesus, the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. This is the kind of poverty that seems endless as a scandal in the Philippines. Thanks of course to your Catholic church - the owner of more than 1,000 schools, colleges, and universities teaching us Filipinos that you will soon return and we therefore need not worry about tomorrow because, at any rate, God will provide and will take care of our tomorrows. In the meantime, my dear Jesus, the Catholic Vatican bank is the richest, most powerful bank in the world far richer and more powerful today than the United States Federal Reserve Bank. Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 22, 2012

More Finite Garbage written in the Bible by Inspired authors of an INFINITE God

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18 The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. Deuteronomy 28:27 Note: could you readers really believe that God could inspire his authors to write such garbage in the holy bible" Indeed, whenever a verse or a chapter in the bible is unreasonable, and you believe it as the word of God,you are considered to be a good Catholic. And if the verse or chapter in the bible were greatly absurd and infinitely stupid, and you believe it, you are a saint. I asked it before, I ask it again: how and why should the INFINITE mind of God inspire such FINITE minds of authors to reveal the REVEALED TRUTH in the bible? And to think that bible messages are the basic information behind our system of education, and also behind the Philippines and its Constitution! Is it any wonder with distorted minds and twisted hearts we Filipinos can not even fathom why precisely we are more known throughout the world as the Sick Man of Asia? Poch Suzara

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sick Bible Messages for our System of Education

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18 Indeed, whenever a verse or a chapter in the bible is unreasonable, and you believe it as the word of God,you are considered to be a good Catholic. And if the verse or chapter in the bible were greatly absurd and infinitely stupid, and you believe it, you are a saint. And to think that bible messages are the basic information behind our system of education, and also behind the Philippines and its Constitution! Is it any wonder with distorted minds and twisted hearts we Filipinos can not fathom why precisely we are more known throughout the world as the Sick Man of Asia? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jesus Loves the Failures and the Losers

Jesus loves the failures and the losers of this world. He couldn't give two hoots for the great men and women who brought enlightenment into this world of darkness. Jesus is a Savior of what? How did he bring light into the world to brighten the hearts and mind of mankind; especially the minds and hearts of Filipinos - the victims, not the masters, of Catholicism in this only Catholic country in Asia? Jesus sought to save the world. Surely no one looking at the world today can say that Jesus succeeded. His plan of salvation was a failure; it did not work out as Jesus intended. An ideal teacher is needed now as much as 2,000 years ago. If the world is gradually improving, as seems probable, it is in spiteof the superstition of the past, not because of them. Jesus did not provide the knowledge so much needed by man today to enable him to shape his course through life. No one knows how to live correctly, how best to meet each situation, what action is suited to the occasion. Jesus did not tell us what to do. His sayings are interpreted in so many different ways. He failed to predict the needs of the future. Jesus did not explain relations between man and wife, nor between employer and employee, nor how to educate children, nor how to preserve health, nor how to make a living, nor how to prevent war, poverty and suffering. Jesus gave little practical information and his spiritual advice was not clearly enough expressed to enable man to apply it to modern conditions. Jesus neglected to instruct people how to live. His knowledge of the world was less than that of a La Salle high school expelled student Hijos de tootie-frootie-patooties, Wake up already! We are now living in the 21st century! Poch Suzara

The Worst Kind of Poverty

The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. Conversely, the best kind of wealth is the health of the mind and heart. Now what could be more enriching than to throw out the window the lowest form of poverty - more known as "faith?" Indeed, a man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination! Or, to put it in some other words ' Faith is nothing more than pretending to know something that you know nothing about. It is worse than bad thinking, it's antithinking! The bible states that" only a fool says in his heart there is no God." Well, we the wise, say it to the world. As for me, an atheist, I would rather love and respect human intelligence than to always be soaked or be frightened of divine malevolence! Instead of enriching silly divinity, I would rather enrich the intelligence of humanity! In the meantime, life after birth is far more precious than life after death. After all, there isn't any life after death! This is a brutal fact, and most facts are brutal. Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Psyco-ceramic at worst; a crack-pot a best

"Prayers never bring anything... They may bring solace to the sap, the bigot, the ignorant, the aboriginal, and the lazy - but to the enlightened it is the same as asking Santa Claus to bring you something for Xmas. --W. C. Fields

 Praying is like a rocking a chair. It will help you do something but won't get you anywhere. -- Gypsy Rose Lee

Imagine, as the Vicar of Christ, the Head of the Catholic church, the CEO of the richest bank in the world - the Vatican Catholic bank - Pope Benedict XV111 offered prayers to the thousands of victims devastated by the Pablo typhoon in Mindanao. What a psycho-ceramic at best; a crackpot at worst! - - Poch Suzara

Friday, December 14, 2012

God will never Forsake you - wow

In the bible, God said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Heb.13:5 Phil Star Dec. 15, 2012 Oh God, my dear God - are you serious or just kidding? Listen to the cries of your own only begotten Son Jesus crying out loud nailed to a cross: - "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Matt. 27:46 Poch Suzara

Our Famous Criminals in Jail or out of jail

Famous Filipino criminals in jail or still waiting to be sentenced to jail or pardoned out of jail or executed by fellow criminals in the government or already forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ on earth as he is in heaven: Marcos and Imelda Rolando Galman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Mike Arroyo Efraim Genuino Erwin Genuino Sheryl Genuino Antonio Leviste Rolito Go Justice Reynato Corona Mayor Antonio Sanchez Congressman Romeo Jaloslos Cesar Guy Claudio Teehankee Jr. Benjamin Abalos Joseph "Erap" Estrada Congressman "Bingbong" Crisologo and many, many more such as the lawmakers as the lawbreakers, Tax evaders,and evangelical liars, deceivers, and swindlers! Notice however all of these people share something in common: None of them are atheists. None have been known to be atheists.In fact, all of them believe, love, worship, and have deep faith in God who can readily forgive them of their sins and crimes; and, indeed, to forgive our culture of corruption as generated by our Catholic system of education! Amen! Cheers! Poch Suzara

What I want for this christmas 2012

For this Christmas, just like last Christmas, I simply want the Catholic Cardinals, bishops, and the ministers, and the evangelists such as Bro. Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, Bro. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is the Lord movement, etc- to openly admit that they know nothing about God; that they know nothing about heaven and hell or the future of mankind; that they know nothing about the virtues of adding to human welfare and happiness. Indeed, that they only pretend to know about the order and harmony in the universe, but they know nothing about the disorder and disharmony created on this earth by so many kinds of stupid religions. Indeed, why is it that everybody wants to go to heaven, and yet, nobody wants to die? This is what I want for this Christmas. For next Christmas I may want the same old hogwash as I never, but never get what I simply want for Christmas! Poch Suzara

God and Cesar are one and the Same

In the Philippines, historically, the Catholic church has always enjoyed the loaf of bread daily and gives back crumbs to the flock as a charity. It is more known as "Give unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's and to God the things that are God's." In the Philippines, however, Cesar and God are one and the same character - the same spoiled Brat. Poch Suzara

The Lord Jesus Must Have Exhorted Manny Pacquiao

Jesus exhorts his followers with these words: “But I say unto you, that ye resists not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matt. 5:39 I ask: what is so noble about turning the other cheek, if one knows that each time he does so, he is earning his salvation in heaven, while the one who strikes is earning his damnation in hell? But then again, look at Manny Pacquiao. Look what happened to him in all humility giving away, for a fee, his right and left cheek to his opponent in the boxing arena! Poch Suzara

Oh Yes, I live a Life of hate

Oh yes, I live a life of hate. I enjoy hating. I hate the love of ignorance. I hate the love of fear, and I hate the love of human stupidity. Such horrors have been keeping my country poor spiritually, backward morally, impoverished economically, stupid politically, and insane socially. And finally, I hate it even more when I am told that since ours is the only JESUS IS LORD country in Asia, the Philippines is the only country in the world that's been always BLESSED BY GOD, specially with silly values and ancient beliefs. I said it before, I say it again: I HATE ILLUSIONS, CONFUSION, DELUSION, LIES AND DECEPTIONS. Such horrors have been what our system of education have been mostly about - I hate our schools, colleges, and universities. Especially those own and operated by the Catholic church. Such establishments, to begin with, are not educational institutions; they are commercial enterprises. It is where poverty of the worst kind comes from, - the poverty of the mind and heart. There is, however, one beauty that I have loved and still do love - the greatest of all universities: it is but a collection of books. At 76 years today - I am still a student of that great university. Oh yes, there is no end to learning. There is only the end of life. However, due to my open mind and open heart, I am ready to die sober, and not drunk with religious lies and ecclesiastical deceptions! Oh yes, I am glad that I have lost my soul; in fact, I am even more glad that I threw my faith out the window. I am, however, most proud that somehow, down through the years - I managed to have saved my precious mind and precious heart as a decent Filipino struggling to spread more human decency in this Jesus is Lord spiritually fucked country. Rightly or wrongly, I am on the side of humanity. I do not give a hoot for a silly divinity. I will continue to expose the religious horrors behind "the revealed truth" that makes for our sick society, perpetually! I said it before, I say it again: FUCK LIFE AFTER DEATH. By hook or by crook, I'd rather love and leave this world a better place than how I found it. Otherwise, I would have had no reason to have lived at all. Poch Suzara

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh God, Why is Death more precious to you than Life

I am sometimes asked what will I say after my death if it turned out there is a God? Among other things, I will ask Godwhich of these religions is he or has been the one and only true God behind: Baha'i Buddhism Christianity Confucianism Hinduism Islam Jainism Judaism Shinto Sikhism Taoism Zoroastrianism If God admits to me that he is God behind all of these religions, then I'd happy to tell God to his face that he is a supernatural Jerk - who needs to be forgiven as it is you God - you don't know what you are doing! I said it before, I say it again: religion may offer comfort in a harsh world; it may enhance the community with peace and harmony; it may incite hate and conflict as it often does. It brief, it may have its uses for good or for evil. But the concept of religion was invented by superstitious primitives living in fear and ignorance. This world, however, our world will be a better world if we cease confusing reality with fantasy! Bertrand Russell - one of the fathers of the computer industry, mathematician, logician, philosopher, and atheist summarized it for all of us humans on this planet: “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What the world needs now is not only love, but also the greater knowledge of the nature of love, in all its complexity." Cheers! Poch Suzara, Atheist

Religious Morons

I am told that in my writings I should try avoid using the words like “religious morons.” That I should, instead, politely refer to same as the “religious adherents.” I say fuck that shit. Those who had our own hero - Jose Rizal - arrested, jailed, and executed more than a hundred years ago were not the religious adherents. They were the religious morons – the Catholic Spanish friars under the authority of the Catholic church hierarchy. They were out to establish and to enhance not common Filipino decency in our land, but to protect and defend highly profitable big business otherwise more known as the Catholic Church in the Philippines. Ever since then, since there were no more heroes in the likes of a Jose Rizal, in this already 21st century, the Catholic church has become the richest and most powerful corporation existing in the Philippines. The majority of impoverished Filipinos are its clients, especially in buying daily love and indulgences from God through the power of prayer. Indeed, Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will always provide. If not here on this earth, later after death with God in the kingdom of heaven. I ask: What could be more religiously idiotic or spiritually moronic or just plain Jesuitic than that? Poch Suzara

We only know How to Love God up there

As good Catholics, especially good for nothing Catholics, Look at how we only know how to love God up there, by hating one another down here. But consider also in this only Catholic country in Asia we Filipinos - the Sick Children of Asia - look how we have been taught to believe and to have faith and trust in God - the God of love and mercy, justice, and wisdom; and, indeed - the creator and therefore the wealthiest God as owner of heaven and earth and the trillion of stars and planets! Well, I said it before, I say it again: As soon as God-fearing security guards need no longer be employed to assist our God-fearing policemen to help secure and protect the wealth of our God-fearing church officials and their God-fearing partners in commerce and their God-fearing business associates; not to mention security guards to guard government buildings, hospitals, banks, schools, colleges, universities, shopping malls, commercial and residential buildings, hotels, motels, bars, cocktail lounges, bookstores, drug stores, expensive residential villages, movie theaters, restaurants, churches, and cathedrals, public parks, museums, airports, harbors, MRT-LRT stations, mayor's office, governor's office, including the building of the National Bureau of Investigation guarded by security agencies - I believe we can begin to trust each other not as a Catholic but as citizens of our Republic. What need is this God-forsaken country of ours is NOT a bloody revolution, but simply, the revolution of our minds and hearts. Let us grow up as a people and stop believing all those silly beliefs that are not worth believing. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Do I Believe in Hell

I am often asked: if I believe in the existence of hell? Yes, I do; especially the hell in the Philippines more known as schools, colleges,and universities owned and managed by the Catholic church. It is where poverty in the Philippines comes from; especially poverty of the worst kind - the poverty of the mind and heart! It includes the state University - university of the Philippines. Its professors are all products during formative years under Catholic so-called "education." Poch Suzara

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have no wish to Celebrate the Birth of Christxxx

The pleasures in growth and positive achievement, the love of life, happy, expansive, generous, and creative; glad when others happy, and not glad when others are not happy - are the precious things on my mind while I celebrate Christmas this year. Indeed, for this Christmas, I should wish to celebrate the birth of the Filipino capacity to think as a decent people, especially in terms of a decent growth as a people, and decent development of the Philippines as a decent nation. I have no wish to celebrate the birth anniversary of Christ, but to celebrate instead the birth of the Filipino capacity to love the truth, beauty, knowledge, and the joys of this life in this world in the here and now. These will do for Christmas this year; however, for Christmas next year, I may wish to celebrate Christmas with deeper or higher reasons! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#