Tuesday, August 11, 2015

We Need To be civilized, Not Terrorized as a People

"Men become civilized not in proportion to their willingness to believe but in proportion to their readiness to doubt." ... H.L. Mencken . . . Sadly, under our sick system of education, catholic schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines teach Filipinos not how to doubt, but only what to believe. Thus, we are hardly civilized as a nation; only religiously terrorized as a people.. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, August 10, 2015


Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9 . . . Could any of you really believe that God needed to inspire his sick authors to write such sick nonsense as a REVEALED TRUTH about God in the HOLY BIBLE? . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Jesus Christ our savior and Jose Rizal out national hero

"Only Jesus can fill us with a sense of belonging like we've never known before." ... Philippine Star, Aug.8, 2015. . . Wow, you editors of Philippine Star, do you really know what you are talking about? Listen to Jesus in the so-called Holy Bible: "IF ANY MAN COME TO ME AND HATE NOT HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, WIFE AND CHILDREN, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, AND YE, HIS OWN LIFE ALSO, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." Luke 14:26... In our way of daily life in the Philippines, isn't enough that we Filipinos, historically, all love Jesus up there by hating each other down here? What more is there to know about Jesus who, crucified on the cross, cried out loud: 'MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Matt. 27:46 . . .

 For my part, as a Filipino atheist, I would rather fill my sense of belonging to my country together with what our greatest hero - Dr. Jose Rizal - had the greatest hope for me as a Filipino: “I would like the Filipinos to be brilliant, enlightened, intelligent, and progressive.” . . .Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Four Kinds of Pests in the Philippines

"It has been said that the three kinds of a community are: A priest without charity; a doctor without knowledge; and a lawyer without a sense of justice." ... Robert G. Ingersoll. . . In the Philippines, there is the 4th pest: a government without government ability to lead the Filipino people - the Sick Man of Asia into becoming the healthiest and the wealthiest Man of Asia... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, August 07, 2015

The real Owners of America

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” ― Noam Chomsky, The Common Good . . . I watched on TV the Republican debate. It was no debate but a declaration by the participants in how and why AMERICA should continue to be a great nation populated not by healthy and enlightened thinkers, but only by sick and frightened believers. It is the same old sick song: GOD BLESS AMERICA TOGETHER WITH HER CAPITALISM, TERRORISM, AND MILITARISM BEHIND INDUSTRIALISM!. . . In the meantime, in America, it does not matter who you vote for . The two parties are really one party representing the few filthy-rich and the powerful criminals... They are not the majority, but the minority as the real owners of America! --- Poch Suzara, Thoughts to Provoke Your Thoughts... Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, August 06, 2015


2 plus 2 = 4 is not true all the time because sometimes 2 plus 2 can be 3. Look at 2 persons plus 2 persons equals 4 persons. Well, what about 2 fathers plus 2 sons, how many persons? They can be only 3 persons - the grandfather, the father, and the son: the grandfather and the father are 2 fathers; the father and the son are 2 sons. And yet there are only 3 persons involved as seen through behind the power of mathematics reduced into the beauty behind logic! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Mark of An Educated Mind

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle - one of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers; pupil of Plato; teacher of Alexander the Great (384-322 BC). . . In the Philippines, it is the mark of as educated mind of a Filipino who is able to pray to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sick sins and silly crimes. Poch Suzara, a la Salle high school expelled student some 65 years ago. Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Sick Traffic Mess in the Streets of our Major Cities

Recently, a high government officials declared: "Ours is a growing and a developing nation." I ask: with college-educated law-makers together with college-educated law-enforcers -`how come they are not able to fix the traffic mess in the streets of our major cities caused by millions of cars, buses, jeeps, trucks, motorcycles, tricycles, and bicycles, indeed, vehicles not made in the Philippines but all imported from foreign countries - how could we ever be a growing as a people and a developing as a nation? Indeed, we do not even have the capacity to manufacture our own vehicles, but we do do not even how to keep the streets of our major cities clean and orderly under health and sanitation! Not to mention free from squatters sleeping, cooking, eating, pooing, peeing, and indeed even breeding babies in the streets of our major cities? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Evil More Known as the Sick System of Education in the Philippines

One man believes in Christianity... Another believes in Islam... The horror distinguishing them. When, however, both believe the Multiplication Table, provided they believe correctly, there is no difference between them...Thus, the sick and the irrational separate us. The sane and the rational unite us... Now take a good look at schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines as own and operated by the Catholic church. They teach not what should unite us as a people; but teach only what keeps us divided as a nation... In this way, we Filipinos continue to be not the well-informed as educated citizens of our country; but only to be the servants, employees, and the victims of the powers-that-be - the corrupt and the few filthy rich - the real owners of the Philippines! Millions upon millions Filipinos as products as schools, colleges, and universities have their souls saved; but at the expense of something far more precious - their minds twisted and their hearts distorted with sick religious values and beliefs. In the meantime, in this already 21st century, we Filipinos are only getting more famous throughout the world as the SICK MAN OF ASIA. Especially as we continue to be educated to believe that only after death should we enjoy a happy and decent life with God and with Jesus and his apostles in heaven! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The Existence of God - PROVE IT

If God, in order to exist, has no need of a creator, why should the universe need to be created by a creator? - We atheists simply reject YOUR claims (okay, having a good laugh at them too), which shouldn't be inconceivable considering the lack of evidence you have to support said claims. But, you can squash this; all you have to do is PROVE IT. Meanwhile, why bother praying to: OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN? As if you seriously know where heaven is located? Well, why not pray to: OUR GOD WHO ART ON EARTH? We all know where earth is located, but where is God on earth? Where is God in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century! As usual God is only always OMNI-ABSENT, NEVER OMNI-PRESENT! Or, even more ticklish - God only loves to play HIDE AND SEEK GAME like children do love to play said game at any time. For my part, I do not believe in the existence of God because, to begin with, God is unbelievable! I do not see why there is the need first to mutilate my mind and heart in order to prove the existence of God. I never experienced such horrors in believing in the existence of the sun! The sun never threatened to burn me forever inside the sun if I doubted its existence! I love the sun; more important, I respect the sun. The sun has no need of apostles or disciples or followers to reveal to me the truth about the existence of the sun! It is self-evident not only to the majority, but also to the minority!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Better Life in the Herafter

There is no law of nature guaranteeing that mankind should be happy. Everybody can see that this is true here on earth, but by a curious twist, our very suffering in this life are made into an argument for a better life hereafter. - Bertrand Russell. . . In the meantime, sick as it is always sick, everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. - Poch Suzara

Sick Men In Defense of a Sick God

If there is a God existing as all-knowing and all-powerful, why would he need you to waste your energies in his defense? Indeed, here's a thought for you: if such a God could create a place called "heaven" for the joys, pleasures, and happiness of people to live in, why bother to create a place called "hell" for people to suffer in pain forever? Such a God, to me, is a sick God not worth fearing! Such a God is only worth rejecting! I asked it before, I ask it again: Who can over estimate the growth and development of civilization of a nation if all the money wasted in superstition could be used instead to educate, enlighten, and elevate the standard of living and thinking of all Filipinos in the Philippines? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, August 01, 2015

We Are Still Into a Sick Religion Under a Sick Holy Bible

Almost all the progress in the world from the earliest time to the present is attributable to science and technology. Almost all the major ills such as social insanity, political stupidity, and economic perversity are attributable to religion and theology. Indeed, without science no poor country, like the Philippines, can ever extricate herself out of poverty. Sadly, in the Philippines, in this already 21st century, we are still pretty much stuck with our sick religion as a people; and, still pretty much stuck with the sick holy bible as a nation. Even our politicians in our system of corrupt government are into daily prayers still asking God for the forgiveness of their sins and crimes. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The power of Prayer in the Philippines

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7. . . I ask: have any of you ever met a Filipino who got to be FILTHY RICH for NOT believing in the power of prayer to Jesus?.. . So how come millions upon millions of Filipinos are FILTHY POOR for believing in the power of prayer to Jesus?. . . In the meantime, we are often told that God loves not only the Catholics, but also loves the Christians, the Muslims, the Iglesia ni Cristo members, including the most pathetic of televangelists like Pastor Eli Soriano, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, Pastor Mike Velarde, Pastor Eddie Villanueva, Pastor Eduardo Manalo, etc in the Philippines. Sadly, however, God does not love the millions upon millions of poor Filipinos still praying hard daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for a Savior to save them! Golly, even in our schools, colleges, and universities - what is mostly taught to us is HOW TO PRAY TO GOD!. . . In the meantime, the filthy rich politicians in our corrupt government together with the filthy rich theologians in our corrupt church are only more involved and interested in how to become filthy richer! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God Loves You - NO KIDDING?

"Knowing that God loves you can dispel doubts." ... Philippine Star, Aug, 1, 2015... Since God is always OMNI-ABSENT, never OMNI-PRESENT, how do you know that God loves you. You do not even know God - how do you know that God loves you? Or, now that God loves you, you are free from diseases that causes old age and death? You will now live forever. No kidding? ... More than 100 billion people already lived and died on this earth since Adam and Eve, what makes you special to make God love you? . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Kingdom of God

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21. . . Well, I say, if the kingdom of God is within you, why bother to go to heaven? Isn't it silly enough that everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die? And what is even sillier is that nobody knows, not even the theologians know where heaven is located; not to mention how do any of us travel to heaven after we are dead? . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Silliest of Men

The silliest of men are those who know absolutely nothing about the existence of God and yet they are among the first to get angry at those who do not believe what they know not what they are talking about, viz; the existence of God. Even my parents at home and my teachers in school were guilty of such childish nonsense! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Freedom of Simple Information

The freedom of information is precious; but the freedom to correct false information is more precious. Indeed, what's even far more precious is to simplify what's complicated, and not complicate the simple. In the ultimate analysis a man of dignity and self-respect is the man who loves not silly revelation, but scientific information. . . And here's the insanity behind scientific information: it is always subject to change or emendation as the need arises due to new evidences. Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#

Oh God, My Dear God, is it hard for you to Sing this great Song

If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring Every heart would have a new song to sing And we'd sing of the joy every morning would bring If I ruled the world, every man would be as free as a bird Every voice would be a voice to be heard Take my word we would treasure each day that occurred My world would be a beautiful place Where we would weave such wonderful dreams My world would wear a smile on its face Like the man in the moon has when the moon beams If I ruled the world every man would say the world was his friend There'd be happiness that no man could end No my friend, not if I ruled the world Every head would be held up high There'd be sunshine in everyone's sky If the day ever dawned when I ruled the world Wow God, centuries go you sang this great song and you still are singing this same old rotten song in this century:" I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things." - Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thought to Provoke Your Thought on my Coming Death

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” --- Mark Twain... Me too, I do not fear death. Billions of years before I was born, I was happy and peaceful existing as a nothing. I did not then have anything to do with a sick God in hell or in heaven who promised me that If I obeyed his commandments I will be saved to enjoy eternal salvation later after death in his kingdom!. . . In the meantime, there is no such thing as life after death. Even the bible says so. Please read:"The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten." Eccl. 9:5... In the meantime, the whole root of our troubles in life is that we have needlessly sacrificed all the beauty of our lives by incarcerating ourselves with totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, beliefs, values, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, which is the only fact we have... For my part, both as a Filipino and an American citizen, I have settled the sick issue with one simple blow - I have learned to live not by kneeling down, but by standing up... That there is more to life than just stupid believing... There is something more precious - intelligent thinking. Especially to put more beauty into this world where nature has put only horrors... To leave this world a better place that how we found it; not necessarily in the material, but in the humanitarian - sense!. . . And in the degree where we can all be great that is the business of each and everyone of us!... Indeed, what is a man, what has he got, if not himself, then he has not, to say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels, let the record show, I took the blows, and did it MY WAY! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#