"The bible is a mirror that lets us see ourselves as God see us."
Phil Star, Feb. 18, 2017
My dear readers, do you people really believe that God is
such a silly God who loves to play silly games with how people should see themselves as they read the sick bible? - Poch Suzara
Friday, February 17, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Is There Hope for the Philippines
Is there hope for the Filipinos in the Philippines to ever grow decent as a people; and, to ever
develop decent as a nation?
there is! As soon as the State takes
over to be in full control of schools, colleges, and Universities.
Indeed, the Church should have no business in anyway whatsoever involved with the
system of education in any country. After all, nothing distorts the
minds and nothing contorts the hearts of children in school taught, nay,
frightened to believe in a lot of sick religious dogma, pigma, and hogma!- Poch Suzara
Monday, February 13, 2017
Health and Wealth and the Search of the Truth
We squander our health, in search of wealth. We toil, we
sweat, and we save. Then we squander our wealth in search of health;
to find the grave. - - - Anonymous
As with me, however, I have been most fortunate. I squandered both my health
and wealth in search of the truth. It is a never-ending adventure; and in
the process I managed, somehow, to discover the lies and deceptions
that's keeping us spiritually sick as a people; and, keeping us
morally insane as a nation. In sharing, however, my discoveries with
others - I never intended to be vicious or malicious; in fact, I
thought, I should be ethically meritorious, if not philosophically
In the meantime, the search of
the truth is the most delightful of
adventures. Especially as it means total submission of the power of reason to
the mutilation of
silly or childish faith. Rightly or wrongly it's the best way to enjoy
lively analysis as we should always reject the uselessness of deadly paralysis! - - - Poch Suzara
Thursday, February 09, 2017
Religion a "Dying Dinosaur" - a Great Letter
Religion a ‘dying dinosaur’
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 12:12 AM February 09, 2017
This is in reference to the commentary titled “Will we ever attain economic take-off?” by Meliton Juanico (Opinion, 1/25/17).
Catholic Church and the religious values it espouses are the elephants
in the room that Juanico failed to address. The conditions necessary to
attain economic take-off are not being attained because the values being
taught are contrary to the “modern values” he is talking about.
have nothing comparable to the Confucian (secular) ethic that he says
the “tiger” economies of Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong
have. Our historical preoccupation with religion and the Church’s
influence on our values have put us at a disadvantage. Obedience,
subordination, subservience—hallmarks of oppressive organized
religion—are the very antithesis of modern economic success.
is no accident that we make good retail clerks, caregivers, domestic
helpers, call center employees. These are good and needed workers, but
they won’t create a Samsung, a Tesla or a PayPal if we are constantly
being bombarded with sinning, fear-mongering, fire and brimstone. I have
never understood to this day why “may takot sa Dios” (fear of the Lord)
is a virtue. A child reared in this stifling environment becomes
risk-averse, timid and ambiguous.
absolutism and fixed religious ideology are a bane to creativity.
Self-reliance and resourcefulness continue to erode as we constantly
delude ourselves into “Hail Marying” through economic downturn and
poverty. You would think that after 500 years of living, breathing and
eating religion the way we do, it should have already brought us
unprecedented wealth and First World status.
can’t even claim the high moral stature of the most atheistic countries
in the world (read: Scandinavia). My friend Joe says: But we go to
heaven, and they go to hell. This is what 2,000 years of relentless
conditioning have done to Joe’s brain. It’s irrational, bordering on
mental illness.
talks about “value reorientation,” using readers of the 1950s to
inculcate modern values. I don’t know where he is coming from, but my
grandchildren won’t read any fairy tales anymore. It’s iPad or nothing.
They are assertive and smarter than some of my teachers in the 1960s.
grief, Juanico, “Good Manners and Right Conduct?” What is good and what
is right today? (You can say “bad” today and mean “good.”) Religion is a
dying dinosaur, but like prehistoric creatures, it will evolve and
continue for many more years.
pulpit should be a source of education for the masses, and not for
religious bullying. Stop all nonsense about medieval mythology. Talk
about what it means to be a citizen of the world instead. Speak about
Carl Sagan, Charles Darwin and Bill Gates. Let the faithful know what
happened during the Inquisition, the significance of the Enlightenment
and tell why Evolution is fact. If the Padre cannot handle these stuff,
he should humble himself and outsource the homily.
the current state of affairs in this country, will we attain economic
take-off? Yes, “until the cows come home,” if we don’t reinvent
EDWIN DE LEON, edwingdeleon@gmail.com
Indeed, we can only build a better society for ourselves by throwing all of sick religious beliefs and insane religious values out the window. They do nothing for us except to keep us spiritually sick as a people and culturally insane as a nation.
It is time to take a serious look at the evils behind Christianity: It is all about praying daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, it is all about the same old sick story - the achievement of nothing as a people; and the accomplishment of nothing as a nation. And to think that all of the schools, colleges, and universities established by the Catholic church in the Philippines have been mostly about learning how to pray for the sake of gaining eternal salvation after death with Jesus in heaven! In the meantime, it is truly sickening: everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die! Cheers! Poch Suzara, Father of Atheism in the Philippines
Sunday, February 05, 2017
The Human Capacity for human Stupidity
my part, I say, the greatest tragedy of the human race is in its
capacity to still believe in the silly existence of a silly grace who is suppose to be existing as something of a divine grace for the human race. - - - Poch Suzara
Saturday, February 04, 2017
Religion like a Disease is always an Evil, Never a Good thing
is not a good thing because the majority of people believe it. It is just like believing that a disease is a good thing because the majority of people
have caught it. Or just like the existence of Santa Claus is a good thing because the majority of children believe him to be coming soon bringing toys for them to play with.
As with me, I grew up to be an atheist because even as a little boy at home or in school - I enjoyed playing around
not only with my toys, but mostly with my thoughts! Even
at the risk of being punished for asking questions! Such as
if there is a God who created me why do I need to have parents at home, teachers in school, or need to have priests in church?
Poch Suzara
Sunday, January 29, 2017
An Agnostic was Once as Atheist
"I do not understand why God can be all love and still inflict this kind of pain on people. This God is an underachiever. He does not do whatever he is supposed to be doing, whatever his sex is. Whether he's an it or a she or a he or whatever. But I'm sure that if you were a god or if I were the God, I would be doing a better job. Therefore, the only conclusion can be that possibly, God does not exist.'" ---Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago"The only thing I know about God is that God is inscrutable. In other words, I don’t know a single thing about God. I’m clueless about what God is. Maybe Jesus, or the other historical figures around which religions had been built, would be more approachable. But God itself, being on a divine level, I think it’s just impermeable to human intelligence. And there is a very famous classical book called The Cloud of Unknowing. There’s always a cloud of unknowing over God. I think that, since God is inaccessible to people, we tend to portray Him in anthropomorphic terms. We think of the best qualities in every person and you try and project it on a giant scale on God. So in effect, God is a man-made concept. We have no clue what God is."
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Alter of Secrets - Sex, Politics, Money, and corruption Inside the Catholic Church in the Philippines
I highly recommend that you all read this book:
Altar of Secrets : Sex, Politics, and Money in the Philippine Catholic Church
Aries C. Rufo,
Marites Dañguilan Vitug (Introduction)
"Altar of Secrets:
Sex, Politics, and Money in the Philippine Catholic Church is the first
of its kind in the country. Journalist Aries C. Rufo shows a Church that
is cloaked in secrecy. It keeps the wrongdoing of its bishops and
priests - in sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement - within its
confines and lets them get away, unpunished. Accountability, after all,
is not a strong suit of the Church. Rufo also delves into how the Church
influences policy, as nowhere among Catholic countries in the world is
the Church deeply involved in the shaping of policy than in the
Philippines. Overall, reforms are taking place, but these are highly
dependent on the Church leaders, the bishops who try to change mindsets
and systems." Poch Suzara, Father of
Atheism in the Philippines
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
How Does One Travel After Death
After birth, you can travel to a foreign country by air on a plane; or, by sea on a ship.
After death, however, by what means of transportation do you embark on to travel to meet with God and his saints in heaven; or, to travel to meet with Satan and his sinners in hell? - - - Poch Suzara
Monday, January 16, 2017
Phil Star, Ninoy Aquino, Jose Rizal, and Poch Suzara
"Christ showed His love by dying for us; show ours by living for Him. - Phil Star, Jan. 17, 2017
said it before, I say it again: the day we are born is the day we begin
to live in a dying body. So, what's the big deal about Christ dying for
any one?
Ninoy Aquino said: "The Filipino is worth dying for." I say, isn't the Filipino much more worthy by thinking for? What the fuck is a dead Filipino good for?
Look at our Jose Rizal, already dead more than 120 years. In
1896 he was arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed for being
the greatest freethinker that the Philippines has ever produced. He was
put to death by the greatest of evil still well-established with great
power, great glory, and great authority in the Philippines. She is historically known as
"The Catholic church." The church that's keeping us Filipinos historically poor and frightened as a people; and, keeping the Philippines culturally backward and unenlightened nation.
in this already 21st century, college educated Filipinos are still
arguing back and forth whether Rizal, before he was publicly executed to
death, - RETRACTED.
And millions of college educated Filipinos are shocked with me because I am more interested in challenging the evil - CHRISTIANITY - that got Rizal removed out of our minds and hearts as a people. Especially via a sick system of
education as school, colleges, and universities, are mostly owned and
operated, or still under the control of Catholicism in the Philippines. Poch Suzara
Friday, January 13, 2017
Our Sick City Mayors all with College Education
"The Commission on human rights (CHR): Narco-mayors are innocent until proven guilty."-Phil Star, 1/13/2017
cities are among the dirtiest, filthiest, messiest, rampant with
prostitution, gambling casinos, pollution infested with graft, deception,
and corruption. Famous for their slum areas as they places where squatters live. Indeed, our cities are crime-ridden. but the mayors of such sick cities are all not only Maka-Dios and Maka-Jesus, but also all with college education proud of broken roads,
causing traffic mess. Proud of the street children who eat, sleep,
beg, pee, poo, and play in the streets for the glory of Jesus in heaven. Our city mayors are innocent of WHAT until proven they are guilty of WHAT? Mga Ulol! Gising Na! - - - Poch Suzara
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Our Own Big Bullies
"Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose." - Merryl Streep
If I may add, in the Philippines, we all learned to be the losers as a people and to be the failures as a nation. Our biggest bullies were neither our classmates nor our schoolmates; they were our own sick teachers in school. - Poch Suzara
If I may add, in the Philippines, we all learned to be the losers as a people and to be the failures as a nation. Our biggest bullies were neither our classmates nor our schoolmates; they were our own sick teachers in school. - Poch Suzara
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Truth Revealed in the Bible
Truth is defined by one source as “sincerity in action, character, and utterance." Perhaps the most famous verse about truth in the Bible is what Jesus said “… I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) So Jesus
is truth and Jesus is also the Word (John 1:1, 14). As Christians we
believe that every word in the Bible is true; this is the foundation
upon which we live our lives. Knowing what the Bible says about truth
and hiding God’s word in our heart helps us to know when we are
listening to the Voice
of Truth. Here are examples of truth about women's vagina as revealed in the holy bible -
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is
outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and
multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living
thing that moves on the earth.”
“Son of man, when the house of Israel lived in their own land, they
defiled it by their ways and their deeds. Their ways before me were
like the uncleanness of a woman in her menstrual impurity.
Song of Solomon 7:1-4; 8-9
Women's vaginas taste like "wine."
Here is a truthful example of the beliefs and values of Moses - one of God's most beloved characters in
the bible.
Moses who told his army generals: “Now, therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him; but all women-children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.” Numbers 31:17-18 - Poch Suzara
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Dear President Duterte
“We are neither exhausted by praying constantly nor do we ever falter in
expressing our religious fervor,” he said. “Despite the passage of
time, we relentlessly fight against injustice and lies, abuse of power
and the corruption that eats up the soul.” - - - President Duterte
Phil Star, Jan. 10, 2017
Dear President Duterte,
Please take a closer look at our schools, colleges, and
universities: they are places where we Filipinos learn not how to love
our country, but only how to hate it. Places where we Learn not how to be
enlightened leaders; or, how be bright thinkers; but only how to be
frightened as followers; or, how to be sick and childish as believers.
Indeed, they are place where we learn how to be corrupt, selfish,
greedy, sick, and insane down here; specially for the greater glory of Jesus in heaven up there. Also, they are places were we are taught to believe in a God who
has the power to forgive our sins and crimes at any time or place; and even more wonderful attached to the arrangement - we can repeat the horror of sins and the terror of crimes over and over again in order to take advantage of God's great doctrine of eternal salvation
after death.
Indeed, we Filipinos are all born ignorant, not insane. We are
made insane by an insane
system of education. We can clearly see the
insane results all around us in our insane society. Generated by our
insane politicians in government as always blessed and in partner with the insane theologians behind the church; especially as the churches are the real owners and operators of schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines - the only Christian country
in Asia since the 16th century.
Poch Suzara
DILG Seeking Donors for rehap Centers
DILG seeking donors for Rehap centers. - Phil Star, Jan 6, 2017
May I suggest to those directors of DILG to ask the bishops
of the catholic church to donate many of its empty churches and
cathedrals established throughout the Philippines? That they be more
useful as churches converted into rehap centers for the drug addicts to reform and learn to become useful citizens of the Republic of the Philippines?
which to once more be converted into housing facilities for the
millions of poor and sick Filipinos who are homeless in our poor
sick country! - Poch Suzara
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Poch Suzara and Confucius
In the world -
Ordinary minds talk about people.
Average minds talk about events.
Great minds talk about ideas. - - - Confucius
In the Philippines -
Ordinary minds talk about Catholicism.
Average minds talk about Satanism
Great minds talk about Atheism. - - - Poch Suzara
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Lies Revealed in the Bible Thanks to Bishop John Shelby Spong
The bible has also revealed that "the fools says in his heart, "There is no Good." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good." Psalm 14:1
my dear Bishop Spong, atheism is a worldwide movement today without
sick and frightened followers. We atheists are all courageous and
enlightened leaders of our own destiny in life. I myself am the proud
Father of Atheism in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century.
Also my dear Bishop Spong, thank you for writing WHY CHRISTIANITY MUST CHANGE OR DIE. It is one of the great book that I have judiciously read 20 years ago and this great book is still a great part of my home library today. With all best wishes always, Poch Suzara
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
There are about 3 million Filipinos is the USA, and, we are the second
largest Asian-American, to the Chinese Americans in population.. If we
put our acts together, we can become politically powerful. Our political
affiliation must be adjusted, considering the imbalance, which is
Democrats, -70 percent and Republicans, 30 percent. Is here racism in
I hope you will have a prosperous 2017.
Best regards.
Dear Ernie,
For most of my life I lived as I was born, raised, and educated in the Philippines. I also lived and worked in the USA for some 20 years and I also got to be a US citizen.
Sorry to say but we Filipinos living in the Philippines, nor the 3 million Filipinos living and working in the USA could never put our act together as Filipinos because to begin with we Filipinos have been educated to love only God up there by hating one another down here. Indeed, as products of a catholic system of education, we Filipinos could only to be famous as the Sick Man of Asia or be existing as a sick people in America.
Poch Suzara
I hope you will have a prosperous 2017.
Best regards.
Dear Ernie,
For most of my life I lived as I was born, raised, and educated in the Philippines. I also lived and worked in the USA for some 20 years and I also got to be a US citizen.
Sorry to say but we Filipinos living in the Philippines, nor the 3 million Filipinos living and working in the USA could never put our act together as Filipinos because to begin with we Filipinos have been educated to love only God up there by hating one another down here. Indeed, as products of a catholic system of education, we Filipinos could only to be famous as the Sick Man of Asia or be existing as a sick people in America.
Poch Suzara
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Why I am Angry as I am an Atheist
I am angry atheist because of what Christianity has done to
my people and to my country.
We Filipinos are nothing but sick as a
people, and nothing but backward as a nation.
We all have been taught
to believe that there is nothing precious in this life existing terrestrially
in the here and now; there is only something heavenly later with the
pie in the sky later by and by after death.
Indeed, everything is a dismal
failure with us Filipinos in the Philippines; except religion in its
churches and cathedrals and in its schools, colleges, and universities -
religion has always been and still is a great financial success!
Consider the horrors with millions upon millions of us Filipinos in this
already 21st century: we still do believe and have faith in the message
revealed as the truth in the holy bible: "Love not the world, neither
the things that are in
the world. If any man love the world, the love of
the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15
Thus, our traditional Christian approach to nature has been a major
contributing factor to ecological destruction. The belief that there is
better world to come after death has led to our disregard even of our
natural of resources. We believe instead that the only things of true
value are those found with Jesus in heaven. Our country, our people and
nature and
the flesh - we see as low and depraved and unworthy and
therefore should be of no consequence to life coming in the next life.
Our country is merely a stopover on our journey to the next world with
God in heaven. Therefore the less love and less respect placed on it and
more love and more respect placed on God and religion the better our
chances to win eternal salvation with Jesus in the next world. We
therefore have better, higher, and wiser path toward eternal salvation
if we all love God up there by hating one another down here!
In the meantime, I am told by my enemies, friends, associates, and relatives that as an
angry atheist I am full of hate. Indeed, I am full of hate and proud of
it. After all, in our sick country, when it comes to the evils of
religion, we are way way ahead of everybody in poverty; especially poverty of the worst kind - the poverty of heart and mind. - - - Poch Suzara
helen Friday, December 23, 2016
Jesus Christ in the Philippines Since the 16th century
“I myself am the bread of life. No
one who comes to me shall ever be hungry. No one who believes in me shall ever
thirst." - - - John 6:35, Philippine
Star, Dec. 23, 2016
Too bad millions of Filipinos,
specially street children, are hungry and thirsty because they do not come to; nor do they believe
in Christ. To think that the Philippines has been and still is faithfully the
only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. - - - Poch
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