Monday, July 30, 2007

Atheism as a healthy way of Life

Contrary to what many religious morons like to believe, atheism is not a form of mental illness. The religious morons cannot rid the world of atheists by committing them to a mental asylum where they can be ignored. To label atheism as a psychological problem, as some one devoid with capacity to love, is a feeble, almost ridiculous attempt to evade the fundamental questions of truth and falsehoods. Such an evasion, in fact, it is the height of ridiculosity. Are religious beliefs true? What reasons are there for believing in a supernatural being? The religious morons who attempt to defeat atheism by subordinating truth to infantile syndrome accomplishes nothing, aside from revealing their contempt for man’s ability to think. As an atheist, I am better equip to face life, with its multitude of trials and tribulations, better than any other code of living that I have yet to discover. Atheism is a vigorous and courageous way of life - indeed, a sane and a healthy philosophy. We atheists have nothing to die for; we only have everything to live for... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

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