Monday, July 30, 2007

There is No Logic of Creative Thought

A debate between King Kong and Godzilla is unlikely to issue in a triumph of reason. An argument between two ecclesiastical liars is an improbable path to truth. An exchange between two faithfools can scarcely be expected to end in a victory for wisdom. A fight between wide-eyed exponents of X and Y will help not at all if Z was in fact the case, as it usually is. And between X and not-X the difference is merely a cipher, a nullity, a zero. In the meantime, on these pages, discussants have yet to grasp another simple truth: There is no logic of creative thought. Creativity makes its own rules as an activity. The intellect transcends them. For my part, I'd rather carry on with a mind that moves on wheels with the power of reason, than have a mind that is stuck on hinges with the power of faith. Poch Suzara

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