Saturday, February 02, 2008

Our Sick Society

How come ours is a sick society? College educated men and women still pray to God. The same God who never lifted a finger to rescue his own begotten Son nailed to a wooden stick.

If God in heaven could not settle his sick troubles with the devil in hell, why should God settle our sick troubles with the devil on this earth? And how could any one be so childish as to believe that God’s help is just a prayer away? Poch Suzara


Anonymous said...

As I go through your posts, I am thoroughly worried. How much of the Bible have you read!?!? Have you skimmed through it alone, or have you gone to a bible study? You need the facts, my friend, and you need them quick!

JESUS IS TAUNTED by Romans about his divinity! They tell him to save himself if he is truly God! Is that where you stopped reading?

The WHOLE POINT is that Jesus chose not to use his powers because of you! YOU are the reason he took the suffering, pain, and the absolute insult to the human body that is crucifiction. He had to die for your sins as a blood offering. The biblical Jews had to sacrifice animals to atone for their sins. Jesus ended all that. Because of his sacrifice, you can live forever with father God! Jesus wrestled with his destiny in the garden of Gethsemane just before his capture. It was there that he begged God to find another way. He cried tears of blood, imploring his father to have a change of plans. Praise God that didn't happen, or you and I wouldn't have hope today! Satan came to Jesus, whispering lies. He told Jesus that the Christ-to-be could run away. "You could call upon thousands of angels at any time and escape..." Jesus rebuked him, and realized his true calling. He took the pain, TOOK the ridicule, TOOK the suffering...

all for you.

Do you think you're worth it?

Hold that thought, because it doesn't matter who you are.

God says yes!

(P.S.- since you recognize God and refuse his love, you're not an atheist. You're an agnostic.)

Poch Suzara said...

Hey you moron, do you really believe that a God Almighty, the creature of heaven and hell, the creator of the billions of galaxies - would need a jewish fellow as his son to fix the problems of mankind that started not with Adam and Eve but started with the stupidity of his own original divine plan??? Poch Suzara

erebusnyx said...

There's lots of theologizing in the Concerned's post. Sadly there is no evidence that any of these claims are true. The mere fact that these beliefs were annunciated by humans or are to be found in texts (ancient or otherwise) have no evidential value. It merely tells us (and historians) that there had been people who wrote these down and probably believed in them. Believing and believing fervently in theologies (whether it be the Catholic or evangelical or Hindu or Muslim or...) cannot make any of them true. An argumentum ad vericundiam is fallacious unless the authority figure one believes in himself/herself has solid evidence to back up his/her claim.