Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pinoys and Pinays Overseas

It is amusing to see Pinoys and Pinays live and work in foreign countries. They certainly earn higher wages. They continue, however, to be down with poverty, especially poverty of the worse kind – the poverty of the mind and heart. They seem not able to enrich themselves with courage, especially intellectual courage. They only continue to carry on with the mentality of financial timidity rather than begin to enjoy the beauty of self-respect and the power of human dignity. Indeed, they have yet to learn how to live and to enjoy the search of the truth - especially as the truth has no need for an army, a navy, or an air force to be on its side.

In the meantime, none of the higher mental processes are required for conservatism, sensationalism, alcoholism, Americanism, sexism, or, for that matter - Catholicism. Poch Suzara

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