Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Evils of Christianity

My Dearest Et Al, A psuedop-scientist writes: “Humankind cannot abide the terror of mortality without the promise of immortality, I have argued in the past. In the absence of religion human society sinks into depressive torpor. Secular society therefore is an oxymoron, for the death of religion leads quickly enough to the death of society itself.” I ask: how true is this in China today? The Chinese people have been irreligious since the 11th century? Or take the then USSR – a so-called atheistic nation that eventually crumbled but only because after dumping Christianity, the USSR replaced Christianity with another religion called “communism.” Indeed, Communism, a religion, just like Christianity, advocates a religious way of life on the basis of irrational dogma. It has a sacred history, a Messiah, and a priesthood. The history of the struggle of Christianity against communism was not a struggle of GOOD against EVIL; but a struggle of EVIL against EVIL. In any case, EVIL won! In the meantime, our world view has been deranged by myths imposed upon us by Christianity. For my part, I refuse to believe that centuries before Christianity arrived, we Filipinos were living in a dying society deprived of Christian teachings, values and beliefs. In fact, all that is messy in our country today comes from the evils of Christian religion. Indeed, up to this day and age, we Filipinos still believe that religion has only to do with what is "prayable" and "forgivable." Hardly with what is "thinkable and workable." I ask: What ever happened to our historical sense of growth as a decent people and to our historical sense of development as a decent nation? A billion Filipinos have already lived and died in this only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. They are now enjoying a better life with God in the next world. So what? Indeed, even if there were a better life to come after death, is that enough reason for us Filipinos to make a mockery of this life in this country of ours after birth? I said it before, I say it again: Christianity has always been and still is based on sacred phooey, priestly gooey, and holy chopsuey. It continues to twist our minds with ignorance as a people; and, continues to distort our hearts with fear as a nation. And until we dump the evils of Christianity out of our country, indeed, out of our traditional way of life, the evils that we Filipinos - the Sick Man of Asia - have accomplished since in the 16th century, we will only continue to accomplish more of the same evils in the centuries to come. The many poor will get poorer; only the few rich will get richer. In the meantime, poverty in the Philippines is of the worst kind: the poverty of the Filipino minds and hearts. It is time to wake up. Enough is enough. In this already 21st century, among Asian nations, in the race to achieve the higher standard of living and thinking, our blessed by God Philippines, the only Christian country in Asia, has been and still is only circling viciously as a loser pretending to be a winner. Cheers! Poch Suzara Atheist# Google# Twitter# Facebook#

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an American who has seen the destruction of family at the expense of State power and at the expense of big business, I couldn't disagree more with your post. You may consider the Philippines as the sick man of Asia but that is from an economic viewpoint because in terms of spiritual health of a nation...your country is to be envied.

Nevertheless, when what you want comes to fruition, and it will because all the world powers are being brought down to bear on the use your people, it will be at the expense of the Filipino soul and the Filipino family...which will be phooey, gooey, chopsuey.